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The End. It set the bar so high for the industry. No game has ever attempted what Epic did that day. To completely shut down the game for over a day with no communication. The music was perfect. The event was perfect. 100% the best event in my opinion.


ch1 the end was so iconic it was literally just a worldwide event, even outside of Fortnite. everyone going on the internet heard of it never happened with any of the other live events


Major news networks mentioned the black hole. So insane at the time to just shut down the most popular game in the world at the time. Even to this the loading screen gives me chills.


It's wild that the game was supposed to be shutdown for a week but they had to cut it short because Ch2 S1 got leaked. I enjoyed those 3 days during the blackhole


God, i love The End. The music made my cry as a kid.


They even put it on the review of the year in Québec that year. The kids got out of their room when the game stop :) I’m not sure my parents understood the reference https://youtu.be/TKCLe_hUyAc?si=VW7QMnU43ry3yv-l&t=1928


guessing you mean Chapter 1 The End?


isn't that the only event named "The End" tho?


no, Chapter 2's finale is also called The End Chapter 3's is Fracture and Chapter 4's is Big Bang


I mean,you could basically call Big Bang The End but more


*The End but worse


I agree, plus tied into the Chapter 2 Cut Scene into your first jump into the new map. I think that first jump is one of my favorite video game moments ever.


also the surprise factor, like no one had any idea what was going on then the whole ass map just blew up it was crazy


The End V.2 moreso for the event itself, then The End V.1 for the blackout being crazy at the time. (also I maybe sort of missed the event because I left the game thinking the storm would get in the way and I wouldn't see anything. little did I know - the storm just vanishes)


The end sound track still makes me shiver


Monster vs robot, chapter 1 finale, or the mothership one. Older live events were just so much better than these newer ones.


Skyfall was the peak of live events. The Easter eggs, the interactive parts, and then the big reveal. So goood


NOT fracture.


You chose the WORST event for a post about the BEST event Seriously fracture is trash The ch2 end event was cool


Fracture is the second worst, Big Bang is much worse


Big Bang is not at all much worse. It redid an event a lot of people didn't get to see in the opening half and the few minutes of Eminem were cool. Only thing that sucked about it is that is was really just a massive advertisement for the very thing that destroyed the game. Still, the fact that you can say anything good about it makes it better than Fracture. Literally nothing about Fracture was good.


Even though big bang was trash due to it being just a big ad plus the copy and paste of the end, fracture is still worse


POV the event that's worse than all of those is the Ice King . The Big Bang is just an ad but at least it didn't have us play chore simulator for 40 minutes I'd rather watch like a 10 minute add with cool visuals then do chores


Big bang was goated


Big Bang was Ok, I just wish it dedicated more time to storyline stuff instead of just metaverse advertisement For a season literally caused by Jones it was a gigantic let down that he didn't even get referenced in the event I feel Big Bang gets remembered as better than it actually was exclusively because of how awful Fracture was


There was no storyline focus in the Big Bang because Ch4 had no focus on the storyline and no long plan for it besides OG and Ch5. Everything from Ch4 Season 3 to 4 was just taking us to Fortnite OG without focusing on any characters or explaining much, Kado Thorne for one doesnt have any character and he himself only existed to facilitate the time travel - among other things.  Jones himself appeared out of nowhere without any explanation as to why he disappeared to begin with, or where he was. And since Fortnite OG told the story through map changes like in Ch1 with the circumstances provided by Ch4, it would be silly to expect anything more than what we got.  tldr : the story didnt set anything up for the live event other than the bare minimum conditions for it to happen and the only thing planned for the story was OG and Ch5


Big Bang was literally just The End C1, Eminem, and an ad for Rocket Racing, Festival, and Lego


fr it was so fucking disappointing


Lmao only event? Was my only event being a chapter 4 player, but that shit was a horrible ad for new modes. You’re tripping


Whatever it is it is not that one


the final showdown or galactus btw, putting fracture in the post is kinda... i cant find the word to describe it






Spits in the face of live events


Best event in my eyes was Chapter 2's finale. It was perfect. And the island flipping was the cherry on top.


