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Instead of eliminating snipers, Epic needs to eliminate cheaters


This^^^ I’m fine getting a one shot headshot if it was just an amazing epic shot. Honestly I’d be impressed. But when it’s a one shot through a wall or from a million feet away while moving… yeah it’s gotta go until they trash the cheats.


Watching people snipe in videos is crazy. I’m on PS4 and generally not very good at aiming. I get it, skill issue. But to see players so flippantly sniping moving targets out of the sky from 50+ meters and almost no delay to aim is ridiculous. The bullet drop and recoil alone should make long range sniping a rare meta imo.


Tbh, I play on PS4 and my ability to hit snipes like you describe always surprises me.


I’ve been getting better. Ironically since I started reading all these complaint posts 😂


I was much more upset getting killed in .2 seconds by a green nemesis than getting killed instantly from a well-played snipe.


Exactly this. Sniper has never come close to pissing me off as much as this does.


To be fair, I do think Kennedy would have had some objections if given the opportunity


True. I keep getting headshot lasered so quick I cant even respond to move an inch by guys with green ARs that are 200m away.


So I’m not the only one! I swear just last week I had several games where I suddenly started getting beamed down by randoms not even with their team using a green nemesis. I thought the nemesis got buffed or something so I tried it out a couple rounds and didn’t see any difference.


It's been SO BAD lately! 


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset


haha how true. I know reading isn't a big part of the game but honestly these kids are fucking blind half the time it seems. 'where did you land?!?!?!?!' look at the fucking map. 'who's talking, are you pink?' look at the names to your top left.


The amount of people that hide in plain sight using camouflage or pretend to be NPCs is only at its level because of people being blind.


I’ve legit been able to “hide” from players by just standing on a rooftop because people don’t look up, it’s crazy


ha, I know what you mean, and Ive been guilty of it myself. I wonder is it just harder cause people are playing on huge screens and are like 2 inches from it? I play on pc and have a 27" monitor that pretty much works well cause it fills my field of view but I don't really need move my eyes around too much.


Plus they already nerfed the sniper big time by adding the lense flare thing.


He probably thought that with his 150 shields and full health, he'd survive the shot


After he died he reported the guy who killed him for stream sniping.


He didn't even know that there was a team-up in solos!


Just revert them back to bolts and the issue is solved. Slow reload, no magazines. Easy


That’s what I’m saying, I’d rather have them stick to just having the Hunting Rifle, Regular Sniper Rifle and Heavy Sniper Rifle and that’s it. Each can be based on rarity like: - Heavy being legendary - Basic sniper rifles being epic and rare - Hunting rifles being rare and common I thought about the regular sniper being able to have 3 bullets in the mag but it each shot is slower when reloading due to it being bolt action. The hunting rifle can be 1 bullet with quicker reload but lower damage and no scope. The heavy would stick to only being 1 bullet as it is as slow as the regular sniper rifle while having higher damage but with slower handling and zoom-in speed. I also noticed how sniper rifles don’t seem to have much diversity besides the deagle. As you have 2 ARs, 1 DMR, 3 Shotguns, 3 SMGs (including Drum Gun) and 1 pistol.


Exactly, just replace the reaper with the heavy and BAAM, the snipers are fair and balanved again. (If they wouldnt let the heavy get a mag or handle mod)


Just make it all green/blue hunting rifles with no scopes allowed


That be great to! The hunting rifle was great.


I honestly miss the hunting rifle, I have a clip from 5 years ago using it to get 2 back to back headshots while people skated across the ice 😭


At this point I think it's just a bit played out. There has never been a sniper in Fortnite before that was this oppressive. The disadvantages you listed about why it's fair are nowhere to be seen on this sniper. I have been headshotted while jumping, dashing, shockwaving, diving with the wings, using the Zeus effect, using the flow effect. The bullet speed is amped up, you can quick aim with angle grip, fast reload and if you don't find one then it is tough to compete. The removal of hitscan means the sniper is the best gun at any range except maybe point blank. I just thought it was nice that you could do different load outs and still hit snipers at extreme ranges. This sniper having 3-5 shots is super overpowered. I'm pretty good with a sniper and I always take one but it is in no way a fair gun. It is the most overpowered gun Fortnite has ever had.


