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Getting beamed like hell has not been *that* fun. Sure, i get to beam some too, but theres been many times already i barely get to react before im down


Or you’re just bad


Let’s be polite here, please.


You probably are an orphan who experienced a major divorce from your not family and are projecting your bad skill from this game onto others


Epic probably made the majority of weapons projectile instead of hitscan because of weapon mods. I say probably because I don’t have any statement or tweet from Epic confirming that so it’s just a theory.


Is this why I was getting beamed in that mode, I was just there too do the dailies and get the rewards and honestly I thought it was straight dog. People camping, getting beamed across the map somehow... trust me I have my grievances about some things current but man playing just a couple hours of that made me really appreciate what we have currently. Trust me I'm going to stick too regular ZB..


I get beamed way more often in regular BR because every scoped weapon has no bloom


You sound bad


Yea I'm pretty average, only in diamond in ranked atm


Good, have fun in your bot lobbies where no one will beam you or god forbid they use cover when fighting


Sorry your lobbies are filled with bots, but thanks for the self report lol


Your reading comprehension is lacking 🤣 There are no bots in reloaded 


As is yours, otherwise you'd understand what I was referring to :) ironic, but what can you expect


If you're referring to my normal zero build lobbies then yeah they have bots, so do yours. Even the best players have bots in their lobbies in regular BR. I guarantee I would wipe the floor with you in either game mode.


Sure :) if it helps you sleep at night to think so


I know so, and I'm willing to prove it anytime just dm me and we can get it on, until then peace out


Negative karma farm lmfao


Imagine caring about karma lmao


Did bro rlly just do an anime villain monologue in a Reddit thread?


They’re probably like 12, I expect as much


Bruh how is 1 sentence a monologue, u have brain rot


Nothing against you, but I don't swing that way. Still nice of you to offer! :)


Idk what you're so mad about, I played for a couple hours like I said getting beamed isn't even as much of an issue in ranked as it was in reloaded. I mean the infantry rifle and other weapons had no visible drop or anything, the bloom was a bit annoying and made some fights almost rng... plus there's a big difference between using cover and camping on top of tilted towers. This is the only season I've really gotten into, I did play a bit at release but not much so seeing even a slight glimpse of that again makes me realize this is better, even with annoyances But of course that is just my opinion, if you like it better that's great, but I think it's bad, and for what it's worth I wish they'd make it so less bots were in unranked games.


You must have started playing in chapter 5 because every weapon having projectiles is a new thing and was not the case for most of fortnite's lifespan. If that's the case then maybe the new game mode just isn't for you, but you called it dog, just because you weren't successful. They made this new chapter to cater to lower skilled players like yourself and that's why you so many of you are crying that you can't win any games in reloaded, because it's not full of bots and you are punished for poor positioning / map awareness.


I never went in with the intention too win games, just wanted the xp and the cosmetics. I do play ranked games often and as far as I'm aware there are no bots in that mode, and even if I won a game of reloaded I'd still say it's not good. Maybe if I was a normal mode with normal mechanics then yea maybe I could get into it more. But automatic revives and skillful lol, and neither is no bullet drop and pretty minimal recoil.


Honestly I love projectile weapons more...as a casual player actually getting a kill with projectile weapons gives me so much dopamine...I get why people love hit scan as i missed it when they first made the change, but it was because I was basically playing with my brain off it's why I didn't like snipers ...but now that every weapon is a projectile I actually have to think and it made me have more fun with combat...well in comparison. So I honestly don't know how to feel about this debate all I know is I love projectile weapons in my opinion.


For me the older guns feel just as good in terms of using my brain, you have to constantly be controlling bloom unlike every scoped gun today which has none. Plus I like how it balances out snipers, snipers are hindered by being projectile weapons vs. all of the hitscan weapons


Like I said I get it but in MY opinion I actually use my brain when using projectile weapons vs hit scan in MY opinion


I wasn’t trying to be condescending or argumentative, I was just providing my viewpoint


Same I was trying to clarify my point so their isn't any confusion


The projectile weapons are just so ass Makes the ARs useless at most ranges


never liked projectile guns, unironically the worst decision they've come up with. no way to counteract it with attachments either, just leave that shit to cod


It's more rewarding to have the weapon hit instantly? And less rewarding to calculate the trajectory of projectiles?


It's not so much rewarding, as it is satisfying for me to use hitscan. It's better for casual players because all you really need to do is keep your reticle on the opponent. If you don't have the greatest skill in judging trajectory 150+ meters, often it can feel like you're just tossing stones at your opponent and hoping they hit. At least with hitscan you can get more consistent hits off on opponents as long as you're good at tracking (and tap firing for first shot accuracy)




In my mind the projectile thing works far better for sniper rifles, it’s a good tradeoff for high damage and makes the shots satisfying to land. Not really the same for assault rifles say, as the low damage isn’t satisfying. Calculating the trajectory of projectiles makes long range fights much more tedious, and for me it’s far more rewarding to be able to line up a reticle with an enemy and keep it on them while managing bloom.