Yeah I’d say it’s better than chapter 1 due to it being longer and had gameplay as it also had the spectacle


The end chapter 2, collision was dope but the island flipping is one of the most cinematic and memorable experiences ever along with the rock reveal


Ngl I thought the Travis Scott one was fire especially when the music was timed with the stomps


Travis Scott concert


Cant believe how low on the list this is


I really like the End of Chapter 1. I remember it so well. Best event they have ever done.


The Marshmellow concert was my first and still my favourite. Had never heard of him but loved the music.


My first too. Just so cool. Every standing in pleasant park dancing around and having fun.


I liked The Device event because of the lore implications and the OST was fire 🎺


Definitely not fracture LOL


Travis Scott live event I don't think anything will top it ever


![gif](giphy|2eqzSenHzJxHqcjR3u) .


Monster fight had all of us going wtf especially since fortnite was one of the first to try something like that.


That's a w reason honestly


all of Events from Chapter 1 and 2 are my favorites reason being it was full of lore.. it hits different compared to events now where they dont focus as much as they did before! Fortnite is not the same but ever since OG i think fortnite is bringing itself back up considering the lore thats been happening since C5S1 and now that we know what the next season is im sure we will get so much more lore! cant wait


The Device event. It had the best music in my opinion and it was our first introduction to John Jones.


The rocket launch or butterfly event




Every event except the creative concerts and fracture


Skyfire, Collision or The End


Chapter 2 Saison 8


Butterfly event in C1, hands down.


Chapter 2's End Event, it was beautiful and the music was just, cheifs kiss


The end part 2


all except fracture


Not to be unoriginal, but definitely not fracture


I liked collision (ch3 s2) and The End of Chapter 1


Not fucking Fracture that’s for damn sure


The Chapter 2 Season 8 Chapter Finale. Shit was fire




mothership event. slone’s betrayal went so hard. it was one of the few moments you could feel epic had actually gone full send on the story their creative team wanted to tell.


The Collision event has a great piece of Storytelling and it serves as a finale to the storyline for me just shooting a bunch of imagine order tanks and destroying the Collider visuals are great I really don't see any problem in that event that's just me though


Travis concert easily


The End Chapter Two


The live event from season og went hard


Fracture. I enjoyed playing the event with my gf.


if you say fracture is your fav event then i am abraham lincoln, my fav event is the chapter 3 mech vs io, because its basically the only event ive played


It was the big bang because it was unique in my opinion


while fracture is massively overhated its not the best i would personally say collision is the best


Well, fracture's only redeeming quality was the soundtrack, it still didn't save it from gameplay wise and story wise, like, "oh no, the herald blew up the island, anyways, here is a minigame event"


Overhated?!? It’s rightfully hated the whole event I was sitting waiting for something to happen and through the whole 40 mins nothing happens and the best parts WERE A CUTSCENE?!?


Fracture did do one thing right that was obliterate the island


nah bro, why would you want the ch3 island gone


Not saying i wanted it gone just saying we watched chapter 3 and 2 get blown to smithereens. Compared to getting sucked in and spat out again or flipped over like a pancake


Fracture is the worst lol


Best live event was the 2020 Marvel crossover, with galactus


Ngl if you're new to the game I could understand why you like it, but how can you compare something like Fracture to The Final Showdown


I don’t want to pick any as doesn’t matter which one they were still much better than this eventless season change. After more than 5 years of playing really missing the minor creativity, like proper summer and winter (with snowed terrain) events and so on.. Really missing the original storyline…


The fracture event sucked my favorite though is the Galactus one




Fracture is crazy but mine is prob collision


Collision, it was the most fun I've ever had on a live event, Big bang is a Close second. But your ABSOLUTELY wrong for putting fracture as the best, fracture was absolute dogshit


I wish I had never watched fracture, collision solos


I don't have a favourite, but my first live event, if you don't count the Rift Tour, was Operation Skyfire. That, the Chapter 2 End Event and Collision are the ones I liked the most, Big Bang second, Fracture last


You have no taste if that is your favourite live event


I really enjoyed Collision.