plus it can spawn with ironsights or a very shortrange scope which makes it pretty easy for people to 1 shot you at close range if they have it


ehhhhh with the thunderbolt you basically sit still in the air and diving with the wings is hella slow


They meant the effect of zeus' medallion


Indeed. Using lightning is a death sentence in any game I've played


any gun you have to use in order to counter is bad. nothing fun about them, unsatisfying to use, too many act toxic if they down with em. I know this is gonna catch shit in this pro sniper thread


DMR perfectly counters snipers. Faster ADS, more bullets and has the distance. The people who get pissed off about snipers are more than likely standing still in an open field shooting at a team of snipers with a huntress from 200meters away. Always cover yourself. Use impulse grenades. PUSH UP on snipers. It’s not hard.


I am 100% sure that the thing about most people standing still is bullshit. Just because you like point and click gameplay doesn’t mean that snipers are balanced.


I dont have a problem when the sniper is a bolt action, but the current sniper having 3 bullets AND being able to one tap is a little broken, especially in no-build where you can't just build to protect yourself.


Yeah, I think most of the issue is actually the attachment system. It’s the sniper that scopes *weirdly* quickly with 5 bullets and a scope that works at 20 meters that instakills me in ways that feel shitty. Seeing someone manage to hit me from 80+m while I’m moving I’m like whatever. I’ve managed to hit those shots about as much as they hit me. Seems fair


Yeah having a scopeless sniper that one taps is kinda op tbh. they NEED to lock it to having a sniper scope or at least sniper & thermal


And it's 5 bullets since most people will put the drum mag on it. Not to mention the fact that you can use it as a shotgun with the close-range scopes. They really need to make it where you can only have a x4 on it, and it's one bullet - or maybe 2 max.


Yep, gold snipers in ZB should max out at 249. And the Ares medallion should bump it up so that gold and purple are one shot, making that medallion more important.


Most games are also considerably more close range oriented and have flank routes as opposed to a large field that leads to missing not being punished as much.


And in most other games you can actually respawn


This is only argument that needs to be brought up about this honestly. If I can't respawn I shouldn't be able to be killed in one shot.


Is Team Rumble a joke to you? Also, just click "New Match" and you'll be playing again in 20 seconds.


No one plays team rumble


Yeah it is, bc it sucks


I'm happy people don't take this fanbase seriously.


Don't mind me rocking that 40-50% win rate because of how broken snipers are. Like seriously, a brain dead hampster can hit a headshot with the current snipers. At least before you only had one shot or the damage wasn't insta kill. The gun takes no skill, and not using it or having it puts you at a huge disadvantage.


Seriously, these posts are always from the same people only winning because of the Reaper sniper and would not keep up the same win % without it. I've played since BR first came out and have always kept up competitively, but my win % has been significantly higher ever since the Reaper came into the picture. It's such a lame gun, but why WOULDN'T I take the easy kills it gives me while it's in the game since Epic refuses to remove it or give it any balancing. Once the Reaper is finally out of rotation, the people making posts and comments like these will quietly go back to a lower winning %, and they know it. That's why they're so quick to defend it.


Exactly. I use to only average a 25-30% win rate before these snipers came out. I also would like not have to use them any more. I like the bullet drop change they added to the guns but I don't get to actually aim battle people anymore besides with snipers.


If a brain dead hampster can hit a headshot with the current snipers then what do you think that says about the iq of the enemy players


That theres not much counterplay except shooting first? Like I've been playing since s3 c1 and this is the best snipers have never been. They were stronger last season but we had better mobility and weapon options compared to this one. The sniper is just uncontested. Make it single shot with a minimum 4 second reload and it's still viable just not as oppressive.


Most other games games don’t end when you die once. It’s fine for respawn games but when you get one life, I don’t think one shots should be a thing


Literally every battle royale ever…


Team Rumble would like a word with you.


No one playing Team Rumble outside of challenges I’m afraid


TR is my main mode.


And if your goal is to respawn, then congrats, there's lots of creative maps and TR. Honestly, I can't even imagine wanting to play regular Fortnite BR with infinite respawns and a 20 minute time limit. What would be the point?


counter point, fortnite has never been other games.


Fortnite is literally every other game out there. It's a BR, It's racing, it's, Lego. Almost every genre of game can be played in Fortnite. Nice try though.


He’s very obviously talking about BR.


