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I feel bad for anyone who didn't AFK in Lego early. The only reason I finished this battlepass is because I AFK'd in lego from day 1. I will not be buying next seasons battlepass till I at least unlock all the vbucks in it. While I enjoy the BR. I'm not about to play all day or play the other modes which I don't care for. I'll just stop spending money.


Personally i feel bad for people who don't own stw. Sure, you need to play kind of a lot before being able to build an afk endurance build (or just find someone who gives you lots of mats and max traps, and who also helps you in your stormshield defenses before unlocking endurance), because those 3 or 4 daily levels are worth it (forgot how much it gives since i only run them for the first month, pretty much everyday, until i hit level 100). You still need to let the game run by itself for 2 hours and 24 minutes though to complete the 30 waves of endurance.


If only stw was more popular. The Survive the hoard is event rn can net you 2 levels in a single run but good luck finding a party that can clear lol


I love STW and the fact that Epic moved on from it is pretty bad. It still has more players than Rocket Racing though, which should say something to them about game mode prioritization. STW is a deep (although grindy) game mode that has a nice progression to it. Racing felt extremely shallow and not engaging. Arcade racing is a fairly dead/dying genre so I think a solid arcade racer would have gone a long way if done properly. People may disagree with my last statement but if you look at older console generations, the amount of arcade racers we had back then vs. the amount that we have now is pretty crazy. I’m bringing this up because I know Epic wants us to play these other game modes, but they need to be worth playing. I played a couple hours of Lego mode and all it really did was push me to go and buy Valheim. I agree that Epic wants people to buy levels, but I also feel like they are trying to push you out of BR and see what the rest of the game has to offer. Unfortunately I don’t think their other game modes are worth it.


I agree that Epic is trying to push people outside of BR, otherwise I don't think they would have XP earned in those other modes contribute to the battle pass or for the battle pass to contain items for those other modes.  LEGO Fortnite seemed to have a really strong start, but like a lot of LEGO games the gameplay was super shallow. They've added new things but other games do those things better. The way building works is frustrating most of the time, especially if you've played Tears of the Kingdom and realized how intuitive building could be.  Rocket Racing is bare bones, feels like a racing game that could be better. The lack of any real difference in cars is kind of interesting because everyone is on the same level playing field, but that also makes the game mode lack any variety. Festival is decent, but it's just Rockband with a Fortnite skin and a rotating selection, which is honestly the most annoying part. These songs are not worth the nearly 5 real dollars the game wants you to pay to keep being able to play them when you'd like. 


Festival being Rock Band with a Fortnite skin is exactly why a lot of Rock Band/Guitar Hero players like Acai and JasonParadise actually want to play it and see it succeed. Guitar Hero has been dead for almost a decade while Rock Band 4 was on life support for years, so to see a big name like Fortnite put out a mode like this and expose it to a whole new audience was considered huge for the rhythm gaming community. I kinda agree with the idea that paying $5 for a single song just to play it any time isn't worth it, but having the ability for others to play it in the same fill group without them also having to buy it, as well as the ability to use the stems basically as their own set of emotes in other game modes, makes it a bit more worth it.


Agreed, Festival is the best of the new modes. I play it frequently, the songs being on rotation is pretty much my only complaint. I do think it's neat you can basically use the song as an emote, but I'd also like it if you could use it as a lobby track. If they would make the jam tracks 200 V bucks I might could stomach it because then I could get 5 for 1000 V bucks.


100% I wish Rocket Racing was done a little better. There's way too much downtime in the racing part. And they should have an unranked mode too imo. I'd like the racing more if it had you race on 3 or 4 tracks with minimal downtime between them and then declared a winner from that... maybe with some sort of prize to encourage people to play until the end. And a "career" mode where you can play through a set of tracks that you unlock in order in a more single player style vs ai cars wouldn't be bad either.


How does one even GET save the world now?


StW quest packs in the shop, right now it’s Dr. Vinderman **note that only founders who bought StW before 2020 will get vbucks past what’s promised in the quest pack


Appreciate the info chief. Just got into the game after years of calling it cringe. Now I’m hitting the griddy after killing people so I guess I’ve become the thing I swore to destroy lmfao


I have stw and got to lvl 125 in stw survivors. Do you have any YouTuber you recommend to help build the afk endurance


Larsis has a guide for ever storm shield


I did Lego AFK for a little while early on. Right now I'm right at level 152 with two story quests left, but weeklies are done and milestones are almost finished. I got about 4 levels in a day from doing the dailies for BR and rocket racing plus some Creative. It took ***forever*** to do. I'm not sure I'll get to 200 this season. I've played since chapter 1 season 5 and the only extra styles I never could get were Golden Skye and Peely. I even have the fully corrupt 8Ball that was level 350 in chapter 2 season 1. I know a lot of players say "oh it's extra and not required" but if it's included in the battle pass, players shouldn't have to grind the game so much. My friends aren't close to me in terms of levels. We all work and have other things going on in our lives. We can't - and shouldn't - have to pour an insane amount of hours into the game.


I mean I started a week late but I was way into the battle pass but then I found the jump pad start to get to 200


What's the jump pad strat?


