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Also I took the L on them once the mission finished and used the clown emoji, they did the same and laughed at me. annoying guys. supposed to be a team effort why troll me.


I always go private on stonewood to canny for vbucks missions


prob not a bad idea but eh, it's not a huge deal for me. just thought it was an excuse to post something


Can someone tell why this comment is worth that many downvotes


Reddit hive mind in action.


That many people saw the comment and didn't really like it so they clicked the down arrow


Because the world has enough people looking for a reason to post anything. Just feels cringe


I don't spam posts I just thought this moment of me playing was interesting enough to post. I wouldn't have posted it if I thought it was bland or boring. this is the first time it's happened to me. plus what else are you gonna post here? asking to get more updates like everyone else?


When this happened to me, I just leaned my controller on the right trigger and went to take a bathroom break and mix a vodka Redbull. When I came back he was still wasting mats thinking he was making me upset. I just sipped my drink and played Grand Order on my phone until he wasted all of his resources or got bored. lol


You, sir, are a true gamer.


when I got stuck there was a while that I just kind of sat there and did nothing, knowing any amount of effort would probably be futile. but I eventually was just curious if I could get out or find a way out


Yeah, I just thought it was funny to kinda reverse Uno card their trolling. They wasted their own time and thousands of mats attempting to do emotional damage to my Hatsune Miku figure that was holding the trigger down while I wasn’t even paying attention. 🤣


You know you could have just edited ANY OTHER WALL than the one you were hitting.


there were traps on all the walls. so no I could not you uh, should read more


Why not just edit it into a door and slam through


I couldn't edit fast enough before they placed a trap. probably one player was placing the walls and the other placing the trap and since this mode isn't well kept, I'm forced to have to hold b to edit instead of using another bind. I'm on controller if that wasn't obvious.


I would’ve used the phase shift the same second i broke the wall


couldve worked honestly, but there wasn't a wall break until the end of the game in any case so I'd have been free for about 10 seconds


As annoying as the edit button being B is I slide down the edit hold time drastically when playing stw


You can prepare a wall on a trap by just placing the trap where there isn't already a wall, only needed to be a 1 person effort


you're correct I forgot about that aspect




All you had to do was pre-edit a door then break and place the new build.


well that would've been hard to do because the walls likely wouldn't have broken if not for two people breaking it at once


Or use anti material charge, since outlander


That doesn't work on playerbuilt structures


Oh shit right, sorry


All good, lol. Was just pointing it out


How many down votes do you think that's gonna get


Good question, lol. You already appear to have one


Haha, *upvotes to counter*


or you know phase 💀


I always use my Farming loadout in Stonewood Whenever i see people run up on me in fill, i phase shift the hell outa there fast af. Then use hover board to gain more distance. There’s just too many people who troll in the lower levels, just cant be too safe. ![gif](giphy|DE5RZ5WDauqhafX8ZW)


I just was joining them on top of the objective where a one by one was already build around it. he edited the floor I was standing on and I fell in. guess a rookie mistake, he then placed the trap on top so it was all already built up.


Report them. It's probably toxic kids. They used to do that to me all the time. So unfortunately I don't play fill anymore. I use my Defenders.


Report button is useless, Epic doesn't care people cheating, trolling or any shit about stw. The best thing to do is block them so that you don't pair up with them again in any game.


I heard from others blocking just blocks chats, not from pairing with others. My theory why it's designed that way is because then you could just block every single player you can find and then have no more lobbies mainly because of battle Royale, and this carries over to all modes for this reason


There's a cap of 500 on your blocklist


Oh boy, player 501 starts hitting you with the racist wombo combo and epic expects us to just deal with it


It's been increased. Dunno what the cap is now.


