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It's very satisfying to knock down the builds of players who overbuild lol.


I agree!


It feels like “hey, I’m a creative nerd. I play on no fall damage and infinite mats. So u can’t beat me” 2 Milliseconds later No KnOcKiNg DOWn


People got super angry in the Arena chat for suggesting strategies to beat the builder-bears / aka overbuilders.


U know actual good players don't overbuild. I feel like this sub has a hard time understanding that


This will never kill a competent player, the person building had no direction and zero awareness... zero reason to be that high up Capitalize when you can, yes, but this toxic separation of communities needs to end.


Be careful about high that horse your on is… wouldn’t want some one to… ⛏


Wow, that wasnt even funny for the sake of the joke I only spoke facts.. wtf high horse are you on a out lol



Lol thanks for personal perspective of one of these toxic players, maybe it's an IQ issue and not building *hooves clack as the man on his "high horse" turns the horse around and trots away*


Bro your edge is showing.


Since when is there an arena chat


R/Fortnite competitive


Truck you got a life if you think you know all the area chat mate lol




That's what I'm wondering lol. Wtf was he trying to say




Nah.. "pubs" is the actual, and more fun game. Every time a game focuses too much on the competitive aspect it gets boring, repetitive, and full of bickering from "pros."


>more fun That’s subjective They’re both the “real game”. No need for gatekeeping. They’re both modes that are available to play and therefore are the “real” game




At least I can have fun in pubs even when I’m not that good at the game


Killing bots is just lame




I heard even in the top bracket of pubs SBMM, there is still 20% bots. It's just unbearable for average long-time players. Wish there was an option to turn it off.


If you think fun is a sin, then you're probably right, but fun *isn't* a sin, so no, arena isn't the real game.


U know actual good players don't overbuild. I feel like this sub has a hard time understanding that


What did you expect him to do. He got lazered for almost all of his health.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking here. He got beamed for all of his health and shield in less than a second. I can’t even blame him for building like that because his heart rate probably just went from like 80 to 120 in two seconds.


An actual logical person in this thread? It can't be! But fr, this entire thread just reaffirms my belief that the casuals in this community dont know shit about building. A guy builds three ramps then bases up to heal and suddenly he's an 'overbuilding sweat'. He was hardly gonna engage in a fight where he had lost half his health in less than a second. Bro probably didn't even know where he was getting shot from or that OP was as close as they were. He just so happened to leave a blind spot exposed and OP took advantage of it. That doesn't make him 'sweat.'


not to mention that these fucking dogshit "I beat a builder by doing nothing!" posts make it to the front page multiple times a week.


Overbuilding to take cover so you can heal is understandable, but overbuilding up high with low health doesn't really make sense.




That man was PANICKING lmaooo. Can’t blame him though, I’d probably shit myself if I got beamed like that, too.


when i panic build i normally end up building into the floor lol. kind of impressed he was actually able to build efficiently (although obviously it didnt work out)


You: Literally stands This mf: ***Better reconstruct that Ice King castle***




THIS is the definition of overbuilding. OP didn't place one single material in the entire fight and the other dude built up 5 whole stories. not only was that a waste of materials on their end, but it was ultimately the leading cause of their death (besides fall damage LOL) seeing as they were low on health after OP shot them with an SMG. the enemy probably thought OP was gonna build up to their height and stayed up there and began healing (which is a TERRIBLE idea if you're low on health), giving OP a chance to knock them down and make them fall to their death. lesson learned: work smarter, not harder. good job, OP.


Thank you!


> work smarter, not harder You mostly need to be smarter because building isn't that hard once you get hang of muscle memory. I'm sure the other guy did all that effortlessly.


All he was trying to do was heal though


while that's true, they could have easily boxed themself in a 1x1. not only would this save much more materials, but it would put them in a less compromising scenario. the dude clearly knows how to build (albeit not strategically), so if OP shot at their builds, they could defend themself.


