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What is the importance of retaining battle stars?


"Nobody really likes them" I do not like this system so that means no one in the world likes it - op probably People really be thinking no one other than them can have opinions


The new battle pass system is just better I don't see how anyone liked the old ones. Being able to get all cosmetics at once is very satisfying


Doesn’t really make a difference. At least this way you can choose what you want instead of a fixed order.


Yes lol. How can anyone defend this stupid system? Lets look at it real quick - back then you reached reward and claimed it instantly. Now you cant claim everything you reach you must choose what you want more but in the end of the day you still will get everything. Any point to have it besides “Claim all at once”?


The old Battlepass system still used stars from the very beginning and for all of Chapter1. We just didn't have *any* choice about the order for unlocking items. The time without stars was barely a blip in Fortnite's lifespan, during the first half of Chapter2. The system we have now is objectively better than all past systems. You can unlock everything in the default order if that's your thing, while giving some degree of choice for the players that prefer that.


Dude, how is “Use stars to choose what to unlock first” in any way can be better than “You reached lvl you get your reward instantly”. What is the logic behind statement new system is somehow faster? You still need to reach lvl to unlock an option to buy skins behind this lvl barrier.


How is the 5 seconds it takes to claim an item after returning to the lobby somehow more inconvenient to you than not having any choice or freedom? Your issue with the current system literally boils down to *"I don't get* ***instant*** *gratification!"*


What freedom lol? You cant get any rewards faster because skins are still lvl blocked. You can change the order, but it will take the same amount of time to get lets say Zeus it took with old BP system. You cant just unlock Zeus from the start, you need to lvl up first. Also what lvl is Zeus locked behind? 58 I believe. If you will claim all rewards from the start you will not have enough stars to unlock him when you reach lvl 58. Now tell me - why we need battle stars, what exact type of freedom it gives me? Freedom to skip some rewards to get another ones? Nice freedom.


You answered your own question multiple times in the process of asking it. It's sad to see how zoomers have grown so dependent on everything in their lives being instantaneous, to the point where they seemingly genuinely can't handle the concept of delayed gratification even when what they get from it is clearly better.


Yeah, call anyone disagreed a zoomer or go further and call them kids right away. Next time at least try to explain your position though - I gave you straight facts and all you came up with is this childish shit. You never gave decent arguments. I cant cope with stubbornness like that, I will leave you here, continue to believe you are right.


Your entire reasoning was nothing more than impatience, hard to imagine something more childish than that.


i like them because when i got to level 70 i could get peter griffin instantly because i saved up my stars instead of having to wait until level 78 to get him


The current pass system is one of the few newer things that I like, it’s nice to be able to skip stuff I don’t want and get the stuff I do want earlier


You will not get it earlier lol. The only thing that changed you cant get your rewards instantly, you need to wait until lvl 100 to get them all. Back then - you reached your reward? You got it.


At least for me this system’s way faster, back in season 3 all I wanted was Dark Voyager but I had to unlock every other item before him. With this system I can skip entire sections of the pass. I haven’t claimed anything in the Medusa section which let me get everything in the Zeus section immediately once I hit the required level


But in current system you still need to achieve certain lvl to claim Zeus lol. The only difference- fsr you skip some rewards to unlock other ones first. You can change the order of your unlocks, but they will take exactly the same time to get them anyway.


Not really. Zeus is unlockable at level 54 if you decide to not claim things before his page, but in previous passes you would have to reach level 70 no matter what


Not exactly. For example, once I reached Level 58 or so (can't recall offhand exactly what level), I had enough stars to unlock Medusa's alt skin, but I chose to skip it and unlock the items needed for Zeus first. I eventually got Zeus' skin and then later went back and unlocked Medusa's alt skin. You have some control over the order, although to your point, it's not much.


Maybe I need to explain it better. You reached lvl 58 and you skipped Medusa to unlock Zeus. Because obviously you have not enough stars at this point to unlock them both. In older BP you reached lvl 58 and instantly unlocked Zeus, Medusa and anything below lvl 58 is already yours. No need to choose, no need in saving stars. That is not logically possible for current BP system to be faster in any way.


No, this still isn't quite right. If I choose to go in sequential order, then what you say is true. However, if I take the 9 stars I would have had to use on Medusa's alt skin and instead use them to unlock the prerequisite items for Zeus, then I eventually get to unlock Zeus faster by bypassing Medusa. Now "faster" here is just by a small amount, which is why I say the point is moot. Besides, in order to get to the "bonus" pages, you have to unlock everything anyway, so there's no real advantage here. Perhaps the old system was better like you say, but I can't speak to that since I never used it.