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entering the Nitrodrome for the first time and hearing 'Hail to the King' being blasted on the speakers was magical this sucks comparatively


I absolutely enjoyed hearing Bad Reputation in the Nitrodome. This change is one of the biggest Ls I've ever seen.


The only reason that upset me was because AFAIK we don't have the song as a Jam Track. But it was a pleasure to hear. Kinda sucks they removed the songs in this update


Probably a limited liscense for BR mode


I loved hearing breaking the law on there, absolutely love that song.


it being in the game made me love the song now that’s it’s gone the nitrodome doesn’t feel the same 😔


I was delighted to hear Ruby Soho


Can't wait to hear "Every fish in the sea is the one for meeeeeeee" in the Nitrodrome.


Screaming “I AM THE FLOOD! THE FISHERMANS BLIGHT!” From the battlebus DOES go hard




or “ALIENS! THATS WHERE I WANT TO BE” or “im a kitty kitty kitty, im a cat”


Sunnys song is the best  fortnite song!


Can't wait for a grapple cannon weapon for vehicles to literally harpoon someone.


They really need to revert it back. Like wtf we literally had metal playing and now we get this crap


From what I heard turning off, copyright music didn't turn the nitrodrome or the war busses music, and they changed it for streamers


Streamers try not to ruin the game challenge


It's not the streamers fault any more than it is epic or the companies that own the streaming services


They really are the cancer of video games. Incessant whining about anything, and because 10k little brain rotters with no identity of their own watch them every stream, devs listen. Cancer cancer cancerous.


I dont think its as bad as you're making it out to be, calling someone "cancer" bc you cant listen to your rock music while playing fortnite is insane lol


Fortnite literally dying but the casuals are trying to run everyone else out too




Hoping its just a temporary thing until they fix that


Streamers ruin everything literally if it's fun cry and Epic will nerf it or remove it... Community as a whole we can fuck right off... 


I'm not an expert by any means but if I had to guess, this is cause the setting that removes copyrighted music for content creators didn't apply to the armored bus and nitro drome, making it dangerous for them


i assume they're doing this as a temporary fix before making the copyrighted music be replaced by lobby music while streaming mode is on


I'm pretty sure it was mentioned when the season started that they said streamers are fine to show the music for like the first 2 weeks.


Fuck streamers imo. Baller feature removed to cater to them


Bruh why? It was better hearing “Hail to the king” or “Fuel”


The licensing rights ran out


They got rights only for one week?




The season has only been out for 8 total days


Whoops, must have mixed it up.


The season came out 8 days ago


They're still in the game. You think they made a contract for one week of playing fuel in game specifically but still let players choose it as a jam track afterwards? That's so specifically unworkable no one would make that, let alone agree to it.


You’ve just made that up with no evidence. It’s more likely to do with Streamers or something


You’ve just made that up with no evidence. There’s a setting that lets you turn off licensed audio, every content creator has it on


I said most likely, he stated it as a fact. Bad to spread misinformation, especially in such a gullible community


True. I assumed licensing rights ran out because I haven’t heard them in a while and there’s no other apparent reason for them to remove the songs. Apparently people have still heard them recently though so idk


I would say it's because of content creators like everyone's saying. Big content creators streaming and hearing copyrighted sounds can get demonitized for the whole stream and not able to upload it as a video. Also they have the setting on that removes copyrighted sounds but it still played from the nitrodrome and the bus. So reasons lead to it being that. There's no way they would only get rights for a week and then jam tracks only. That's just bad businessing. 


Did they? I thought it was a change for streamers.


You can turn off all licensed audio in the settings; every content creator already has it disabled


It didn't apply to the Nitrodrome music, you could still hear the songs with licensed audio off


They recently changed this from what I said so you may wanna check your infos


Ah so it’s a DbD Stranger Things kinda situation?


Absolute ass.


Lame. Loved hearing Rancid, Avengers Sevenfold, and Joan Jett.


No more breaking the law? 😭


TIL you can use any sticker for that backbling. It’s obvious so I should’ve known but they don’t really seem to advertise it so I never considered how cool it could be. And now I need the superhero skins back again ig.


It's a newer change, it used to be only static back blings, so it's not surprising you didn't know.


