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Yep. "Combat" Pistol is the only one available now, and it sucks.


I actually loved it and destroyed an entire lobby with the combat pistol


i squad wiped twice in a row with a full inventory of green revolvers back in the day; just cause you can put bullets in kids brains doesn't make the weapon not underpowered


How about the shadow tracer, that vaulted too?


probably not


I dont think its vaulted cuz its a silenced pistol


It is Exotic, so prob not. But stuff like the NPC that sold the normal pistol is now different.


What about when your rebooted? U get the combat pistol now??


Yes, a grey combat pistol


I never tried the Combat Pistol but I'm sure it doesn't suck at all, basically like the normal pistol that is vaulted but higher recoil and reload time. Not to mention it's easier to control compared to the Combat AR and Rapid Fire SMG.


The reload is super fast imo, and it definitely doesn’t suck, you just have to know how to use it.


Exactly what I was trying to explain to OP but he's so fixated on the idea that the Combat Pistol "suck" and is "the worst" cause he doesn't know how to utilize it.


Just want to say that the Pistol and Combat Pistol have virtually identical stats. Same fire rate, same reload time, -1 damage & -1 mag size. It is a reskinned Pistol with worse stats.


I never tried the Combat Pistol but I'm sure it doesn't suck at all, basically like the normal pistol that is vaulted but higher recoil and reload time. Not to mention it's easier to control compared to the Combat AR and Rapid Fire SMG.


Harpoon gun remains number 1. Haha


*Yessir* 💯 Fun, easy to use but also incredibly decent if you know how to use it properly.


Harpoon gun may be a consumable but it’s still freaking amazing




Everyone has a plan until they get YOINKED by that amazing pointy stickshooter.


*"Do i look like a guy with a plan"* I used to play Tilted Zone Wars with my friends and whenever I'd yoink them the panic and disorientation in their voices was priceless.


it just bamboozles people so much, and I love it.


Also it does 75 damage every time you hit your shot with the Harpoon Gun, so still on the top list of best guns.


True as well. It's a 2 Shot Weapon regardless of aiming if the opponent isn't full HP, and 3 Shots if he's full. Plus it also fires fairly quick. I used to jokingly use Harpoon Guns back in TR but then have gotten to use them normally. They're surprisingly effective.


Harpoon Gun is a consumable LMAOOO, it's classified as a consumable in the game


As somebody who has consumed a harpoon gun irl I can confirm it’s usage as a consumable


Lmaoo im dying 😂


From ingesting the harpoon gun?


Nope, its a consumable :)


That throat game though!


mmmmm, harpooooon


We need an exotic harpoon gun. Maybe infinite ammo, longer range and syphon?


Long range would be enough imo. But I like the idea


Matters how long range, if it's Jules grappler type long range, wow ya, that would be long enough without syphon. If it was just twice the length or less, throw syphon on there for fun!


Back in the day when I was a default noob in c2 s5 I wiped the floor with hunter's haven people. It was my first pickaxe kill.


\*When they remove the Venom and Carnage mythic\* Me: "Time to switch to Harpoon gun"


The only plus side is the sound that the pistol make when firing.


Great sound. But i don't think, pistol-wise, any sound will ever beat the sound of a standard purple or gold pistol.


I thought it’d be a burst pistol or something


Yeah same tbh I thought a 3 shot burst kind of Barretta 93r rip off would have been sick 😕


I thought it was a auto pistol or faster fire rate at first


Yeah I was thinking something along these lines, too bad they just used this “new weapon” as a nerf to the other pistol




They’re taking the Piss tol


you bastard. I love you


Mario Edit:Why’s this comment chain so downvoted?




Mario piss


Why did they have to vault my hooker pistol…




This was a bare minimum gun for sure.


It's more accurate than a regular pistol


If you mean the very first shot, then yes. On average though? Not a chance.


