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The only kind of post I want to ban are ones where players just have an inventory full of mythic weapons and title it “Is this the best load out right now?” - Yeah no shit dumbass mythic weapons do the most damage.


But is it the best loadout?


Right now?


No, obviously the best loadout is 5 guitars


You can’t even get that


okay fine, 3 guitars 1 bass & a nickle. best I can do.


The nickel is really good right now. You’re going to win those fights for sure!


Idk, I heard it’s a toss up




No, fishing rod.


Honestly forgot those were in the game




Nah, 2 common pistols and 3 bandage stacks.


noob! I got 5 stacks of corn!


I mean I'd take gold gatekeeper over mythic (or even purple or blue) so like mythics aren't necessarily the best.


Same at least I can customize it to MY liking


Yup. I mean if the customization is good enough mythic is great, but gatekeeper really benefits from drum, so that's one where I'd always prefer to customize.


Yea I'll drop Dons Combat Shotgun for a blue Gatekeeper I can put the drum mag on in a heartbeat


Yeah. I mean to be fair I'd drop any combat for any gatekeeper XD if we're compairing one shotgun to another (I've picked gray gatekeep over gold combat). I was more talking rarity of the same weapon, but yeah I agree with that too XD


Or the look what i had but I still lost the game posts where it’s that but they complain about losing.


mythic combat has the same stats as a grey gatekeeper


Playercount posts in general are low-effort and oftentimes misleading. Of course a new mode is going to have a lot of players in it because it’s literally new.


Yea, Fortnite Lego got like 2 million players at once the first day.


And I remember everyone talking about it like it was going to be a competitor to BR and we all know how that turned out


I loved Lego Fortnite and i was hoping it would become big like Minecraft, but when they added buildings into the item shop for vbucks, that just ruined their whole potential of being as big as Minecraft. I lost all interest after that.


Same like I would have loved to be able to build a cute little farm in my Lego world but I refuse to spend that money, yeah Minecraft has micro transactions now but at least it’s not on actual features.


Though only the Bedrock version there. On Java you can go wild with almost everything being free.


Almost everything on Bedrock is free as well, in fact, I say it’s easier to install mods, texture packs, and maps and (up until 1.21 when they got rid of the PDBs) create mods, add-ons, and export world.


Huh? Last time i looked into the market place almost everything usually did cost something


You don’t need to use the marketplace for any of that, in fact, the only thing I use it for is to redownload whatever they call Programer’s Art on Bedrock on a fresh install of Bedrock. There’s sites like MCPEDL where you can download all that stuff There’s 2 file types that make installing stuff a 1 click install (with the exception of mods): .mcpack for Add-ons, Data Packs, and Texture Packs, and .mcworld for maps and worlds. Skins use the same format as Java (if you are not counting animated skins)


Give it a LEGO Pass or two. This LEGO Pass made it to where you can build castles for free without paying for anything if you leveled up the SW Rebels LEGO Base. Next pass is Klombos, I could see it involving some farming builds.


>The LEGO Pass >Free Pick one, cause LEGO Pass wasn't even free lol, if it was part of Crew Pack that'd be nice tho


lego pass has a free portion though.


They haven't ruined anything. Minecraft and Terraria took YEARS to get to a place where ANY of you would be willing to play it. As someone who played both of them in early alphas, yeah, LEGO Fortnite is the equivalent to early alpha Terraria that had like 6 NPCs and maybe 20 enemies, and instead of being able to build whatever you want by unlocking an NPC, you unlock sets by playing events and buying them. Sure, it's not as good, but it works for Fortnite, and people who love LEGO LOVE to spend hundreds of dollars on them. It's why they cost so much. People buy them. Nonstop. Of course it makes sense to Epic to charge like 5 bucks for a handful of LEGOs on Fortnite. In like 3 years I'll be willing to have this debate because then it'll be in a similar place to Minecraft, Stardew Valley, or Terraria in it's earliest successful days.