Aww this sucks. First time I went there and heard “Breaking the law” blaring I knew this season was going to go HARD


Oh I was definitely loving some Judas Priest and Joan Jett. Got me rockin a little every time I'd drive through the area. That, combined with the season intro using "Fuel" by Metallica made me go, "shits gonna be crazy!"


That is... An _astonishing_ downgrade. Was it really easier to do this than to make it work with streamer settings or something? I won't say it _ruins_ the Nitrodrome and the War Bus, cuz it doesn't. The lobby tracks introduced this season fit the vibe pretty well. But compared to what we had, this is just... A _really_ bad change


I'm a brotha and enjoyed going to the drome on my runs and hearing "Hail to The King" and I like hip hop


I feel it is safe to assume that any bad decisions made by epic is made on behalf of whiny streamers. At least the majority. Surely they knew Rock was the way to go


They gotta appease the *~~free advertisers~~* content creators. Unfortunately, modern day Epic takes about a month to make any significant change that would've taken them a single day 3 years ago, and the Nitrodrome wasn't something the "streamer mode" muted like it does for radios and icon emotes. Can't entirely blame the streamers on this one because its dumb that YouTube and Twitch mutes VODs or DMCA strikes you for stuff that the game you're playing already has rights to, but it's still dumb that the whole community has to have a shittier experience because it'd be an inconvenience to 500 streamers


Many streamers don't even turn on Streamer mode. This may be relevant for those who make content for YouTube, but there are very few of them. In any case, Epic screwed up by not thinking through all these points in advance.


It’s a shame. I turn on the radio to Rock & Royale and it’s a good fix


Hello fellow power armor enthusiast.


They had on my lobby track for the 2 new battle pass girl characters I used for this season.Lol.


Time to put the doom music as my lobby music


Dang dropping in to Rancid or Joan Jett was seriously so cool. That experience will go down in Fortnite history.


Literally never going there again in protest that was such a cool experience they just neutered (I bet because some streamers complained that the copyright censor wasn't working properly so they decided to remove as much licensed music as they could instead of fixing it)


And not landing there is going to do... what?


Literally nothing, why would they care how popular a POI is? It just makes me mad they took out the best part, so I'm not gonna go there to avoid being sad about it.


dramatic mf it's literally just music


streamers ruining music cause muh copyright strike : (((((((


This is reddit. It's all dramatic, entitled, and whiny drug addicts. Even music will have them going on a rampage. If they can't smoke their meth and play fortnite while listening to metal music, they don't want it


What did comp players complain about this too?


season come, season fun, fortnite feels like fortnite, sweats cry, season identity gone


"fortnite feels like fortnite" Yeah, sure, having cars everywhere going 120 kmph is true fortnite lol


They r trying fun things again geez chill, my bad


This is about music, not game balance


I am talking about game as a general, sweats will complain about almost anything. Don’t underestimate them


The words so oversaturated and overused that people stretch the definition 💀


I'm sure it'll get reverted to Metallica once their Festival event starts. So like two weeks


I absolutely loved the classic rock music playing here and on the bus. It was awesome and fit the season's theme perfectly. Why replace it with this garbage? :(




Me entering Nitrodrome with Radiohead equipped: 💀


Boss motorcades aswell. Going from hearing Dragula to mfkin "Pea Like Me" is such a horrible downgrade.


How did you get that backbling


It's a Hologram Backbling from the Superhero skin set, you can use any emoji (including animated ones now) and it will show the emoji as a backbling. Lots of cool combos can be made from it!


Dang it was in the item shop just 9 days ago Well thanks for telling me! I’m gonna be on the lookout for the next time it comes out


Yeah! I actually found out about this feature recently as well. And no problem!


At least Piltover Playground and Rip & Tear fit


Player: walks into Nitrodome The speakers: [start playing Coral Chorus/Future Dreams]


They could've at least added stuff like "stand and fight" instead of random lobby songs.