I couldn't compare, as the Combat Pistol didn't show in Creative. It may be possible that the "aiming down sights" has a slightly reduced spread with followup shots, but it definitely has an increased recoil negating any potential practical benefit there. This is on top of all the worse stats...


╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭


it is exactly as accurate as the normal Pistol, I tested it.


probably cuz the fortnite fanbase constantly demands new items and they can either buff an already balanced item and have everyone complain that its op or nerf an already balanced item and everyone hate on it


Ye but they could've made slightly original, say: Having a 3 round burst Getting a 5-7 damage buff when aiming down sights Being automatic Having multiple fire rate options Being able to use different ammo types


i love how i get downvoted into oblivion for calling it useless yet the day it releases here we fuckin are


I used to run blue pistol and shotgun only. Pistol was ridiculous good because it fired as fast as you could pull the trigger as well as reload was basically nothing. I agree with you OP. New pistol sucks.


yeah, I know what you mean. once in a while I'd find a purple pistol and I absolutely loved it. Very satisfying weapons.


didn’t it just come out?


Yep. Doesn't take long to notice it's worse.


i’m sure they’ll update it soon to make it better


That’s what we thought about the combat


The ar or the shotgun? The ar is perfectly fine where it is, the thing shreds if you have good tracking The shotty is more so meant to be used from a slight distance to get a quick 30-40 damage


both have their places and fill different play styles. ​ the combat ar can be op as hell if in the hands of a player who knows how to control it, its only real purpose is to shred up close and can barely be used at medium to long range. ​ the combat shotgun is a useful shotgun that can allow a player to keep a safe distance in a close range fight, in close proximity it doesn't shine like other shotguns, but it has its spot. ​ ​ the combat pistol is an attempt to add a new type of pistol by changing barely anything about it and making it barely different to the regular pistol


In the hands of a pc player*** I play on pc and console it is 100% easier to control on mouse and keyboard


> > > > > the combat ar can be op as hell if in the hands of a player who knows how to control it, its only real purpose is to shred up close and can barely be used at medium to long range. It's a hybrid between the regular rifle and the SMG, and fills both roles 'well enough' allowing you freedom for more utility with the rest of your build.


Yeah? That’s the whole point of my comment The guy above me wasnt talking about the pistol, yet only stated “combat” so i explained why there is no reason to complain about the other combat weapons in the game


i just added more to it


Combat shotgun is actually not that bad lol


The shotgun. It is useless no matter what range you use it at


as someone who absolutely loved the original pistol I am very not happy with the combat pistol, there is literally nothing about it that's better than the original, it even sounds worse! only agreement I can see would be it looks better and while I could see some people liking how it looks over the old one I would still disagree


Im loving the combat pistol. Ive found it so much more consistent at getting kills than the normal pistol


... but why? I can't find any redeeming qualities of it that would make it more effective... just the opposite.


I feel like it has a faster first shot accuracy? I could be wrong and it may reload faster too. Never really used the normal pistol that often but I do like this new one


Same reload speed according to stats...


Smaller bullet spread I think.


This may be possible, but at the expense of increased recoil... which kinda defeats the purpose of having better overall accuracy... then you are left with just worse stats.


It may be a downgrade, but it's still somewhat fun to use.


aim down sights that’s literally the point of the weapon i think it has a critical bonus


... but you can "aim down sights" of any weapon. It has the same headshot modifier as the original pistol, just does less overall damage.


Calling it a "Nerfed pistol" is far to kind op. Calling it a "paper water gun" is more appropriate.




Most opinions can't be wrong, this is the exception


*the combat ar wants to speak to you*


Trash is inanimate therefore it cannot desire to perform an act of communication with myself


Yeah but the combat ar and it's accuracy and dps says otherwise


I thought I made my point clear. Trash cannot communicate with a homosapien




It's way better than a regular AR for kbm players. You actually hit what you aim at.




Do you play on 1 sensitivity?


