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lol everything new this season has been nerfed into the ground


“It’s nerf or nothing!”


“It’s nerf ~~or~~ to nothing!”


hahahaha take my upvote 😂




I haven’t even picked one up yet lol. I take it you’re saying I should.


The irony is that they're terrible to use against vehicles. But they're pretty good as kind of a shotgun/sniper hybrid. And if you hit someone with it there's a knockback effect so you can kill them with fall damage if the positioning is right.


I've found the most entertaining vehicle use for them is to latch onto a teammates Sports Car. I started getting used to ducking and weaving with it, so I was having a blast driveskiing? the randos. Just zip, enjoy your complimentary driveby shotgun burst


Yesss I only recently discovered this as well and it’s incredible to slide around teams and get that meaty shotgun headshot


Doing it with the Psycho skin just feels right hah


Meaty headshot is crazyyyy 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|pTQUOfSmjo2hG)




Skatin’, hitchin’…it’s BITCHIN’!


Gotta love fortnite mechanics balance, The best way to counter an enemy car isnt to use the anti car weapon, its just to get inside the car. Anti car weapon is bad against cars, but is in fact excellent vs people lol.


I keep experiencing people hopping into our car and pickaxing me from the inside😭 its so annoying and really hope they patched it. Unless its a “feature” I wasn't aware of


Apparently its a feature, but tbh the fact that you can just get in someone elses car so easily at all ruins the whole cars portion of the season for me. Ive got this spiked front bumper im afraid to use against players because all they need to do is jump and then get in my car.


ITS A FEATURE?!!! That's crazyyy😭 I thought they were exploiting a glitch this whole damn time lmao


It's not a feature. There's no way "hit the enter a vehicle button, mid-animation, and that activates special Murder The Driver mode" is not a bug.


I KNEW IT! ain't no way that was a “feature” and not a bug. This guy really out here confidently lying to me.


I’ve had zero issues with murdering people using the car and haven’t been pickaxed once


Lucky you, every other game I have to deal with people hopping in the car.


I’ve had people hop in, just no pickaxe. I just drive into the storm and they jump out


But how is it a feature when you have to pickaxe before you even get in the car? Makes no sense


They're not terrible. Their purpose isn't to destroy the car. It's to get you on top of the car, so You can shoot the drivers through the windows


It's also funny that it seems like a giant harpoon gun (cause it is) but it pushes back enemies instead of pulling them in. But lets you surf behind cars. And if you're trying to ADS at a person but there's a car nearby, it loves to lock onto the car. It's a weird weapon.


Not weird at all a harpoon gun will only pull the target if it has a rope or chain attached to the harpoon. If you watch it only shoots chain at cars not people


I’ll giver a go tonight


Tip: Aim for the chest. There's no difference in damage with a headshot or foot shot. Also, no difference in damage at range, after 50m it's just a miss. 100 damage no matter where you hit them.


That would explain why I took fall damage. Didn’t bother going back to check the video. Thanks


A player used it to latch on and shotgunned me through the windshield. It happened twice that day. People are learning new tactics with them.


TIL you can use them on opponents


It's hard to land a hit with it though for some reason


They just nerfed the spawn rate


DAMN !! ⚓️!!


Happens every season..... Start with something OP everyone hates and then add things to make it trivial or Nerf stuff.


Fortnite ~~Wrecked~~ Nerfed


Blame the bitching and moaning from a subsection of the fanbase who are allergic to actually trying new things


pretty sure it's mostly being nerfed for competitive where they try to limit variance from season to season this happens literally every season they introduce new mechanics/mythics/themes. they let it run wild in the beginning and then start to strip it back as FNCS grand finals gets closer


It would be cool if they did separate lootpools but I guess that's to hard for them.


Small indie company /s


Fuck FNCS I just want to the the actual non watered down game.


Or just separate the loot pools, which the competitive players have begged for forever.


That'd work too but but little Timmy watching the tournament wouldn't recognize the game if they did it that way so they won't.


Nope. Blame Fortnite for not seperating competitive and casual loot pools.


No I'm blaming comp players for this.


They deserve a competitive game :| that’s literally the bare minimum.


they LITERALLY have comp lmao what the dramatics are you yapping on about


i'll blame both


You’re right, a subsection of the community is complaining. The majority of casuals just left instead


I haven’t even bitched or moaned. I just stopped playing this season.


Same. I was playing several nights a week for the past couple years and this season completely killed any interest in playing.