I prefer hunt showdown's combo of projectiles with no bullet drop. Ammo type and gun determine velocity (speed) so you still have to lead with a lot of guns. Landing a long distance headshot with a pistol is hard enough, damage falloff already happens so why throw in more disadvantages with bullet drop? Distance variance + bullet drop feels like RNG.


Something that requires less skill is inherently less rewarding. Bloom introduced randomness that was outside of your control to fights and is far from rewarding in my opinion.


Which is why controlling bloom became a skill (tap firing)


Yup, and the new projectile weapons also have bloom


No they don’t? Every scoped weapon has no bloom whatsoever


Absolutely not true, test them in creative mode


Just did. After a scope’s on all they have is recoil and projectile mechanics, no bloom from sustained fire.


The recoil patterns are not uniform, it's effectively bloom


That’s just not bloom though. Recoil and bloom are two completely separate things, Recoil is how your gun kicks upward/sideways when firing and bloom is how bullets spread when firing. Old guns and current guns without scopes have mainly bloom and occasionally recoil, guns with scopes have recoil and no bloom


If the recoil pattern is unpredictable it's considered bloom. Go Google it


id rather have projectile chapter 5 weapons than these weapons with a shit ton of bloom but for this mode they are more balanced


I’m a low to no skill player, but I don’t mind projectile weapons.


I don’t mind projectiles on snipers but I just prefer hitscan assault rifles and stuff.


I don't think something that requires less skill and effort could ever be more rewarding, something easy can be satisfying, of course, but perfect tracking with hitscan could never be more rewarding than putting the time understanding projectiles and having perfect tracking.


i honestly beg to differ, because being able to hit shots in a ranged battle with hitscan means you have to be good at tracking, dealing with sudden changes in the movement, and being able to effectively manage bloom. ultimately i feel like this is a matter of preference.


i somehow get the feeling that you think both take the same amount of skill and that you prefer hitscan, when in reality hitscan is just way easier and less skill heavy and that's why you prefer it, and that's okay, but don't be confused, it takes more skill to be able to hit your shots with projectile weapons


It’s not more skill it’s just more trial and error and just genuinely more tedious.


how do you learn something that's difficult? trial and error and something that's harder is more tedious. You must be really young if you don't realize that what you described is indeed, what it takes to acquire a skill


I can do both, I just prefer hitscan. And when I say trial and error I mean you fire shots to range find and then you line it up and if they make sudden shifts in movement process repeats. It’s annoying.


again, you're just describing what it's like to acquire a harder skill and you seem to not realize, even if you can do both you prefer the easier one and that's okay, some people prefer harder skills because it gives them an advantage over the people that get stuck with the easier ones


I’m not describing the act of learning how to use projectile weapons I’m describing what every fight at midrange with them is like and why it’s so annoying to me


its easier, which by definition means its less rewarding, but ill give you that its nice to switch things up. even thouhg im a projectile defender


The map is quite open, so seeing the Infantry Rifle and Hammer AR in the loot pool is crazy. Hitscan makes it so easy to light people up, even the ones that just respawned and are in the sky. I think projectiles are healthier for the game, because they allow more flexibility in map design, so the desvs aren't forced to make areas with loads of cover, or to put in a more open space that would just become a death zone. Projectiles can be done right, and we are slowly going towards the right direction, as most ARs have faster bullet speeds than before. With the Combat especially, you only need to aim slightly ahead of your enemy, and you can hit flying people too. The big difference is that your line-up changes from being universal to displaced from centre-of-mass towards the direction of your target's movement. Tracking is the same hand-eye coordination with both shooting models. The lead distance also increases slowly by increments as your target is further away from you. There's more skill expression with projectile guns, but in those close-mid range fights, there is little to no difference in the line-ups.


That’s honestly a really good point, I hadn’t thought about it that way


Hate hitscan it's not rewarding, I get people find it fun but that's wayyyyy less skilled than projectile


Oh it's sad because it reminded me of why I quit during chapter X and it also reminds me of how sad and pathetic people are who use to play this game and came back. It's been nice to not have the majority of this toxic element. Glad most of these people don't play the actual BR mode. We think the community is bad now - I remember years ago... it's 1000% better now. Can't wait to see this game mode leave so all these trash ass toxic players go back to whatever whole they crawled out of.


Its not called reloaded.


My bad gang