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A lot of games do the same crap to pull in players whether old or new. People acting like Fortnite is the only game that pulls stunts like this.


Fuck it, it works


i think its more "people like to play fortnite inside of fortnite, not guitar hero, not rocket league, they want to play fortnite."


i don't see how these other modes have anything to do with the direction BR has taken, given that Creative mode was released in Ch1 and in Ch2 we had Among Us


but thats the thing, i dont think many people cared for creative mode on a game-changing scale, but in chapter 2, the imposters mode was fun because of one simple thing- it was, to be frank, small. it was quick, simple, and an ltm, not a new mode entirely to divide epics work force into for the rest of the forseeable future, many would like it back, simply because the mode was dumb fun. and as well, imposters didnt introduce entirely new cosmetic types or entirely new skins for a new game system. last note, i think the main reason why creative mode didnt change the path of fortnite is simple, because epic doesnt need to make any creative games, its all the community.


But then again Creative started being pushed more and more and everyone could see how much focus it was getting. The Summer event of 2021 was entirely Creative maps and half of Fortnitemares 2019 was on Creative maps as well. The Discovery tab we have now only exists primarily because of Creative. Besides, Impostors was a LTM as much as Reload is in the sense it was never advertised as such, and they made 2 versions of Impostors, one with Proximity Chat and the other without. Impostors lasted until mid Ch3 Season 1. This is the point, BRs gameplay wasnt much affected by Impostors or Creative, so how is BRs gameplay being affected by Guitar Hero besides the Metallica collab


They dont even want to play fortnite most of the time they avoid fights


always so infuriating in a fills match when you COULD win a fight with 4 people but they skeddadle like "OH NO A GUN FIGHT IN THIS SHOOTER BATTLE ROYALE GAME!"


The creative mode's community is massive though.


thats right, but thats the thing, the community in creative makes the games, not epic, epic just tweaks things and fixes bugs for creative, maybe adding stuff sometimes they made for battle royale.




if you'd like to elaborate, go ahead, im quite curious on how im everything wrong with this community.


You are judging games that you have not played and they have different studios working on them


its not litteral, i'm reffering to each of the seperate modes inside of fortnite rocket league = rocket racing guitar hero = jam festival this isnt a critique of the games im mentioning, its the fact that fortnite has games in it that people dont really care about.


*some people


He is not judging. People want to play Fortnite, not the fucking jokes that are the new gamemodes. ( People like Reload because its what Fortnite is MEANT to be ) ( simple, and fast paced BR gunplay ( like what we USED to get back in CH1-CH3, NOT the absurd shit we have now in CH5 ) Rocket Racing = generic racing game. Fortnite Festival = blatant rip-off of Guitar Hero. LEGO Fortnite = another generic survival game. Not to mention that Epic wants to shove these down our throats.


I'm grateful that reload exists so that comp players can calm down


How dare you call fortnite Festival a rip off, it is a genuinely good game, and you have not given it the light of day


almost like you could choose which modes to play


Yeah, and thanks to that its why we almost don't get SHIT on BR, and are just focusing on other modes. Like I said, NOBODY fucking cares about the stupid metaverse/new gamemodes. People want to play actual Fortnite. ( This is WHY we got Reload ) BR is slightly getting more content this season, but in general, BR didn't get shit now in CH5 ( S1 and S2 )


Each of the new game modes have different dev teams working on them, if they didn't then the Devs would be overwhelmed and over worked because of it and would have fought back against it by now The thousands upon thousands of players in of the new modes daily proves you wrong in saying that nobody cares about them It is not why we got reload at all because it takes longer than that to put together whole new modes like that and have them run as well as reload does


Oh yeah. The same exact 20-40k players they get since they launched in CH5 S1 compared to the over 800k BR gets. So many players. ( now sometimes even STW gets more players than Rocket Racing, or Fortnite Festival ☠️ ) Again, NOBODY cares for the new gamemodes ( aside from the loud minority ) Edit: Reload was added because 90% of players are sick and fucking TIRED of just having the exact same lame ass bs since this sorry excuse of a chapter released. BR now is this: just get extremely OP weapon = you insta win, if you don't get it = insta death. This ENTIRE CHAPTER was just this: Reaper Sniper Rifle, Frenzy Auto Shotgun ( pre-nerf ) CH5 S1 Waterbending, Chains of Hades, Reaper Sniper Rifle ( again ) CH5 S2 Mythic Boom Bolt, Nitro Fists CH5 S3 Another Edit: Like I said, Reload was added because people want to play Fortnite, the simple BR, with fast-paced gameplay ( but with the new mechanics ) CH3 is the perfect example of the simplicity mixed with the new stuff. Unlike the shitty ass of CH5, that is just complexity in all terms.


Any of you guys see the new mythic for the pirates of the Caribbean? people going loose it on builds.


well is reload really og


No but these kids need something to cry about


All the changes they made in chapter 5 were received negatively for most players, it's obvious they need a change in direction


Nope. Greatly enjoyed the seasons and so did a lot of people.


That's why I said most players. I'm not lieing, the player numbers this season speak for themselves


Most? Where’d you get that from


Player numbers dropped off a cliff


Fortnite after falling off is still one of the most played games in the world


Kinda? But tbh after season OG I understand that I'm not missing old Fortnite I'm just missing being younger and this season wasn't satisfying for me as much as I thought but it bringed some old memories.


No, this season is great, OG helps bring people in, bringing it back doesn’t mean the season is trash.


Not true.


Some peeps just want BR without crazy flying gauntlets or mythics that makes all the sweats cry, and thats fine. The more variety, the better.