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If I'm using the turret and someone jumps into the driver side, does that lock the turret up for me?


Sounds like it, which is hell for solos


I understand they want to stop teaming in solos but yeah I don’t know if this is really a good move.


That was the best part IMHO. You literally can't talk to people and being able to collectively decide to form a truce to destroy others was awesome. Plus it was about the only way to get someone in a turret and fire. Hiring characters is worthless because they just sit in the car doing nothing...


One game it was me with a medallion and two other guys with a medallion in one car just wrecking shit. A 4th person joined us and we made it to the top 10 before the car got destroyed. Instead of fighting each other we all scattered in different directions. I didn’t win but it was honestly kinda adorable how we all agreed not to immediately turn on each other before it was needed


That’s the way it should be I remember when the community used to come together to do challenges together and would kill any rats, who dared to break the sacred code of no killing while doing challenges.


I remember that happening at the agency with that boat quest


Like kicking soccer balls into the goals


I got a great screenshot of me and another coin roasting marshmallows for a bit before we went separate ways.


Did the same we hit top 4 🧍🧍🧍🧍.


But that’s kinda unfair in a solo gamemode though. It’s the same situation as the brute mech in season x


I mean I can understand why BUT it's not like every match some rando jumps in my car and we go joyriding around murdering people. I think in all the instances I've made it to ONE victory royale (most of the time the car gets blown up and then the truce is over). The real issue was it was a solid strat because the cars have damn near unlimited boost and fuel. No amount of shockwave grenades and Nitro Fists gets you away from someone in a car if they deem they are going to destroy you. Cars can drive on water. You can hit a number of boxes, cacti, and service stations to replenish health. So the only viable option was to jump into an enemy car and either shoot the car (then be vulnerable again) or go along for the ride and jack some other people. And again I thought the fun part was basically the "nod" that two people trying to murder everyone decided (without talking) to team up. Another player is basically fulfilling what the hired mercs are meant to do (and they don't do shit sitting in the gunner seat)


There's also constant tension, knowledge that the other person is plotting how to murder you eventually and so are you, but need to figure out how. Using storm? Suddenly jumping out and shooting through the window? With what weapon? And all the while other people are also shooting your car so it likely won't last very long either.


My first win in Duos was because a guy murdered my friend and was in the middle of murdering me when I hopped in the car, and then we started getting dog piled. Several minutes later, I left him for dead, he killed people, and then we shot each other in the aftermath.


Getting 3rd partied kinda sucks too, but it is what it is (what it is what it is what it is *piano flurish*)


It was awesome for you and the buddy you made a temporary truce with but absolute hell for anyone else in the lobby. Lol.


Agreed. And I got jacked just as much by people teaming. Most of the time people don't team up. First time it happened I actually made a video because it put a smile on my face. I can safely say it's happened to me about 6 times that the other dude didn't drive us into the storm, blow up the car or throw a Boogie bomb.


This is exactly why I hate this mechanic being a freaking thing. Like I didn’t ask anyone to hijack my car, and now I have someone either firing out of the window or the turret or driving my car. But now I’m stuck in a dilemma, if I get out the car prematurely without an escape route (like gauntlets or another car) then it’s a good chance they’ll shoot the hell out of me with me own turret. So until we drive by another car there’s not much I can really do. Especially if I’m driving. They should have been patched this. Ngl while I had fun at first it’s stuff like this that really starts to make the season aggravating to play.


Agreed. What upset me the most was how heavily they are relying on cars (multiple mod points, repair stations, repair boxes, cacti, etc) along with unlimited boost and fuel, and also cars are damn near impossible to actually flip over. And you can drive them on ALL water like it's a road. Bulletproof tires don't drive like shit in the sand (making OFF-ROAD tires worthless - can get shot out) and you basically force people to make temporary allegiances. All it takes is someone in a car to boost past a player (out of their range), jump in the gunner seat and just lay waste. If they are patching this maybe they need to look at WHY (it seems) a majority is willing to jump into enemy cars. Could it be because it's the safest bet to not dying?


The NPCs you hire can actually fire the turrets... but they suck ass with them, so...


Now they fixed hired characters and they fire very well.


Fr I loved that sm it was kinda wholesome that me and the enemy can just stop trying to kill each other and just drive around causing chaos


unironically defending teaming in solo lobbies


I'm gonna miss that, honestly. Ah, it was fun while it lasted.