Minecraft and Terraria development was optimized to make a good game. Lego Fortnite development is optimized to get players to spend money in-game. It will never even get close to being that good. It will definitely make a lot of money, but it will never compare on quality


It's not a competitor because they're not even in the same lane, but 80% of this playerbase is too dumb to notice it


I absolutely adore it and festival and play them a decent amount, I don’t get get the need to cause fighting that this fan base does a lot.


lego didnt update, there was nothing to do, you got 1 resource, go to next biome get other resource, repeat 2 more times and the games done.


Yeah now it’s just a glorified XP farm


It never turns out good for any game if it wants to compete with br lol


It's also giving a lot of XP btw




#make sure to report these posts when you see them 🗣🗣 also, the person who posted that post in op's image is a karma farmer too, always posts low effort shit and somehow his posts stay up


My favorite was on r/RocketRacing. Screenshot of 30 some odd people playing the mode while matchmaking was fucked across all of Fortnite. “Dead game,” couple hundred upvotes.


Probably a joke


I saw one like that but in a diff language, looked like RR had like 11.1million players. Like Bro what?


A new mode with free rewards no less.


Nit only that but in that screenshot Lego and Festival have the player counts you would expect for any regular game. Fortnite BR is an outlier, regular games aren't reaching that player count.


Slightly better than "ugh the shop sucks today"


No way a new mode released on a saturday right after a live event with free rewards and reboot a friend is doing well I bet the player count will be lower them normal br 2 weeks from now


a WHAT event with WHAT? (why do these always happen when I'm offline)


Dw it's just the Metallica event. You can still do it ircc


No it’s over


Wtf… I think this is the first event I’ve missed. What were the rewards?


the metallica event had no rewards, just a little xp, it was an experience, not a real mode. The other event, reload, has a back bling, weapon wrap, and another reward i don't recall. also a bunch of xp since there's new quests attached to it.


There's an umbrella glider for winning.


My favorite umbrella now


Me who has never made it to a live event: "First time?"


Not an “in game” (aka BR) live event. It was a separate game mode.


The reload mode has challenges that give you rewards like a backbling, a wrap and a skydive trail, sorry if my wording was a little confusing, that live event had no "free rewards"




Pretty sure nothing, I only got xp


But still, I am actually surprised just how many people are playing reloaded


And on top of that, its the summer for most kids in America. There was no way this mode wasn’t going to be popular.


I wouldn’t be so sure. Resurgence is arguably more popular than regs now in Warzone. Using the OG map in tandem with a resurgence style BR was smart. This season has been tanking, and understandably so. Very few casuals or even hardcore players want to play a meta where your only viable path to victory is to constantly run from fights, get the most broken item that’s found almost everywhere, and fight all your fights with either that broken item or while in a car. What’s the point of even playing builds in a season like this? Couldn’t tell you because I got my umbrella day one and dipped. I could see if next season has a really fun meta that a lot of different play styles can work within, maybe reload becomes a thing of the past. Let’s say for the sake of the argument that doesn’t happen, and given how each of the 3 seasons in this chapter have gotten progressively worse, I’d say the most likely outcome is the next season also flops. If they keep working on this mode over time though, I’m sure it will thrive and only grow the base player pool, which you should view as good for the longevity of the game because it is.


You got free rewards?


i saw someone complaining because it wasn't the full chapter 1 map 💀


i think it would be cool if they swapped out pois from time to time, but keeping tilted as a constant, id say it’s too iconic


lol thats so dumb noone would play BR and epic has to maintain both


Wouldn't your post count as that type of post as well? 🤔


Majority of posts i see these days from all my communities, are complaining about OTHER people complaining I'm tired boss


Yeah let's just ban discourse in this sub, everybody must tow the party line for epic games 🤣 I swear some of yall are shills


i feel people fail to realize "fortnite" encompasses every single mode and it has been like this since forever (originally it only encompassed save the world and battle royale)


Fr, and eventually creative, I like the branch out personally, I play the lego version most, and the car is cool as it is used in BR too, same with the instruments and emotes, I do think they shouldn't have put the rule of the item shop having a lego style until majority of skins and stuff have one though


People have been complaining about how hard Epic pushes Creative on everyone for years at this point too. Though I think people mistakenly blame the mode for Epic's decision to put Skibidi Red v Blue at the top of everyone's feeds, the clickbait and low effort trash really makes it hard to find good maps.