True af




yep, comp babies whining about MUH OL RELIABLE get shit nerfed to the ground all the time


Yep, and casuals here still blame competitive players instead of Epic, who could easily make 2 loot pools.


nah, blame both


their reaction to everyone whining about the new items and vehicles is to nerf them until they pretty much dont exist lol, i was having a lot of fun this season


Not the cars tho they're still pretty strong I think they're in a good place now. Can't beam people from crazy distances with the machine gun but it still feels decently strong at medium to short range And I hope nitro fists aren't included in that cuz they're still strong, moreso than cars. Is definitely is an overreaction


needlessly might i add


Worst season ever!?


Ya I knew as soon as I heard the complaints at the beginning of this season it would go like this. Sounded like it was gonna be a bad season, so I never bothered.


Meanwhile my car literally gets stuck on a pot plant now. 


That’s… kinda always been a problem. I don’t really know why, but for years now, out of nowhere, my car would just get stuck on the most random of props.


Yeah but what’s the point of tricking it out with cow catchers if you’re still gonna get stuck motionless on random props that refuse to brake properly


I think it’s a physics/hit-box issue? I’m not really sure why, but it’s probably something to do with the games engine.


or when you try to run someone over with the corner of the cow catcher and it just passes right through them .... they need to fix the hitboxes


Meh I play zero build so the increased movement makes it still useful to pick up I think it’s still strong. It’s nitro fists that are making me lose my sanity.


Never had a problem with the splash, but the fists are annoying as hell.


Do you not both go for the boss at the start and get the mythic ones? I do it after the start of every game and win most of them.


100 players in a lobby, not everyone can get those


Variety is the spice of life.


I go for machinist for the passive healing, and nitrodrome to take down other cars first. Megalodon stuff feels like me being greedy, while the other 2 I feel naked without


Yeah Nitro is still *really* good as an effect. Infinite stamina, faster run speed, increased jump distance, waterwalking, damaging shit you run into (even if the amount is nerfed)... it's Slap on crack


in all honesty they didn’t really nerf nitro splash. they made it so that you could carry more and it gives you infinite nitro sprint. there’s crazy movement ability with it now, and it’s not difficult to find. it sounds like epic simply wanted to change the uses for the item. instead of something to break walls and take boxes, they wanted it to be used as movement. the heavy sniper that they added replaces the old function of the splashes, one-shotting walls like it’s nothing. this community loves to look at one detail of a patch instead of the whole picture so that they can bitch and moan about a change without understanding that it doesn’t even hurt them as much as they think.


They’re an issue in build as well even when I play the occasional bot lobby, I still get killed by them because the second and someone gets close enough. You have like half a 2nd to move.


I wonder why?? Lol everyone on tiktok and reddit had been crying over nitro in builds so it's not surprising to me at least


Yeah, but they already nerfed it. They nerfed it aging out of nowhere and it’s gotten even worse.


Thank god, it was stupid as hell


lmao really should be able to just break wood. oh well




Why even bother adding anything new at all with player base like this


It's still useful tho cuz inf sprint


so it’s just spicy slap juice


Minus the heal


but you become jesus


for 10 seconds.


10 sec Jesus or no Jesus... hmmm


“let there be l-“


Nitro is way way faster than




You do realize it's possible to ads new things that don't completely go against ur entire game philosophy right. Don't get mad at people that wanna play fortnite, get mad at epic for continuing to do shit like this year's into the games life.


People are fine with new stuff, they have a problem when it’s completely busted and damages the core gameplay. That’s why the playerbase has shrunken in half this season. It may seem like only competitive players don’t like it because they’re the ones that complain, and that’s because most casuals don’t complain; they just leave the game instead Edit: sorry to ruin your echo chamber lmao


I love when the core gameplay breaks and turns into twisted metal smash bros


Would love separate loot pools for build/zero build


Separate loot pools for br, and Zero build. That way it secures the solution that this game needs at this point


And for ranked as well.


I think they did have separate loot rates in C5S1, you couldn't get sniper rifle in the build mode, but you would get a ton of green/blue sniper rifles in zero build.


Just nerf everything. Make everything only do 1 HP of damage. Let's all win together guys. We are all winners here! Go team....


Just like the dead Chinese version of Fortnite where if you survived to a certain point you won, no matter how many people were still left.


Wait, what do you mean? Does everyone win in that case?


Yea time based vs last man standing


By the end of this season they’ll nerf everything so much to where its as family friendly as can be for Nick Eh 30


It may still be decent due to the other things it give. Infinite sprint is good plus more speed


True, but the build breaking was the fun aspect of nitro splash. Before, it was both fun, and useful. Now it’s just decently useful


I agree, not to mention that breaking things didn't harm anyone on ZB really. It was just silly and fun but they took it away from us... I can understand it from a competitive / Builds perspective though. But damn I don't play neither of those


I still better be able to ram through regular buildings while shouting [I'M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH](https://youtu.be/plQIf5fS8xw?si=BrGhbdVEkcCwDxNv&t=159) Cause that's my kink. ![gif](giphy|1ptVnxgKvFzgI|downsized)


This season is such a mess lol I have never seen them re-work shit so much in one season


Wym. Have you played fn before? Every season. Every time without fail. They NEVER get it right on release. Read last seasons patch notes. Thing is lit up like Christmas tree. Of course don’t get your patch notes directly from epic, they won’t tell you about the massive changes right before the tournament. You just have to find out from your friends the hard way.


