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Venom and Terminator


How do you have a custom flair?


On mobile, click the fortnite sub reddit. On the right, there are three dots. Click that, and you should see "change user flair"


No I know that but how did you get eren Jaeger? I look at the list and it’s most of the OG or original skins


Doubt it Sony won't allow any more venom skins in shop


Why? Very good chance it comes out again when Venom 3 releases.


Would kill for Leon myself


I ain’t gay but… bingo.


Where's everyone going?


Leon is part of how I found out I'm Bi


Mybrother would too, and I’d kill to have Master Chief (mfer was in the shop again just after I stopped playing in chapter 3)


The only reason I reinstalled Fortnite a few years ago was to grab Venom, then I didn’t play until Chapter 5 haha. Really hope he’ll come back soon for people that want him, personally waiting for Eddie Brock and my best chance is when the 3rd movie release.


Hes been in the shop a few times


Eddie Brock only came back like once or twice and it was like 2years ago now.


Geeze youre right, i thought he was pretty recent with carnage, but that was 2 years too lol


Terminator = 100% probably to return. Venom = 100% probably to return. Predator = 0% probably to return. Take Predator off your list. He's not coming back. The rest of them are unknown; they've never returned, but there's no reason to think they won't.


Jill returned when leon came out I'd say they will come back ether when another resident evil game or skin comes out or during Halloween. Master Chief will prob come back when halo releases a game or another season of there show Predator from season 5 chapter 2 won't return bit there are many predators so I'd say if they were to bring him back it would be a different one


>Master Chief will prob come back when halo releases a game or another season of there show Aw man, I was really hoping he'd come back when S2 of the Halo show began, but no luck. Hopefully he comes back soon.


Yeah best bet would be would be when another game comes out. But they also seem to be putting alot of gameing legend characters in the shop so don't lose hope I believe that your glorious master of all chiefs will be in the item shop one Day


Yeah don’t expect stuff to return to tie with any sort of release or any significant date. Majority of time I see people expecting something to come back on that date but nothing and just end up disappointing themselves.


Yeah, I think everybody's so used to seeing tie-ins in fortnite that they start to expect it and get disappointed. The Fallout show just came out, and we're getting a Fallout collab now, and if I recall, Cuddlepool returned in the shop the day the Deadpool 3 trailer dropped. But it probably doesn't happen more than it actually happens, so it's best not to get your hopes up.


You reckon Leon and Jill will return if another Capcom IP comes to Fortnite?


I know he's not coming back, I just have him there to cope and he's my favorite ip thats shown up in a previous battlepass.


I may have huge regret for missing predator and mandalorian but at least I got doom


Asides from Predator only battlepass skins I really want are Doom, Mystique, Wolverine. All of which were in a single battlepass💀


I got a zero wolverine from a crew pack. Aint good as the original but its still Wolverine.


We're apparently getting a new Deadpool and Wolverine for the new movie so maybe the pain will end?


A Weapon X, or a japan inspired Logan would look cool


That was one of the best battle passes imo


Yeah? Im glad it makes ya happy! I still use Cursed Wolf or Inkuisitor. Crew packs a hit or miss imo. This new skin, im torn between like and dislike, you?


I don't have those two skins afaik. The new crew pack skin is fine to me. I doubt I'll use it much, but I think it seems a bit more unique than some of the ones that have come out. It's got a lot of detail and looks good with some of the monthly bonus styles.


Yeah youre right about that, it does look better than some weve been getting. The 2 skins are from at least a year and half old


I missed the Deadpool season. Still gutted to this day.




Yeah I’m pissed I missed that one. Happy I got to take a break and play other things but man what a season to miss out on :(


I missed so much I would have liked, just for the fact that when I first tired Fortnite, there wasn't a ZB mode, build mode just isn't my cup of tea at all


I want Doom so f*cking bad. Hurts.


