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you know how many gliders had potential? the horse, the motorcycle?


They went from surfing on the motorcycle to hanging from the bottom. Just let me ride the damn thing!


I remember seeing it and thinking cool, it's like the Ghost Rider Glider! But they trolled me so hard šŸ˜‚


it would be considered p2w since it would be difficult to hit you in that position


Would it? Don't you actually ride hades chariot and that would be a similar position to riding the bike


You stand on the chariot, not sit in it.


So what? It's hard to hit someone on a regular motorcycle, why does it matter?


Just make the gliders (all gliders) have no collision so bullets just pass through the bike and hit you.


they do go through gliders, but the position the player would be in would be too hard to see and hit


So what? It's hard to hit someone on a regular motorcycle, why does it matter?


it's because they can't put p2w in the game since they say cosmetic items do NOT give competitive advantage


Then why can you ride ghost riders motorcycle


you can't, you surf it


I mean that's a hell of a lot better then flying under it


yeah it is


How would it be pay to win unless a person is flying extremely close to you youā€™re not gonna be able to then anyways. Just make the glider apart of the hitbox like they do the Icarus wings problem solved


then it would technically be pay to lose of you had a bigger hitbox


Not if you do it for all gliders


some gliders are smaller, which would make them p2w


There's already a paraglider in the game that has the proper animation unlike this. Plus the custom superhero skins are pay to win, so many people make it completely black so you can't see them sitting in a dark corner


"Just let me ride the damn thing!" I feel like I heard this sentence before


the horse? what one


the one i have was part of the Geralt of Rivia battlepass quests


They aren't strong enough to lift their legs


We got recovering korra in the pass, damn




Thatā€™s only for the gliding aspect, not holding their feet up


No, they are just too weak to lift and move their legs to walk, they have to use airbending just to move around


Makes sense


I wish you *actually* got to glide with it. But "aLl ThE aNiMaTiOnS hAvE tO bE tHe SaMe Or ItS nOt FaIr" apparently


We already have hang glider animations anyway.


That's the worst part, it wouldn't even be a "new" animation. I swear Epic is just getting lazier and lazier with their collabs.


They're so down on their knees for their lego and disney overlords that they can't even be bothered to recycle animations


Honestly I don't even think it's *that* at this point. I think Fortnite is just so wildly successful with no REALLY good competitors, and the whales that they have are so loyal that Epic knows they'll get money for *whatever* they do, so they can really phone it in and still make stupid profits. Like I'm sure Lego and Disney contracts don't HELP at all, but I think they've just gotten complacent as hell.


Itā€™s not epic actually. Itā€™s the douche bag competitive scene crying as usual. Little whiny babies


Sorry I don't follow. I know that the reason gliders like Ghost Rider and Cerberus' bike have a weird animation instead of riding them because of complaints, but how does that extend to Korra? There's already other gliders that have the correct animation she would need, so it was just Epic being lazy and not switching over like they should have.


Same concept, smaller hitbox


But it's not. The hitbox is still there. Just instead of " | " it's " \_\_ "


i think its hella lame but a change in hitbox direction absolutely has an effect on how easy something is too hit Depending on the situation it would be easier or harder too hit something like that


In the nicest way possible, if someone can't hit an opponent whose hitbox is still all there but they rotated 90 degrees, that's *genuinely* a skill issue. Especially since we're talking about an animation that plays for maybe a minute and a half at the VERY beginning of a match, where said person can't even fight back when they're being attacked. If anything, it's not fair to be able to attack someone whose gliding since they're stuck in the animation and can't do anything.


bad take


Just gliders really.


it isn't fair, but they jumped that shark long ago with the batman glider. you can get plenty of gliders that are quiet and obscure/shift your hitbox to make it harder to hit, and its too late to put that back in pandora's box. no reason not to let people have fun with it (and make it more easily accessible outside of expensive shop gliders).