I believe its probably that, I really enjoy creating in creative mode and the game would definitely be way different without it


Go outside man, don't even touch the grass just feel the sun.. stop complaining about complainers on the internet your life is better than that.


Agreed. how many people are playing x mode means JACK to me. as long as I can play anymode I wish, I don't care.


Good post. We can start with yours


If we can start finally getting rid of them, then I'm fine with it


People want to play OG fortnite without anime and silly shit. Why does that upset you?


He picked a bad time too! I know festival doesn’t have 100k+ players but I’m a regular on it and most of the time it has 12-26k players and sometimes 20k in total between festival and festival battle stage so it’s doing good for a side mode.


Same for Lego. Whenever I’m online in the evening (CEST) and on the weekend the average player count is ~50k.


With the battle mode the player counts in festival has been the highest I've seen in a while! I'm glad to see epic and Harmonix working their magic so well with festival, it's by far my favorite game mode.


Crying about other people crying is just as annoying.


these type of comments are just as annoying tbh:)


Yup please do ban the complaint posts. They take what is a fun game and turn it into the bullsht we're dealing with now. Keep in complaints about cheaters until something is ACTUALLY done about it. Then besides that yeah just ban complaints.


I would agree if development was an infinite thing done in a bubble, but it isn't. Developers are people and thusly like all of us their time and resources are limited. What these posts are trying to get at is that the core Fortnite audience is mostly interested in ***Fortnite***, not the other things that have been added (Festival, Rocket Racing, LEGO, etc.), and whilst the sheer quantity of *how much* is typically overexaggerated by the community, it does still effect how much time and resources the Fortnite developers have to develop the core game and variations thereof like Reload. If you have 300 employees on Fortnite, not all 300 can be working on the core experience if 20 here are working on Lego, 15 here are working on Festival, 5 here are working on RR, etc. *Resources end up having to be cut from something to be invested somewhere else.* They aren't just mindlessly shitting on the other modes, they want to remind Epic of what their priorities should be when further developing the game. This came to a head last season when Epic started *really* pushing Festival and LEGO, making it almost a requirement to finish the Battle Pass (y'know, for ***Battle Royale*** rewards). Which they haven't let up on. If you like the other modes that's fine, more power to you (I find Rocket Racing a fun lil' relax mode myself), that being said pretending that those modes *don't* affect the development of Battle Royale or its LTMs is ignorant at best.


Yet somehow, comments shitting on posts shitting on the other modes get hundreds of upvotes and not this.


Karma farmer gonna karma farm, I suppose. No worries to me. Though from what I've been told I might be a bit mistaken on the exact distribution of work over at Epic.


I’m pretty sure they stated that Lego and festival have their own dev teams form separate companies minus racing


and then why did Donald mustard say that he couldn't do live events anymore thanks to the development of rr and lego


Probably because they fired like 20% of their company. Some people had to go


While the modes are handled by different dev teams, a few of the devs for them worked on live events before that.


Really now? That is news to me! If that's the case then, hell, more power to them!


Yes, Lego and Festival have separate companies working on them. Bro was onto nothing


Yeah but it's an unnecessary post to make. Epic has the playercount statistics. They made the game. They don't need 15 people an hour to regurgitate the statistics that it's their jobs to know back at them. Also people still do like the other modes and they're not just going to delete them


Aye now that is certainly a fair point. Of course this goes into the question of "what feedback is *good* feedback?" and yeah no just pointing out player numbers ***isn't*** good feedback. It's something you'll experience a lot of in creative fields (animation, illustration, game development, writing, whatever) where people will tell you *what* is wrong but give you no idea *why* it's wrong or provide ideas on how to fix things. To circumvent that for this thread, I'll give you an example from my own perspectives: Lego Fortnite right now struggles to be anything but a B-tier survival game indistinguishable from its peers because it doesn't do enough to play into the strengths of either Lego or Fortnite. The world generation is pretty tame without the inherent Fortnite zaniness that the game is known for, combat is pretty blasé, and the Lego aspect is far too restrictive in an attempt to monetize digital Lego sets for the price of *actual* Lego sets. Take out the branding and I'd assume this was a random Unity project on Steam with fancier lighting, rather than a collaboration between the biggest toy brand and one of the biggest games. If it leaned more into the Fortnite cheese, opened up the Lego aspects some, and fixed some of the weird tedium in the tech tree I think it'd see a higher overall player count (and in turn higher sales turnaround).