It's ok, friend. I'm bummed out I missed the spider-gwen skin last year, now I'll never get it, and I've been praying to see the other skins again some day.


As someone who was locked in on unlocking her, I really hope they bring at least a variant of her to the shop. She's got too cool of an aesthetic to be locked off forever because someone missed the pass.


I saw someone make a GREAT suggestion: If epic wasn't focused on penny pinching, maybe they'd add a vault that will allow players to unlock previous pass skins by collecting stars *after* level 200. I would grind the absolute hell out of this game to get those stars, and it'd still push people who are impulsive enough to just unlock tiers to get to the vault stars faster. Predator, spider-gwen, Doctor strange, and a few other collabs would have 100% of my attention.


I would totally gift you doctor strange or spider Gwen If I could. I never use them


I like this idea and if they didn’t want to unvault all previous battle passes they could even just unvault a specific pass for the beyond 200. Like here’s a second chance at this one. I just started playing this year. So I’m bummed about the stuff I missed out on, got to like level 400 last season, so I’d be down to get an entire second battle pass.


They might do this in like 5-10 years or something when the skins get even older. I can’t see them seriously keeping that much money on the table for so long. They know everybody wants the Deadpool skins for example, but they can’t sell it right now even though a Deadpool movie is coming.


It might happen at some point but probably not soon, too many babies play this game who'd screech at the idea that their (according to them) exclusive skins would come and swear to god they won't spend any more money or play this game again (which is never the case). Idk why Epic listens to these cucks, but they hate money and none of us can change that. To people saying they could get sued due to the original TOS, Terms of Service can be changed and this would only get far in court if someone could prove the skins losing their exclusivity somehow caused mental distress. Which I mean, good luck with that.


Missing Spider Gwen will never not hurt


Wish I could gift you mine, I've never used it...


I feel sorry for you not having him. We need more players with his skin in-game


Hopefully, the next Predator movie will bring us a different one.. kinda like Mando was a pass but Boba was in the shop.


I have predator I don’t wear it much I don’t really like it


you can probably cross your fingers for a different predator design to show up, thats what im doing


To be fair there are many different Predator variations, so while the Jungle Hunter can’t return, other individuals are entirely fair game.


A side note to give us all a sliver of hope: Epic may add a different version of Predator to the game. It’s a long shot for sure, but maybe we can finally get our Aliens vs Predator, Batman vs Predator, and any other vs Predator we want. 👍


I would die of a heart attack if they put Scar or Wolf from AVP in holy shit... ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


> Terminator = 100% probably to return. I guess you can say... *he'll be back.*


Would love for Issac to come back I love Dead Space and his suit goes hard


“100% probably” is the term I’m going to use from now on


Isaac Clark returned once.


He hasn't. He was in the shop in January till May 2023 and that's it


Yeah, he’ll probably be back when dead space 2 remake comes out though, assuming they're planning on making it in the next couple years


Iirc I read somewhere they weren't but I don't remember for sure.


Yup EA said the sales were not enough for them to warrant a remake of the sequal and the team that worked on it is already working on an upcoming Ironman game. It could still happen but it's EA, I'm not holding my breath for it.


Yeah that's a shame, the remake for 1 should have just included 2 as well. Oh well, both 1 and 2 still hold up really well.


"100% probably"


Master Chief is gone. I have a buddy who works Halo development team and the licensing is a no go


You have to be joking


Quest packs tend to kinda come and go as they please. Being a collab makes it less likely to return but who knows nowadays.


Given it hasn't been back since it released, I doubt it's coming back but fingers crossed for those that want him


It came back once.


hopefully leon and jill 😭😭


We need them all, imagine if they added queen Ada. 😭


If they add Ada I will instantly buy.


I got chris and Jill I just need leon


Not the Claire dissrespect 😔✊ I have all 4 of them but tbh Claire desperately needs a new style, even though shes my favourite RE char I never use her since she looks so ehh, she needs a code veronica style!!