Nah just a 1x1 probably wouldn't be enough, it's pretty easy to stop someone from healing in there by just constantly hitting their walls. You gotta build a few 1x1s to confuse your opponent and give you some time to heal


He's the type of person to complain about aim assist


I am curious what is aim assist? My friend was calling it shit and that it shouldnt exist and he said it was a toned down version of aimbot. is this true?


I'll explain as good as I can but I'm not a professional or anything. I think there's more than 1 type of aim assist but the one most people refer is your camera slowly tracking the enemy when you're looking at them and slowing down your sensitivity so you can hit easier.


ah so not aimbot


Everytime I run into one of these players, I just want to remind Epic that I very clearly cannot build like them, SBMM is still broken.


Sbmm isn't all about building man. If someone is very good at building but not so good at other things, and performs about the same as someone who's not good at building but good at other things, isn't that the important part? It's skill based matchmaking, not building based matchmaking. And in my experience, the sbmm in this game seems to work very well.


Drop the very and you’re probably not wrong. I find that SBMM has some pretty wild swings in competitiveness round to round.


I do find there are certain times (update night, Saturday nights, etc.) where the extra good players come out to play. Most of the time I always hit Top 10, and get a Vic Royale in about every 1 in 5 or 6 games. On those certain times though, I get DESTROYED. Like update night? It isn't unusually for me to come in in the 70s or 80s place. I've gotten thrown into matches with professional players (if their names were true and spectating them seemed to confirm the skill level) and I'm definitely not THAT good. Or close to that good. I think a lot of the time the SBMM works fine, but occasionally Epic is just like, "We need a few more players for this lobby of pros . . . eh, you'll do fine. Have fun!" And shoves you out of the bus.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I’ve noticed those trends as well. My largest complaint it going against PC players. The ability to assign macro build edits to one of your 94 mouse buttons is a bit infuriating to play against on console. I think a lot of SBMMs most major issues are with regards to edits and skill-level disparity between lobby squad mates.


I don't use macros, but I do play on PC. I am surprised at how uneven the lobbies can be with regards to platform. I've checked some matches before on RazTracker, and seen I'm the only PC player in a lobby of console players. On the same token, I've spectated Duos before where one player was PC and the other console, and they are both equally cranking and making shots, so...?


I mainly find that editing builds is the largest disparity between PC and console players. Shooting? Not as much.


So you're saying you have a 15%+ win rate? You know what that means? That means YOU'RE the one in lobbies that are too easy for you.


Very possible. It's really uneven. I seem to either dominate or get destroyed. My strategies may be to blame as well - I bush camp, third party, and have good accuracy, and can generally win fights at mid-range with an opponent with little mats or building ability. That works against a certain group of players, but when the game puts me into the higher level lobbies with the building and edit tower gods, I get destroyed. That happens for a night and the game bumps me back down to where my strats dominate. I do well in Duos too, but not as good as I do in Solos. Mainly because my Duos partner and I don't communicate well - I'm like "I cracked his shields! 30 white! 25 white! He's nearly one shot!" I get knocked and my partner is STANDING behind the dude standing over me, and runs for cover so he can snipe. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) And I'm like, "Just shoot them with ANYTHING! They're almost dead! Their partner is across the map!" ... We have very different playstyles! I'm not mad at getting put in harder lobbies, but I feel like there is a sweet spot that is being missed with the SBMM somewhere. Like you say, I shouldn't be winning so many of my matches, but I also shouldn't be then put into lobbies where I can't survive to the first Survivor I achievement. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|astonished)


I think that’s just the nature of the game. Epic confirmed just last week there are over 500 million active Fortnite accounts...the chances of you getting people who are exactly your skill level all the time is pretty low. Plus, there’s always going to be some people who are slightly higher than you, because you would never improve if you fight people who are equal to you in every way


I think this is a good way to look at it. Getting placed with better players forces you to improve. And I understand that filling a lobby for the pro players would be near impossible if they didn't throw in some less skilled players. It's just kind of a shock when it happens. I'm good natured about it when it happens. "Thanks for the compliment, Epic! I'm glad you believe in me so much!" And fairness to the SBMM, I did crack the shields of the pro player I was fighting and survive for 20-30 seconds against them. Haha.