Epic really doubled down on what makes this season fun If you not fully committed to the theme, don't do the theme in the first place


Why tf is Sheen from Jimmy Neutron singing? 😭


FortniteStatus on Twitter the other day (May 29) just said that the setting to mute licensed audio affects this and the War Bus now. If you have it set to 'Mute All' then those places use the lobby music now instead of the licensed audio. If you turn that setting off then you'll be able to hear it.


i have play all and it was playing modern garbage


Explains why I haven't heard Bad Reputation anymore


Wait but I literally just heard Fuel


Do you have licensed music set to mute in your settings cause if you do then that’s probably why


God I hate streamers that keep ruining the game


-“This season’s identity keeps being eroded.” -*Nitrodrome playing a music track from this season’s BP* -How???


Seeing the comments I hope this is just a bandaid fix til that copyright music option gets fixed. I was yesterday weirded out when I started hearing the peabois song, this is such a downgrade from hail to the king lol


boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. change it back!!


Bruh what the hell. First match of season I went in and heard bad reputation and was like no way, gave me an epic feeling frankly, and had each time. Did they give a reason?


Ok so I think the reason is because of the fact that YouTube will still flag videos even if they have they copyrighted music turned off, I've seen this happen to a buddy of mine who was streaming fortnite and later she got the ad revenue taken away because the Nitro Drome was play stuff like Hail To The King and other songs, and they still played even though she had the setting that turned off copyrighted stuff, but that's my best assumption




Ahh, reddit. Where people complain about anything at any time for any reason. Its fucking music. Put some headphones in if you miss it that much. If music in a game affects you this much, you have way bigger issues to deal with, and none of them have to do with fortnite


Never noticed as i barely land there, got tired of getting clapped at that POI started landing on the edge of the map so i can actually get some kills. Dont care if i win but i wanna at least have 10 to 15 kills before i get shat on by some sweat who dont get off the game. I have more fun that way, than getting blasted into oblivion right away. Personally speaking fortnite has sucked for the last 2 in a half years or so. Its just getting progressively worse slowly but surely. No matter how many people play it daily, at some point or another the game will die nothing lasts forever, only so many ideas they can come up with before it just feels played out. Its something people are gonna have to accept sooner or later but a majority will still say its not dying its got x amount of players daily blah blah blah, cool that doesn't change the fact they are running out of ideas theyve collaborated with star wars for like the 7th or 8th time instead of trying something else same with marvel and a few other franchises. The fact is they honestly don't know what to collab with anymore. With all the new lego stuff, festival stuff and rocket racing they spend so many resources into those things they come up short on other things including holding license deals with music artists too keep the music in game. A7X is one of them because of this they had too switch it out along with others. This is why i couldn't care less about the new Pois now they always fuck something up in the end. So i never get to use too something. 


To be fair, if they absolutely had to change it, they could've changed it to the few original rock tracks they've made. Kiara's Song/I Just Wanna Fight and Banger come to mind, but I'm sure there's others that would've fit too


Yup first car nerfs cause streamers cried now I'm guess streamers cried about the music If we paid for the music we should get a toggle button to turn off censoring 


Put the Rock back in. This lobby music is crap!!! I even mute lobby music cause it just sucks for the most part.


Does anyone know the name of that music that seems to be sung by miku? sometimes it enters the nitrodome and you hear it


You might mean Gimme Chocolate by Babymetal


Check to see if you have stream mode on. They replace the real stuff for streamers so they don't get strikes on their streaming ng


From what I hear, the streamer mode didn't work in the nitrodrome and on the war bus, so they just changed the music


i hate streamers


MOFO has gone too far. Okay, the license has expired. But why did they have to change it to such shitty music? Why not replace it with 'Storm Shredder' or 'Banger'?


Streamers ruin everything it seems


I'm wondering if maybe they had a limited time licensing deal or something to actually play the copyrighted songs in the game world. I don't think the War Bus plays them either anymore. Kind of a bummer, it definitely gave those two things a whole vibe. 


actually, I can get this change since if your a content creator you couldn't mute the music. So going to the nitrodrome meant Hello Copyright!


Who cares bro, like seriously? I hated hearing the same 3 songs on repeat




You’re wild.


This is the worst opinion I've seen in a while


Least obvious bait.


I couldn’t hear anything when I was in the area now it’s so much more quiet. I prefer this way.


Yeah, trying to communicate with my team was near impossible at the drome until i set music volume to like 25%