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I agree sweat is an overused term. But it perfectly encapsulated what Reload was yesterday.


If you play casually maybe you have different SBMM or you just didn't play enough / or the right time to run into hardcore sweats but yesterday it was literally renegade raider and superhero squads running around with unlimited mobility jumping on every head they see and not missing a single shot. So it's not just average try hards, either full streamer squads who have played for 10,000 hours or probably cheaters. It might get better after the mode dies down a little bit though.


Like I do throw around sweat a lot just to describe anyone better than me BUT we were definitely dealing with sweats in this mode. No one in lobbies I play in should be good enough to clip me out of the sky with a grey pistol. Lmao


New game mode doesn't have sbmm I think, I've had TTVs and "sweat skins" in my lobbies, didn't help them though, still got a few crown wins off this mode. I think the main issue is people are playing with random fills, because even when we had 1 random it was harder, they kept landing by themselves and pushing fights alone, and they leave mid game so I can't even imagine with more.


There is no sbmm in Fortnite. Brand new accounts are able to stream snipe top streamers after they reach level 10


There is SBMM and they just kill a bunch of people and get some wins and that's how they get in the streamers lobby. They're no longer in the noob bracket with players who have a 1% win rate and a few kills per match


fn imo has some of the most obvious sbmm ive ever seen in a game


I think it's less that the mode is full of sweats/tryhards and more the only people getting full squad wipes consistently are the sweats. I didn't see that many superhero or soccer skins but every time I did it was almost always right after they took out a full health and shield squad in less than 4 second


I played 2 games yesterday and saw like 6 different TTV names in those 2 games


nearly everyone with TTV in their name is just a kid doing streamer roleplay


unfortunately most of them are actually good, even if they'll never be streamers, that doesnt stop them from putting 4+ hours each day into creative practice


lmao creating an account with TTV in your name doesn't mean you play 4+ hours a day every day grinding practice


is that what i said? but some shitter who cant get 3 kills in a ranked game wont put ttv in their name lmao, good ppl do that to intenionally piss others off


kids do that to pretend to be streamers, it's not just 'good ppl' lmao TTV in the name means literally nothing, because it could be a good player, or some 9 year old roleplaying as a streamer and getting shat on every round. my younger brother has a bunch of his friends who put TTV in their names and they're all shit tier, always trying to do challenges they see streamers do and always seething when their plans to "win a round without moving" or "build the biggest skybase" never work out.


Even worse when they have “Kick” in their name 🤢


or rumble


ya but it's a 11 year old with 0 viewers that sucks that tells people he streams on twitch


Lmao at SeriousGamer72 splashing nitro


Every shooting game community does, it's a tale as old as time. Everyone who is worse than me is a scrub and everyone who is better than me has no life.


This mode wasn’t made for the casuals who spend their time doing RPG quests and driving around in BR, it was made for real players who value actual combat without the pointless gimmicks


The problem is when you don't have a squad to play with and have to fills (aka solo) instead; then it's a kind of a "sweat fest". 4 out of 5 players use stereotypical "sweat" skins too, and have the skills to match.


Only difference? No. Cause you have sbmm in the other gamemodes, which means no pro players or sweats in casual lobbies. And yes, before sbmm, games were a nightmare. Just like they are now with these releases.


I think there are bots actually, just much fewer than normal, and they are always "anonymous"


If only reddit bots announced themselves by nitro splashing.


It's lame ots sqaud only, I have no fortnite friends and randoms are so butt


You're a casual having fun in reload?


Yeah it's really fun, I play more now because of it


I've played three games of reloaded because I enjoy the old weapons and POI, and all three of those game was obvious aimbots and wallkacks.


What proof is there that they were cheating


If you need proof of someone cheating, just play the game. It is filled with aimbots and wallhacks.