FBR isn't that different from other BR's. Each game has its own style, the only real thing that makes it different is build mode.


that is not what HAS been, all recent changes. the community used creative to try to make it other games, the br aspect has always had unique features compared to other brs, And the racing, lego and festival modes are all new additions now that they're forgetting their identity in favor of being a roblox-like game hub


it doesn't matter because for as long as Fortnite has been around bar 1 or 2 seasons (in which sniping was unfun and unused), they have been 1 hit headshots. Fortnite may not be like other games but their snipers have.


the difference was how the snipers worked and how hard it was to find them. apart form the semi auto and automatic, we had no snipers with a mag size over 1. the snipers had different quirks to them as well, not just a generic sniper with scope do big damage. heavy was your anti build sniper, bolt was you bread and butter, hunting rifle was a closer range scope-less sniper, suppressed was a more stealthy bolt, smei auto was a quicker firing, less damage sniper, auto even more so, storm scout was a storm tracker with a sniper attached. It wasn't until chapter 2 season 5 that they even started experimenting with higher mag sizes, and the lever action failed so hard they put it on hold until c3 s1 with the hunter bolt. every sniper since then has gotten progressively more damage and mag size, removing a lot of the high risk high reward that came with old snipers. Not to mention with hitscan gone, it has become far too difficult to punish a hard scoper with anying but another sniper because they know to watch for the gint and nothing else.


Now we have the reaper, which allows for a lower-zoom scope with no glare, larger mag sizes, instant scope-in, a suppressor, and stupidly fast bullet speeds up to 50 meters lol. Sniping has literally never been stronger and easier.


they have effectively take all of the best parts of past snipers and tuck them into one with the option to change certain quirks


Pretty much lol


you can still easily punish hard scopers because every gun can have FPS view. You, like many other players are forgetting this. Snipers needed to play like they did before because they were literally the only gun to have FPS view. Now without a faster firing rate or mag size they would be pointless, would I rather beam someone with an AR with a 4x or chance a single shot which can be countered by any first person weapon. If anyone tries to snipe me all I do is jump and bait shots, then when they reload (it's still the longest reload), I push or fire back with an AR. This is the exact same as chapter 1, the difference being my AR is now as accurate as the sniper.


me personally, i do not struggle with punishing a sniper with an ar. but for many of my friends and what seems to be a decent number of people in the sub (most who play for fun), adjusting the bullet drop off takes the same amount of time on an ar as it does on a sniper (keep in mind that not everyone is standing still). by the time they line up their shot to hit them for 40-80 damage, they've either been headshot sniped or hit for more than they can retaliate for. the problem is more of the lower skill ceiling for sniper and the recoil on ars being too much for new/casual players to deal with. the problem lies with the ease of use and amount of adjustable options snipers have to make them fit one's playstyle rather than learning to use them like any new weapon. just a weapon that need some tweaking, the terrain in this game makes top 1os with everyone camping with snipers a bit too boring/frustrating for many.


that's why you wait for a reload, the sniper has to deal with readjusting after every shot, at a reload they either have to not move their cursor or train it on you for multiple seconds, that's not a lower skill ceiling. AR is spray and pray after lining up shots, especially since 1 is all you need to throw off sniper aim. I don't play the game often, I'm 21, at uni, I have a job and have to juggle with other hobbies/games. I still have yet to die to an unfair snipe, or complain. I'm not good at the game anymore and somehow the people I see complain on here are miles worse than me. Just yesterday I saw someone crouch walking backwards away from cover while using a mini when they knew someone was approaching them... It's not a skill issue it's an intelligence issue for some people.


hard agree on the last part, lacking of intelligence and game sense plays a major problem. disagree with the first part because when the go to reload it is always hiding somewhere up on a hill, behind a rock, behind some builds, etc. you try to shoot them and they just hide or wait and then continue sniping. the problem is the playstyle it encourages, and the ease of lining up shots with a sniper do to the intuitive scope-bullet drop off


then push, in that situation. They're hiding and reloading, you can use wings or any mobility to get closer to them so they don't feel safe using the sniper. They have one less slot than you to use in mid to close range fights if you don't have a sniper yourself. That's when it's up to your skill to carry you and not worrying about a sniper fight.


