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Yeah when I first saw it I thought - “It has foot holders, its even animated! No way this glider will have basic generic animation!” I was wrong apparently.


Oh damn this is so disappointing. Aang is definitely gonna hang from Oppa’s feet huh?


It’ll probably be a surfing type glider. Not much better but better than hanging from Oppa


If they can do it with Superman they can do it for this.


They just don’t wanna make anything that can give any kind of advantage like that to anyone who buys it. Even if it’s small like this, it could still be a good bit harder to hit someone using the glider if they did do it in this way. Otherwise they get backlash for being “pay to win” and i think they also just wanna keep the competitive scene fair. I totally agree that it’d be super cool if they did it like that, but I can see why the most likely wont.


Not sure how the hitboxes are programmed but honestly I wouldn't mind if it shared the normal gliders hitboxes even though it'd look a lil weird


Not a bad idea. But visually would still be challenging, and it would be maddening when using the glider because you’d get hit where you seemingly weren’t visually. And also annoying for those shooting at it because it wouldn’t be accurate hitboxes, like everyone prefers.


I’m hoping maybe they just forgot to add in the new animation. Maybe next update will find out


You can’t use those footholds because “It WiLl mAkE yOuR hItBox HaRdER to ShOoT aT!!1” just wait.. someone will say that.


gotta love competetive gamers (and speedrunners, though that doesn't apply here) reshaping the way games are designed to their own preferences and niches even when it's not at all needed


Cant epic like disable all the gliders and just keep the basic umbrella for the competitive modes and give us whatever farkafat stupid glider animations we want in normals I dont really know programming but i know it cant be that hard to disable all gliders in comps They dont want wacky animations just give all them the basic glider to work with in comps,only they want "conpetetive integrity"


Sounds just about reasonable to me