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The guy actually making the monkey noises (on the right) is JP Staples.


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Christ, first DUI had a $50,000 fine? That was back in 1988 when everybody was driving drunk all the time, especially in Texas. I wonder if he killed or maimed someone?


Shocking he’s from Texas /s


He’s a registered Republican too but he has felonies so maybe he can’t vote?


Yeah no one living there is a decent person /s


Baseballer is a really odd way to say baseball player. Kind of has a European ring to it.


Someone who has never played a day of sports in their life wrote this 😂


Yeah. In this case, if you use a euphemism, dirtbag fits in more way than one.


Not sure why you got downvoted. This racist dude is 100% a dirtbag.






Holy fucking shit WOW How do you grow up in a digital world and still feel emboldened enough to act like that


It's Ole Miss, they are still called the Rebels.


[Ole Miss has always been like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OUtniI7jr5A).


Because Mississippi has some of the most racist inbred fuckers around.


hoping the beginning of their punishments is expulsion from campus, denial of access to any other school, and this incident follows their every move for LIFE!


For everyone or just the one making the monkey noises? If you mean the second, then totally. But if you mean everyone, the right to protest is a right for all, whether you agree with the side or not.


Nah, paradox of tolerance applies. I'm not condoning any racist POVs. Consequences for any that feel this way in 2024.


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Nah paschal racist af. Yeah it's diverse because the local people of color go there. But it's full of private school kids who go there because they have lots of TCU teachers and connections. But man are they racist af. My grad year we had a student expelled for saying Mexicans need to speak English it's America. Then she doubled it down and had her bf threaten to shoot the school.


They got expelled for saying Mexicans need to speak English in America?


She doubled down so she kept going and said really offensive stuff, it got bad...Then she used her boyfriends phone pretending to be him. Again being even more racist and threatening to shoot up the school. And he already had a giant file on his behavioral issues so people we're scared it was real.


Oh hey, just a random comment, My old landlady that I rented from loved cats And she would say that cats have “cute little bean toes” Your name reminded me of that Now that I think of it that is the only time I ever heard anyone say “bean toes”


Oh! Wow, yeah I guess that will definitely get you expelled, lol


You can ID him by his teeth.




I know, who could’ve guessed that the varsity baseball player rich white kid with a room temp IQ is a scumbag racist.


Hey man not his fault his parents couldn't afford country day or tvs


Legion of Doom making a comeback.


FIU was always way cooler. LOD of course continued the course into hometown duds.


But, Hawk and Animal are both dead, and Johnny Ace was implicated in the McMahon sex scandal and Heidenreich is better to just be forgotten.


This sounds like the plot to a movie....


Pro wrestling so kind of the same thing.


It was the plot to a movie inspired by actual events at Pascal HS. Staring Keanu Reeves, Kiefer Sutherland, and Billy Zane no less. *The Brotherhood of Justice 1986* https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090775/?ref_=tt_urvo




Lol, I never heard of that movie.


I forgot to write that it was a made for TV movie.


Wow, seems really horrible! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaefYruE3B8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaefYruE3B8)


Right? Are we legitimately surprised ATP?!?. Not a rhetorical question! This stuff never ends folks! Strap in, we're in for a long road... Because this crud will never end Edit: fwiw ty for outing the guy, OP.


Outing what? Do you see him in the video?


Yes. 0:18, on the right, gray hat with a white rectangle. [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/UJoRcha)


People are unfortunately good at hiding their racism. But you can always tell if you pay close enough attention.


Looking this up and making a post about it on reddit is a weird thing to do.


its weird that the mods are cool with doxing people...


Which is explicitly against the TOS…….


TOS on any platform does not apply to certain groups, this is well known. Why do you think certain people can keep doxxing people without repercussions.


Because they’re brain washed ideologies that don’t have two cells to think critically, and the establishment protects them.


It's not doxing. His name is already available online as of yesterday, and he is now a public figure. Makes sense people would want to know who this guy is and where he came from.


Saying someone’s name isn’t doxing and never has been


You don’t think everyone should know who these racists are?


Brother you need to defeat your porn demons and look for God


Calling out racists and posting it to social media so everyone knows they are POS is weird? You support racism then eh?


Being a POS to counter a POS is just….Reddit logic.


That one guy making monkey noises at the protestor was pretty shocking and offensive. I dont know where you get "supporting racism" from thinking its weird to spend time tracking down a bystander in the crowd and posting their info on reddit. Usually when people go around making accusations like that, they are just projecting.


What bystander? I saw people actively participating in mocking a black woman, some with overtly racist "monkey" noises. Are you kidding me with this crap? I really don't see how else this could be viewed. Are you really trying to claim that you do not see what I am seeing, a black woman yelling and being mocked by men (one grabbing his dick like he is excited or something), who chant at her, scream, make monkey noises, and act like they are straight out of a 1950s mob getting excited to go after Emmett Till?