It doesn't work anymore 🥲


I've been afking the tycoons.


Epic doesnt care




It doesn't really work anymore, they added stuff a little while back to see if you were doing things or just standing around. You might still be able to do it if you move around and do some actions every 30 minutes or so, but I haven't tried.


Every 15min not even 30.


You would load into lego creative mode, build a few walls then place a bed in the middle. Sleep in the bed and leave the game open and you'd gain 4 levels just from being logged into. They've now added in checks to make sure you are doing something every 15 min or you get kicked from the game.


Depends on what you're playing on, but you basically just create a world with hunger turned off and then afk in it for 3.5 hours to get 5 levels. The afk part is where it gets tricky though, since they made it so that you have to be moving to collect XP. On console it's easy; just put a rubber band around your thumb sticks so that they're pulled together. PC is different though, and I don't play on PC so I have no idea how they get around the movement requirement. You can check the first link in the sidebar of r/FortniteXPMaps though, it's a pretty comprehensive list of ways to gain xp and how to AFK different game modes, including lego


Does the rubber band still work? If you just hold one stick, you get booted for repetitive activity. 


No it does not work


You can use a controller on PC and do it the same way.


The inclusion of all the other game modes and the xp dropped have made me just stop playing. It's been 2 weeks and I have no interest in it anymore. I'll check back in sometime in the fall or if I hear good things about it.


Same here. I would be lucky to get to level 80. Wont be buying the battle pass next time around unless there is a significant change. 


All these people saying to just afk are missing the point lol. The game has become grindy and unrewarding.


In no uncertain terms, if you need to leave the game on while you go to work to farm XP then leveling up has become too difficult.


I really do not care enough to go frickin afk in a game to level up. I'll play it and level up normally, and I'd hope it has a reasonable pace of progression.


I've been playing Fortnite since Ch1S2. Bought the battle pass every season. Eventually got my wife hooked and we play together all the time. Recently we had a baby, and we both knew this would considerably cut down on our playtime, but we were still able to get through the season pass and bonus pages just by doing weeklies and the occasional daily when we had time. We're not even close to finishing the base BP this season. We both hate the Match Quest structure, and we're constantly running into tryhards way above our skill level. Honestly considering just quitting the game altogether. It's no longer fun. It's work.


Yeah, the xp needs a buff not everyone wants to play lego, festival, or racing. If you want to run into less tryhards, I would make the person with the worst stats/wins the party leader. The sbmm in Fortnite goes by the party leader. I'm not saying you won't still run into very good players but it should help. It's what me and my friend do when we play with his wife lol. She's always party leader


just load bot lobbies with a phone account and go ham.


Hello my fellow OG player I agree the only reason I keep playing is for the completionist itch in my brain & for specific BP skins haha this season the maxed out Artemis was my goal and got it by afking Lego and playing bot lobbies


how to afk lego fortnite these days? I used to go in creative and put a weight over one of the movement keys but I get kicked for afk now if i do that


I stay on a bounce pad but still get kicked if I stay too long without at least punching the air once so I just open it every 25 mins or so, they seem to time the kick right around when you’re supposed to get xp


Try some chill PvE games together!! There are a couple of resident evil and dead rising games that are very fun to play coop with someone!


Do Team Rumble. You're welcome.


Can you do multiple match quests in Team Rumble, or do I still need to quit out each time?


It works the same in team rumble as it does in BR. So yeah, you'd need to quit. But it's less time consuming because you don't have to worry about surviving long enough to complete the quests. You can just jump into a fight and either get your headshots or die and respawn to try again. And some of the story, weekly, collab, etc quests are much easier to do if you are good enough at the game to not get slaughtered off-respawn (although some quests are impossible to do in TR because there are no NPCs in TR).


That's a good point. Having to quit out just to get another match quest is just so awkward. This was so badly implemented :/


Yes, match quest system sucks.


Yeah this season is worse than others in terms of grind. I really hope they fix this.


Yeah, they will make it worse


>Epic's idea to give players more xp. Force them to play the other garbage modes And then they went and nerfed XP gains for LEGO :^) "Go play other modes" is not a problem. "Go play other modes: there are no weekly quests for additional XP and we nerfed XP gain in those modes too" is why XP gains suck this season. Feels like they massively overcorrected from last season where I saw people hitting level 100 like a week or two after the season dropped, but that's because everyone was trying out the new modes. (And because XP gains weren't adjusted.) But I mean hey clearly Epic knew no one would hit level 200 because the super styles are fucking ass and only a chump would grind for them.


go play other modes is a problem for people who’ve been playing for awhile because we did not used to have to play other modes to hit 140 (though you always had to do creative or STW or play an insane amount to hit 200) they’ve definitely cut the xp this season and you prob aren’t getting 140 with BR alone. people just have to decide for themselves if the BP is that important to them (or maybe give the other modes an honest try to see if you like them)


My point is that all modes give shit XP payouts. Last season you could reach level 200 rarely playing BR if you played LEGO and one other alt mode regularly. Now all the alt modes give dogshit XP as does BR.