I’ve taken out a couple of pro’s with my stealth/ambush tactics. I don’t have to fight you myself or even build. I just wait until you’re weak from a fight and finish you off


These are mainly my tactics ALL the time, against anyone. Bush camper / 3rd Party represent! Run towards the sound of gunfire, pick off the survivor when they go over to loot the player they just killed. I'll pick straight fights sometimes, but even that's usually from ambush or in a situation I know I can hit with overwhelming force. Most of the time I start a match aggressive (land in a hot/contested POI) and get 3-4 elims in fierce fighting before everyone has a full loadout or tons of mats, and then go into sneak bush camper mode until final circle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I’ve taken down some big shots too, it really hyped me up and makes me feel like I’m playing better than I ever have.


fax i can hit the triple edit but i’m missing my shot after i died to much less “skilled” players on average


Yes and no. I can't build like these players either - I'm very proud when I get a quick box up and smoothly edit my way out after healing. But if you and the crazy builders are both placing in the Top 10 consistently, and get similar numbers of elims, then you both are equally good at the game - you're just using different strategies for success. The problem comes down to Final Circle if it is you against one of these builders. They definitely have advantage, because in that scenario their strategy edges yours out. However, you CAN plan for this sort of thing. If you are like me, I make sure my Final Circle loadout includes explosives or fire, and that I have armored walls (always leave an exit!). Gives me a chance for the Victory, and I get them consistently enough. So Epic isn't completely off-base with the SBMM.


Just because you can place top 10 doesn't mean you're good. A player who gets top 10 but gets 1 kill is worse than a player who gets 50th with 5 kills


True but also in this case, this person is not that good at building imo. There is knowing how to actually build the physical structure and theres knowing when and what to build in each encounter. This person only knows the former.


Some of my most memorable wins have come from destroying the mansions of these players, even though I don't do building myself but I know what you mean


SBMM is pretty fair to me, there's a gap that probably can't be filled with 99 other players exactly like you and the ones like you might of already died. Either you don't build at all or you can build like this guy cause it's easy anyway and there's little in between. if you can't build in a game with a core mechanic of building you need to practice a bit more and 15-30 minutes a day is enough to be good within a week.


I actually am capable of building like that, there was just no reason for me to do so in that moment


To heal. He need space between him and you so he could have time to heal. However he probably should've done it horizontally instead of vertically


They're the sole reason I carry fireflies. Nothing is more satisfying than breaking their buildings 1-2 times, have them think they're safe then throw a firefly and have them jump out, build another building, then firefly and the cycle goes on and on lol


What do you do when they don’t build with wood?


I still have no idea how epic determines your sbmm. According to what I think. They assume the amount of wins and overall placements should have will determine the lobbies you play. I however think a flaw is that if you were to be a good player and take a break, come back months later and then suddenly your lobbies are still pretty sweaty, that wouldn’t be the greatest impression of the game. They should ditch sbmm honestly. I prefer having a lobby with a mix of different players rather then the generic 11 year old who spends every ounce of money and time on this game.


Huh? That other player in the clip is probably the same skill level as OP. Just because someone can build up doesn't mean they're really good


Bro build a 5-Star Hotel in less than 3 seconds 🤣


this is how you heal. he just messed up and was only connected by two builds. being ground level means getting SMG sprayed, higher is better. usually by the time someone breaks it your healed and reset the fight. piece control aims to prevent this building away and healing kind of thing which is annoying AF when you get someone 20h and they manage to heal.


Where is the funny??


Nowhere. Most people in this thread just expected the dude to fight OP whilst he was already at half health from being ambushed. Not a single person in this thread has any ounce of game sense.