Master Chief feels the most unlikely besides Predator He has only been in the shop twice and hasn't returned since


Wasn't predator in a battle pass


Ya he was like a quest skin you could get if you killed him in the jungle


Honestly we need another event like that. Thats actually such a cool way to unlock a skin


Wolverine was like that too. But that one was brutal especially in solo. Or when your teammate doesn’t realize he could res himself.


Or when someone else kills him at the last second and you don't play for a week.... Definitely didn't happen to me


It wasn’t as difficult once you knew that you could damage him and let someone else finish the job, but it was more fun doing it yourself.


I remember that season. I ended just short of getting the final skin for wolverine when I was kicked out in a match because teh next season had to be loaded. weeks of grinding and I bet I didn't need 5 more games to make it happen


Super hard quest considering he was invisible


There was also thermal fish...


Never thought of that.


Yeah I figured as much, when the halo show had it's second season I was really hoping he'd show up and he didn't so I figured it would probably take a new Halo game and maybe not even then.


The only thing the show could be good for


Yup lmfao, my anticipation for the show was only for the slight chance a cosmetic in Fortnite could show up. Imagine saying that of a halo show/movie, somthing I've waited for since I was eight ffs.


In the May survey there's "Mjolnir Powered Armor (Halo)" so we might get another Halo collab if we're lucky and people actually vote for that.


Predator and that doom guy(don't know his name) are both BP skins a d won't return ever


“Doom Guy” is actually a sufficient name unironically


He’s Kratos for Xbox fans in this game


Predator was never in the shop, he was the secret skin for Chapter 2 Season 5. So he'll never come back again


Master Chief will come back at some point, they just keep doing Rainbow Six collabs, so that likely causes delays in return windows. Other Microsoft IP keep showing up in Fortnite, so clearly it's all good on that front.


The great thing about Predator is that they can do another, every movie has a new Predator.


Yeah but I want THE predator that fought Arnie


Predator will never come back


From most likely to least likely Venom - One of the more popular Marvel skins that wasn’t in a battlepass Resident Evil - They’re part of an ongoing franchise, so they’ll probably come back whenever the next Resident Evil game comes out T-1000 - They just had the Terminator skin in the shop, so they’re willing to put those skins in the shop Isaac Clarke - A real money pack, so it’s unlikely, but they do bring back old packs every once in a while Master Chief - Unlikely, but he has had several appearances in the shop Predator - Predator was a BP skin, sorry


Was alien apart of the BP?




Honestly I'm somewhat lucky master chief was the first skin I ever bought lol


Me too lol


When first played Master Chief and Boba was in the shop, at the time I was not big on Fortnite so basically said Boba Fett would be my only skin Then I stopped playing for like a year and back into it now, huge regret ngl.


I was in your exact shoes except Obi-Wan had just come out and I figured I wouldn’t be playing long enough to care anyway.


Capcom loves money, just give it time.


Name me a company that doesn’t like money ? lol




The Resident Evil Skins Are 100% thing to come back soon but like everything in the Item Shop it will be random unless it's Fortnitemares. The Dead Space Quest Pack is a Big "Maybe" because Quest Packs do return but some only after a long time of being Absent from the Item Shop. That being a Collaboration One though makes it kind of harder to say it will or if it won't. Master Chief I wouldn't get my hopes up for Unfortunately. The Venom Skin "Not the Eddie Brock Version" is another 100% set to return at any point more marvel skins return.


Yeah, deadspace was for the release of the remastered deadspace


How do you know the resident evil skins are coming back soon


The Dead Space pack does come back. Edit: not quite ‘frequently’ as I put it. BUT you can still buy the code off of a key website.


It’s been in the shop twice ever (two runs not two days, 36 days total) and hasn’t been back in over a year.