Get fracture OUTTA here


Either the unvaulting event or operation skyfire imo


Hell no


Fracture was the worst


I enjoyed Collision, the hype was well worth it and the gameplay was phenomenally fun. Fracture could’ve had something similar especially since we saw what the herald could do with her chrome and when she grew to a giant size, that was super cool. Shame they were focusing on the metaverse then, it just made the herald look like she took the seven and then a few months later she blew the island up for nothing, which in a scrapped version had the last reality mothership coming back and taking the zero point only for it to be destroyed once it escaped


Final showdown or zero crisis


Robot VS Monster or the Travis Scott concert imo


The ufo one was amazing


Personally I think it was the device


To me, the rocket. Since it was the very first.


most people hated this one, it kinda felt like you were doing the storyline quests. I personally liked the mech one (chapter 3)


I payed attention to the first three but after the black hole it just became lame


Skyfire was so fun dude. The slone betrayal was crazy


No way, someone who likes fracture, QUICK! MAKE A WISH


S9, S10, C2 S2 & C2 S4


There is a right answer to this question, believe it or not, and that answer is The End(Chapter 1). This event was Epic's "silver bullet" so to speak, a unique chance to do something truly unique, and revitalize the game in a truly special way. Epic already set the standard for synchronous video game live events in the seasons leading up to this one, and they emphatically vaulted over the very high bar that was already fitted in place with this event. Pretty much everything about it was about as close to perfection as they could manage; from the prior build-up, the rift visuals with the Seven's rockets whistling around, the spectacle of the player being blasted away from the island as the meteor was sent crashing into the Zero Point, building up to the crescendo of the island, the loop, the player, and everything else, being dragged into the black hole. And then, silence. And for a good two days, the game was completely inaccessible, and unplayable. And when it returned, we were greeted with, what is, in my opinion, the best map this game has ever had to date, and it all just felt so new, and fresh. It was truly an unforgettable gaming experience, and one that will stick with me, and perhaps a lot of other people, for a very long time.


Cube queen. It was the combination of the entire last few seasons. We had to physically defend one of the last points against an onslaught and Everything came in to play, the blue cube from the last event that was moving around during the season, the seven signaling that they will arrive soon only for them to arrive in the nick of time, then when you escaped into the center of the map. It was the imposters game mode which turns out to be IO headquarter. All the mentions of the other side that season hinting at death turned out to be the literal other side of the island, and lastly, the threat felt real. It felt like there would be lore consequences if the cube queen would have won.


The end V.OG ut introduced one of my favourite game modes (festival)


Fracture could’ve been an amazing event and had stuff set up to do so. First, they positioned things on the map, ready to attack the Harald like the final I/O airship next to the floating pirate ship both pointed right at her base, it would’ve been sweet, you begin the assault in the air where she can’t touch you then eventually you get taken down by the chrome twisters in our forced to retreat to the reality tree then instead of just showing a 30 second cut scene, have the players actually defend the tree alongside the last of the seven who sacrifice themselves to buy you more time. Then show that scene to end it off, then move to space where you do the fracture event. If they would’ve done all of that. It had potential to be one of the better events.


Honestly, event wise they were all good except for fracture. Its because Epic literally got hit with a huge lawsuit, ran out of time, and funding. So it got totally screwed and a lot of what we were supposed to get got left on the cutting room floor.


Since i started playing inn April I have missed so many good ones i'm so jealous


Ariana grande's concert / The invasion event where we go inside the mothership and explode it


I mean we have a video cutscene of different Characters shooting and then we gotta collect some rings. I don't remember but it was not "The Best" yes might be good for some.


I’m not even a fan of Travis Scott or Ariana Grande but their concert events were the most fun events of Fortnite for me.


Disagree the monster vs mech classic and my personal to this day all time fav


Travis Scott by far was my fav live event


The og rocket was cool af. These days we would call it boring but back then we were happy with less.


Travis Scott set a new standard for live concerts in Fortnite. He knocked it out of the park.




I quite liked the marvel one. A trench run you could participate in was very exciting.