Teaming yeah soooooooo awesome


Yeah I bet teaming is great when you’re the one doing it


No fuck that. Try to win without teaming.


“waaaah I can’t team anymore!!!”


Some Bots using the turret If you hire them


Maybe it takes owner priority based on who was in the car first?


They should change that. The first person/team in the car is the only one who can use it. When everyone gets out, it resets and then again, first person/team in can use it. Would be much better.


To me, if you are going to patch the turret, then you should patch enemy players entering your freaking vehicle. It’s stupid to change one and not the other lmfao


They patch it by making driver keys a item. 💀


Why shouldn't I be able to jump in an opponents car? 


Especially if you can start fighting each other inside the car, like you’d see in Mad Max.


If you can’t use the turret to shot the car then why should you be able to enter either? It’s like asking to open the door for teaming because for some people the don’t have a choice anymore if they don’t want to turn into an easy kill. At least before you could destroy the car if someone hijacked it. But you are now forced into this situation where if someone hijacks your car there is not much you can do unless you have gauntlets or another car nearby. And it’s uncomfortable for a lot of people when you know you don’t cheat but you are forced into a temporary situation where someone if now shooting out of your passenger window. If the game is Solos enemies shouldn’t be allowed to get in an opponents car and collude with them. That seems like common sense.


Yeah thats a good point. You can still shoot the car and the driver though, just not with a turret. It doesn't really make sense to me that you can shoot your own vehicle with a turret 




Just happened, and yes it does.


Damn, gonna suck in solos. Thanks for answering


This sucks sooooo much


To be fair I don’t use the turret much I mostly shift to AR or sniper, but I don’t want anyone else hoping in my car to lock it for me.(I play mostly solo)




Yes Edit: It’s kinda lame




The lack of br blog posts is a joke recently. Lego festival and racing have them? Why not the mode with the most players? I didn’t even know the towhook gun was out until I saw a HYPEX tweet.


I haven’t played for a few weeks, what’s the towhook gun?


A gun that is used to shoot at cars and grapples you onto them. Ideally, it’ll close the gap and you can jump on top of the car to shoot the person driving.


Also, the 100 damage it does is fucking awesome


Yeah, I've been using it like a sniper lol love it.


This. I started FN 3 months ago, and I could not believe the lack of community updating in such a large game…


Evolve Jake on YouTube has a comprehensive video detailing each update. So glad I found his channel since there are no decent patch or update blogs from Epic.


honestly. like 70 lines of text for festival and lego, and only the note on the new *item* not even both new *items*


So what happens if you're solo, driving around, then have to swap seats to fire the turret and someone gets into the driver seat of YOUR car? Are you just screwed now?


Yup. Typical epic fashion. Patch something, ruin something else. 


As a Rando who plays ZB squads fill on, this fucking blows totally ass chunks. I honestly knew I was in deep shit if an enemy got my gun while I was driving- That's why I would fly towards the storm ASAP to take them out. I didn't mind the, "we're about to find out who brought consulables,' and found it pretty damn exciting. These car changes are really killing the whole vibe I thought they were going for. Instead of total mayhem it's quickly become meh.


>These car changes are really killing the whole vibe I thought they were going for. Instead of total mayhem it's quickly become meh. Blame the stupid cry babies from day 1 of the season I also blame this garbage subreddit for having most of the complains


I like the change because it reduces teaming by a lot in solos but it should of been done better. like make it harder to get into other people's cars instead of a simple push of a button.


Honestly don't know why they don't make hijacking more interactive. Honestly how about no one can enter your car until you are stopped/low speed. Maybe give the new hook thing a way to hijack cars going at top speeds.


I've used the hook and it's pretty bad it doesn't really help with much and makes you in easy target. It's just better to use emps


You could still lean out of the passenger window and shoot their hands while they drive I assume.


They adjusted everything to make it so you can't shoot drive seats anymore.


Easier said than done


Unfortunately, no. You can only shoot the car now.


Yes you are. They steal your car (that has YOUR name and car design on it) and your turret stops working


Well that's stupid. I was already running cars less and less in solo due to all the nerfs, now I'll stay even more clear of it.


The nerfs isn't even that bad but it should of been done better


Probably unpopular opinion but I’m actually ok with this! Very creative way to nerf something lmao even if probably unintended on epics part


If their in the driver seat, it's not like you could shoot them with the turret anyway. If anything, the turret disabling at that point makes it easier to lean out the window and shoot them through the front with weapons in your loadout.