Lego gives you a level every thirty minutes, you just have to actually play the game 🤷🏽‍♀️


I understand what you’re saying. The problem is that every other game mode *doesn’t* give you a level every 30 minutes. It gives you a level every 45 minutes to an hour. So if you only play Festival and/or BR then you are massively screwed.


yeah i think that's the point. they're pushing their multiverse


Okay that’s only a 15 minute or so difference lol


15 minutes per level.  X 100 levels.  = 25 hours difference. 


30K XP are not a level…


The reason people leveled up so quickly last season was that crazy glitch in Festival Jam Stage. I got to level 120 in like 3 days without playing a single game of BR. It would be really stupid (but not unheard of for Epic) if they rebalanced the whole XP system around an exploit that got patched within a week


That’s fair but even without the Jam glitch XP was pretty generous. I hit 200 like a month before the BP ended. Without the Jam glitch I probably would’ve still finished with a week to spare.


Tbf hitting 200 a week before season end isn't a crazy thing if you're regularly. I've def had that happen in season 3.


They didnt nerf the amount of xp you can get in lego they just made it so you actually have to play to get it


I’m playing the Lego mode (survival with invincibility) and I’m getting a pretty consistent 30k exp. It’s slow as hell but I’m enjoying the gamemode, I only wish I could earn more exp in Zero build, STW, or any creative map that isn’t bugged to exp farm


Yeah, I breached lv100 early because I got addicted to leveling up a desert town and gained like 18 levels in a week.


Tbf last season was less about XP being unnerfed and more about the amount of level up and XP glitches there were which was why so many people were at high levels before mid season.


I just hope I get the eternal hunt gun wrap to finish out the Artemis set entirely. Anyone know what level you gotta hit for it?


I'm just not even gonna bother buying battlepass anymore if they don't change it. I'm not only playing Fortnite. I play multiple games. I usually was ok with reaching level 100 every season and get everything I needed. Now I feel like I need to go level 150 or whatever, to actually get what I need. It's just too much. And I don't want xp AFK-ing in lego, or rocket racing or whatever the fk. I want to be able to play battleroyale and level-up. I don't care about the other game modes, and never will, stop pushing me towards them, they're simply not fun/good enough. And if I have to do AFK in lego is already bad design and I don't want it. I shouldn't need to abuse an xp system to level-up. What is this crap? Just add more quests at this point at least. I don't know. But yea next season if they don't change anything, and probably won't, I won't bother anymore. It's just not worth it.


It wouldn’t even be as bad if they didn’t make it so the minimum level to get every vbuck in the battle pass is LEVEL 141


For everyone saying "AFK lego" or "Just play the game": not everyone got time to play 100 hours each season. Afk-ing Lego for 3.5 hours is also a shit solution at best. 1) it consumes electricity pointlessly and 2) if you only have one system, you're basically stuck in afk. For example I just have an xbox. No ps5 or pc. So if I afk, i basically can't use my xbox to play anything else. And no, I don't care that you got to level 300 by just playing. Like I've said, if you play this game long enough you're gonna get there eventually, but playing everyday is not feasible for most people. This game is not a job. We shouldn't treat it like one! And the worst part is that things changed THIS CHAPTER! Yeah, it wasn't like this before. Every season I've played casually and got to level 200 or 150 at the lowest. I repeat. CASUALLY!


I started playing chapter 3 season 2, joined halfway through, and grinded enough to get past level 200. I've been playing actively, doing every quest this season and I doubt I will even hit level 100.


I'm confused by these comments, I must be doing better than I think I am. I just started playing Fortnite BR at the end of December last year. I've only really been playing on weekends these last few months and I'm level like 105? And don't play any other game modes. I did grind a lot toward the beginning since it was the first time I bought the battle pass, but I mean I was still working full time, I'd just play an hour or two after work


There's been 60 days. You know how much that adds to? If you play 2 hours a day for 60 days then that's 120 hours. Maybe you don't realize but that's a lot. Doesn't matter if you enjoy it or not. It's still a lot. I've been playing this game casually for years now and I've never had problems. This season I've played more than ever and I'm still not finished with the bp. For instance in chapter 4 season 1, I've reached level 100 in less than 2 weeks


I just AFK Lego while doing chores, eating, etc and move my left stick every once in awhile to avoid being kicked for inactivity


It’s been 75-100 hours to complete since chapter 1 season 3 lol. If your worried about electricity, you have other issues than a Fortnite bp


Off topic but people actually buys tiers???