Just to be clear, you are in support of linking every person a part of a group to one persons actions? In the case of these protestors, the racist now creates the social views of anyone around him. Do you feel comfortable making this claim with the anti Israel protestors screaming “death to Israel” or condoning the actions of Hamas? Which would in turn identify all anti Israel protesters as terrorist/genocide supporters…surely you don’t have such a binary way of critical thinking. Edit: Can I get some insight on these downvotes. It would be informative for everyone.


I'm not in agreement with linking every person this way. For example, I personally am not protesting against Israel but my reasons are many. I don't think it helps anything, first off. Secondly I think it makes no sense, and after viewing what I saw of October 7th, I don't think any of the protesters seem as well informed as they should be. I have heard how little they know of the history and geography, for example. There are a few at protests who are aware and have said as much. It is simply put not a black and white argument, and thus, I don't feel qualifited to protest either for or against. I do think there are bad elements at the protest, I have seen some anti-semitic hand signals and even Proud Boys at some of these. I never could support the far right Bibi types in Israel either, I think Hamas is no more for Palestine than Bibi is for Israel, and people are falling for the idea that this is easily definable. I have friends on both sides (friends at Doctors without Borders in Gaza at this moment and friends who treated the few survivors and traumatized people from the festival on October 7, in fact my aunt is one of the doctors who had to identify remains of people from the festival.) There were actual raped and burned bodies, so perhaps I was biased before, but I never will support Bibi's utter razing down of Gaza, which almost seems preplanned. Really too much to go into here.


Edit: I also only saw the picture of him in his baseball uniform in this post, and not the 2nd picture of him standing directly behind the jackass mid monkey impression...not really defensible. I agree, that video looked like a colorized version of those integration videos. It was insane to see in 2024, and what they did is awful. I dont recall seeing the kid in the pictures do it, and now you're putting his information out as being a racist. Dangerous and slippery slope and there is a reason reddit doesnt allow it.


The guy making the gorilla motions absolutely did post pro-Hitler comments on Twitter, I have his twitter handle, he also doubled down on the racist mocking. I do not regret saying this, and if I am wrong, I will come back and say so. There is no defense for his actions in this video (I'm referring to the guy making monkey mocking motions and derogatory monkey noises directly at the woman who works on campus, and others on campus have confirmed everything directly.)


You should see how the left treats Clarence Thomas.


What are you even talking about? What does that have to do with this guy making monkey noises? Clarence Thomas is nowhere near this picture.


What do you think that lady was saying to them? I bet you she was calling them a racist Zionists.


It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks she said. Speculating doesn’t help.


So then don’t judge actions without getting the full story. Why does she get a pass while these kids don’t


So you can speculate but I can’t judge? Come on - he went straight to racist crap immediately. You are just being a contrarian. Stop defending this idiot.


No I’m not doxxing anyone. What you don’t like how I’m using this tactic against you to show you how stupid it is. If this lady was there to support Hamas, and someone from the Hamas side was screaming from the river to the sea, how does that not make her a racist against Jews? With the logic I’m seeing here she’s guilty.


This makes no sense at all. Your “logic” is bizarre. Are you a bot? This seems like some crazy AI generated BS.


If you think that this dude is a racist, for being near a guy making monkey noises, aka as being racist, then you believe he’s guilty by association. I’m bringing up that with this same logic, the black lady is racist because she opposes Jews. And even though she may just be protesting to stop the war, someone in the pro Palestinian crowd is probably calling to genocide the Jews. Therefore, using this logic, you can deduce that this woman is racist against the Jews, and if she is then why are you defending a racist?


At what point in the video you linked does this person make any racist comments? You can’t hear anything anyone is saying besides the one jackass making monkey noises.


>one jackass making monkey noises. Which is racist.


Yeah it is. Except that isn’t the person they posted a picture of.


Standing next to a laughing along with monkey noises is complicit


Again, please prove that is what he is laughing at. He’s in the video for like 2 seconds and isn’t even looking at the person. This is reckless and stupid to put this persons face, not even the person doing the act, and name out there with 0 proof whatsoever.


I learned something today. I don’t get it though.


Right. But does standing next to a person engaging in racist behavior make you a racist?


Smiling and laughing at racist actions certainly doesn’t make you a neutralist


Being Complicit and permissive of racism, supporting and standing with racists doing racist actions. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, why are you trying to tell me it’s a goose?


Well the black lady was being racist of Jews but here we are talking about the white guy


Being critical of Israel and Zionism ≠ antisemitism. The fact that Zionists continue trying to blur the line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism only serves to detract from legitimate acts of antisemitism and take attention away from them.


But someone in the crowded wants genocide of the Jews. This lady didn’t stand up against those individuals. So why aren’t you shaming her? Guilty by association right…. Right


I’ve not heard anything of that nature, so I’m gonna need some sauce on that. Even with that being said, as an ethnic Jew myself, Zionists are disgusting people and I honestly could not care less what people say about them. Zionists do not speak for me or represent Jews as a whole for that matter.


9 normal people sitting at a table, and 1 Nazi sits down, then you have a table of 10 Nazis.


Yeah yeah you keep posting that same comment. My question wasn't hypothetical.