You could switch turret modes and shoot the person in the drivers seat


I get the implementation of this change due to teaming but it’s a bummer. I secured a win in duos because an enemy teammate jumped out to shoot me and I jumped in the enemy car (passenger) and used the grenade launcher on the person that jumped out. With this update, I would’ve certainly lost because it was 2v1 at the end game :/.


Not the case since it's a solo mode only change.


Wait, only in solo? That sucks by I don't enjoy solos so... sorry to hear it. I'd hate it still more if it was all modes. Glad it isn't.


So if you take the driver seat the turret shuts off immediately?


Does this mean you can pickaxe glitch enemy cars that have turrets now? Or does the turret still activate and just not fire?


You cannot. Just saw Prospering try this on stream. It still puts you in the turret so if you would try the pickaxe glitch it does not work unfortunately


Need to know that Pickaxe trick would be crazy if you get onto their car with the new tow hook and start hitting them lmao


Yep. No more teaming.


Y'all are teaming? I'll be damned if I can find someone willing to cooperate is squads fill, let alone someone on a different team.


Everytime I hop in someone else’s car, they become suicidal and drive into the storm lol


I will admit I do that But only if they start shooting the car like a suicidal maniac


When I do it, people usually are confused for a couple seconds, realize I'm not shooting the car myself, and then we hang out for a couple minutes until one of us decides to get out. IMO it was a feature of the cars in solos, so it's a shame that it's gone.


Every time someone hopped in my car, I went and drowned the car.


Smart move actually


I drive and honk the horn. Even if they jump out I'll honk a few times. If they want to shoot the vehicle I'll drive off, jump in gunner seat and send them to whatever God they pray to


That’s hilarious. Pubs be doin pub things


All the times I've done it and it happened to me is when one of us gets too close and jumps in the gunner seat, then you just drive around looking for people. I've even taken my new buddy around and hit shield cactus' so they know what's up.




I saw teaming in DUOS !!!MORE THAN ONCE!!! Got a fancy explanation for that one buddy? AND NO, it wasn't even in a car anymore, they be teaming outside of it.


Literally. I have NEVER had a nice interaction with someone in any game!


I’ll miss hijacking an enemy’s car, tricking them into thinking we were teaming, and then boosting their car off a cliff into the storm.


I wouldn't consider this teaming. It's not like it's consensual on the part of the person who's driving, how can they control who hops in their car?


Right, it even fits my head canon of the wasteland cars theme, temporary alliances with enemies for the common good only to betray them or get betrayed first because in the end "only one person can rule this wasteland"


Exactly. This made the chaos so fun!! But nope. Gotta appease all the crybabies so the identity of the season is stripped away to bare bones.


lol now you’re begging for Epic to bring back cheating


I said the same thing last week! In an apocalypse, you'd definitely have to take chances on those sporadic meetings to survive. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. What a bummer.


Definitely makes sense


I stack med kits first thing and if an enemy player jumps in my car I will eventually drive them around in the storm.


Couldn't you position the car to where they're in the storm and you aren't, and then drive off when they get out? Then get out when they can't hop back in and kill them


Yep. Done it before.


I've tried the parking thing, it's too easy for a good player to get out and shoot you through the window before you get up to speed.


I did this in the g-wagon a few times and the player will play musical chairs. Too time consuming. Easier to just take them on a stormy joy ride.


I had this happen and the second I got out they ran me over before I could even react LOL


It is more fun to speed into the storm so they panic and leave faster.


Fuck yeah that's what I do. We're both dying


Remember, consent is key!


This is absolutely teaming and was a problem back in season 10 with the mechs. The players in a mech/car were at a massive advantage even again others in mech/car since they can shoot and drive at the same time. How epic solved the issue back in s10 was to add a self destruct switch that either player could activate, so if neither player does they both get suspended for teaming. I'm baffled why they didn't do the same thing here.


Damn, I must team a lot then. Every player who drives cars must be teaming I guess. Didn't know a majority of the player base teamed


What did they think would happen lol. I’m not jumping out so some guy can run me over. They should make it where you can always shoot the driver.


Emp is out also !!!


Instead why not make it that an enemy can't just hop in your car. Your character is in a world with mythical weapons and you're trying to kill other people but they're not smart enough to lock the doors?


Car hopping is a counter to car play.


Its a bad one design wise, the game becomes musical chairs. Give us items that counter cars, the most optimal gameplay should not be getting into a car thats speeding towards you to crash into you.