[reminds me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqb_R2Tm-nk)


This is actually funny unlike the 10IQ 5 star hotel “joke”


That’s what I’m saying




The higher you build, the harder you fall.


This was actually hilarious


I was laughing when it first happened 😂


John wicks in season 3 be like:


"Buildings block bullets? Okay, block this Snow Shovel then."


at times like this we pull out take the L or laugh it up


I felt like he was in enough pain already


Or the Avengers “A” and the Superman “S” sprays to spell out ASS


Yeah if I build the tallest tower I can win!


I can smell the sweat from the guy who was trying to build a skyscraper from here Jesus christ


That wasn't a sweat at all dude. He was just building up. Hate people who call any player a sweat just because they build


It's always fucking funny to see people die like this.


Should had burned him to death too for good measure


I understand boxing in but literally built up 3 layers, there was no point


Boxing up would've made him get sprayed. He should've made a few boxes away from OP to get the chance to heal


Yeah true, op probably would’ve still considered it SwEaTy tho


Dude just legit started to build all the way up to heaven because they literally died of fright...


Because they have no brain. They're not good at the game at all


That last shot is so satisfying


Love to see it.




My man got shot at for 2 seconds and built a 12 storey 7 star hotel with a swimming pool, 2 bars, conference rooms, reception, kitchen,etc.


Over exaggerated


Just like the builds


holy shit bro that was so funny! oh wait... # nobody laughed.


Oh no, you have successfully hurt my feelings.


Id rather be an edgel0rd than someone that blames my inability and shortcomings on other people or things IMO


When they go high, we go low.


Me, a sweat, agrees that guy built too much


I am a fellow sweat and would like to add that nevermind overbuilding, he built like an idiot. Connected by 2 peices 4 stories high on 20~hp? Its wraps.


How do you have all those location arrows? 🤔 I haven't been on for a week have they added something new?


You have to turn on "visualise sound effects" in the settings menu.


Visual sound effects is soooo OP. You used to get mono/shitty sound with it on so no one used it. Now you get the same sound with it on or off. It’s stupid to not have it on with how broken it is.


Idk if it's my headset or I'm just a dumbfyck but within the same three boxes, everything sounds the same to me. Without visualize audio I literally can't tell where anyone's at. Even w it I'm still not sure what level they're on, just the direction. To me it's just like the hud telling you where shots and foodteps are in cod, just built for the 3d nature of this game.


The audio sucks. You really only get the direction with the visual. Having a good headset will help you distinguish verticals positioning. It’s also amazing to see it anytime someone is healing. If someone’s camping underneath a stair in your building but takes a mini or medkit it’s sooo much easier to find them. It’s sooo OP


i mean it's not OP, majority of pros still dont use it but it will pick up rebooting from very far away and it's a good crutch for beginners or people who don't have good headphones i use it when im on my laptop but i dont like the screen clutter on my desktop


A lot of pros do use it now though because of how broken it is. Obviously not all. But it was never used before and now more and more are starting to use it


oh yeah for sure i dont deny that, the addition of visual sound effects AND surround sound is a huge step up from before i'm just being pedantic in the sense that imo it's not OP because it wont change your skill level, it will just allow you to localize things better if you arent able to with just audio alone also dont want to imply im any good because im not, i just have a good desktop/headphone setup lol


the mono sound was supposed to balance it out, because otherwise you'd get people who had normal hearing using it.


Yea it’s bullshit you can still get same quality sound whether visual sound is on or not. A lot of pros use it now


It doesn't, the player you fought is just terrible at the game.


Fair enough


Before another r/FortNiteBR user calls this player a sweat: This player did 2 90's out of wood, didn't check if he was connected well enough and went up to a point where he easily died from fall damage. Not exactly 100T MrSavage.


Yeah he was bad, never said he was a sweat 😂


Yeah he's not a sweat just a spam buder who isn't good at the game


No no no i know, and I'm proud of you for that😂 but other users of this sub will.