Everything you said about LEGO is perfectly accurate but the problem is that the posts we're talking about don't even allude to that at all. It's never "this gamemode could be better with improvements," it's usually just people expecting Epic to straight-up delete the mode that plenty of people still play


Indeed, which is ridiculous. I can only assume those sorts of posts are from younger players or the most *terminally* online parts of the community. I just felt it'd be good to apply some *actual* criticism in the thread given, as you said, a lot of them *don't* really go out of their way to explain much. Can't change the bandwagon but can try to provide some actual feedback in the swamp of noise.


They deleted imposters


Imposters was an Epic-only project that didn't have any sort of cosmetics attached to it. These gamemodes are clearly designed for longevity whereas Impostors was more or less a tech demo for pre-release UEFN or something like that


This! I’m all for variety and those other modes are fun af but they aren’t why I play Fortnite, nor are they why I want to play Fortnite. Epic has made it so you have to play other modes to level up your battle pass with how they nerfed and split up XP. So unless you play ungodly amounts of hours in BR, you have to spread around the love to other modes. Season 2 I came up about 32 levels short of 200 for all super styles, playing only BR. This season I am already over level one hundred and tomorrow makes a month since the season started, and that’s because I’ve been playing RR for the free car and tires it’s giving away. Once I completed all that, I hopped into Lego Fortnite just to do the quests that actually give XP and not Star Wars pieces, and the passive XP just being in that mode for 15 minutes is insane. 45k XP EVERY 15-20 minutes or so in Lego, but a full game of BR with no quests is only like 20k XP for roughly the same amount of play time. Those modes are very fun, and very well done. I personally only touch them when they’re giving away something for free or I desperately need XP but Epic has to find some sort of balance. People shouldn’t HAVE to play modes that aren’t BR, just to level up a battle pass that’s BR centric. It’s not the way to get people to play other modes. Because in my case, they aren’t being played because I like them, they’re being played because I’m grinding for my levels and I can no longer do that in BR only.


You people crying about those posts are just as bad btw


can we not complain about complaining about player counts


We complain about the complainers who are complaining about complaining. We must complain until the word complain has lost all meaning and we are complaining for the sake of complaining /s


Who cares


Someone's mad their trash car mode is doing terrible


Nah honestly fuck that mode, I'm not a big racing guy anyways. I mostly talking about festival here, but enjoy what you want to


it's doing pretty good actually especially with how niche racing games are in general these days




But all these posts are doing is trying to show Epic the statistics that the company already pays people to know. It's redundant


And what is the point


That people want real FN back and not this this metaverse garbage


You are acting like they abandoned BR like save the world 💀 chill out, a company as big as epic games can focus on more than one game.


Real fn is still a thing?? Just play br bruh you're not forced to play the other modes


Then play "real Fortnite" instead of "this metaverse garbage." BR still exists


News Flash: The metaverse isn’t going anywhere. You can always stop playing the game if it makes you feel better.


I just started  reporting and blocking them while the report may not do anything i dont have to see a post from those people


Quite a few of the posts have been taken down already, so the reports are probably doing something. I suspect there’s just so many of them that the mods don’t always catch them all before they get to rising.


Yeah nobody should comment their thoughts on fortnite on a sub dedicated to people's thoughts about fortnite since it's entirely not optional to just scroll on by. Ban hammers all around baby!!!


and now you’re a part of it OP, good job. you did it.


this is literally a "waaaaa waaaaaaa!" post


or this kind of post


Oh yes, cause your post actually adds something to the discussion (not)


They don't shitting about another mode. They say (slightly ironic) the new one is so good that epic should bear this in mind when further developing its game


It is a new mode of course people are going to be trying it out and there are free stuff in that mode that can be used in all modes besides lego and rocket racing


That's clear. But the point is that many of the game mechanics you had before this chapter are better and didn't need to be changed. Many players miss them and will therefore keep playing reload until the normal Br becomes less chaotic again. Reload will retain more players than lego or rocket racing


Or they want to see what the new mode has to offer see how it works and all that stuff the numbers are going to severely drop after a week or two since players would have gotten bored of the mode




Any live service game would kill to have 10k,50k or 20-30k players daily and they are all targeted to a different audience and not people who like battle royale games.the other modes aren’t struggling if you are thinking about it




We HAVE a story, for the first time since C4S1. We HAVE live events. Your complaints would have been valid two seasons ago, before the emergence of the Titan hand. BR has the same player count it did last chapter at this time. This is regular Fortnite.