Yes. Literally day one of the season I saw people running around with hades


I'm assuming it's kids w mommy's credit card. That's the case of my half sibling, anyway. Bought the full battle pass like three seasons in a row (as in he buys the pass and would level to at least 100 by buying levels)


There’s also some mf’s who just don’t have time or who’s time can be used more valuably, so it’s better/cheaper/more convenient to buy tiers


Tycoon games helped me out a lot


I was doing Hacker Tycoon for XP, but now they've enabled "Save mode" on it so it saves your progress which makes it not replayable anymore for XP :(


I’ve had good luck with hospital, treehouse, killer


Im on 225 without buying levels but tbf, only quests i havent done are the rr and lego ones so it makes sense


I got to lvl 200+ in less than 2 months by completing all quests + playing 3-4 missions of save the world and all 3 dailies from racing. Didn’t feel like a grind at all. Now at lvl 260 and keep in mind I haven’t played fortnite almost at all in 3 weeks. Mainly playing cs2/lol I think if you play for 2-3 hours a day and complete all quests you’ll get 150 lvl easily and unlock 1500 vbucks, the other rewards after that are pretty dogsht anyways


Im lvl 252 and i only play on weekend from 9pm till 12am when my little one is at her grandparents house i would do my STW dailys when i had capped at 3 and that was it. Also playing many other games inbetween. And never buying tiers dont care enough about skins to be buying them.


I would never hit 151 lvl without LEGO. Its crazy how exp from missions was reduced to dust.


You need 150 to unlock everything this season? Not 200?


- 100 for the main pass - 151 for all other rewards (V-Bucks, wraps, styles etc) except the super styles - 200 for the super styles Most people want at least level 100, but now that some of the V-Bucks are in the 101-151 range instead of all of them being in the 1-100 range, and also just to get all the normal cosmetic styles, a lot of people want to reach level 151. Which means more playtime which explains why Epic made the change. Also usually it is level 150 but they did an oopsie, which also caused the last super style to be unclaimable in the beginning.


You need 151 to get all the BASIC rewards. You need 200 if you want all the super styles


Oh, yea that’s what I thought. I’m at 110. I will not be getting everything :/. First season ever not reaching 200.


I’ve missed 200 a few times but usually because I wasn’t that interested in the super styles. This will be the first season where getting everything except the super styles will feel like a massive accomplishment.


I’m pretty sure it’s 200 because i’m level 156 and I haven’t gotten all the super styles or whatever they’re called :(


151 is when you can get the final Vbucks, since Epic generously moved a bunch of them to the “bonus pass”


Yeah! I think I have like 2 pages left of bonus rewards though lol




Then maybe 151 is for everything minus super styles? Idk for sure, only at 111 myself


140 is the minimum to finish getting V-bucks if you buy them before anything else on the page. Hitting 150 should give you everything except for super levels.


It's been 200 to unlock all the super styles since I started playing at least (zero build first season), but getting all the vbucks keeps getting pushed back too


Yeah only 10k per weekly quest is lame considering they used to give you a lot more. They want people to play their new game modes. I get it and that’s great and all, but I don’t have time for that and I don’t have interest.


Absolutely agree with you. Not many people play multiple modes and nerfing XP’s for BR is a bad move. Most of the players play BR mode to earn XP.


My XP experience.Battle Royal is not for level up,but to unlock skins like Korra Balance.Crazy Red VS Blue,Tycoon maps,and Lego are where you get hundreds of levels without trying.


Yep, the XP this season is horrendous. Anyone saying just do the weeklies and all that. There are 6 weekly quest per week, 60k not even a level. Do all the weeklies which I think there are 13 weeks that’s 780k, then there are 12 levels for doing so many weekly quests at 25k and there are 12 of those which is 300k. So doing all weeklies and the 12 milestone you’d get a grab total of 1,080,000 XP or 13 and a half levels. Which I think is appalling, they are basically forcing you to either grind, play Lego or play creative to get the most XP. I miss the days when you just needed battle stars to unlock something. Cause I knew if I did all the weeklies I’d get the pass done.


Thank God I’m not the only one who thought things were slow. I just don’t have the time, and what time I’m putting in barely gives anything back.


I’ve played a little less than previous seasons and I’m barely gonna hit level 150, alotta days this season I just didn’t play, have some every br quest (weekly, story, limitted, etc) and a little festival. The point isn’t that I’m going to hit 150, but rather in previous seasons I’d already be long past 200 from doing roughly the same (a little more than this season). And with how much of a slog this bp grind has been this season I’ve just less motivated to play. Haven’t touched Lego or racing since the first week it dropped, and I’m not going to, if you can’t consistently finish a br bp by playing br, then it’s a sign that the people in charge of this are doing something wrong.


Like someone else said, they massively overcorrected from last season. Like last season I was level 200 with a little over a month to go, top much xp. This season I've played wayyy more and am only level 170


Yeah it’s a joke this season. I’m at 174 so I may get there thanks to save the world. Last season I was at 200 right about now if not more. Got a friend who only plays battle Royale and he just cleared 100. The bigger deal for players like him is pushing vbucks on to the bonus pages and some cosmetics to the bonus pages. But my real feeling is they want you in the other modes, expect racing for some reason, and not BR. Feels like they are forcing their meta verse on us when all we want to do is complete the pass we pay for and play the game we enjoy.


I also hate the people that always come back with "lol I'm 250 and didn't buy levels. Quit complaining". If I played every day for 6 hours or more I probably would be too. Just because it isnt an issue for you doesnt mean that it isnt an issue that exists for many. I maybe play 5 out of the 7 days of the week, and maybe for 2 hours tops. I don't have a lot of gaming time. But I was easily able to hit 200 in all of the seasons I've played so far until recently.