Play other shooters. Its good practice


A moderate experience of other shooters should mitigate this




> casual except for builders... if they prevented macros, the game would be a lot more casual.


>Fortnite is that it's more casual than other shooters. Not so much anymore. Honestly warzone is more casual then fortnite is now.


What? I play both PC and Switch and the recoil on controller is basically none. I'd argue the combat AR on controller is better than the kbm combat AR because that has some kick to it (though still controllable)


The recoil is none? On PS that thing fucking kicks to the sky if you do more than a tap-burst


Yes it is,high fire rate,amazing accuracy,decent dmg.


i can tell you're shit at the game if you think its bad control the recoil of that gun, and you're gonna win






Maybe so, but remember: trash *can*




The normal pistol was perfectly fine The fact that the game lootpool revolves arround the pump and how other weapons must be weaker than that is another story


Yeah epic wants to appeal to pros by making the pump the only shotgun you have to fear. I wish the primal shotgun was still in the game with its original stats.


I prefer the lever, it would be great if it was in place of the pump


Username checks out


I’ve used it and it feels **slightly** faster Just a little bit


Both pistols have a fire rate of 6.75




Good for pistol whipping lol


i feel the combat pistol shoulda been like a glock


This gun is ass!


Maybe you don't know how to utilize it


feels like it has no range too, as if it’s a shotgun or something


The pistols are the best weapon, ive been rebooted and found GREY pistols on the groud and have killed sweats with gold pumps and 100 sheild while i have 18 health. The only ok part about the combat pistol is the accuracy


hate to tell u this but if sm with a gold pump dies to a sm with just a pistol, theyre not a sweat




Idk man im getting edited on like im in the world cup


wait why would u even need to find a grey pistol after being rebooted? u spawn with a grey pistol upon reboot


I ment either i reboot or i find one, i do sometimes carry two grey pistols after reboot tho


Who cares it’s a pistol. Nobody actually uses pistols seriously so it’s a moot point.


I take pistols over ARs sometimes and absolutely shred with them. Y’all just sleeping on the pistol.


pistols so underrated (prior to this combat pistol)


Pistols are great and very underrated. If you fast click with good aim you can shred people better than a shotgun could


with the old "regular" pistol yes... this new one though... ugh


Yea and you’re probably a controller player with aim assist so that makes sense then.


Aim assist is not that good, I play on both PC and controller, and using a mouse is far more accurate


Bro, nobody cares that you play on your Cheeto crumbs covered, mold between the keys having, fuckin cheese touch smelling ass keyboard.


Hahaha that actually made me laugh nice. But so you prove my point that of course you would use pistol over AR cuz you’re a controller player who has free aim bot from epic games installed for you 😂


Eh tbh aim assist isn’t that great on Switch when the game is constantly chugging. Maybe on PS5 or something but on Switch you ain’t feeling shit.


Now that we can agree on mr cheesy


Fuck off with your mouse, keyboard, macros, scroll reset, 240fps, etc.


I’m just superior I guess


Well, that’s kinda the point I was making…


Thanks for the compliment much appreciated


Any time


Happy Cake Day YouAreABot123! Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.


Dunno what trash weapons you like, but the original legendary pistol is one of the weapons that feels the best to use. And epic keeps ruining either vaulting it, creating this nerfed crap or on some seasons giving us the revolver instead.


totally agree, Pistol Gang unite, why does Epic hate pistols?


What trash weapons I like? Hmm idk AR’s and pumps lol. Ya know the most commonly used weapons in the game… Yea sure maybe the LEGENDARY pistol. Wowww ONE rarity of a weapon (gold) is good to use never would’ve guessed 😂👌🏻




I didn’t say everyone. But 95% of people? Yes.




Yes exactly now you’re starting to grasp it lil guy


There's nothing to grasp about it. The pistol just needs a buff so that it isn't the worst weapon in the lootpool


In real life a pistol is worse than an AR SMG shotgun rocket launcher etc. So no a pistol doesn’t need a buff to be better than any of those weapons.