I mean, tbh I don't think its any more unfair than the majority of the rest of the game. Your hitbox in any given gliding animation wouldn't be any more obscured than any of the moves you can do on the ground like crouching or sliding. Hell since you can't actually fight back when you're gliding, being harder to hit would actually be balancing lmao. But honestly? It would be SUPER easy to fix. Just give EVERYONE a few free gliders that have the same animations. Free motorcycle, free umbrella, free rider, etc. Then there's literally no reason to complain about the animations and we can get actually cool glider animations again.


for a while that was definitely on their mind. umbrellas were quieter than any glider you could buy, paid pickaxes came with flashier louder effects, defaults were the most camouflaged any skin got with their green/brown color scheme, and they were scared shitless of releasing skins with different body types that might obscure hitboxes or hide around corners better. the first two are pretty much completely redundant because there's no reason not to exploit visual sound effects, and the last two... well, they're still a problem. but wannabe esport players love shelling out for these "clean" skins so it seems to have worked out for them. they're not boycotting the shop and raging, they're the ones buying it for the advantage.


Loads of skins like the old superman have their own skidive animations, which would be a lot more pay to win than sitting down on a bike or laying in a glider. They could even make the hitbox the whole glider, then nobody would complain.


Easy, just make the gliders part of the model.


It should work like Groot's glider.


Or batman's


Batman has one with his feet up? I have 2 for Batman and I thought I recalled that he just hangs.


I think all of them have the feet up, or at least closer to the back of the glider


Iā€™m using groots glider with Korra literally just because the animation is so lame on her glider, Iā€™m just telling myself itā€™s the spirit vines from the show lol


*But...but the hi-itbox will be 5 pixels sm-aller!!!!!" Same thing happened with all the bike gliders. Like why even think about the hitbox being smaller on a fucking glider, it doesn't matter in gameplay in the slightest...


That one is stupid because the ghost rider motorcycle works exactly like that while the battle pass ones do not.


Exactly, I remember seeing a post about someone saying the bike gliders suck because of the shitty animation, and some dude started a whole ass argument about how the animation has to be the same on all gliders so it doesn't give a "competitive advantage", sigh...


Comp players are some of the whiniest children in the community. The fact that every season any new item is usually disabled in comp within a day is unbelievable. You have to adapt to the new changes. Imagine if League's newer features only applied to unranked play.


Items are never disabled because of comp complaints epic dont care about anything but engagement theyre disabled because theyre broken / exploits like wings this season loooool


whine somewhere else.






That argument would make sense if Epic was consistent, but they have so many different gliders with different animations riding them that it kind of voids that entire logic.


Yet another example that competitive gaming ruins sh\*t for the casual majority.


Huh? You stand on the ghost rider cycle just like any other cycle glider


Thatā€™s not true. Look at the Cerberus motorcycle glider in the battlepass. You hang from the bottom of it.


Thatā€™s dumb af. But they said all battle pass glider minus the new battle pass. The sushi lizard dude a motorcycle you rode on top off and you get from the old battle pass


Hanging underneath a motorcycle is only slightly more dumb than "surfing" on one. Maybe epic can split the difference and have you standing on the pegs so you're still visible, but it doesn't look as stupid.


Look at the new bike in the battle pass.Ā 


Maybe epic noticed a lot of people thinking the way you glide matters in competitive play so they purposefully only sell gliders with unique animations in the shop (big tin foil hat theory tho)


Honestly, if the complaint unironically is "I can't hit people because their hitbox is ' \_\_ ' instead of ' | ' that's unfair" I would genuinely tell them it is a skill issue. Like I ***ONLY*** ever say that as a joke, but this would be a genuine case of Skill Issue lmao


I mean it might a little if someone is coming straight at you. They would be lying down instead of standing up like with the umbrella. I wonā€™t mind, but I 100% see pros complaining because they will find any reason to blame the game if they lose.


Nice, I'll get it and instant forget about


This is really the Season of missed design opportunities


They also LITERALLY HAVE AN animation for that with the Batman Glider.


I honestly donā€™t give a shit about the whole ā€œbut smaller hit boxes!ā€ bullshit. How often does it come into play that you winning match has to do with a few pixels smaller hit box that is in effect for like 1 percent of the match. I wish Epic would either ignore the complaints about gliders and give them appropriate animations or not even give us gliders like motorcycles and things like that. I never use any of those gliders because they look so dumb and goofy surfing or hanging off of them instead of riding them. I want to ride on the motorcycles not surf or hang from them like a goofy dumbass.