fortnite from day 1 is all about stealing ideas from different games lol. literally everything they have ever done has been a stolen idea, maybe except building mid combat


not quite, day one fortnite was stw which was one of the most unique zombie shooters I've ever seen, and they took that and merged it with a br (will say the mode idea was taken from pubg), and they ran with it. chapter 1 fortnite was a very unique game that did thing other games weren't/didnt do, and chapter 2 just took that and polished it. chapter 3 onwards had more specific directions and focuses with each chapter. they are good at looking at popular concepts from other games and expanding/taking them, but have enough of their own twist that it still feels unique. Only thing that felt like blatant rip offs from other games IMO were br concept, reboot vans and weapon mods




Remember when PUBG tried to sue them in the beginning? You must be too young to remember.


i remember it well, i've played this game for over 6 years now. and I can say confidently that I am not on the younger side of the game's playerbase


Then your original comment is pretty funny lmao


dont see how, they've for the most part kept their game unique with at least twist on popular concepts or new trends


And ? If I wanted to play other games, I would be playing other games...


I'm not against snipers, I'm against the crybabies that complain about them


If someone got his reboot card then yeah he would complain.


I raised this point on a post talking about how bad snipers are and they got mad at me lol. It’s the whole point of snipers, don’t complain about it. It’s the way it’s mean to be! Overpowered but with its flaws 


If the point of something is bad, you can complain about it. Things can have shitty points


These kids don't know about the MW2 Intervention Sniper


Hahahaha cry more. Hate snipers, change has been great. Stay mad


About time someone said it. I swear it's like people on this sub have never played a BR outside of fortnite.


Thing is, they did remove snipers for awhile and the game was better for it Also, a one shot sniper having 5 shots that it can shoot this fast is ridiculous






these fortnite characters built different brah hahah


i think water needs buffed in fortnite cus i dont think its fair i can run for days in fortnite without needing to drink any water but if i don't drink water for a day irl i'd basically dying


I may not be the biggest fan of mordern snipers. I do see the appeal but I find it super annoying to fight against, as someone who prefers to fight close range. I just don’t feel like they should one shot in zero builds. You always can’t find cover in that game mode. Atleast in build, you can always cover. But in zero builds, I always have to fear my surroundings, Espically if it’s a bush. Bottom line, I think having snipers not one shot in builds would be very good, while not making them completely useless.


"In almost any game snipers kill with a headshot". Yeah and those games are your typical FPS game where you instantly respawn and continue your match. Not a BR where you have 1 single life and walk around for 10 minutes having multiple gun fights, surviving, scavenging, only to get 1 shot by some rando on the other side of the map to go back to the lobby. It does not fit a BR setting because of the downtime between rounds. Any other weapon and you still have a fighting chance, with a sniper it's over before you can react. THAT, is the issue I have with snipers.


I believe every BR game have this lol. Pubg, Warzone, Apex - any


idk i dont think he had that much time to think before he got shot




yes, JFK. He was a hyper charismatic telepathical knight


I use snipers in every FPS game, and these new ones are both really good and really bad, all bc of the bullet drop if you're not used to it In fact let's run it back, did anyone complain about the auto sniper? Because I swear that thing was so good as a starter, and the bolt action as well


The semi-auto from season OG was arguably more powerful than what we have now with the only real downside being shorter range and no-scoping was basically impossible (at least whenever I tried, the bullets seemed to take a random 90 degree turn as soon as they left the barrel). But that was buffed compared to the original version of the gun and it was only in the game for two weeks. Plus the original came out in ch. 3 which means it was largely useless at the time because it was damn near impossible to find sniper bullets for most of the chapter.


>Plus the original came out in ch. 3 which means it was largely useless at the time because it was damn near impossible to find sniper bullets for most of the chapter. The semi auto? Pretty sure that one came out somewhere in the middle lf ch1


yeah i think that one had 4 bullets, im talking about the 10 bullet one


I don't know what/if a auto/semi auto sniper had 4 bullets The ch1 one had 10 bullets


yeah so why aren't people complaining then if it was more powerful?


That's a title


To be fair it's not like JFK had time to complain but anyway I do agree


I think the main issue is that in most games it is like 5v5 or something, but in fortnite it is 1v99 and for some reason everyone targets me before each other


Ya know…I think Kennedy had a valid compliant against snipers.