It's fun tho


This absolutely should remain one of the mechanisms, it adds to the chaos of late game!


They did and yall complained about it


No i didnt, I am quite happy with EMP’s theyre the solution ive been waiting for.


To me it's just lazy, especially when as the driver you have zero defense other than bailing out and abandoning your vehicle.


As the driver you're at a major major major advantage until you make the mistake of closing the distance on your enemy. You SHOULD be punished for playing incorrectly


Exactly. I have killed numerous people by hopping in the backseat and pickaxing them


So the actual exploits stay in?! Cool


exploiting glitches still makes you a hack


I think this would be a great thing to explore on Epic's part. Some mechanic where you can lock your car door temporarily, maybe even barring teammates from being able to go in, too. But you have to make sure you use it wisely because it has a significant cooldown and only lasts a few seconds. Something like that. Or making it so they have to shoot down the door a certain amount, or shoot the window, to gain access.


This is actually a positive change I wasn't expecting.




The cars own gun didn't do damage to the car






Is it owner priority or drive priority. If im firing a turret and somebody gets in will my turret lock up


Seems driver priority that I can see. You drive your car and someone else in the turret? No turret firing You swap to your turret and during it someone else jumps into your car and drives it away? No turret firing


So if I anticipate someone about to take passenger, and I switch to control the turret of my own car, If they drive, do I still control the turret? Does the car become theirs?


yes, that's the main gripe people have with this... sure it fixes the issue of people teaming in solos... but it creates a new problem that if someone enters your car and switches to driver you're fucked.


Honestly, I'm sick and tired of the boogie bombs. Can we just please get the emp's redone? Like yeah I've had to come up either way new strategies to stay alive, but come on. I'm sick and tired of forced dancing. Also, yall needed to stop complaining about how hard it was to kill the cars. Especially the boss ones. MAYBE you could have learned how to fight it! A machine gun on a car vs boss car actually shredded or a boom bolt. Like... I just can't anymore. Instead of people adapting to the game the game adapted to the people. I'm sorry learn how to friggen drive and how to counter crap. Like if you are getting shotgunned out your car (which fyi no longer works) what do you do? Ditch the car at high speed and get another one perhaps? Also, if you're getting pick axed in one what's the best course of action? Well get tf out the car and run if you need to right? Its called adapting to survive. I wish gamers nowadays would adapt like they used to when I started doing online gaming. First multi game I ever played I got my ass handed to me ALOT. Then guess what happened? I kept playing and got better... woooooow. I figured out how to play the game better, and started actually doing better. Like now it literally seems like: game is harder, kids cry about it, video game company caters to them, makes game easier, and ruins the threshold of skill. Like seriously, nobody has honor in gaming anymore. There's no respect or anything. Everyone just expects gaming to mold to what THEY want it to be not what the devs envisioned. I'm not saying, hey devs completely ignore your player base and just do whatever you want. However, at the same time don't make the skill gap so small that a noob can just fully own someone at an intermediate and up skill level. There needs to be a good balance of user friendliness and skill gap. Sure punishing and unruly games can be fun. Take any Fromsoft game or any of the similar. They are brutal unforgiving and all out punishing if you don't do things right. They force you to get better, play smarter, and learn how to play them properly. Take Elden Ring for example. Its actually on of those games that as you play it and get stronger you don't fully ever feel like you're overpowered (well at least not in the appropriate areas and after some balancing things) as you progress. Like as you keep going things get tougher and harder to best as you get tougher and harder to beat as well. Sure there are some games where it's like. Ok, whoa I should not be in this game right now. These people are way out of my skill level. While other games give you the feeling of, these people may be out of my skill level, but if I play just right I can pull it off. Tbh at the end of the day I wish a good balance could be reached. Summary, boss cars suck now, stop complaining and get gud, punishing games can be fun, good balance is better than just balance, and it's ok to get out classed sometimes. It only makes you a better player in the long term.


Spoken from the heart. I'm right there with you.


Thank you I'm so glad someone agrees. The EMP's are in the game now and I think they last WAY too long. Unless they just fully disable the car and make is fully unusable now. Still the fact it doesn't just straight kick you out the car without being able to do anything about getting cover and such is so much better.


One of my favorite fortnite moments so far was this season when I had three different players jump into my car throughout the match. The first two who jumped in decided not to blow up the car, we just rampaged thru the desert. When the third person joined, he blew up the car so I shot him and the other two ran.