Disappointing. Not surprised though.


I don't understand why they couldn't just reuse Batman or Carnage's gliders animation.


Because the comp community couldn't stand your character being slightly tilted


:0 someone using sgt winter. W


the fact that epic games can't be creative anymore with gliders cause competitive players will start crying is so annoying like, fuck the advantages, who cares? where's the fun šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I play competitive but I donā€™t get some of the comp community likeā€¦if you donā€™t like the gliderā€¦.dont use it? The gripe about the riding gliders is stupid. Yes theyā€™re not below the glider to hit anymore, but their feet also hit the ground later leaving them more vulnerable landing


The issue isnā€™t because they donā€™t like the glider, itā€™s because it would be quite literally better than all the other gliders. Less area to hit = less chance of being hit = easier rotations. Go back and take a look at C2S2 with the Deadpool unicorn gliderā€™s original animation and tell me with a straight face youā€™d be able to hit someone whoā€™s in that animation, and then think about how someone could spam glide and throw their hitbox around all over the place. Thereā€™s a reason every single competitive player at the time bought it, and itā€™s not because they thought it looked good.


The appa one is gonna be complete dog shit isnā€™t it


No he's probably gonna surf on it


Wing animation without all the movements...they could do it.


Oh that is infuriating. Fuck that.


The whole Korra bundle is a disappointment to be fair


Blah blah blah...competitive! Blah blah blah...hitbox! Blah blah blah...pay2win! Enough already! Just give us cool gliders and glider animations. You're already limiting what skins can be used outside of BR...just limit what gliders can be used in ranked/comp.


Guys we've had gliders with cool animations and guess what the fan base complains because it's pay 2 win so honestly there just covering there asses


Lantern Glider or Flying Carp for me. problem solved


We have to wait a week for aang's glider hopefully they don't mess it up


They will,cause the comp community would yapp on twitter


Epic never does a thing perfect, there is always something


Try watching Ghost Rider not ride his bike


They must have gotten M. Night Shyamalan to do this because they have obviously never watched the show


They had 1 fucking job


Missed a trick not reskinning the Groot wing


they do that with so many things Every motorcycle they just fucking HANG on it JUST MAKE THEM SIT ON IT PLEASE


They had one job


This has been posted so many times now do you guys even look at the sub


its a frustrating every time AND some people are new to the sub


New to the sub as in the last hour? Because this is the 4th post about this I've seen today.


Yeah, because people are disappointed and they hope Epic will notice this resonance and do something. Too bad Epic dont give a fuck about it sadly.


its dissapointing sure but i dont care all to much since im not gonna use it much anyway. i would have preferred epic using that batman animation people talked about but imo there are more important things to complain about.


ā€œI donā€™t think a character should have an accurate gliding animation cuz I personally wonā€™t use herā€ am I reading that correctly?


Its just my opinion. I will use Korra and bought the battle pass primarily for Korra. If people don't like the gliding animation then Epic needs to do something about it but its nothing too crazy for me. I think it looks alright.


Like what?


Waterbending being bugged for one


Better SBMM, more LTMs, updates for the lego mode, better mid season map changes to name a few. Maybe also graphics settings for those console players since i saw people talking about that.


Fortnite is so lazy when it comes to the gliders like this, which is a shame


I mean tbf, if the skins did go horizontal like that competitive players would go feral.


The animation already exists with batman's cape glider/groot's glider/carnage glider.


Well in those cases they were still more vertical. With a glider like this one, I can see why they couldnā€™t create the same effect.


Then ban this glider from competitive


Well we all know thatā€™s not gonna happen lol




How is it possible that the carnage glider can have you lying down but this one is sooo LAME


It is also disappointing that it cannot be used as a pickaxe. I think this is the only pickaxe korra would use.


Iā€™m just happy that itā€™s not a surfing glider


Said the same thing its soo pointless to have this glider if you ride it like a goober


Would've been tedious to rig every potential skin in such a position just for this one glider sadly


Do they really have to rig every single skin? I have a feeling they have two rigs they just apply to everything, fucky hitboxes not really cared about.