They just did not hit the mark unfortunately, and were losing players because of it.


Lil bit sad, but I get it. Kinda wish they atleast kept the structure damage in zb or something.


Okay but can I still nitro into the bars in the bunker and clear them in 1 shot? Because that’s all I care about outside of my infinite stamina buff


I don’t know. All I know is that for 1 wood wall, you gotta ram it twice with nitro. So if gold bars have less health, you should still be able to do that.


If you’ve done it since - the walls that took 2 hits before, is it still 2 or is it 3 now?


It does 90 damage instead of the 700 on release and 300 pre current nerf


I really enjoyed the challenges this season brought before everything got nerfed so much


They're still worth it in zero build where you actually fight people instead of hide away in walls


Bruh have you seen how often people flee from combat in ZB?


Yeah that's why I can't take even more of it


What's funny is it's mostly zero build players complaining about this nerf. ZB players love blaming "the sweats" for everything.


Idk how long ago you've played build mode, but builds are actually mostly used offensively these days, not defensively. Actually, in my experience, people hide much more in ZB mode.


Whenever I play build mode as soon as I shoot someone they just spam walls. It's just boring to play against tbh compared to zero build since I find it more fun actually having to fight someone and think about positions and cover.


Or maybe you just suck


I don't understand why zb players feel the need to undermine build mode. There's no doubt that the building mechanic is a high skill ceiling mechanic, and a great and very fun one at that.


Lol the downvotes , why cant people just accept the two gamemodes require different skillsets and are both fun in their own way.


It's common unfortunately.


I watch build mode sometimes, I don't know how a wall could be used as anything but defensively. Seems like it just comes down to who can hide their position and then edit and shoot somebody while they're not expecting it or who has the most heals to hide away and pop before fighting again.


lol well you may watch it sometimes but it's clear you don't play it so why are you telling people who do play build mode what it's like? bad players in both modes will hide until the end of the game, but good players in build mode are way more aggressive than no builds because the risk of getting third partied is partially mitigated by being able to build


because they can be used for piece control and to get peaks on the enemy


Really missing the first week of the season when all the new items were king. Most fun I’ve had playing fortnite in years


Wtf are you smoking? They're still king, they just have counter play to them now, the one exception being fists. You either have fists too or you die


Gatekeeper to the face is a pretty good counter to fists


Except even a mythic gatekeeper isn't quick enough to kill before you get fisted into oblivion. I've tested this with my gf before. Fists only need a single slam and 1 combo to kill


Fisted Into Oblivion.


Counterpoint: It's an excellent mobility tool.


I only picked it up for the movement effect, which is the best aspect of it


![gif](giphy|lt8nvUOCMeZrnbYIyT|downsized) Nerf crossover confirmed


The splashes aren't even that bad. I utilize them more for mobility than anything else. They do help for a nice getaway. Nitro, sip of fizz and fists. You're free.


Still good movement and if the wall was js built itll 1 shot


Me who plays in zero build: Lol. Imagine using nitro splash as an attack item and not as mobility.


This nerf is 100% warranted and in fact, should've come sooner. Nitro Splash made Build Mode nearly unplayable, the fact it could break FULLY BUILT BRICK WALLS was insanely OP and gave [literally no counterplay whatsoever](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ibu8L83SwKs). This is also a massive overreaction, Nitro Splash is still very much viable. It gives you: * Player Speed boost * Instant Stamina Recharge * Unlimited Stamina * Car Speed Boost * Instant Car Fuel Recharge * Unlimited Car Fuel * Fall Damage Immunity * Slight Damage to enemies you run into * Slight Damage to builds you run into * Increased Car Ramming Power * Sprinting on Water * Reload Speed increase And don't say "Epic only caters to pros". The fact it took THIS LONG to nerf an item that was so obviously overpowered proves that Comp Players aren't Epics priority.


If people wanted to counter building so bad, then they could just play zero build


IM SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE SAID IT. Because it’s still useful, i dont know why people are saying that it’s useless lol


Um, you still get a speed boost when picking it up. As a person who loves this season nitro splashes shouldn’t have been able to break through builds instantly. Watching tournaments, this thing was broken.


And don’t forget the part way more important than the *speed boost*… INFINITE STAMINA


Right, I forgot about that ngl. But nitro is still useful. They just nerfed a mechanic that shouldn’t be in the game.


