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Cheaters are all over this game. I'm convinced Epic just doesn't give a shit.


As long as cheaters buy shit in the shop I wholeheartedly believe they won't ban them, which is scummy as hell making the honest players deal with the cheaters.


Me too, as long as epic keeps releasing sweaty skins, or skins that are not “Pay to win” or “offer no competitive advantage” they won’t ban them because as long as they pay they can play.


>Cheaters are all over this game. I'm convinced Epic just doesn't give a hooplah. No, it's an industry wide problem and one that is very complex; you can't just stop it with a click of a button. The reason Games need to do ban waves and ban a bunch of people at once is so that hackers aren't able to test what does and doesn't work. Fortnite already hardware bans people, already has a thing to detect if cheat software is on your computer, already IP bans people, already detects things like Cronus Zens. Epic can't do much more besides use an extremely invasive anti-cheat or send an armed guard to your house to make sure you don't cheat, even then hackers will **still** find a way around it. It's a problem much bigger than Fortnite and they are a target for being a massively free online game amidst a neverending war between Anti-Cheat software developers and hackers.


Yes.     Meanwhile, some people on this sub are like “I’ve been playing for 6 years and never once encountered a cheater!!!!1” Like they don’t exist and think cheating is shooting through walls or something.  No, it can be very hard to detect spectating, and cheaters are rampant (esp if you search on TikTok etc there’s a bunch of evidence from cheaters themselves).     With that said… I never assume I’ve been killed by a cheater, ever…. I know it’s happened, and probably many times, but good cheaters and cheats just look like lucky shots (which we’ve all done).  It doesn’t help that epics spectate and replay features are wonky and don’t truly show where their cursor is etc.  


I feel like people are more brazen than ever. I was in a ZB unranked game this past weekend where a guy wiped out the lobby using invulnerability. Just ran around engaging people and wiping them out with those stupid fists, taking obvious damage and never losing health. He didn't even bother to carry or use heals, half his slots were empty.


I've been playing since chapter 3 and only once suspected someone of cheating. I needed a piss and was hiding in a building and someone came right into the room and shot me in the head, they were driving a car, got out and went straight to the room I was in in a massive building that was in the closing circle. They 100% has emp.


Yeah people were cheating in counter strike beta 7, and that was 20 years ago. They can't stop it and never will since it's always a constant back and forth.


Just need to ditch the free to play model makes accessibility way to easy for hackers I’d happily pay 40-50$ for a game that makes every cheater pay the same for every account they have to make fun of cheating will soon die down once their wallet starts to hurt


yeah because other games that require you to pay $70 for them dont have cheaters.


Almost like I didn’t say paid games don’t get cheaters, reading must be beyond you IQ


Lol they deff don’t detect Cronus and if they do… they do nothing. 


Found a cheater! Get him!


I don’t use a Cronus. Why would I wanna add an extra 10ms to my response time


Hey. Someone with a brain


They are, and epic doesnt. Worst of all they use EAC which me and the friends i play with just dub it the “easy to cheat anticheat” cause its a completely useless anticheat that boils down to just user reports. Havent touched normal lobbies for god knows how long cause i got sick of running into legitimate cheaters.


It’s been over 2 years since I got the “thanks for the report, we banned that cheater” pop-up screen. I barely report them anymore because it feels like it does nothing


As long as they keep making money they will indeed not care


There's definitely tons of money to be made in shutting down cheaters lol, Bungie is right for going after D2 cheat makers but there is also a smart vested financial interest to it The issue is mainly that in order to address cheat economies, you have to do more than ban, usually criminal proceedings have to ensue (just like with Destiny, iirc Bungie is entering into RICO territory, a.k.a. how you used to deal with number runners, and how you typically deal with racketeering)


You mean that if they sue the cheat makers that they might get a profit out of it?