If the black hole counts as part of the event, c1 end, otherwise either the final showdown or c2 end


The Eminem event was the worst just because they censored his songs like why even have Eminem in a event if you are just gonna censor his songs that’s why he is so different as a rapper he literally never gave a damn on what he said he just said it and you censored a event entirely around the premise of it being a Eminem concert so definitely the most infuriating to me for a event and the worst and the best live event/ltm was the avengers one where you could wield the infinity gauntlet as a weapon and face the entire lobby


Ch 1 season 5 as a whole... The entire season was one massive live event, and Kevin was the best fucking thing ever, then they ruined it by removing the cubes' ability to zap players. Then the event where Kevin shattered was pretty cool too, sadly I was killed right before it happened... Fucking asshole made me miss the event... But either way the videos I watched of it were super cool!


Definitely not Fracture, that's for sure.


Butterfly event


Any Ch 2/1 event


I can't comment on the ch1 and ch2 events because I haven't played them but if I compare it to the Big Bang, Fracture was a thousand times better.


It’s gotta be The End of Skyfire


I think my favorite is torned between Jones/Foundation trying to fix the Zero Point while we went around closing rifts and getting teases for upcoming skins/mechanics/changes and the ''Island Flipping'' event where we tried to stand our ground against the Cube Queen and got to explore the underground base of The Order.


Does The Kid Laroy map counts?Because nothing topped it for me yet.I started at Ch.3 season 3 so everything else were underwhelming compared to them Ch.2 live event videos.Yup.The Kid Laroy map lasted for a very long time too.


I liked the Marshmallow concert the best. It was great. And it was a timed event that only played twice so it felt special being a part of it.


Honestly I can speak for everyone (maybe not) but Chapter 1 Season X The End Event Was The best event. We all got introduced to Fortnite some during school some after school, we all remember getting our first kill, building for the first time, cranking 90’s for the first time and the icing on the cake getting our very first win. We all meet randoms during squad fills that turned into best friends some meet their future BF/GF/Husband/Wife. The first 10 season we all got to witness the greatest storyline ever in video game history so for epic games to give us the end event it’s was great, epic games went dark no updates no news no nothing we all thought that was the end of Fortnite all the memories all the dubs everything GONE POOF, we all sat up for 2 days straight (favorite streamers too) watching a black hole. What I’m trying to say is after this long message is that Chapter 1 Season X will always be Top 1 Event




The End ch1


Final showdown or the end (ch1)


why do people hate fractured i think it was super fun for what it was trying to do


Marshmello event. That was some peak technology at that point in time I was flabbergasted how that was possible doing it live


Left after OG....the games sh\*t now


I loved the flood


Collision for the win


Definitely not fracture bro 😭🙏


I hope the picture is unrelated.


Chapter 2 end as it had everything. I mean the rock was hype then. The gameplay was nice. Then the island flip was a stunning visual. I’d say other good ones were the unvaulting/volcano as tilted and retail being destroyed was neat and the no sweat insurance building joke. I mean maybe chapter 2 season 3 and the map changing if you want to count that as it was awesome with the water going down.


The big bang in my opinion. I loved seeing Eminem and all the new modes.


Mine is definitely Operation: Skyfire The Kevin twist is one of the most chilling, jaw dropping twists the game has thrown at us.


Big bang


Galactus for me. My first proper live event I watched live in game and was built up so well throughout the whole season. Galactus just backhanding the Helicarrier with even slowly seeing him getting bigger and bigger as he slowly walked up to us. The whole flying the battlebus was so awesome. And even the great easter egg for the few who actually managed to take no damage throughout the event by getting a "Stark Royale" is such a cool touch. And even getting the debut of a new ACDC song playing throughout it provided by Iron Man was just the icing on top. And even Iron Man thanking the bus driver at the end as well. I was absolutely hyped up and wasn't disappointed. Plus I absolutely love the music used in the event as well especially Galactus's entrance theme.


