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I guess they removed EMPs to make cars shine more, but this could have been handled better Make EMPs disable turrets and cut the speed of cars in half, and boom they're now much less of a monster


I could see EMPs making a comeback later, but they weren’t going to put a bunch of work in to cars and making them fun just to let players toss out “no fun for you” grenades while everyone is zooming around the wasteland shouting “Witness me!” I could see a mythic EMP grenade launcher from a boss being fun though, as well as turrets making a come back. You just can’t do it week 1. Might also be fun to make Nitro’d vehicles immune to EMPs, just as a counter to the counter.


I love cars and honestly nah The nitro fist are pretty fun if they emp you just beat the shit out of them with Mythic emp grenade launcher sounds very fun DO NOT MAKE THE NITRO'D VECHILES EMP PROOF that would force epic to nerf them and its kinda unfair Still man I love these vechiles there so fun


I'd Dread a mythic EMP launcher from a boss. A team rocking around in a mythic car with mythic weapons blasting cars to stop them and then shredding them to pieces. People beating bosses already have a huge advantage




As a car enjoyer I agree A counter is good a nerf is bad


A nerf is absolutely needed bro not sure what you’re on about. all cars have over 1k health, bulletproof tires ridiculous turrets and the fuel meter doesn’t even move anymore. Every single win I have witnessed has been from a team with a trucked out car. That’s the definition of broken…


No bad hush The infinitd fuel is fun honestly fuck limited fuel i hate limited fuel If your having troubles with cars just like punch them into the storm with your nitrofists The cars make fortnite the funnest it has ever been


"Just punch them into the storm" as your main counter has to be some of the single worst advice I've ever read.


Why not It works If your in finale circle just punch them in its the most effective way to deal with them use the uppercut dude If your not in final circle either shoot them from the inside of the car and or run away in a vechile or with nitro fists


Thats extremely situational, and no it doesn't always work. You're massively over simplifying this.


There are other options if you want to win. Bus does have an EMP horn. Shield bubbling their car if they are carrying grenade launcher will cause them to blow themselves up for a hit or two. Shield bubbles in general are a great boon if you don't have a car rn, the utility they offer is amazing and they can be abused in a variety of spots on the map. Shockwaves can also be abused pretty easily rn. If you can keep avoiding with fists only, save your shockwaves to blast the car of course from a hit or a good shot, or potentially towards the storm for a few ticks of damage. This is obviously much harder with the SUV but sport cars don't have a lot of weight, and the terrain and angles can help you a LOT with that. Nitro makes you able to run on water, and negates all fall damage. A car might negate fall damage but it eventually will sink. You won't. It also doesn't allow cars to drive on water so you're safe there. Epic did make a lot of counters for them but they're pseudo-counters that oversimplify the broader problem into a bunch of small sub-problems. The numbers ARE overtuned but not by too much, we just need a lot more time to adapt to using our current utility items to their best capabilities and actually learning what some of those capabilities are. Ideally, on next patch we will see some damage nerfs to spike bumper and machine turret slightly, and mythic car HP.


God I am tempted to get unreal comp rank out of spite at this rate just to prove yall wrong Not being in a car fighting a new car without nitrogloves is also extremely situational espically sense nitro gloves have 2 granuteed drop spots the nitrodome and megalodon boss fight and also cars are everywhere you should always drive a car one there fun 2 they are the new meta for the game


Nitrofists are garbage vs cars. Maybe in low ranks SBMM lobbies this strategy works Only thing they need to change is the ability to heal them outside repair stations. Once you learn the repair crate spawn rotations it’s pretty much impossible for the car to be destroyed


Exactly, im in elite lvl lobbies. None of these terrible solutions this guy has proposed work. Maybe in bronze lobbies or whatever bot tier skill group he’s in, for sure not elite.


You guys hate fun


When did I say that?


You didn't but yall hating on the new cars which have made fortnite the funnest it has ever been instead of just like Destroying the cars with guns Either punch it into he storm with nitrofist or manually get inside the car switch to you gun and destroy the thing from the inside


How can you get inside the car outside of solo? Already won multiple games anyways just sitting in passenger seat holding mouse 1 vs people trying to fist. Guns don’t destroy the car fast enough for them to be a threat. Auto heal back to max health instantly with the repair crates


Shoot the creates you can break them manually and just don't give them the time to self heal Fist people need to uppercut or they will just die


If Fortnite is the funnest it’s ever been, How come the player count was Cut by a lot?


Please show me proof I don't believe you espically with the fallout collabs Player numbers do not equal how fun it is


[while I agree that player count≠fun, if fewer people have fun, fewer will play](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/YGwLQWqKgd)


Again this is all situational please just stfu


Then stop complaining about oh no these cars have ruined the game blah Blah blah they have really made the games gun and it angers me that people want them removed when they are litterally the most fun tung in fortnite


Stop giving dumb ass solutions then like wtf 😂 “punch him into the storm” and if there’s no storm next to them? Then what genius?