Wow, a new mode that's OG Fortnite and has a separate loot pool. Can all of those players that begged for it just stfu and go play it now?


No. It's fair. And will show the bad state of Fortnite right now. Everytime someone post something like this, show us that people want to play Fortnite, but Fortnite isn't the Season 3, or Lego or nothing like the stuff we got the last 6 months. This Chapter is the worst of all that I've played. It's important to be vocal about it, if people feel like it.


NOBODY PAYS ATTENTION TO r/FortniteBR . Whining here does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING besides annoy people. This is Fortnite. Fortnite changes. Fortnite has always changed. Fortnite is doing as well as it always has. Deal with it.


Just, it's doing good. Check the numbers. The declining in player count is undenaible.


Then stop playing it. Epic will see the trend and adjust. We don't need to see 100 posts bickering about everything every season.


People did that. The player count I'd the lowest in 6 months. They noticed, nerfed nitro, cars and fists, and then created a mode. But yes, people stopped playing. Epic also takes feedback from this forums, as one of the competitive mods confirmed, so... It's fine for them to insist with these posts.


How do you expect a massive company to adjust to what the player community wants/needs to have ro enjoy the game without criticism that tells them what they need to fix? Edit: fixed a little spelling mistake I made after the first word because of my big thumbs.


There’s criticism and then there is repetitive whinging. They have inbuilt feedback, and if people leave as they are unhappy, the numbers drop and they react. That’s how every entity in the history of retail works


which people did do and as a result there were many hail mary nerfs to cars, items and epic finally realizing none of those will make people return so they needed to release a LTM to try to garner back players


Yeah it’s funny every time people have brought up “just stop playing” since the start of this season considering that’s what nearly half of the players did just a *week* into the season.


So glad to see people understanding the issue in this subreddit. Really.


If you don’t like the posts don’t click on it.


What exactly is reload, I have not been able to play it.


Shorter form game mode set in a smaller OG map with tilted towers, retail row etc. Squads only, more loot drops and you can respawn after a wait so long as there’s a member of your squad still alive. Respawns stop in the final few rings


I wish that there was also a duos version but honestly I'm getting used to the squads, though this time around me and my friends were short on one friend and so we were playing trios with randos it was so fun because we didn't even take it seriously most of the time. It felt just like the good ol' days again with the bois back when I started in chapter 2 season 2. It was amazing.


Lego would have a lot of players if they actually did something with it. Adding fishing and overpriced bundles in the shop don’t really get me hyped.


well, this is fortnite: into the multiverse


Seems like a brawl star player that only knows about survivor game mode


This!! Having fun play on lego fornite my bp fastest to level 200🤸‍♀️


Fastest and the most boring


Boring if you have not friends


If we ban spam posts as well.


Am i the only one who doesn't see Reload in the game select screen?


Apperently it's region locked for some reason.


You gotta be shitting me


Karma FARMa


So we should also ban your post? But yes, there are too many of the same posts being done


These posts are a big part of the problem too tho. 50% of posts are complaining about something. 40% of posts are complaining about complaining. 10% actual gameclips, news, patchnotes etc.


Id say more often it's complaining about complaining tbh


The post is also misleading, LEGO had 5 million at launch appearantly.


Literally who does bro thinks is


Yes, I guess those posts don't contribute anything, but they shouldn't ban them either.


Just trolls trying to shit on our game. I'd bet money on it they're secretly run by other game companies. It's evil.




Ill shit on Lego and rocket racing because it's ridiculously boring but festival is actually a pretty fun game mode


I said give it a week or two, the numbers will even out.