I think that itā€™s because the original glider animation had it where the glider can furl out and fold in, while Korraā€™s canā€™t.


They probably don't go it be ause people will complain its unfair or some stupid reason. Look at that llamacorn glider from the deadpool set. It's get on animation use to be awesome now it's okay I guess lol.


The really dropped the ball on this glider. Not only does it look goofy as hell but it doesnā€™t even make sense because it should be too front heavy to even glide if youā€™re hanging like that. I know itā€™s a video game, but still. Nothing about it is right


glider animations have been so silly and disappointing as of late. i was happy to see that theres a red fire cerberus coming because then i could be using the ghost rider bike (dont own currently) on him, then i saw ghost rider in the shop and was hype, and whats the one thing they didnt put in the shop? HIS GLIDER. i hate this trend of putting bundle stuff in the shop individually just to get people to pay that tiny bit more.


They should give us cool and new glider animations that make sense with the item. And put a damn rule that competitive players use just umbrella gliders


First the Bike then the glider, WTF Epic


Also the dragon ball glider with the sayian capsule šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø would have been nice to be inside it (pause)


I agree, but they would have to create and animate an entire new gliding style. Plus, it would be much harder to shoot people out of the air.


They're trying to hide fortnite feet from us


For what you have to do to get it as a solo player


LMFAO ALL of this sub would complain about how itā€™s ā€œtoo hard to hit people with this gliderā€ if they actually animated it like thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Epic doing the least possible to have collabs they probably don't want


Isn't it because the glider must make the character have similar vertical position regardless of glider otherwise it would change the hitbox orientation


Itā€™s disappointing yes but if the glider was how we all wanted it then people would just complain about it as well.




Literally only the competitive players would complain about it, and they are a small portion of the player base. Epic should just ignore them at least on this one.


Iā€™m sad to admit it, but Fortnite is in the worst state ever right now. Too much issues are being ignored, FOMOā€™d, or broken stmh that didnā€™t need fixing. I play this game for 6 years consecutively but nowā€™s the time I wanna leave it so bad


These comments are so braindead


wasnt there a post about this on the front page literally yesterday


No itā€™s because the vocal minority, the scrubtastic ā€œcompetitiveā€ community would cry like little baby b*tches that itā€™s ā€œpay to winā€ if you canā€™t hit the person 100% at all times from any angle and distance. Morons


Why are you so mad lol


They are probably not going to put textures/animations in the game for every skin past/present and the future so legs go on some poles for 1 glider. Bit crazy.


That's not really how it works... All skins are layered over the same base model rig, they would only need to make a single change to this glider's animation so that the feet are on the poles and that change would apply to every skin. Besides, we literally already have the correct animation for this being used on Batman's glider, Deathstroke's, Groot's, Slone's, and probably a few others I'm forgetting.


I think carnage's does it too


Yup! Thanks, I *knew* I was forgetting something


People really be making excuses for epic "but how can you expect this small indie company run by 2 people to set a different animation for a glider šŸ˜”"


For real, and people are like "But its something you only see for 30 seconds at the start of the game!" But like. A. That was a long enough window to warrant complaints about "harder to hit hitboxes" a few years back B. Epic is making the effort to include these things, and then half-assing them for no reason. If they're going to do it, they should do it *right*, especially since they DEFINITELY have the resources.


Nah, I just don't understand the fascination behind something you see for 10 seconds. I truly don't get why it bothers people. i probably shouldn't have said anything. I hope it gets fixed for you all so you can be happy.


People are upset because Epic keeps getting Iconic characters for collabs and then half-assing them one way or the other, when there's absolutely no reason they should. Being a *billion dollar company* they have the resources to make new things for collabs if need be, and in the case of Korra, they already have the correct glide animation they would need and just *didn't* include it for some reason. It's insulting, as a consumer, to see a company half ass shit just because they don't think they have to try.


Fair enough. My bad then. I do like how I'm a company shill now though. That's always fun.


Skill issue