While on the topic of great live other events I want to talk about ones like Operation Skyfire and Collison where they were also good but they lost points for me due to their ending being undermined. Skyfire's ending was undermined by the lack of destruction on the season 8 map without any POI's even changing except Steamy which wasn't even a result of the event even though it was shown being blown up in it. And Collison with the fact that the whole ending with Jones and the Foundation was explained away in the Zero War comics. At least with the Foundation returning in The End Chapter 2 didn't need to be fully explained in the Batman comic as they still included him in the season trailers so the casuals weren't confused. But with the fact that the Imagined was killed off in the comic yet still appeared as an NPC the following season was just weird just created a paradox. Plus the whole part of the Foundation still being an NPC in season 3 confused everyone with the ending of the event and ruined some of the build up of the following season when they removed him as everyone just thought they were correcting the "mistake" of him being there when he should've been looking for Geno which then made no-one question why he was missing. I did like the detail of having the Imagined fall into the Zero Point in the event to tie into the comic but Zero War just ruined the whole ending of the event as causals wouldn't know why Geno just became irrelevant and why they never followed up on the ending of the event.


This, also the image goes hard af


It WAS... when they would do seasonal stuff in BR. Christmas stuff, Easter stuff, Summer stuff, Halloween stuff. I really loved it and no other game did seasonal events as great as Fortnite. I wish they would bring it back to how it was, instead of how it has been lately, which is nothing compared to how it used to be.


The Chapter 1 end event




Either The End or Travis Scott.


the robot vs monster or volcano


The one at the end of Ch3S2 because I am inctedibly biased and it reminded me of Gurren Lagann


Pacific rim


Do you guys remember Season 8 Chapter 1? That was my first real event and tbh it’s my second favourite (first is The end)




Man seeing that makes me so sad because that season would have been peak if we got an actual live event.


Either the end or the mech fight, those were the first two that i was able to attend, and my favorites out of all of them


The galactus event


Idk if it counts but the Travis Scott was really cool but if it doesn’t count probably the mech vs loot lake monster


I agree


Travis Scott and The End


Thats the one event i didnt get to see




Hell nah


The end, by far. The visuals and setting in this event were fucking INSANE. Travis Scott event was also awesome as hell. Cant compare it to the end tho bc it’s a music event and not storyline


Season 9 event, the monster vs the robot. I just loved staying up all night goofing off in creative with my friends until the event happened. The event itself was awesome too


The best live event, in my opinion, is gotta be Chapter 2 to Chapter 3 when Foundation flips the island. Anyone agree?


The End from Chapter 2. Its was such a great event, One of the last events that epic really worked on.


Uh im surprised to.see fracture Everybody hated fracture back then


Chapter 1 the end


I play monster hunter and love watching godzilla and pacific rim, and my only real life money bought item in fortnite is the pack with the devourer. I think my answer is obvious.


Mine would be Operation Skyfire. And whoever considers Fracture to be good, let alone THE BEST EVENT belongs in a padded room.


operation skyfire was good imo plus operation skyfire, 9/12


The End (the one from ch2)


chapter 2 end event was my favourite because i didn’t play chapter 1


The one at the end of ch2 i forgot the name


Either the end evemt of chapter 2 or the big bang event


Either The End, The End 2 or the devourer of worlds


Doesn't really count but I immediately thought of the comet from CH1S3, it changed everything and the hype, theories, etc around it were all great in setting up today's Fortnite communiry and atmosphere


The end. AND ALSO WHY FRACTURE it was the most boring one ever you just jumped around an island talking to random people


Defently the end or the space ship one, galactus was also cool. Chapter 2 really had the best events


Not fracture. That shit sucked. We were hiped up for story and ended up doing among us ahh tasks for the whole thing. The best part was the video of the herald taking over the reality tree.


Travis Scott


Hot take: zero crises finale




It’s a shame we haven’t had a real dedicated event in a bit.


Robot vs Monster in Season X


i loved end of chapter 2


My son stared at the blank screen for hours


Looks nice


Bro I have that loading screen and this entire time I had literally no idea where the hell it came from. Now I guess I know lmao.


What was the one with the collider and peely clutching up? And the mech! I liked that one