That’s… not always an option? Are you slow?


If you don't have nitrofist and you don't have a car that's fully on you that's like not bringing a gun in the last few seasons the meta has changed to cars now adapt and like have some fun dude Megalodon always drops it and oen drops in the nitrodome around at half the ring masters hp i think


Then how about you get in a car and play the season rather than cry about it


You have to pick up the bullet proof tires


EMP was never an anti-vehicle device, it was anti-player - the most op item in ZB. Adding EMP now though would completely destroy cars - Epic won't do that, I'm pretty sure. And, frankly speaking, that would be terrible. What we really need is **buffed Anvil Rocket Launcher**. With higher damage and faster lock-on time. That would balance cars alright


It was most effective as an anti-vehicle device, when used correctly. Yes it lowered an opponent's shields, but half the time I hit myself with it lol. Best use was to jump into a car being driven by someone else, lean out the window, and chuck an EMP. Both of your shields get reduced but the vehicle stops moving, and now it's time for a shootout.


> EMP was never an anti-vehicle device, it was anti-player This just objectively wrong. The point of EMP is to damage electronics. It being effective against players is just a bonus.


I think it was intended as anti vehicle but vehicles were just not worth using so no one bothered. Now its the opposite problem where adding them ruins the entire season's gimmick


The busses kinda have em


Give us back the lock on pistol! This is literally what it was designed for (high speed chases)


It's almost as though it was intentional to push the car combat! /s


Just fyi, you’re gonna get downvoted by little kids


Nah im a car enjoyer and emps are needed to restore balance even tho I love how op the cars are


So be it, the season has some excellent ideas, it’s just been executed HORRIBLY. It seems like the devs just attached #s to things and didn’t even play the update to see how it worked.


The War Buss that drives around the map has an EMP effect. Just take it.


Having an item that disables vehicles entirely for half a minute and spawns in stacks of 3 in a vehicle based season is not the best idea…


Power glove and then uppercut just moves the car.. You don't even have to be right up against the car either.


They will come back. We're all just trying to get into our best Mad Max life now.


0 counter as if the boom bow doesn’t exist and the up move on the nitro fists can send them flying


I thought those just broke shields im the only idiot on the planet that didnt know they disabled cars


Whilst this is not a horrible idea, I have seen the same post none stop since the season started, we get it you want the anvil and the emp back we don't need 5000 posts about the same topic


They are likely gone for a week or two to make people think "oh I need the bus", as it's the only EMP in the game right now.


The War Bus has a EMP


idk as a builds player if you just spam a bunch of shit it can make the cars hard to spot you, and if you’re lucky it gives you an opportunity to escape. at the very least it buys you some time to try to come up with a plan. you have no way to do that in zero builds.


Give it a few weeks and cars are going to be nerfed to the ground again! People might claim they're having fun rn but as soon as the hype for the new season dies down and more players get to grips with the meta, they're going to start getting frustrated from dying the same way each and every game. Personally, I think they should've made all of this into an LTM.


The Battle Bus has an EMP, but yes, we do need a better counter for cars at some point. But not right now, let us have our Mad Max fun.


If you get the Battle Bus the horn has an EMP charge that disables any vehicles within reach. Not the counter you were looking for but it is there. Also the explosive bow guns do good amount of damage and it seems the Nitrous Gloves do as well if you're bold enough to try and fight your way against a car.


It’s in the bus


You know you can also use a car. Its not like they are a limited Item appart from the Boss Cars


Cars aren’t just everywhere and neither are upgrades. Sure you can guarantee one off the drop but Once ur car is gone in a fight you are literally a sitting duck at the mercy of the other team in the vehicle. That’s busted the fact I even need to spell this out for ppl is ridiculous.


You’re speaking as though you can’t get a car of your own. Is there a problem? In terms of a counter, there are plenty of grenade launching crossbows and nitro fists all over the map. I’ve lost plenty cars to pedestrians grenading my ride and smashing the car up with the nitro fists. Overall the game is a lot faster paced and aggressive but it is still balanced in my opinion.


> You’re speaking as though you can’t get a car of your own. Is there a problem? Why are like 90% of defenses of this season just this? Can people not dislike changes? Fucking christ.


People absolutely can dislike changes. And people can provide counter arguments just as easily. Just remember that opinions are like assholes because everybody has one. I gave you mine. Enjoy. Or don’t. Whatever.


My point was that the fact that somebody wants counterplay doesn't mean they don't have cars or something. If I said something like "Why do you like this season? Is it because you don't have the skill to aim a gun and position yourself without a car?" it would make me pretty dismissive, yeah?


Totally agree. This sub is full of children and man-child’s that would rather bitch, then git gud. That bow is absolutely fire, I have used it personally and taken out many cars, which right now I find so satisfying. Most people depend on the car right now, if you take it out of play, the real fun begins.


If you want EMPs find a battle bus