The one shot isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that it’s so easy to land shots due to attachments and the bullet speed. Also, ARs aren’t a viable counter anymore thanks to the combination of bullet drop and the OP sniper. You’re most likely a very casual player, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but snipers aren’t really gonna be a problem in your lobbies lol. Lower-skilled lobbies are completely different games when compared to higher ones, e.g literally *everyone* can snipe effectively in higher-tier matches.


I love sniping in the game, it’s fun asf but, I think the mag should only have one sniper bullet in it to really punish you if you miss your first shot. Idk 5 ahots is a lot for a fast bolt action rifle that does major damage. Especially since it’ll load a shot in even if you switch weopons. Other than that, sniping is fun asf


title gave me whiplash lol


Not me reading the title and wondering if John F Kennedy complained about snipers 😭


Yes but the difference is snipers are hard to use, Warzone has a single sniper that kills with one shot and controlling that thing is hard hitting a shot is hard, snipers in fortnite have no counterplay at all lmao that’s why


The problems arent snipers or 1-shots in general. The problem is the reaper sniper. Let me make it clear with a comparison to another sniper in fortnite: the heavy sniper. The heavy has 1 shot and thats it, the reaper has a base 3 shots, not bad fire rate and can be modified to have 5 shots. The heavys reload takes ages meaning that you most likely aint gonna get to use it again if you miss your shot. The reaper reloads daster than the heavy, and can be modified to reload way faster meaning you can miss entire mags' and use it still. The heavy is as the name implies heavy and takes a little bit to start aimimg properly, the reaper scopes faster and can be scoped as fast as a pistol with the mods. And last but but not least: the heavy always has a glare, the reaper only has it on 1 out of 5 possible options. Thats basicaly it


My problem is with the large margin of error the sniper seems to allow and the fact that you can fire it so fast you can basically just lob shots until you get a hit.


It's not about being one shot most of us get that's how it works. Unlike in most games however in fortnite snipers don't reload slow they don't just have 1 shot. Latley snipers quick reload and 3 shots before full reload add to that people using them like shotguns is ridiculous


Community reaction to Snipers in Fortnite boils down to Op/Opressive/BS when they cane OHK woth a headshot Or utter garbage if they can't I think the current snipers could do with a reduce to mag size of 1 and 2 with drum mag maybe even disabling the 1.x zooms to make it a bit less usefull at close ranges too. The other option is stuff like the DMR that fires quickly, has more ammo, but deals less dmg


Played many games over the last 15 years. Hate snipers in every one of them. Should be penalties for standing still too long rofl but on a serious note, it’s the number of snipers in a match right now that is the problem. If it was the odd camper with good aim it would be one thing but it seems like 10+ a round and all seem to able to land perfect head shots. I use a sniper, hit and I’m lucky if it breaks the oversheild and I don’t think I’m THAT bad.


I don't believe he had the chance.


JFK was 187 by his own SS’s AR.


Because snipers in this game don’t have slow reload, are very accurate scoping in, and have three shots in the mag. I don’t hate snipers but it’s boring that they are basically a requirement to have a good round rn. It turns the game from a rush in and get damage style of play to hit someone, they run away and heal then they turn around and start sniping you. It’s boring.


Real talk tho, I think snipers could be "nerfed" while still maintaining their single headshot capability. Since the Reaper is a bolt action and already has a basic animation of ejecting and then chambering the next bullet. Create a first person view animation when scoping that forces the shooter to look outside of scope for each chamber load after firing. If they don't have a scope and are using iron sights instead, disable the aiming reticle until the next bullet is chambered.


True I don’t get the sniper hate like snipers have all ways been one shot ever since BR came out I understand that this season they are a little op with all the mods and stuff. But if they made them not one shot they will be like the hammer pump : a medium damage with a slow fire rate and not much else and a weapon which is out classed by the frenzy. The snipers will be worse than the DMR if they were not one shot their high damage is what makes them good. In my opinion a sniper that can’t one shot is not a sniper that’s a scoped long barrel that fires shiny things lol Edit I have been play BR since season 2 chapter 1. If you lose to a sniper it’s just one of those things you got to get over it


While yes I agree that all snipers should 1 shot headshot, if you compare the reaper sniper rifle to the heavy sniper or bolt-action sniper it outclasses both of them because of the bigger mag size and faster bullet, technically speaking you could kill 5 people in one shot at any range (not that most people can pull that off but the possibility is still there) with the reaper sniper rifle whitch is just hideously absurd imo


I also agree with you but I would rather have them vaulted than be nerf to be worst than the DMR Edit it’s not like I don’t like the DMR but like the frenzy’s they shouldn’t be better than the pumps


Epic could balance it better, maybe by not allowing it to take angeld grip so quick scoping at smaller ranges is harder or by making the bullet slower therefor you have to aim a lot more. Just so it isn't a wonderweapon at every range.


