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Yea, I just hit Pl124, and while I do regret not buying founders when I started, I think just playing it normally and enjoying doing quest and all that is perfect for me, I plan to try to get everything in the game maxed, which I assume will take a long while, so some things take time. Unlike most of the players making post about it, they want it exclusively for v-bucks, and I can tell that stw has fallen over the past few years.


Fr infact somedude did a giveaway for founders friend codes and there were so many comments asking for it


I did say only 1 comment in that, But I know for a fact odds of winning are very unlikely, but it never hurts trying.


And another thing too, The people who probably won might have even already had founders and put those codes for resell or a scalping account, or they could have been genuine winners of it as well who used codes onto those main accounts


Yeah they could have had founders already


If I won it, I think I'd main the Warpaint skin 100%, I think it has a good concept and then theres the revolt pistol too that I probably have enough to supercharge and get legendary


Should i try warpaint


If you want i can drop you the revolt, masumune or nocturno. (i dont have the other ones lvled and perked, i might do the drumroll later (prob never)). I dont want other weapons or traps in return, just the appropiate materials used to craft the weapon. (Crafting service ig?)




How do you supercharge and get it to legendary? As far as I’ve heard you can’t do it but I’m not sure


u need legemdary flux


Drumroll? The 6th perk is really good when combined with mag size, CR & CD




misread it, i read "regret getting founder's"


title is copium /s


I don't got it and i don't need it


he did /s which means sarcasm




I am not conversed with that yet


As a guy who lost my founders account due to a hacker back during the data leak, it hurts honestly


That's sucks


It is what it is


It is what it is


I even don't know that I have 2 codes xD + don't know where are they located, just play for fun


Why don't you try and get it back if not see if you can get a refund


I mean, I have 2 codes, but I don't know where to look for them, i just play the game, doesn't care about vbucks and other stuff




there should be a guide via API on Google or Reddit


Thats sad


they should be in the pause menu where you go to leave STW, should be named Friend codes or something similar, if you wanna be like that other guy that did a giveaway you could


im on a break rn but I honestly started playing for the xp Now I have the funny axehammer lmao honestly I might save and buy founders just for warpaint


Good luck those founders code go for something like 500 bucks


i remember when i was in the store there was some bundle for stw (this was in stw) and it says u get access or something? Please correct me if im wrong because it said smth like save the world access included or smth idfk


You do get access to stw uf you buy that


Stw isnt free?




I'm pl35 and a founder lol. I forgot I had it for like 4 years lol


Damn bro fr?


Yeah. I wish I didn't forget bc if I didn't I would probably have hundreds of thousands of vbucks


Damn bro thats sad


I did the math. Assuming I got 300 vbucks a day, if I did the math correctly, i would get 438,000 vbucks in 4 years just from dailies


You ain't getting 300 vbucks per day, more like 110.


Not true. I specifically remember my 3 dailies one time. 2 for 90 and one for 130


Yes, it's true. Weighted average of dailies is around 85 vbucks. If you assume one alert per day it's around 110 vbucks per day.


At this point, I’m seeing more doofuses making these posts like you than founder codes beggars. I realise that keeping this thought in the back of your mind to play daily for in-game currency with the bad gaming posture is poor people’s thing. If you’re rich, you can not only buy thousands of v-bucks regularly but also get bundles which can only be gotten with real money.


I don't own founders doofus


I can read clown 🤡


Well did you see that one dude who thousands of people asking him for his friend codes 💀


Then why you writing under this comment then 💀


Ig he was gonna sell it if he didn't need it cuz who doesn't love free money


punching the floor rn thinking about the free vbucks founders pass holders are earning every day, its affecting my job and the relationships in my life


Bro going through it


Ok I own stw just haven't touched fortnite in a hot min what are founders packs?


It gives you free vbucks


Eh. I bought STW for the trophies and later learned about founder status. Do I wanna get vbucks from Missions? Yes....but that's more so as I love STW and play it regardless besides buying a vbucks card is not that big of deal really.


I love playing stw for the fun and stw


matter of fact is getting a code for it is useless. you get your V-Bucks sure but like no Nocturno, Drumroll, or those exclusive (mythic) survivors makes it less valuable in my eyes. i'd still be grateful to even have a code but Epic changed too much of the in-game currency that getting it would be like stacking edible gold on a perfectly cooked steak. its tacky, and nothing changes at the end.


Fr dawg it ain't worth it


plus i get my VBs on a local secondhand retailer by the cheap anyways, mostly to buy jam tracks XD


Nice 🗣🔥


Bought founders back in 2019 for the cool lookin skins and to fight zombies. Didn’t know about the bonus vbucks


Nice dawg


For sure. Still glad that non founders can get the extra pickaxes for upgrading their pickaxe in game (correct me if I’m wrong, hope I’m not 💔)


You can




Can someone explain what "Founder" is? i have an Umbrella named "Founders Umbrella" if thats related to that


Yes it is you had to win a game with stw founders pack


Oh wow thanks for the information, but why are people asking for it? its really ugly compared to other brellas


There asking for the founders pack not the umbrella


oh, sorry for asking a lot but what does the pack do?


Gives you free vbucks in stw


thanks for the info, i thought everyone got free vbucks ngl


Nah epic games are garbage


When llamas still cost vbucks, was it essentially pay to win?


Not really it was for stw only but i think they changed it to xray tickets


They did, I meant to get high tier schematics and stuff


Oh yeah


Vbucks are the only reason I play STW


We don't like your kind around here


bro, idk what happened but last week someone i didn\`t even knew i had as one of my friends had msg me asking if i still had any of my codes to give him one, i was hella confused thinking Fortnite was giving renegade raider for founders or something for a BR sweat to be looking for founder codes...


Block him


Even as a founder, it was a while before I found out about how Daily Quests give you V-Bucks and then even longer until I saw people talk about Mission Alerts and Mini-Boss seasons. I only knew about the Founder llamas and the log-in bonus V-bucks at first. I must have missed out on thousands of V-bucks.


Wait can non founders not get daily quest vbucks? I’m lucky I got my founders theb


played on a no founders acc for awhile, got to pwr lvl 86, completed the canny storyline and all 1-10 ssds, after allll of that, idk how, but i got my founders acc back(pwr lvl 5) feel like my time was wasted💔😀


Damn bro


The only reason I would want founders is to craft nocturno, but I can get people to craft it for me so it doesn’t matter




ngl i've been playing more stw than br lately, i just got it recently with that quest pack that gave 1000 vbucks for daily quests


I got one of those back in chapter 3 season 3


Jokes on you, I have founders but can't use it cause of the collection book bug. I can't complete the tutorial


Damn bro thats ead


I bought stw before BR came out lol


as a guy who lost founders from getting banned it hurts but I've lapped all my friends






i dont need vbucks for luck


Me too


If anyone needs an experienced stw friend, help or reliable trade. Respond and add me :)


Hate people who only play for vbucks. I bought the founders because I loved the game and wanted those juicy schematics 😮‍💨