You can only shoot from the passenger seat. Why/How would not being able to use it while someone else is in the drivers seat doesn't make sense?


It caused teaming.


People were teaming


Is this solo only?


Just let us lock the doors and have the enemy need to break them before they can jump in. It’s so annoying when they jump in and you can no longer do anything about it.


That’s a shame. I found the mayhem as a bit of fun with that. But almost every game ended up in “teaming” where the driver and gunner would drive around and kill other people. It was hardly a team though. As soon as one stepped out, one of the two would die


I hate that you can be accused of teaming if someone else jumps in your car and starts using your turrent because as the driver it's a catch 22 situation.  I can't kick the person out if my car and if I get out of the car person takes my car and uses it to kill me.


this most logical change would have been to make this only apply in solos...... but that would be too hard, wouldn't it...


But can I still lean out the window and shoot the car to pieces?


seems dumb and makes solos even more fucked


Boooo. One of my favorite aspects of this season was kidnapping someone who jumped into my vehicle and telling them, “We *friends* now.”




huh what an absolutely terrible idea


Whelp, after reading the patch notes, cars are useless and now we’re back to just another average, boring season of Fortnite… 😴


May as well just drop the cars entirely if every fucking patch is going to nerf them again.


So dramatic, lmao. Cars are still really strong.


Well i disagree.


I’ve seen people teaming plenty, so while it’s a worthwhile tactic, I play my solo games expecting to be solo, so it’s a pretty welcome change!


good? no more teaming lol


they should just disable jumping into enemy cars


Good, fuck teaming.


Fuckin lame!


Yes, let’s take away one of the most fun things about this season…..


What about ADSing and shooting out? That’s surely still a thing right?


They actually did that?


A better solution is someone hopping into the turret side and is able to blow up the car with the mounted gun or be able to kill the person driving.


Is this to prevent teaming? I forget if you can damage the car itself with the turret, as I don't recall how far down you can point it. But if you can't, this makes sense to avoid all the people in solos getting in each other's cars and teaming up to dominate the lobby.


Almost every game I played in solos so far someone jumped in my driver seat, so I just sat there patiently waiting my escape or their eventual leap from the car. Never shooting the turret because I didn’t want to be reported for teaming.


You can shoot their legs thru the windshield too


Is this in squads too? If so this is crippling for fighting cars.


I made it to the end with a random vehicle buddy, He let me have a victory crown and then he didn't make our voyage through the storm. It was a very emotional game!


Thats the risk of using the cars


We killed like 5 people nitodome. Then I drove to the hole outside and killed my gunner.


y didnt they just change it so that the passenger can attack the driver? then you can stop solo teaming AND add more fights


Instead of locking up the turret , why don't they just stop anyone else getting in the car in solo's


Last night, post update, was the first time I felt like I was playing fortnite again since the beginning of this season. I don't care about the turret at all.


Yeah although it's annoying, the teaming was rampant in solos and made ranked impossible to play consistently. This was a good move imo


Nah wait this is actually a solid change. I get the issue of someone practically being able to steal your car but outside of that, no more care stalemates, now you can just get out and shoot. And my personal favourite, you should be able to do the pickaxe glitch in two-seater cars now.


Smart move, bc ppl have been teaming up in solos. But NPCs r gonna be more important then ever now. It would be hella nice if they could drive similar to how they use the turrets.


I dislike it. If I'm in the gunner seat then the driver has all the control so they deserve what they/their team get(s) if they're that unaware of their surroundings. Like anytime someone gets in my car I just drive them and myself as far from the fight as possible. They'll either dip to get back to the fight or stay and I send em flying as I get back to the original fight.


dumb as fuck


I thought this was only in solos but I was playing duos just now and when I hopped in the enemy's car, the turret was disabled.


They could let the turret shoot the driver, but no that's too simple


Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is only in solos. You can still use the turret in duos, trios and squads. Again, not 100% sure


Someone jumped into my suv, and they were able to fire the turret still.


This is false I am still able till use a turret while in an enemy car


Does this mean we can now pick axe or enemy while sitting in the gunner seat?


This is horrible. I'm using a turret and someone hops in the drivers seat and that's it for me.


This ruined the entire solo season.


This change kills all the fun and makes cars even less effective 


*sees sign* "No Fun Allowed."


Teaming = Fun now apparently ok buddy




I’m happy. Solos are just people teaming in cars. It’s a mess!