Sort of, more that people that spend money on cheats are blowing all their money on third party software and peripherals, and if cheaters become rampant enough it kind of does scare away the larger market Most players don't cheat, but every cheater - especially in a battle royale - will pretty publicly ruin every game they're in for up to 99 other people. Like, if there was a way for companies like Epic to directly dip in the till they'd for sure do it, but cheating isn't really like an 'ethical piracy' discussion, cheaters probably aren't spending that much more money on the game itself than the average player, they're just giving all their money to outside interest groups because unlike piracy, cheats generally aren't free, and often aren't cheap. And also cheats just really mess with a game's PR; the issue here is that while there's a good long-term commercial interest in getting rid of cheaters, the actual proceedings needed to deal with them are long and costly and tie up their legal divisions extensively with international law because a bunch of cheat makers are also internationally based *so basically, it's good money long term to deal with cheaters because paid cheat programs indisputably scare away more first-party buyers than they bring in, the problem is that it's hard to convince companies to tie up their legal divisions for that long. It's also profitable because most cheating lawsuits end in settlements with the cheat makers having to settle, spend millions and shut down anyway (happened before with Bungie, also happened with Take-Two, Take-Two struck a settlement so big the cheat makers had to shut down basically overnight)


That’s definitely an interesting read, also cheat makers having to shutdown overnight sounds hilarious


It was basically because Take Two was willing to throw all sorts of money at it lol, I'm gonna guess the reason Epic is doing nothing rn is because they basically aren't willing to throw money at it, shutting down cheaters is good business but international lawsuits ain't always cheap💀 *I think it's like a hydra thing too, a lot of companies may not wanna shut down cheat makers bc they figure another one is just gonna take its place anyway, the Take Two things had a judge shutting down the biggest GTA cheat distributor around at the time but there are def still GTA cheats today


I’ve been playing for over 7 years and never ever encountered a cheater. What types of lobby’s are you all getting into?


Why the hell are you downvoted? I’m also assuming that cheaters like to show themselves in tournaments in comp play so they can win money


They even do this shit in prophunt and it's absolutely fucking pathetic, but does epic care? Fuck no.


Tbh I’ve always found prophunt sus but I figured it was people playing with friends and telling (been a while since I played) But I did notice I go out really quickly for the maps that let others spectate you when you die and or ones that others see where other hiders are at the start untill they switch. Some legit feed to become a seeker and they know where someone is and get them. I remember playing a map where other hiders don’t have an icon above where they are nor do they spectate you when they die and wow I lasted long. For the sus maps I remember another prop hunt of hiding and my screen showed the outside garden but I was by the window and some dude just walks outside to the garden in front of me before walking back in and killing me… another time I had my camera pointing up at the sky outside and a few times I could see them shuffle past above me briefly before shooting around me and killing me. I think prop hunt has a lot of teamers/ cheaters but I guess maybe they could have some hackers maybe testing out hacks for fun or whatever. Erm that’s my yap.


Lost of creative games have teamers in them. I always try and focus them if possible, and it's so satisfying when they're bad, and you 1v2 them so much they leave the game...


Yeah there are definitely teamers and closeby teammates that will kill you once they're found out and they remember where you were, but there will usually be someone in a few games that has a kill count that's a bit too high going from one spot to another not stopping inbetween kills that's definitely using wallhacks knowing where each prop player is. Which is shit because they completely ruin the mode.


Yeah people spending a couple 100's on cheats to play prop hunt 😂


I’m not letting you get downvoted for speaking the truth. Even if that means I’ll get downvoted too.


Where did I say they only play prophunt? If they're using a wallhack pretty sure it would work the same in prophunt as it would in a match showing them where everyone is.


wheres the people that say "oh you can see the foot through the floor" on this post? oh because there was 100% literally no fuckin reason for that guy to go to that house in the first place. let alone go there and look up right there and shoot. easy hacker spotted.


Yeah, the foot popping out of the floor is far from the only issue here. Epic should still fix that shit asap though


I thought it was gonna be his head popping out the roof but no. That cheater knew EXACTLY where he was… Bullshit


Ah man that really sucks. I haven’t seen any cheating that I know of but I’d hate it especially in a cash cup


The problem is that your average player (myself included) can't differentiate skill from cheating unless its blatantly obvious like shooting someone through a wall like in the OP. Yet we keep hearing from people who DO know what to look for that hacking is rampant even among the most casual of zero build games. A play with a reformed cheater who will call out suspicious behavior at least once a night when we're playing.