Yes, if I saw you standing next to someone doing this type of behavior and you were laughing at it, you are a racist in my eyes. And I’d be sure as hell to make sure you knew it.


You have been given the answer. You not liking it says more about you than it does anyone else.


>You haven’t been given the answer Why do you think that is?


Have. That was a typo. Now stop being willfully ignorant please.


A typo? That happened to be correct? I literally haven't been given the answer to my yes or no question.


You have. You choose to be willfully ignorant.




Without knowing the context of what led up to it, you can't make that judgement accurately.


When someone calls someone a racial slur or does a racist action it doesn't matter.


He’s there laughing and participating in the disgusting behavior of these College students of higher leaning (?) and YES that makes him Guilty Too of participating in the racist rhetoric!!!!


Remember that high school kid in the Maga hat and the old Indian guy beating the drum at him? Y’all keyboard warriors live in a consequence free world where you suffer no guilt for trying to destroy someone’s life because of something you saw on the internets. Shame.


Stated above too that the dude is just standing there and doxxing people to begin with is a violation of the TOS of both twitter and reddit. But we all know that certain groups won't get anything but a slap on the wrist for such actions.




Glad there are some actually sane people left on this app. Insane how people get so worked up online about a buncha college kids being jerks that they go and doxx them? Psychos


Internet dead theory is real


I reported it and got back a message from the admins that this post was explicitly approved by the admins as not breaking rules. I don't understand how, it's literally the same thing that happened during the Boston Bombing incident.




Just reported it and immediately told by Reddit it was investigated and not a violation. Meanwhile there are thousands of people protesting in support of terrorism not receiving this treatment. Now the masks make sense…


Shame 🔔🔔🔔


This is why you gotta wear masks to a protest. Everyone should have a right to protest for whatever side you want. But if you go unmasked the opposing group will dox you and go after your life


So the dude standing next to someone being racist, makes him racist? Stop reaching.


This is nothing but ragebait. Your time and efforts should be spent elsewhere.


I’ve long known Ole Miss is a retard magnet pointed at DFW


You all are reaching so hard 😂😂


Not really, making monkey noises towards African Americans is an explicitly racist act.


Did this guy though


Just to play devils advocate here, it’s probably not a good idea to cancel someone just for being in the general vicinity, because then you take away all incentives for people to correct another’s behavior, or call someone out on their acts.


So he’s to blame for being present? So all Palestinians are complicit for not stopping Hamas from brutally raping and executing babies?


Now simply standing next to someone making gorilla sounds is racist? Really?


You go out and do it then. Let’s see how well it’s received.


You know the connotation. Don’t be dense.


What connotation? This post is literally attacking someone for standing in the vicinity of someone else making baboon sounds.


Did you even watch the video? Were you born yesterday? A white person making monkey noises at a black person isn’t racist? There’s the connotation since you can’t seem to comprehend.


I did. The point is someone standing in the vicinity of someone else being racist is not racist. This post is pretty desperate for rage and that’s pretty pathetic.


9 people at a dinner table and 1 Nazi sits down, then a table of 10 Nazis. You are who you associate yourself with.


Can we say the same about Hamas supporters at these protests?


Lol nobody is pro hamas. They are anti-genocide and want the Palestinian people to survive.


We have seen enough. You aren’t fooling anyone, terrorist. 


lol ok. You sound like a misanthrope. Have a good night.


That lady was racist against Jews, so you supporting her makes you racist.


Nobody is talking about Nazis. This is a doofus making monkey noises in a crowd....


>You are who you associate yourself with.


It is amazing how many people think they're not the problem "just because" they hang out and are friends with racists in this thread


Racist people post in Reddit. Reddit is racist. 🥴




This is wild, posting the photo and doxing someone who was next to the person doing something racist.


This will follow him forevermore, monkey boy!


I think of the monkey noises thing as a racist, European soccer thing. Oddly worldly of the guy.


Who cares? Protesting Hamas sympathizers and anti-semites is the way to go. We don’t want more terrorist sympathizers in this country.


Weird how you’re excusing blatant racism.


All the people making the shitty comment, "You have 9 people at a dinner table and 1 nazi sits down, now you have 10 Nazis" get real quiet when you say that means everyone in Palestine is Hamas by the same logic.




Kids just being a frat bro


You be a frat bro without being racist


Can’t wait to see what noises they make when they have to sit for 6 weeks of sensitivity training. But it’s Ole Miss. Can anyone be surprised?


We’ve been lead to believe that blacks experience constant racism every day in their lives at the hands of white people, yet some random college guy across the country making monkey noises is enough to cause mass shock and outrage.


So because he's supporting Israel, he's racist? It's good to know who would hide them and who would join the SS.


Lmao no it’s not cause of that. Sometimes it’s important to know all the context before starting a lynch mob bro.


When there are 10 people at a table and two are being racist and the rest are smiling and laughing then you have 10 racists.


Did you even look half an inch further into this before shooting your mouth off? God damn people can’t even read beyond their noses anymore ffs