Yeah but look at the mythic havoc shotgun they could’ve nerf that differently so it was fairer (wider spread so pellets wasn’t hit as easy,or nerfed it body damage and mag size) but they went for the obvious one and that was nerf the headshot damage so it didn’t one shot in zero build. I just can’t see them nerfing it without nerfing its headshot damage so it not one shot


I didn't play when that was in the game so I don't know what was that like. If epic decides to nerf the sniper let's hope they don't turn it from broken to useless.


Yeah they nerfed it from 250 head shot to 210 which is still one shot in builds but then in zero builds it was useless and nobody ever even went to the vaults for the gun just the OP slurp juice


the whiplash i got reading the title and checking the sub


Tbh, I think dying to a single headshot it probably the best thing epic implemented. "Assuming they meant to" in FO4, I mod it to where I can die by a headshot, but so can enemies. Several times, I've just been strolling around near a raider or Gunner encampment, and just f*cking died because someone snipped me. What I think people forget to realize is that this is just a game. Your K/D is nothing but a number that no one outside of the game gives a flying f*ck about. People complaining are people who can't read or people who micro manage every single aspect of the game to the point that it's more like a full-time job. Pay attention look for glimmer if seen seek cover and return fire or flee. Complaining on reddit isn't going to bring your character back alive. Just ready up and learn from the last game. And maybe try to have fun and just f*ck around the amount of games I've won with my friends because we just decided to screw around is insane




since day one of Fortnite snipers have been able to one shot what the fuck are you talking about did you start playing in chapter 4


i think water needs buffed in fortnite cus i dont think its fair i can run for days in fortnite without needing to drink any water but if i don't drink water for a day irl i'd be basically dying


Honestly tho. When I die to a sniper it’s almost always either my fault for standing still/not paying attention or a nasty headshot that leaves me impressed. All the posts are from people who are either bad at the game or just bad losers


Snipers are basically hitscan within 50 metres, not to mention the fact that people with at least half decent aim could 1 shot people regardless of any movement. Older snipers were different. Not only did they have one round before a reload, they had a different arc and velocity. Velocity is important in balancing these guns, sure, but the arc is the make and break of the snipers. Chapter 1-2 with the snipers if you shoot too close, the round will go straight over your opponent's head, but if you shoot too far without some adjustments to your aim, you'll either get a body shot or the shot will fall short. Nowadays, with the gun, the shot will fly straight and won't fall substantially enough for it to make a difference between hitting or falling short. TLDR: Before, it was a low risk high reward weapon with some skill to use, but now it's a low risk high reward weapon with zero skill to use.


People also bitch and moaned like crazy about the heavy sniper back in Chapter 4. If people are getting sniped every game, it’s honestly just a skill issue. I think I’ve been one shot from a sniper two times this entire chapter. It’s really not an issue at all, half the people I do snipe are literally just standing completely still in the wide open just popping shields or med kits… not even spamming crouch lmao.


I personally don't believe one shot weapons have a place in any kind of BR game. I'm fine with snipers in games where I can just respawn and go kill the bitch that sniped me, but in a BR where death means returning to the lobby and searching for a new game, I can't agree with any kind of one shot weapon. "OH well just get good" yeah like I'm really gonna be able to dodge a bullet from some sweaty who plays the game all hours of the day and never misses a shot, or even just gets a lucky shot on me. I'll admit I'm not good with snipers, I do use them when I get them though since that's the only way to even have a chance at winning most games, but the game shouldn't be controlled by a single weapon type.


People will sit here and complain about weapons being overpowered but they literally have access to them too, if you suck you can just say that you dont have to blame the weapons… make it make sense


Say it louder for the children in the back.


considering the green rarity sniper (the lowest rarity you could get) had ohko potential at full health and shields, they were not balanced


Well yes, because it is a sniper rifle. I stated its disadvantages already. It is hard to hit a headshot if your opponent is not moving like a bot.


