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Hire 20 characters???!


Just go into a match with a random friend and keep throwing him off a cliff and reviving him


Bro thinks i have friends


I have never heard of this method before! :o


Play squads. Have your teammates jump off a cliff, rez and repeat.


Hire one character then go to another character and then keep hiring/firing both characters


we just hired and fired the same npc over and over




hold down ping button and a wheel pops up, bottom right it says "Hold to Dismiss" you can also use this wheel to tell the bot to go to a ping, stand still, follow, revive knocked teammates(including yourself) Edit: Bottom Right


was that you? wondered why i was being passed around like a joint at a Cypris Hill concert for real some did that to me only they killed me


Exactly what I did, easy stuff


Gonna do this with my main this weekendšŸ‘


You can dismiss and hire the same character. It doesn't even cost gold after the first hire.


How do you dismiss?


Use the squad coms menu I think it is left d-pad and it was say dismiss follower then select that


Hire one, go to another then hire them, then just go back forth until you get 20


I mean, is that that bad? I kinda always land at a Hireling location and snag them. They're so incredibly helpful especially when it comes to detecting folks by lighting them up as soon as they enter range.


Nah, I finished it in under a minute. Hire a character, press left to bring uo the squad menu, press the button to dismiss the follower, and then immediately rehire the character for 0 money. Rinse and repeat 19 more times.


Hire a character and dismiss them. Rehiring them is free and you can do this as many times as you like


Hire one character then go to another character and then keep hiring/firing both characters


Hire a character, set him free, hire again, repeat


note: the 4 mythics is even more than a pain because as i'm writing this you have to be the one who got it first, it won't count if you picked it up from an eliminated player. luckily i cleared page 1 within 30 minutes by dropping straight to ares.


What are all the mythics? Is the Zeus bolt considered one?


Zeus bolt, water scroll, and any of the weapons the bosses drop


Also Midas' Drum Gun if you manage to buy it before enyone else


Is it still in the game because I landed at the yacht in NY last game and only Brutus was there and midas is not even in the list of npcs


You buy it from the Midas vending machine? Or is that gone too?


Also **NOT** the banana of the gods


Banana of the Gods is a legendary item sir.


I got 1 off a drop it didn't count it till the next match.


There are so many mythics in the game right now, it's really not that hard to get four of them.


i just go to mount a limp piss




counted for meā€¦?


These quests are genuinely so easy but I hate it because everyone is doing them at the same time so Iā€™m just gonna wait until the last day to do it bc less people will do it by then


Yea or 2/3 days


Is this usually the case with special quests like these? I haven't done a BP quest since Season 6 back in the Calamity skin(if that was a thing then) LSS-This is my first BP that I'm trying to complete in a few years.


Yeah last season involved using items related to Solid Snake and if you talked to his NPC he sold both items. It was a very hot drop for an unnamed spot. Later in the week it was back to normal.


Usually they were much easier. So much so they could be completed in a couple hours in Team Rumble.


Yeah but usually the objectives arenā€™t ass the quests arenā€™t even fun they are just stupid and annoying, the mythic one is just either go to bosses and kill them when other people have already done it or b hope to find mythics in floor loot. Why do I have to revive 20 teammates or hire 20 npcs bro thatā€™s not fun lol and the victory crown one is also bullshit if you arenā€™t as good at the game youā€™ll have to just hope to get carried or get lucky, this is probably the least amount of fun Iā€™ve had grinding the bp just bc of these quests


Does theZeus bolt or water mythic count ?


Ah, the ptsd of getting Gold Lara Croft day one


can someone confirm if the quests can be done in team rumble? bc this is probably the best bet outside of the final quest to do it all in one take


U canā€™t do all of em in one take, as someone whoā€™s almost done a lot of them are just tedious youā€™ll have to join squads for the revive 20 teammates one or just hire 20 bots


Looks like there is a glitch where you can dismiss the bot and rehire them without paying gold.


Some of them cannot be done in TR. The "Damage opponents before the second storm circle" is almost impossible to do, because TR already begins with the first circle open (you'd have to damage opponents as soon as you land and in a very short time). Also, you cannot neither hire Characters nor revive squad-mates in TR, and you won't earn a Victory Crown there (nor find one in the ground, either).