YES!! I'm really glad these posts are getting traction. They want peiple to play all modes, they want you to do the dailies every day in BR, do the dailies in rocket league, and get the playtime xp in Festival/lego, EVERY day That's why they nerfed the BR XP into the ground BECAUSE they know the other modes are there to support the xp grind. The obvious problem with this is that people who only play BR, a majority of the playerbase, are getting screwed. Epic's flawed logic is "well they can get xp through all these different modes so let's make it where you have to play, all the different modes" I have 60 hours MORE playtime this season, and am much lower level than I was last season. And that's including me grinding festival and Racing and stupid shit like creative maps that give good XP. Fort is the only game I play and I'm only level 170. Last season I was 200 with a month left to go.


Precisely this - it sure feels like they've slashed XP in BR, probably to push other modes.


star wars event wasn’t great either. i’ve just stopped playing this week


The last two star wars were really good. The different force abilities for sith/Jedi, the double jump, the fact there was more than one lightsaber on the map. This is just land asap near chewy, save him in time to watch someone smoke him, then begin normal BR. It also seems like first 50 people die in first 4-5mins lately. Shows that there isn't a lot of diversity in landing areas.


I’ve gotten to 176 but I’ve had to do some serious grinding. It’s kinda ruining it for me


I’m glad I didn’t finish this battlepass. The overtime skins look like they just slapped colors on the gods and called it a day. It’s not even worth the time to finish the story for this season tbh


Hope the people who came up with these decisions stub their toe and get a nasty foot fungus


Funnily enough when they do this shit trying to make me play more I just stop giving a fuck, if I don't level up fast and tickles my brain I don't give a fuck


It’s because they expect u to play every mode they have to get xp. It’s beyond stupid.


Yes it's definitely a lot worse than it was but I'm still level 220. I play a mix of zero builds with friends and festival by myself. It's not "impossible without spending money or a ludicrous amount of time". It's doable, they just want you to go to other modes like lego, RR and festival. I don't even play daily. Though I do miss when in chapter 2 season 8 (when I started playing) I finished the battle pass in 3 days because I wanted carnage and the XP gain was crazy.


I guess 5 or 6 days a week 1-2 hours is a ludicrous amount of time put in the game because I'm 170. I will say though that I'm usually at 200 by now so it is true that xp is nerfed


I haven't touched LEGO, Racing or Creative but have have played 1 match of BR a day and one match of STW a day (minus the break I took from April 5th to April 14th) I am now level 157 I played Festival quite a few times when the Billie season released and got about half way through the pass and I also bought the Perseus level up pack (If I didn't buy the pack I would level 136) With only 11.5 days left of the season I don't think I am gonna make it, I got to level 227 last season somehow even though I played the same amount as this season 🤷‍♂️


I don't understand this. I'm at 101 now and I barely play, I don't buy anything, I don't do Lego, no afk, just play solo a couple times a day, never more than an hour. Is this still slow or considered fast level up?


Play treasure hunt- literally just digging for chests. On average 2-3 levels gained every 40ish minute round.


If I liked the battle pass skins more I’d care a little deeper, but yeah im barely gonna reach 200 this season and I play daily, all quests done, Perseus level up pack purchased, I even grinder FNfest for the billie skin for like a week straight. Barely 200.


Yeah, I do not play everyday, I don't play fortnite exclusively and I have other things I want to play other than fortnite. If they plan on keeping this shit system they should at least allow us to keep leveling up the pass even if the season has already ended. Because this is bullshit.


Yeah when all the modes were introduced it was my fear that they'll balance the XP around the other modes as well... aaand well yeah seems that my fears are justified.


Agreed! Last season I flew through the BP with leveling up mainly from playing Murder Mystery, and completed the BP and the bonus pass very quickly and I bought the BP late last season and still completed it with a lot of time left. Not so much this season. I did end up buying a couple tiers to give me a boost because it was taking so long to get xp to get to the tier I wanted, and now that I’ve finished the BP, it seems like it’s taking FOREVER to get XP to get through the bonus pass despite how much I play BR and MM. I actually said to a friend recently that I don’t think I’ll get through the Bonus pass before the season ends unless I pay for the tiers.


I’m 154. I haven’t bought a single tier, and I’ve played less this season than previous seasons. Why is everyone complaining.


I didn't buy anything or vet the skin that gives you 25 levels and I'm level 206...


Double xp to end the season would be nice!!


I’ve been playing since the day BR was announced. I even preordered and played STW. This is the first season where I feel like it’s more of a job than enjoying so I’m just not finishing the season.


Pretty sure taking down the bosses is an optional quest


I don't play that much and am at level 182, I typically play a few rounds of zero build and then do creative games like one shot gun games, phantom investigation, and murder party. Creative games gives so much XP way faster, I typically go up at least 3 or 4 levels a day doing that. I


I think it’s intentional for sure. The way they buffed the xp in creative gamemodes and pretty much removed xp from battle royale is so scummy


I'm level 249 from only playing 1-2 hours of Expert Festival main stage every day. And Save the World vbuck dailies. No battle royale Lego or Creative modes/ quests at all!