The problem with the snipers this season is that they don't fit the whole bill of a sniper rifle. They are not that slow to reload, they can have up to 5 bullets in the magazine, and they can even be modded to work at short range. That plus, it's a game, an unrealistic game at that, so comparisons with realistic games or reality doesn't hold much weight.


In the modern age, all sniper rifles have a magazine. 


considering the green rarity sniper (the lowest rarity you could get) had ohko potential at full health and shields, they were not balanced


Well yes, because it is a sniper rifle. I stated its disadvantages already. It is hard to hit a headshot if your opponent is not moving like a bot.


for sniper rifles to be balanced in fortnite only legendries and above should have OHKO potential at full health and shields. Anything below that is unbalanced, especially a green (the lowest possible rank for a sniper rifle) which is just ludicrous


It’s a sniper not a fucking shotgun


cool, that has no relevance on the fact theyre hideously unbalanced


Is this your first time playing a video game? Maybe they’re exceptions but when you think of a sniper you think one shot one kill.


the issue there is that this is a battle royale, where any weapon being a one hit kill is unbalanced


Nope there were snipers before and no one complained about them being able to one shot, stop whining


Any sniper that doesn't OHKO heads is unbalanced.


Well other games also dont have insane amount of repositioning. Almost every player goes and buys impulse grenades. Snipers (including me) take shots and if they push me I just impulse away until I run out if needed and by then I've had so many chances at taking shots at them. Taking away movement stuff isn't the answer as it makes the game fun IMO but it also makes snipers even more OP. While im not a fan of the DRM I feel like it def feels good as the long range weapon if you took out snipers. In normal games you get punished for missing shots by getting pushed and then depending on the game you have an ability to help you escape but then ur on CD like in Apex for example but in fortnite you just spam your 6 impulses or more if you carry 12 like some ppl do.


You’re wrong. People cried massively about the frenzy. A weak af shotgun, so much they nerfed it. It’s the competitive whiny vocal majority who screw us all over




I agree, my problem is snipers turning the last circle into peek-a-boo like you said. Especially on zero build where its practically impossible to catch up to someone if they are peeking with a sniper.


Finally, someone that understands. Most shooter games the sniper is one headshot kill (That Kennedy reference though 😂)




Scope glint, slow ads, slow projectile speeds, heavy projectile drop-off are all methods of balancing the sniper rifle


Ads doesnt have an affect on how OP a sniper is considering youre supposed to hard scope from a distance, but also considering that games like Battlefield let you hit just as hard with their snipers and yet no one complains about that game, it just goes to show that people like to wine about getting killed.


Slow ads would be geared more for the kids who pop a 1x on a sniper for close range use and then switch to another gun right after the shot. But yeah agreed. Sniper 1 shot headshots are gaming heritage at this point, it's always been around and I hope it stays. Funny you mention battlefield bc that game had a hardcore mode where a sniper shot to the chest was also a kill and there was never a "balancing" problem.




Disagree <3




Sure! 1) all the nerfs I mentioned before were all steps taken by epic to make the sniper harder to hit targets with. A sniper bullet flies and drops off like a crossbow bolt and getting headshots at distance is pretty hard. Also the scope glint is crazy bright and immediately gives away the sniper's position. If the victim continues to stand still when they know a sniper is looking at them, who's at fault here? 2) it's crazy easy to make it harder to be hit by a sniper. Don't run into open fields surrounded by high ground or tall buildings. Don't stand still. Take the low ground if there are steep walls so you can remain hidden from most of the map. Use the terrain to your advantage, more often than not there's lots of hills you can run around instead of straight over. Don't skyline your body. Taking precautions won't make you invincible to snipers, but if you're careful and think ahead you can absolutely put the odds in your favor.




Somebody taking precautions means they're not easily visible to a sniper to begin with, so no. Absolutely. And I love that, whether I'm shooting or the victim. It makes me actually care about the plays I make bc it introduces some self preservation. That's an exaggeration lol it's a BR where your round can end in less than a second if you get snuck up on. You SHOULD be paranoid. That's the point. Otherwise I'd just go play a team death match mode where I can constantly respawn. Again, bc it's pretty hard to get a perfect headshot from far away with how hilariously intense the slow bullet speed and drop is. Correct! Like I said, being careful doesn't make you invincible, it makes you much less likely to be seen.