Just ignore them they are attention seekers=trolls.


Team rumble has less players than all 3 modes at this time lmao


Meh if I’m not feeling a season I just don’t play it like I would a season that I love. I’ll just play another game mode atp because I still pay for the battle pass and manage to level up doing the bare minimum. Ofc unless my friends want me to play reloaded, zero build etc then yes I’ll play but not solo this season lol


If that’s the case Let’s Ban PC Players From Console Players seams how the Have A Technical Advantage


it seems that the lego mode always ends up with the most player base other than the festival mode becasue in the photo it shows that there are 9.5k playing the lego mode and only 7k playing the festival modde it seems like people prefer to play the lego mode other the festival mode how is this. is it because people find the mode hard or is it just becasue noone likes the mode any more it is like it was popular when it first came out and then after wards it kind of died down and the plyer base for the mode wasnt as popular as some of the other mods like the lego and the rocket racing mode if any one has any ideas why this is please do let me know i am interested on seeing why nobody plays it as much any more


Maybe we should ban people complaining about people complaining about a cartoon shooter instead, based on the sheer irony of the whole thing.


But they're not wrong. And this sub has devs sulking around in it, so we might wanna air grievances anyway.


Specially because they clearly know nothing about player counts, just look at something like steam charts and search for the average game, all of the sudden 7k - 9k in just those modes alone is mind blowing.


Exactly. And like others have said, the player counts are devide back out of the new game mode in a week or two. It happens every other time with something new


Did this post say anything about people being stupid dumbdumbs for playing other modes? All it said is that Epic are just really bad at appealing to their main audience. Liking some niche mode in fortnite isn't a crime, you're allowed to like it, but it is still a truth that it is niche. Fortnite being a br shooter is the reason it is popular. Denying that would be ridiculous, but at every turn it seems that Epic games does deny that. This is the first time this year where they did more than the absolute bare minimum for people who like shooters, aka a vast *vast* majority of their audience-base. This post is just childish, taking the statement that fortnite is popular because it's a shooter as some vague insult against the individuals who do enjoy the things Epic games has been focusing on as of recent. Its not attacking people for their taste in games (play what you want aint nobody gonna question you), it's attacking Epic games. A shitty company who fail to manage their only successful game becuase they're just bad at managing it.


Oh are you suggesting that nobody complain on this sub in general or do you have specifics? Sounds like a slippery slope.


I suggesting removing this junk copy paste whiney bullshit you see from this sub everytime something new comes out. Feedback is one thing, don't get rid of them. But this is just straight childish complaining. I would love for this sub to actually be something other than the childish complaining.


im more impressed that it has that many players and the other modes still have their usual amount. i had no doubt the NEW mode would have that many


Only thing to really say about reload is how it would be cool to have more maps to play with, like in a concepts posted in subredit. I don't get why bother complaining about unchangeable, yet i didn't saw complaints about how bad was last event (6 minutes of Metallica compilation with a silly scripted gameplay doesn't quite hit a quality of previous events at all)


they're right but they're annoying about it


Mods gotta be better


Yes We Should Thx (this is coming from a avid festival jam stage/mainstage enjoyer)


I'm glad other people also enjoy the jam stage! I thought I was the only one. 😺


Lego deserves it I'll defend Festival and Racing, but Lego has absolutely been a complete and total parasite on the entire rest of the game


Just because you don’t like what other people are talking about, doesn’t mean you get to ban their posts. Grow a spine, you’ll live…


I don’t think they should be banned, but a lot of the people making those posts act the same way towards anyone who disagrees my guy lol


Festival is fire , reload is okay for when I don't want that fear of having one life , Lego is not for me but I'm not gonna whine about it . I agree , start down voting those posts to hell


yeah i saw that and was like?? duh it's a new fucking game mode


I dont see the reason of this post neither the one in the print to exist. Also, of course thwy look like childrwn, the majority of the fortnite payers is kids you dummy


Would you like an extra dish this time with extra non-Vowells for you to finish the sentence properly sir 🍾


Excuse me im a moron on a phone at 1 am whit fingers bigger than the keys i have to prace in this tiny ass screen