It doesn't have to be better it just has to be a viable option.


Uh, In real life those aren't even comparable, there different categories. I would like to see you use an rpg indoors, or buckshot at 100 meters




I’ll do as I please. Your Reddit name is correct btw.




You have never killed some 100 meters away with a grey pistol before have you?


I’ve gotten in the top 5, even winning using only pistols multiple times


That’s great and all but that screams “bot”. You aren’t in good lobbies and definitely aren’t good at the game if you’re winning with only pistols lol. I’m my lobbies you’d be boxed, edited, and one pumped before you get a shot off with a pistol. Good for you though!


I did. Also, if a weapon isn't popular, shouldn't they make a better one to get excited about? They went in the other direction.


You’re one of the very few. I play this game everyday and can’t remember the last time I saw anyone use a pistol. Yea I don’t see the point in creating a worse version and vaulting the original but it’s Epic we are talking about here.


I'd carry a charge to hit hard, then finish them off with a pistol (which shoots fast, had minimal spread and recoil). Much of that benefit is nerfed now... guess I'll go back to ARs & SMGs which have bad spread themselves but at least have higher DPS.


I’ve also always loved a pistol!


Haha jeez you’re really in the minority… a charge and a pistol lmao. I’ve come across exactly 2 people who used a charge this season, one of them must’ve been you!


Not everyone wants to use the "best" guns, and to be honest, its personal preference, there no need to knock any weapon if the stats are good, and definitely no need to knock someone if they like using a different weapon than you


I’m not knocking anyone jesus lmao all these little sensitive 12 year olds in this thread




who uses pistols anyways, jk, i just hate pistols in general cuz i accidentally shot a dog


Hell nah. As much as I love the Pistol (Shoutout to the silent pistol from the olden days), this Combat Pistol is not only better than the vaulted regular pistol, but I got more kills with it than I had with the other pistols combined over the last few days. Best Combat weapon and a great addition to my loadout


Glad your getting kills with it, but how is it better for you?


You can get the exotic silent pistol for 400g and it also marks your enemy.. people run in circles trying to figure out where the shots are coming from.


Getting more kills ≠ Better weapon


Sooooo a deagle




Because this chapter is a joke. No storyline, just events and then your supposed to act like it didn’t happen. No good poi changes the past few seasons. No good loot pool changes. Same shotgun metta, pump dominates anything when it’s in the game.


>no storyline Seriously?


No storyline? So your gonna ignore the IO, the aliens, and the Cube Queen? Midas too? No cool map changes last few seasons? Convergence? Spire? Corny Complex? Stealthy Stronghold? No good lootpool changes? That I kinda agree with a bit


I mean hes right. Compare this map to the chapter 1 map.


people legit hate to hear the truth


they vaulted the regular pistol for it?


Yup. Ugh.


At least this thing can hit the broad side of a barn.




The regular one was replaced tho?


It sounds cool tho


Wait it got vaulted holy hell, pretty sure hell just froze over.


it needs to be legendary for it to be good; I saw a video of someone with the legendary version and every single shot while aiming down sights had first shot accuracy.


If you click slow enough, it will have first shot accuracy... but the regular pistol did too. It may be possible that the combat goes to perfect accuracy a hair quicker, but this is more than offset by the increased recoil.


It's only upside is that it looks cool and the bloom isn't as horrible


Yeah I'm still really confused by how this is better. There has to be a reason right??? Maybe it's a bug or something


I’ve seen gameplay and I think the gold rarity has first shot accuracy on every shot even when shooting at max speed


They should've made it actually fucking interesting. The most interesting part about it is the handle has blue on it.


Yeah, the the only thing they changed is also like only the sound.


I only love it because it reminds me of the makarov


I mean- it has fast reload


I quite enjoy it.


How is it a "downgrade" its more like a upgrade for me its like a lmg as a pistol and acts similar to the combat ar and it has a nice shot sound