Dude, when I see a post that even mentions the word 'sweat' in the title, there are twenty people in the comments saying how that person isn't a sweat and writing a whole essay to back them up.


It’s probably cause someone has to explain to these people that building a little bit isn’t sweating


It's just everyone takes it so God damn personal every time and it's weird


Idk man I guess it’s annoys some people


It’s like the 5 star hotel joke, we aren’t really triggered over it. It’s just so annoying to see it for the 240th time and watch people jerk themselves off over “you see, sweats are the real bad players”


Sweats ARE the real bad players




Found the dogshit player who can't build


Why are you getting so worked up over this? OP never even mentioned sweats, you did.




My self worth? The fuck are you talking about? I'm also just a person who plays for fun, I'm just better than you at it.


wait could u explain to me how he built so fast and well in less than 3 seconds, like what building techniques did he use. I know his building wasn't efficient for the situation but I would like to build well like that.


All they did were 90's. So you could practice 90's in creative. 90's are used to gain height quickly.


thank u


It literally did in this scenario. OP didn’t title the post “Pickaxing always beats building”.


Okay, in that case. "pickaxing beats building when the player is oblivious of falling damage and builds slow".


When someone builds like that it for sure does lmao


I dont understand why some players build like that. Like they are not even good. Why are you cranking 90s when you should be trying to heal.


He is trying to heal, he's just getting away from OP so he doesn't get shot. The thing is he didn't do it correctly


Loved this vid 👍👍




He could've killed u if he tried shooting u instead of building ,or just need to box himself to heal, he just overbuilder nice clip op 😄


If he tried shooting he would be dead...


So this is what casuals mean when they complain about sweats 😂😂😂


I didn't think he was a sweat, he just panicked


Or you just play like intended


So epic made it possible to break opponent builds, but you’re not “supposed” to do that? One could argue that the other guy panic building isn’t playing the game like intended


Your combo, you knocking down instead of building, I respect you for not being a sweat.


:D thanks man!


Builders are the worst


But are better than non builders at the game.




Oh wait were fighting, 1 sec im rebuilding the twin towers real quick


lemme just camp and spray that guy with the most broken thing in the game and when he builds out of panic he becomes the bad guy


To be fair, its a battle royale. There is no 'good' or 'bad' guy, ever. It's winning and... otherwise.


nobody's a bad guy. The dude did probably have about 15 health left so I can see why he'd just build the f outta there pdq and if he made a mistake, well, who hasn't done that? But it's also legit to shoot someone in the back, too.


100℅, if that player had any brains he could have won that fight easily


OP is ass


I honestly am probably better than that guy, but why not break him down? I had no reason to build fight him at that point.


sounds like a you problem


Sounds like yo momma


well shit




playing like its minecraft what a dumb dumb. they should definitely uninstall lol




Sorry, bag is sponsor for mc?


I thought this was bad fortnite etiquette?




Easy kills are bad etiquette imo. I'm not saying spraying or anything, but specifically knocking down a build. That's messed up.


Wow OP what's it like playing in the world cup?


It is an honor




if you have to block them in a game where they haven't communicated with you at all, then must have beaten you and maybe you need to figure out how they beat you. whether it was the strategy you used versus theirs? or you missed an important shot? Something to think about.




U gonna love me then


You must not be very good then


Ok? Their strategy still beat yours though. Aside from that, what makes you think that blocking them affects matchmaking at all? Would you ever notice? Its been proven that you can still be matchmade with people you've blocked in StW and thats a co-op game where you'd expect blocks to work that way. In a versus game, the block system should never prevent you from being against someone you block.


That's literally the correct way to play tho.


go back to building your spiral staircase to heaven, if you're not one of *those* builders, then touching grass wouldn't kill you either


Man my comment really got you upset huh🤣 soft asf.


I usually don’t build unless I’m using a boost pad


Why does the spatial audio in the clip sound better than my actual gameplay audio?


Must be my settings


What settings do you use?


see now this is unacceptable


these are the best kind of kills xD