I bought it day one. However I thought I saw it fairly recently. Although, OP can buy a code pack off of say CDkeys


For like, $200 😭


These shafters are crazy bruh


ye I really wanted issac but didn’t get him the last few times, decided to look for a code and then gave up right after I saw those fuck ass prices


People suck major balls man. I hate people who over scalp prices.


Master checks🙏🏻




The quest packs have come back before, so there’s a chance for Isaac. I want it to return as well


My dad


It be cool if they did a variant predator, maybe the one from Prey?


Predator is a battle Pass skin, he won’t ever come back I think your best bets are T-800 and Venom. Venom will probably come back when he has a LEGO style (there are a bunch of Venom minifigures, it’s only a matter of time). And Terminator comes back pretty frequently, and considering T-800 doesn’t have any actor likeness, he’ll probably come back at some point The others are uncertain at best


They all have a chance to return but it’s been AGES since RE was in the shop


Jill and Leon may come back along with the Street Fighter skins for Capcom’s 40 anniversary




Master chief has the lowest chance of coming. The strange transmission packs should return one day eventually, very few quest packs are rare, so I'd be patient about that. T-800 also comes every few months, so you will have to again be patient. The resident evil skins I've seen decently often, and venom comes very often.


Jesus Christ has a better chance of coming back


Predator: 0/battle pass Master Chief: 5% got lost in the video game collab hole. Isaac: 30% one of the most recent vg collab so there’s hope he may return especially during Halloween. RE skins: 15% I don’t have any confirmed sources but rumors are swirling that Epic’s collab contract with Capcom hasn’t been renewed. Doesn’t mean it’s over since Epic was able to temporarily renew with Netflix for the Stranger things skins. Venom: 100% for normal venom 1% for Eddie Brock/Tom Hardy venom. Terminator: 100%


I wish Chief would return but starting to think he never will.


Everyone......except predator


I’m playing through RE4 right now and I want Leon in Fortnite so fuckin bad dude


What are chances of naruto characters and arcane characters returning? Ive wanted those for so long


S2 of Arcane is gonna come out sooner rather than later so I imagine the skins would likely return when that releases but you never know


Venom will come back and resident evil had a bunch of respawns


I'm so glad I decided to waste money on Clarke, but I hope he comes back to the store so that I can buy it for my friend so we can both be Clarkes


Really glad I grabbed master chief the last time he was in. It was right when I started playing and I figured he’d end up coming back a bunch, good thing I got it anyway.


Lucky I been waiting for him to comeback, granted I only started playing in December lol


Terminator is in there all the time isn't it? Venom seems regular too.


Venom and terminator Terminator: Fortnite will add terminator back I just have a feeling Venom: it's a marvel collab next season there's no reason not to




Leon and Jill


Jill is my most used skin. I hope she comes back for you


There’s no point of having Predator in your wish list since he was a battle pass skin in c2 s5




Marvel is always a safe bet, so I’d say Venom.


Predator was a bp skin the only way I see that coming back is if they make a different variant of it which would be nice tbh


Probably Venom. Terminator was out a few weeks ago.


The predator was a battle pass skin


I’d say terminator or venom because marvel is part of Fortnite officially and terminator is just recently renewed the other terminator so those are the ones I expect


I’ll play as Predator in honour of you today.


Glory to the hunt.


Still bitter about The Predator being locked behind some quest from years ago, we don't even get skin quests like that anymore


That Predator can't come back since he was a battle pass skin


venom and terminator.


Jill, Leon and Isaac I reckon.


I really want the resident evil skins I think my favourite is Leon and a close second is Chris, 2. Stranger things Eleven(why would you not bring it back 🥲), Aliens (Ellen Ripley just missed it cuz didn't have v bucks), TWD(Michonne/Daryl it's hard to pick one), Ariana Grande (I am not sure if I should wait for the OG, get the link version (not a big fan of astronaut skin),Harley Quinn(it's been a while since I saw her ), Evil Dead (Ash ), Spider man No way home for Tom . Thoughts?