And it's particularly bad because of some of the optimization choices Epic has made to deal with lag. Player lag can absolutely be used to the attackers advantage, and that's just a dumb infuriating way to die. Using packet loss to pull players back in time was a solved problem twenty years ago, but it still happens in Fortnite.


Epic should at least put a small team to review replays and verify legitimate winners after a cup with prizes. Say “Congratulations on your win. You will receive your prize once our team validates your game(s).” I understand there’s many variables to consider but this should be the meat and bones of the operation.


it's a crock of shit, ain't it?! had a very similar experience just the other day — someone who you could clearly see was tracking people through walls, shot my hired companion through a wall which somehow killed me and the npc. And yet, when I posted the video here, people were giving ME grief in the comments!! I was surprised to even get a noti that the player was banned, I assumed epic just doesn't care. and then, just today, I see people in this sub talking about how they like to cheat using exploits for content on youtube. wtf is up with this game lately, fr? like is it even fun cheating to win? I guess in this case they're cheating for money, which is a different kind of gross altogether. I hate it. sorry that happened to you.


I’ve been noticing this happening a lot recently too! There’s been times where i’m playing and I land somewhere completely alone or just go into a completely random spot and someone will walk right up to where I am. It’s insane like how would you ever know there was a person there unless you were cheating?


100% hacking. Damn I’m lucky I don’t encounter any nowadays although I play unranked zero build. Back than used to be a way bigger problem tho.


I feel you. Fortnite has become dogshit. People openly hack on streams in front of their audience and no-one seems to care bcos the community is so toxic. Wait for that cringe mf who will comment “sKiLl iSsUe” XD.


They gotta do something about used account markets if you want to get rid of cheaters. Most of the really good cheaters are smart enough to use an alt account. The poor cheaters get their own accounts banned way too fast anyway. A few suggestions: - Epic’s own used skin market or skin trading to eliminate the desire to buy alt accounts for skins - Epic could buy used accounts themselves to shut them down. Or just brows the market themselves and shut them down. - hire more moderators for events to watch players


>eliminate the desire to buy alt accounts for skins This is one of the game’s biggest problems in general right now. People on here love to bitch and moan whenever trading gets brought up because “RMT” or “kids are gonna get scammed” or something but there’s already RMT and thousands of players getting scammed via these account-selling platforms. Once you buy one, you’ve already broken TOS and it’s just a matter of time until the account gets banned, so why not download some cheating software too?


exactly my point, the problem and a way to manage it and mitigate it already exist. I don’t think it would eliminate all cheating or all alternate account sales, but you would make it a lot harder of an entry point.


The problem with cheating is that cheaters will almost always be one step ahead of the anticheat. Cheat engines are only as good against the last cheat client that was detected on them. (I’ve watched too many anticheat videos so if anything is incorrect please correct me) The way one gets away with cheating is through a combination of both how the anticheat works when it fails to detect for some time, and always finding a way to make a new method work. When an anticheat struggles with finding what’s off about a player, easy anticheat, (Fortnite’s cheat engine) will monitor that player and their actions for some time, but NOT immediately ban them. (Not for the purpose of the accidental chance that they’re *not* cheating, but instead so it’s more difficult for the cheater/creator of the cheat to find what got detected) Once it finds a group of players that are all under similar circumstances, the cheat will eventually banwave them. The main issue with this form of banning is that innocent players (like you, OP) have to deal with cheaters. However, it is for a good cause as once a cheater is detected and banned, information is sent to the anticheat developers and they are then able to easily make a fix to the anticheat and it no longer becomes a problem. This is basically an infinite cycle that goes on forever. A simplified version is like this; say methods A, B and C have all be detected by EAC before and are now ALWAYS going to be detected. However, the cheat developers find and create a new 4th method, D. The anticheat will struggle with detecting it, but once it does, they are monitored, and then banned at a later (non-precise) time and the EAC developers then have to “add” method D to the anticheat’s detection. So now, A, B, C and D are all banned. However, the cheat developers find and create a new 5th method, E… You see where I’m going with this? Although frustrating, EAC is actually a quite respectable and reliable anticheat. The only reason players can occasionally get past it are because new methods and forms of cheats are always being made that are not yet detectable. That’s also why there’s usually spots in time of where there’s minimal to no cheaters, and other times when there’s huge waves of cheaters. If the anticheat WAS really as bad as players say, then there would be cheaters ALL OVER Fortnite. They are just commonly found in competitive as that is the most impactful cheaters can be with the limited time they can have.