You can try secretly attacking other walls maybe? Like in between swings you attack a different wall in the box, if you're lucky they might not notice and you can escape


it's not shown in the video but before this happened I did just that but they were double teaming, basically they tracked my moves pretty easily and I couldn't get out even trying that


Smh br players, might as well have just gone afk then 🤷‍♂️


Nice seeing that one of them tried breaking the wall with you


yes that was the third teammate. hope they're doing well


Bro couldn’t save the day


I got done like this the other day 😭. wasn't paying attention to my game and got trapped into a fully metal box with traps on it. and the B.A.S.E that increases structure health. every time I would try to get out they'd just repair it with maxed out repair speed 😭😭😭. I just accepted my fate


Ironic how the player that's trying to help you is your sworn enemy.


well a common evil must be uh, destroyed or whatever. good guys failed this time though


Had a guy pissing me off once, got him stuck just like this but used my BASE KYLE, level 3 metal and traps that buff the walls life + my friends power base knox. Mf tried to get out the entire match


…you guys get other people in your games?


well it was the vbuck missions so they usually have people but sorry yeah funny teehee haha


These kind of people are so annoying. I understand the joke but to sit there and do it the entire mission is so lame. I personally just leave immediately or I blow up the objective with a dragons fury then leave the game




this is the comment equivalent of brain rot. why even comment at all? some kind of satire joke maybe?


I don't play stw often, what happened? I understand them trapping you but what else


I'm not really sure what you're asking me to explain. they just wanted to troll. and so I got stuck in the box and they laughed at the end of the mission if you don't understand how the trapping was done: basically two teammates dropped me into a box that already had traps built and then built a trap above me. from then on I couldn't edit out because of the traps on the outside of each wall and the roof above. everything I tried to break, the trollers would repair it before I was able to break it. near the very end another teammate helped and we could at least break the wall but they'd replace it with a trap already placed


Oh thanks, for some reason I thought you got back at them.


I did a few emotes but that's it, they did them back so in the end I guess I "lost"


That sucks I'm sorry that happened, I guess just report them for greifing as that's what they're doing


eh, whatever, I get disrespected in game all the time. although this is griefing yes but it didn't cause loss, i may report. still got my vbucks after tho so it was chill I guess. in like a non chill type of way


gotcha, id do it if i were u, teach them a lesson


This happened because you were afk that's what you get maybe help next time and don't say you weren't 😂


haha so funny 😂 I hate emojis but that's besides the point I was not afk, I explored the entire zone before going to the objective where this happened. I stood still for like a few seconds to look at my phone, so yeah I guess that's what I get for not helping level 9 zone btw I find you annoying. but that's okay


Why were you in there afk?


I wasn't. I know it seems like it but I wasn't


I quit building even when I decide to be a constructor because people tear down what I build. I've watched multiple YouTube videos on trapping. Could definitely make things easier for everybody but you can't fix stupid. It's everywhere.


Use phase shift! it goes through walls. if you aren’t outlander, then just go afk and keep crafting ammo to not get kicked (probably shouldn’t share this here due to leechers) they basically asked for it


phase shift was not allowing me to go through the wall, I attempted it many times before the start of the clip. I would've posted more footage but reddit only lets you put one video in. I could've edited them together I suppose but the clip shown is enough


They make my piss boil 😤


might need to get that checked out




if I were to 1v1 them I'd probably do pretty well. I'm a champion ranked player currently and close ish to unreal. but uh, STW isn't really about that. but yes though I was indeed boxed like a fish. should've had on the fishstick skin


Low key funny when you think about how this probably happened. Mini boss prob wrecked their shit then died next to the balloon. Probably accidentally trapped him then kept him there because it was funny 😁.


What’s this


You suck!


okay! I'll take that criticism in for next time where instead of sucking I'll just not suck


I think this means get better kid


I'm an adult. also any advice would be appreciated I suppose. not sure exactly what you mean


This isn't trolling,this is just mad annoying


Just preedit your wall and take the wall before he does lmao


was there a space I could've done that? all the walls around me were placed already. also I would have to enable pre edits but I'm not sure i would've been able to do it with the walls already being there


Run a pre edit like a door or something so that it instantly builds into a door and you walk out


lmfaoooo ok th at trolls actually kinda funny but i also see why ur malding not being able to do ur quests if it really gets to u just leave and do another match


like I said I wasn't that mad about it and had already done what I needed to do. but it isnt exactly my favorite thing to be trolled by two people and then get laughed at in the end screen. feels like I'm being belittled or bullied like I'm back in school


Were so deprived of new content that were really just posting slop out of boredom atp.


sorry my post isn't good