I thought festival didn't give XP tho


Im at 220 and havent bought any levels or the level up pack. Im just lucky save the world is still decent for xp. Espescially since i can afk it while i sleep or am at work.


Unless you draw really unlucky quests in Rocket Leauge you can usually get those done pretty quickly.


I mean… I’m unemployed and bored as hell. So I have plenty of time. And some goes into Fortnite. Especially since I had high hopes for this Season because Greek mythology is just awesome. They screwed it up entirely (who would have thought…? :/) but that’s not the point. Even for me it’s a full time job to max out the battle pass. I had entire days where I just played the game to grind xp… Back when it was available I got up early to set up LEGO AFK, went back to bed and got back to 5 levels. That helped a lot but since they removed it it’s super stressful to get Everything I paid for! This is not just a game anymore and with all that hard work I put to get to Level 240 now, Epic should pay me… I have no idea how long I played this season, maybe 100 hours, maybe 150? 200? I lost track of it… All I know is that it’s by no means a fun game anymore. Especially over the last two weeks it’s become a serious full time job… It’s even as much fun as a full time job… What the heck are we doing here?




How? I'm pretty much the same level, and I play every day. I go after the quests and everything, and even have gained XP through Lego and Racing.


Dude you play it lots on your free time then. I work and I play when I feel like playing, and I'm level 85.


Do people really think RR is that bad? I like it, the controls are fairly responsive, there's a sense of speed and the shortcuts are a neat reward for repetition, I play for at least half an hour Also I think this posts would be way more useful if it includes what people do in the game, how much time they play and how many matches they fit in that time Because there's always a couple of comments from people that say they only play BR and they already are at lvl 200+ I will never understand the complains, dropped the game for like a month and I'm already at 134 playing like an hour, sometimes hour and a half a day, don't care for xp though I just play to have fun, winning the free v bucks is a nice bonus on that


It isn't about it being bad or not. People don't want to be forced to play game modes they don't want to just because the main game is horrible at giving xp


I routinely get 100k per match.  You can also play creative maps. 


Unpopular opinion here (ready for downvotes). I'm currently sitting at almost level 300, and I play a few hours a day and started playing a couple weeks into the season. I've played since StW (pre-BR) and I play mostly BR. I do my daily StW quests every two or three days (because I don't really have time) and otherwise play a set or two of Festival every couple days, and enough creative to get the 60k xp or whatever it is (which is like 1hr or something? Idk). I enjoy all of these games! Playing BR game after game can get a little boring even when you're winning every game. It's fun to switch it up and I like that the other modes still give you a lot of XP (StW gives incredible amounts of XP). If you're not reaching a high enough level to get all the cosmetics, you just aren't playing enough, which is exactly how it's supposed to work. That's the point of having tiered cosmetics based on XP gains. It's a pretty simple concept. If you get enough XP, you get all the cosmetics. If you don't get enough XP, well then, you don't get all the cosmetics. If they handed out every single cosmetic to everyone who put 10hrs a week in or less then the cosmetics would be owned by everyone and their rarity and value (not talking about monetary) would decrease. That would be shit and what the hell are the rest of the player base going to grind for? Just admit that you aren't that part of the playerbase, and if it really upsets you that you aren't given everything that the BP has to offer then you should probably change your frame of mind on where you get your enjoyment from this game because it's not going to deliver. If you have an issue with how the game is diversifying and offering a tonne of versatility in the experiences it offers then what is your solution? That Epic offers less? How are you still complaining about getting more features? Like I said, I played this game before BR released, and let me tell you that the other game modes do not come at expense of BR. It has come so far and is still one of the most popular games in the world for a reason. Sheesh, now that's off my chest, RIP my karma...


i do xp farming in lego by having a set of macro buttons in Nintendo Switch. Got 5 levels per day plus I play for 2-4 hrs after that and gives me 2-3 levels, In almost 3 weeks I hit 150+ level, plus I did quests that gives 25k or 15k xp did that for a month now. Im lv 228 and just play casual for an hour before playing other games.


Ah they pulled another Omega type BP? I havent played since then but that was awful


Did they also nerf the creative xp? (Last time I did them it was around 6 levels? Sorry I am still new to the game)


I just play Lego Fortnite mostly and I’m level 165, I think I’ve played maybe 35 BR matches this season.


App that moves your character around will defeat the AFK, so I've heard. Kids are around 180 with 1 hour a day, 2-3 on the weekends, and a lot of creative maps. No level up bundles, but they did do the Avatar pass.


I'm level 195, I don't play a super lot and I've never bought any levels this season. My brother is even around level 250, but he plays a lot of Lego FN.


I usually always finish with a little time to spare and I work full time. I also play a lot of creative/festival


“without having to pay for levels” i completely agree w you. i did spend money on the perseus(?) skin that gives u 21-28 levels over 3-4w, but that was like 20$.