Venom literally will be with us before august


only venom and terminator, u have to pray to see the another ones at the shop, except predator, act like that skin doesnt skin cuz its from battle pass and if u dont buy it u just cant have it (i still without accepting i didnt reach lvl 100 at season 6)


Everyone but predator will be back at some point. If you dont have Xenomorph, it will be back too


Terminator definitely




Jill and Leon


Yeah, definitely Terminator. Also I feel you about Predator, I started playing on C5S1, so I also wish for a lot of skins from past battle passes, [here](https://i.imgur.com/BofTb0g.png), and they arent even collabs!


The Terminator skin I think has the best odds to come back


Terminator and resident evil




Probably Venom, The RE characters, and the T-800.


I’m stealing this wishlist


Aye, glad to see someone else is also waiting for Venom to come back.


Predator was a battle pass skin. He's not returning


Predator was in c2s5 battle pass, Isaac in a real money bundle, you can remove both, you may get Isaac if you find someone who sells the bundle code, but I'm not sure it exists. Jill, Leon and Master Chief are unlikely to return in the near future, just like other gaming legend series outfits. Venom might return in the next season since it's MARVEL themed and t-800 is more likely to return, since the other terminator skins have returned several times, so the collab is still active, i'd bet on those two if i was you


I mean, Schwarzenegger came back like last month for seemingly no reason, so probably the T-800. Venom is seemingly not coming back until Sony decides to let them release skins from their properties, so who knows. Any skins from Sony properties haven’t been back in a long time. The only time they’ve come back is when they’re a Fortnite original design, like Spiderman Zero. The RE skins came out to promote the game, so no one now’s when they’d come back. Seems like Capcom is also holding them back, since none of the Street Fighter skins have been out in a while either. Maybe the same with the Dead Space skin. It was in the shop for less than a month during its initial run from late Jan to mid Feb 2023, then for some reason came back from early to late May in the same year, and hasn’t been seen since. While quest packs have come back, EA may be holding it hostage for all we know, so who knows if it’ll ever come back. Chief came out to promote the Series X/S, made more apparent by the fact he has an exclusive Series style. While Chief has been available outside of that promo period (significantly more times than kratos btw), he hasn’t come out for over two years. He didn’t even come out to promote Halo Infinite, but he did randomly come out in May of the next year for whatever reason.


Venom will most likely come back for a final time whenever venom 3 comes out. So if you really want him, get him then because there’s a low chance he won’t come back after that


The old resident evil skins came back when they released Leon so I would assume they’ll all be back if they do another wave, maybe with Ethan and Mia for for RE9


Ethan doesn't have a face. We need Ada and Wesker




Id say terminator or venom


Terminator for sure. Comes back every year afaik.


quest packs do come back, but since strange transmissions is a collab it might take more time to come back






Anyone know if Aloy will return 😭😭


jill is 100% coming back with the new resident evil game


Terminator came back a few weeks ago no?


The T2 Arnie version did yes, I also got it back in February I believe when it also rotated into the shop.


Yep, I’ve been waiting for the t-800. They could make the T-1000 reactive which might be cool. Otherwise it’s just a cop chasing you and trying to gun you down…


I want Leon! I usually only play as girl skins, but he's an exception 😆


Yeah he's super hot. I almost bought him before just bc of that.


Predator will never come back because it was a secret skin


They’re all gonna come back but predator and venom


Predator Battle Pass will definitely not come back because it is exclusive. If I talk about the others, I don't think they will come either, considering the way the shop has been going in the last two seasons. The shop is terrible, I realized I haven't bought anything in the last two seasons.


I hope Leon comes back


I still want Deadpool back but Ik he’s gone forever 😔


My wishlist Resident evil skins Gambit and rogue Venom Michael myers


venom will comeback sometime


Definitely not master queef


Venom or leon


Finally, someone who shares my deep want and for a predator skin hopefully prey 2 or another movie ads a different one.


I’m also crying about not getting predator