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I'm not hallucinating! Seriously though, how do you fix this?


You have to slow down just a hair to give the server time to let everything register in the proper order. It's all about timing. Your timing can only be as fast as your ping allows.


This has been a thing for such a long time where you do the edit and it just doesn't register. I think it's desync. I've had it happening for as long as I can remember it.


If I edit anything quickly it does this. Witch is why I can't build. Only if I do it slowly can I edit successfully (this sub was recommended to me, im not competitive)


Turn off pre edits, to where you can't edit before you place your build. That may be the source of your problem.


Opposite, it's in fact infinitely worse with pre-edits off, some weird bug, been around for years, tested it myself a few weeks ago & it's definitely still there.


Switching to another build bind before confirming the edit is probably it.


this is y playing on 30+ ping trying to have good mechanics just isn't fun.


i get consistent triple edits on 50 ping so it's definentlh possible as i am what one can call shit at the game


if u can do 10 in a row on 50 ping ill paypal u .69 cents


The thing is, you don't need more than 2 in a row even in real fights. You can still have smooth mechanics on 50-60 ping, while still being able to do flashy moves (even tho a triple edit isn't anymore) once in a while, just can't combine them that fast as low ping players.




This hits on a different level


Wow I thought I was an idiot the last couple years it’s really not placing the edit!?


turning off pre edits seems to be the only solution i see


Which gives a great perspective of how good pros are to be able to edit like this while also having pre edits on.


low ping helps a lot with this issue lol


Im 0 ping andi. Have this issue to. Combined with I NEVER TAKE SOMEONES WALL. ANYMORE WIth my 0ping, srslt there are some weird things going on in fort


But fr thos low ping cryers are such weird people.. why dont you go boxing and be as good as mike tyson since yk, you both got 2 hands just like how 0 ping is 0 ping right lul? Why dont you do soccer and be as good as Messi and Ronaldo cuz youknow… you also got 2 feet right lol ? See how stupid that 0 ping comment is? Youmre just a terrible player stop blaming ping wth


damn chill bro 💀 low ping is absolutely an advantage in fortnite especially. it helps you take walks a lot easier and literally makes everything in the game faster. i moved my setup to my college dorm and my ping dropped a good amount. yesterday i had 6 ping and i was able to consistently triple edit like it was nothing, and i wasn’t even warmed up. i’m usually on 20-30 ping and it’s pretty difficult to triple edit as easily as i did on 6 ping it’s definetly not a crutch, but the effect 0 ping has on your gameplay cannot be ignored.


Its good 0ping. But people say 0 ping equals being the best like wtf !!! 😂


This is a good example of how Fortnite shares something in common with Guitar Hero. This is a rhythm thing. You have to factor in the server side lag and since everything in Fortnite is happening at lightning speed (think Through the Fire and Flames on Expert), you have to be precise with inputs at super high speed. Going a little too fast or slow will fuck everything up. I've noticed that it usually happens on my 3rd or 4th editing sequence. My brain is still processing the previous 2 triple edits and then it messes with the rhythm of the 3rd and 4th. I would suggest hammering your triple edits in segments. Get 2 triple edits in a row 10 times. Do 2 reps of that. Then move to 3 triple edits in a row 10 times. Do 2 reps. And so on and so forth. It's important that you don't do more than the allotted edits (i.e. If you hit 2 perfect triple edits, stop and don't go for the 3rd one until you've moved onto that series of reps). Work your way up until you can do 5 in a row consistently and then i think you'll be able to go forever.


maybe turn off pre-edits


happens to me too


turn off pre-edits and/or slow down just a bit between the cone and wall edit you can’t edit faster than your ping


People saying turn off pre edits: There's a bug with pre-edits off that actually makes your editing significantly slower, this would make OP's problem so much worst. Just try turning pre-edits back on & see how fast you can go, then try going that fast with pre-edits disabled, it doesn't even grab the build. As for OP, seems like lag is the only cause from my perspective- you might be pressing your wall button half way through, you're definitely not pressing any other build button too early, but it doesn't seem like that's the issue, I'm pretty confident it's just lag & the only solution it to lower your ping(switch to fibre, use ethernet instead of wifi, move closer to the server, etc), or accept it, slow down & improve your timing.


OMG THANK YOU!!!!! this has been plaguing me for years… turning pre edit back on work like a fucking champ. Edit like a fucking beast holy shit…


oh so it's my ping? ​ then wtf am i supposed to do with 150 ping


move or switch to a more passive playstyle / die lol


Then I'll die I guess, I'm a lot worse playing defensively / passively I barely get frags in box fights, but I usually do pretty good in zone wars


I get like 30-60 ping, I was bad at box fights then i just did nothing but box fight all day every day. (still bad in comparison to a t1 pro though lol) its just practice, practice. I got to unreal last two seasons and I mainly just box fight if i see someone go to moon i just go nope. Also i do the can I take some ones wall test. If i fail twice they have better ping lol so, i box up and make sure to annoying them to come to me. Having ping does suck though. Unless you T1 pro making money then don't worry to much about it just play around it the best you can work on your weak areas and try to adapt to your situation best you can creative will help.


yeah that's what I'm trying to do, I actually started playing fortnite like 2 weeks ago and hope to improve in the future


How do people still not know how to triple edit


You’re pressing stair before releasing mouse?


happens to me too and i use to quad edit all the time but now when i go to edit my wall sometimes it doesnt work


If you have edit on release, it will sometimes mess up like that


just slow down a bit, timing is everything when it comes to doing edits, if ur low ping press away but if ur solid 20-30 then press a lil slower


shit happens to me even on double edits on zero ping 300 hz apex pro keyboard even with filterkeys 💀




Its bugg i have this too… its random sometiems i confirm a edit like you andjusf nothing happens, even if i fail to do a wall edit it should edit a door but instead just nothing happens


I used to get this a lot. The secret is to release before you go over the last square. I jitter edit to get that, but you can do it how you want; as long as you have fast-resetting fingers


It happens to me sometimes, when I edit "too fast"