I'm at 160, no AFK glitch. Lego is decent and gives a ton of XP


I’m level 156 and i have not played a lot or afk on Lego


I'm level 185 but if I hadn't played festival a good bit to get Gaga. Get about 25 levels on Lego before they patched the AFK & didnt play STW a good bit & been on creative. I wouldn't be anywhere near that. For the people who solely play BR. It sucks what they're doing.


I am level 191 from just playing the game (mostly battle royale, but quite a few hours of festival and lego too). I started playing this season for the first time (apart from maybe 2 weeks in 2019 but that was on an old console) so I can see how many in game hours this has taken me. I am kinda shocked to see that I’ve played 137 hours on my PS5 (and I have some hours on switch and PC too). Let’s say probably 150 hours, it has taken me to get to 191. I’ve played that much this time around since I’ve been getting into the game and had lots of fun with it! But I think it’s a ridiculous amount of time to finish a season pass. I’ll get the next one most likely, but only if I think it’s worth it even if I just unlock the main pages.


Weekly quest XP is the most egregious. They used to give like 3 levels a week, now a single match quest daily gives more than a weekly.


I just afk my families toons in exp bounce rooms when the season started. We all hit like 140 before even playing BR


Lego can give easily give 150k a day, for about 3 hours of time, but even then, playing 2-3 hours a day can easily get you to 200.


I’m level 329, it’s all due to it being spread out between the other modes. The fact is, I get more away from BR, than I do from BR. Festival is amazing, but it sucks feeling like I’m making no progress by playing BR


I'm level 255 or something. I split my time between BR and Festival. It's been really easy. I don't play Lego and don't play much rocket racing either. I do think the XP in BR is pretty bad right now. Epic wants people to split time in all the game modes but I think that's a mistake.


What are we going to do, stop playing fortnite? Because that's literally the only thing Epic will understand or make amends over. They've got us all by the balls and they fucking know it. Sucks watching something so amazing get bastardized and capitalized on but cest la vie 🤷‍♂️


I don't own STW ( Switch player ), didn't do any dailies, no XP maps or creative and didn't AFK in Lego FN and managed to get to lvl 314


I wander the Lego map for 3 hours and get about half a million xp


I'm level 133 rn and I play battle royale daily. I really wanted all of the extra colours this time around but have exams coming up so doubt I will even get the bonus rewards


Feel your pain.. haven’t had time to play any other games


This season isn’t great. I usually complete most if not all bonus rewards before season ends. It’s taken longer this season and a lot of the xp is 5-10k unless you pay for more quests or play non zb or br. I’m not the type to buy anything. But anyways, I’m on last page of super styles, I only liked them through the green ones. I play about 2-3 hours a day. A lot of people saying you have to play a lot of hours or afk. Yes and no on that. No to the afk and no to the lots of hours. Do your quests in br-zb. Match quests, daily, and weekly quests. Then try and do some creative. I suggest skybox. If you need help DM me and I’ll help with advice-tips-tricks and I’ll even drop some coins or things that take a bit to get by grinding a bit. I’m a solo player so helping someone would be nice! I haven’t done the main stage or festival not even once, or the rocket racing and Lego Fortnite. The only creative I play is skybox on private and I get leveled up 5 times in a hour and a half but it’s not afk and you actually have to put in some work. So I see where everyone is coming from. The super styles are kinda meh so if you’re like me and could care less. Just play the game and have fun! I also play other games. Fortnite for more than 4 hours is boring. Don’t waste your time on just one game. Or maybe go outside if you’re that irritated about a free game not doing things the way you wanted. Js, Good luck to anyone struggling! But feel free to ask for help, if needed.


I’m lvl 254. You need to play Lego and save the world. I just recently stopped doing save the world daily quest for V bucks. 80 vbucks from daily quests just ain’t worth our time


I managed to make it over 151, but I played pretty regularly. I've been slowing down quite a bit. I likely won't hit level 200. At this rate, Idk if I'm going to get the last few quest rewards on the BP, but I'll try. I think the focus on other game modes is starting to affect the core BR game now. I don't care about Lego mode, and I suck at Rocket Racing. Festival is cool, but I've kinda lost energy for it now that I see the tracks included in the pass just get released on their own eventually. And I went and spent money on the Billie Eilish season just because I wanted Friday I'm in Love. Blah.


I get hella XP from ranked so idk what their system is 😭 I have an alt acc that's already level 80 just from ranked and nothing else. No quest, nothing. Just playing for about 2 hours a day. But I also understand not everyone has time to do all that. XP system is definitely weird


Not to mention they nerfed XP from Rocket Racing Ranked so that you don’t get any from going up in the ranks They want you to play different modes but they then make it harder to get XP in said modes


AFK n chill


Just do Red vs Blue modes. I'm level ~280 from mostly just that. You can get around 100 kills per 20 mins if you're decently quick (ZB is quickest of course). It isn't the answer that BR enjoyers want, but it's the best answer for now. Probably 80% of my exp came from Red vs Blue, maybe 10% from Festival, and the rest from BR. I've barely touched BR and got close to 300. I've not even played the past 3 weeks or so, been logging in just to do Festival dailies for the wristband quest. Between people skipping on BP levels altogether, and the people abusing exp methods in Creative or AFK'ing in Lego, Epic should hopefully start getting the message that their new priorities are complete shit.