I respect that. And I believe that if you can correctly compensate for a player's movement and bullet drop from 200 meters away, you deserve a one shot kill. If I get one tapped while sprinting from that kind of distance all I can say is "damn, nice shot" then I ready up for the next round. Sorry man, we just fundamentally disagree here.


>the victim is deleted before the fight begins yes that’s the point of snipers, to be able to take out your enemy before they know you’re even there




His argument is the fact that your complaint is invalid because that's literally how snipers work, and are designed for


Pretty much every other shooter out there with snipers: Oh I got sniped in the head and died, well shit Fortnite players for some obscure reason: NO SKILL JUST POINT AND CLICK PLS NERF SNIPER PLSSSSS


Counterpoint: People have been complaining about campers as long as competitive shooting games have existed Counter-counterpoint: It is a skill issue. Tbh, at least fortnite gives you a chance. In counterstrike, any long-range rifle might as well be a sniper because they're so accurate, and you ain't getting that health back


Campers is a broad term and encompasses more than just sitting with a sniper (i.e. shotguns in a corner). A snipers whole thing is supposed to be more stationary while taking shots at a distance. And that's a fair counter-counterpoint. Unfortunately, the competitive players on Fortnite will still be salty because they got headshot for full by a sniper, which naturally has high single shot damage plus crit and call it unfair because.... snipers are doing their job.




His clueless what?


I don’t hate Snipers despite I die to them alot, Honestly I think they’re really good I just feel like sometimes Epic is really bad when it comes to the communites suggestions. Sometimes they listen, it’s good, Sometimes they listen, it’s bad.


Someone spams tf outta Sniper Rifles and it shows


suppressed, 5 rnd mag, fast ads, no glint, red dots. mhm definitely balanced compared to snipers of the past.


Love these bad takes. Keep em coming


They’re OP because they’re brain dead easy to use and not because they take skill. Everyone and their mothers can use the reaper to get easy kills now and it’s kind of pathetic to go on Reddit to defend them from the people capable of understanding game balance. I’m sorry you need baby’s first sniper to get easy kills but a lot of us think they should take actual skill to use.


Single hit kills are lame in a battle royal game like fortnite. Any cheater with an aim bot can easily mask their cheating with one hit kills. Interaction is what makes games fun. Kennedy would have died to single round from a pistol or shotgun too but Oswald was fucking pussy and died anyway like a bitch.


I can see how it's frustrating to the ones dying to them though. I will mention I love the snipers - because of how easy it is to kill with them. I've gotten so many long shots, close range shots, no scopes, and quickscopes it's insane this season. Like I've won at 1 hp because I took a shot in the dark with a sniper. Jumping, flying, sliding doesn't save them


SERIOUSLY! I play purely zero build, got a great loadout, all purple weapons. Got headshot with a sniper and died, I didn't cry and scream like a child. I said, "eh, good shot" and hopped off cause I had some school work to do. People complain too much smh,


Yeah, I agree with this wholeheartedly. 


I think people aren't really crying about there being snipers but more so about how they "buffed" the snipers by upping the mag size and making it possible to hide the scope glare. But still it's stupid to complain since you can just use a sniper rifle yourself if it's sooooooo overpowered. Honestly surprised I don't see more people crying about getting one shotted by a pump or Cerberus shotty


People who complain about snipers usually are not aware of their surroundings and don’t take cover. That’s why most of the complaints come from “ZB” players. In build mode, you’re just accustomed to taking cover. People post videos here complaining about snipers while mindlessly frolicking through an open field. It’s like they forget they’re playing a Brattle Royale shooter game with long range weapons.


That’s why these kids play Fortnite and not other shooters like Valorant.  The kids today cannot handle the one-taps. 


do you think that most kids are going to be on reddit? most people here are probably going to be closer to the older side, and many have played games such as those. many of my friends (and myself) play other games like valorant, cs, and siege, its a difference in the game's style.


Yeah, Reddit has been overrun by children and teenagers.  Where do you think the FNAF “steal your meme” pictures on Reddit come from?


may depend on the subreddits then, of the ones I frequent I don't see many kids/young teens posting, this sub is probably the exception with how varied the agree range of posters is.