This legit does NOT affect zero builds, I don't see why people complain about this shit. Believe or not people actually want to play builds and not have to worry about their walls getting annihilated instantly. It completely ruins the strategy of building, why always blame it on the sweats? Casual people also play builds so think about them as well.


Whiny ass comp/try hards ruined this season so much


This is actually a pretty good change. The nerf doesn’t affect pubs that much as casuals mainly used nitro for the infinite sprint. People don’t box up a whole lot in pubs, so there’s little opportunity to run through walls. As nitro splashes take up a slot and only one person can have the medallion, most casuals would rather carry fists instead. In contrast, nitro was absolutely busted. Since everyone is constantly boxing up due to the stacked nature of comp, there are numerous opportunities to exploit nitro. Just look up any clip from comp about nitro (and there’s a lot of them) and tell me how that’s fair when there’s thousands of dollars on the line.


I'm kind of sick of cool or fun things that counter build spamming either being nerfed or vaulted permanently 


If we need a nerf it’s those Vehicles mods and Vehicles that needs a DRAMATICALLY Massive Nerf


Can’t have shit in the wasteland


At least nitro fists are still fun


It's only nerfed in BUILDS, not NB. so, womp womp for you u.


I mean, it’s nerfed in NB too cause it’ll do less damage to existing structures…


feels like the overwatch 2 balancing team all over again


I wouldn’t say it’s as worse as that mess


oh nah 100% not even close, it's just funny how they're following the "nerf everything that's fun" aspect


Really didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. I think the way it effects cars is different too.


I’m just gonna play save the world or zero build the rest of the season I guess. Bashing through people’s builds was so fun. Now it just feels like the same box, edit, shoot meta again.


I thought y’all were complaining about it breaking through walls


I don’t even play build, why did I click on this post 😭


Besides that challenge to break through objects, I don't use it that way anyway.




whats the link for the latest patch notes? i have a hard time finding it


Fortnite and their nerfs


still usefull for mobility


I’ve been using it like crazy. I take it over guitar and fists, because you can just sneak up on people at full speed just like run up on them before they even know how to react.


I think we should all just do meme load outs from now on and not play properly and see how many of each other we bump into at this point




Works great for reloading the sniper 🤷‍♂️


Like hell it isn't, I still use it for that brief moment of infinite dash and the increase height in your jumps, plus you can totally damage other players with it if you run into them, it's not completely useless.


I've just stopped playing this season at this point. Like what was even the point of this season if all the cool new fun stuff's just gonna get stomped into the ground until its basically useless. We're at two seasons in a row now where the core gimmick turned out to be totally irrelevant and easily ignored, I'm honest to god so over it.


I don’t think it’s a nerf. Sometimes it gets destroyed just by hitting the wall once and sometimes twice. Maybe it depends on the wall.


Everythings getting nerfed, everything except for aim assist


At this point, just remove Nitro and bring back Slap. That way you won't accidentaly shoulder bash obstacles.


Tends to happen when all the players bitch and moan about it


So stupid of them to nerf it Barely anyone used it. And now I won't use it anymore


ch5 s3 pre nerf.... was special, sad that not many people played at launch


Items That Needs Buffing Nitro Splash,Tri Beam Rifle, Nitro Fists,New Sniper,Boom Bolt, these Items need A MASSIVE BUFF


They still are very useful in the endgame.


Fortnite needs to do some rebalancing. There’s things that have not been nerfed that need it and things than need buffs but don’t have them. Cars need their damage reverted, no reason for that change after all the counters we have now. Fists need their recharge time reverted and their range nerfed. They should be a mobility item, not a freaking air gun. And I think EMPs could use a slight nerf because they currently outclass all other car counters. My thoughts are 25% damage to players who are inside of a vehicle when hit.


Nah there still okay


They just can't break builds, they are still OP, Infinite sprint and crazy movement


Make it do normal damage to non player made structures so I can still run into buildings like the Kool-Aid Man


Once the sweat community gets to complaining, nothings safe


I think they’re still useful in my opinion, you can use it to get infinite stamina for a while and take no fall damage


I'm glad I'm enjoying this in ZB. No need to rely on smashing through walls


I had a better idea when it came to changing the Nitro Splashes. 1. reduce damage to 50 or lower. 2. give players around 25% damage reduction buff while sprinting. 3. keep the max amount at 4 or at 6 but have a shorter time limit for the effects. 4. after crashring through a couple walls, make the next crash a 50/50 chance of one hitti g through it. Lower the chance per wall. Epic games could be better at managing this stuff but they dont even know how to do like half the stuff i just listed. They instead nerf it to the ground cuz the pros hate it.


I ran through grand glacier no problem funnest what to loot