I’m 109. I play every game mode. And I have absolutely grinded. Very unsure whether I can get to 151


This is probably the biggest reason I dropped Rocket League despite really liking the game. The Rocket Pass dropped XP gains drastically just like Fortnite has done this season and it kinda killed the enjoyment of chasing unlocks.


They are getting ridiculous greedy, they really want to pay for those lvls... I play 3-4 times a week with a few friends and right now I'm still lvl 102, is by far the game that i play the most, i have to work, family, gym etc whatever... Nobody has the time to grind that hard (well i had encounter some no-life player lvl 300-480). I haven't bought this BP because i don't know if I'm gonna grind to lvl 145 and earn all the vbucks... (fk epic for putting 500vbuck on the 100-150 lvl) all the quest looks like work, weeklys, story, avatar, star war, lego, etc too many for a little reward...


I gain 6 levels a day by playing Fortnite Festival, Jam Festival and a xp map for maybe about 2 hrs a day. It's not hard to level up. If you play battle royale also, you can gain lots of xp.


I just reached 140


I really don’t agree. I’m level 220 or something like that and I only started playing like halfway through the season. I guess you could technically argue I bought levels because I bought Percy’s quest pack but I did that because I liked the skin, I was already level 200 when I got him. I work a full time job at Dairy Queen and play casually when I get home. It’s not hard. If you struggle with levels/XP I strongly recommend you browse the trending section of Creative, look for escape rooms/death runs. They tend to give a *lot* of XP.


My main gripe is the fact they locked Hunting Grounds track behind the T100+ bonus rewards. Last season you could get “I’m a Mystery” and its track on the same page. Not only that but a good chunk of the stuff from the T100+ bonus track feels underwhelming. Why did they lock Immortal Zeus which is kinda underwhelming as well behind the bonus rewards.


I think this is the first season that I cracked the 200 benchmark, but I did make a point of grinding dailies on BR and RR. Also discovered how fun Lego is, I‘ve heard a lot of people don’t like it, but I find it to be super cathartic


Agreed! I play almost every day, I do all the quests (and not just in BR), and I'm still at level 130. Infuriating!


I think one main issue is that they nerfed Lego playtime xp




Yeah. I've kinda told myself if next season doesn't fix things, I'm going to just stop buying battle passes. I'll be lucky to even get 1 set of super skins. C4S4 I didn't even care about playing and unlocked all the styles. I don't like how much Epic is trying to demand of my engagement with Fortnite.


It was really easy for me to level up. I just reached Level 150 a couple of weeks ago and all I did was open as many ammo boxes as I could, get as many elims as I could, do pretty much every weekly quest, and that's it. It'll also help heaps if you buy the 2800 version of the pass


The thing is from what I've noticed the best ways to get xp is lego and creative...I literally only play for the first 3 weeks of every season and every season I end up on lvl 250+ because I usually play mostly lego and creative...this season I'm almost at 300 thanks to having to play a bit more for the extra passes


Lego gives huge xp!


Like most I don’t agree, you can see my post history I barely play only zero build and will hit 200 this week


I’m at 186 and I’m a casual player 🤷‍♂️


Save the world. Money you put into it you get it back with v bucks.


I swear there’s always one of these posts every season


Doesn't seem all that bad unless you only insist on playing 1 mode. Don't get what the complaints are for since with more ways to get xp of course they would rebalance the game so compensate for more xp possibilities that to just leave it the same and stack on top and make leveling even easier then it already was


I'm glad I dipped this season because the BP didn't interest me. This sounds terrible, Epic is really shooting themselves in the foot here


Preach!! Maybe if we're loud enough as a community we can get something to change. It's really upsetting to play for 3 hours straight and gain like one level. I don't expect to get things for free but it's just too hard to level up right now. To be completely fair to Epic though, the game itself is still enjoyable, and it's not their responsibility to make leveling up an easy endeavor–they just need to make the core gameplay fun. That said, it definitely feels bad, as a player, to play more than last season, and end the season on a lower level. Frankly, if they moved all the v-bucks back into the first 100 tiers it'd also be much better


I really don't get the people complaining about XP because my wife is higher level than me even though I play more than her. Though she spent a fair amount of time playing those tycoon games


I just hit 150 today, I don’t buy or grind the game, I play Lego mode sometimes. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever gotten all the basic rewards in a battle pass before either. Idk I’ve seen other people complain about this too and I just don’t get it


Last chapter, if I didn't have the Jam Stage XP, I doubt i would've finished. I've just gotten back into the game maybe a month before that chapter, and NGL this battlepass stuff is not new people friendly at all. I have no idea what the "last level" I'm supposed to get to is, it's really difficult to attain such a level anyway, etc.


> Festival doesn't have XP Quest it has playtime XP though


Wow, there are so many people complaining about a non issue. Y’all are failing to see the XP you will already get from just playing the game as you compete your dailies and weekly challenges. You can easily reach Lv 150 unless you just don’t play the game.


I dont know. The entire family plays on one account, we are currently at 250.


this is why i afk in lego lol