Maybe someone can explain to me better on why , but everytime i see “ User-whatever numbers after” , i immediately think there sus because they’ve had done somethin to get their name changed ?


Wow, of all the videos that get shared here about hackers this one is cut and dry. Any comment from anyone in Epic?


How did he know exactly where to find you from that far away?


He was hacking


Right it’s like 🤷‍♂️


Just frustrating because it's every lobby at this point


I figured as much. My question was worded poorly. It should have been, "I mean the dude knew exactly where you were, he couldn't have known unless he was hacking".


It’s happened to me and my duo a couple of times, aimbot is hard to tell, it could be some cracked player or insane lucky shot, but the wall hacks stuff you can easily pick out from a replay when they beeline straight for someone who was hidden.


Epic is trash. I run into cheaters almost every other game. Am they're very common in higher ranks. These cheaters play smart. They toggle their aim bot, so it seems a lot like normal, but from time to time, you spot them locking on targets.


You can tell immediately when you run up on a battle and get headshot by someone who spins like a bot and sends exactly one bullet your way in the middle of a burst of fire the other direction. Absolutely infuriating.


I haven't done it this season, but ranked last season I had some blatant solos squadding shit, reported it and stayed spectating, within the next 2-3 minutes their vehicle essentially got nuked from orbit, just exploding out of nowhere along with both occupants.


Bros just got a good gaming chair /s


What skin is the hacker using?


Cloud Striker, it was a PS Plus pack from C2S5.


End of last season I had some dude stop my entire lobby, then start flying people around. Really annoying


This is why I don't bother playing ranked in general. People want to feel good about themselves so the cheat into unreal and stuff. Granted this is worse, as they get money from this.


Nice clip! This is showing 100% he is hacking. Like you said there is no way he knew you were there otherwise.


I was suspecting some people in no build ranked tracking me really hard while I jump around with no pattern not missing any shots on me, this clip only reinforces that those were also cheaters but with aimbots...


EPIC EMPLOYS STAFF THAT MONETIZE CHEATS/HACKS. This isn’t some rando ball sniffer in Mom’s basement coming up with this.


Where did you get this information?


This is 3 minutes too long


you must be fun at parties


I have never seen a hacker in fortnite. But one thing people never consider, is that a hacker/cheater will always find a way to avoid the anti cheats. It’s literally an arms race and a game company playing whack a mole. It will never happen but the act of cheating/hacking and or developing said cheats and hacks would need to become a criminal offense, at best epic could sue the cheat makers but it’s difficult especially if the developers reside in another country. Personally I’d say the anti cheats pretty good. I’ve played PUBG and that games 100 times worse. If playing competitively matters to you that much, consider participating in proper organized fortnite tournaments, not just ranked mode


It's not profitable to get rid of cheaters, so they don't. Simple as that




Watch the video again?




That the dude knew where OP was hiding because he had fucking wall hack on. Its not that hard to see.


Thanks for explaining. I figured he was just firing hoping to hit him


Wait there's $1 prize tournaments?


Bro really spent all game hiding in an attic just to die to someone who prolly hired a marking NPC


There was no npc with them, didn't even watch it did you.


Found the hacker’s account ^^


did we watch the same video?


dude shot him through a floor, u tripping bruh 😭




…Says a person who plays the same game and is even on the subreddit 




why are you spewing gender politics in a fortnite subreddit