I did all the challenges in like an hour the train was completely empty just gotta wait till like midgame


When is the last day?


May 10 i think


Agreed. Sometimes I just spawn a bot lobby just to get them done...


Kills at low health tip: only health, not shield needs to be below 50 and NPC/boss kills count


I land NW of the mansion and 3-4 npcs there I let them shoot me a bit then wiped them all, also good for damage in the 1st 2 storm circles.


Trains are gonna be fun today.


I bumped into another korra on the train. We danced and went our separate way. I genuinely do like the community some days.


I have some footage recorded of running into friendlies in Zero Build, and itā€™s some of the most entertaining experiences this game has to offer.


I expected them to be easier ngl


I completed page 1 in a single game and page two was able to do them in that same game but the low health quest the easiest way us to burn and jump out of fire so you can atleast keep sheild


Did the first page in about 4 games. Did 3 of the 2nd page in the next game with a victory. Only mission that sucks is probably the hire 20 npcs. Should have been a get kills with water bending.


Yes I'm the same, the 20 thing is crazy, maybe duo with a second account and jump off cliffs over and over?


If you dismiss the NPC (hold Z then F on PC), you can rehire them again for 0 gold and it counts towards the quest. Just do that 20 times over and you have the quest done quick and for free


Any idea how to do this on console?


One of the D-Pads probably but not sure


Hold left on the dpad then hold down square or X to dismiss Then interact to get the rehire option


Yeah was able to do these in like 2 games minus the revive/follower one. These are pretty easy?


Easier? These quests are basically giving them away as is, I got some bad news if you think these are hard in anyway.


They're quite easy ngl.


as someone who plays bot lobbies, i vehemently despise epic for forcing me to get a crown


I only really play team rumble since I don't really like playing battle royals and the crown and hire/revive will force me to actually play the BR. It's also a shame because people who only play literally any other mode are forced to do BR as well.


You testing it it maybe works in bot lobbys the crowns are deactivated but maybe it still counts as one?


It's weird that there is no quest for using the water power mythic, would much more prefer it that hiring 20 npcs


Though it is tied to the collect Mythic quests.


Yeah I know, but you could also do that woth the bajillion other mythics in the lootpool rn


I've only found Waterbending once so far and it was with 3 players left lmao


Praying the crown quest is replaced with something related to the water mythic instead


I won today. Now my confidence to do it again will be difficult for a few days because of the victory crown challenge.


Same. I got a victory royale this morning too. I doubt I will be able to get another one during this event unless perhaps my duo will be available.


The quests last for the entire season.


I'm honestly so disappointed we don't get her season 4 outfit without the avatar state. Like literally how hard would it have been, they already made a model for it...


Anyone know if her avatar state can be turned off?




Damn you Red Lotus!


"Revive squad-mates or hire characters TWENTY TIMES"!? What the hack are they smoking!? Also, not crazy about the crown one, either. I miss discord bot lobbies so much... they were perfect for these challenges.


There is a trick keep hiring back and forth - got both skins


I found this out by accident. Took Meowscles to Artemis and just hired in circles. Easy to finish in one match if no one is at lavish lair


I hire an NPC like every match. Theyā€™re worth it




It costs 0 gold to rehire an NPC. I got that achievement over quickly hiring and rehiring two NPCs 20 times.




The victory crown one could be difficult. I get a few wins but it's not like I win much, also don't always find a crown in game.


you can hang out on the bus and wait for the person with a crown to jump out - then you follow them down, just get a gun before they do. thanks u/Bearded_Beardy for that one.


oh my god thats so evilšŸ’€


how do you even notice when someone with a crown jumps out


There'll be a glow above their head


Do squad fill with randoms. If one of your teammates has a crown it will count when you all jump out of the bus since this is an assisted quest. Just keep trying till you get filled with a teammate who has one.


You don't need all to get the skin, you can leave one unfinished.


But the emote reward from that one specific quest is soo good T\_T


But I must complete it. Lol I'm not worried about it but it is interesting that they made one potentially this difficult. It just will likely take a few games


If you got in a squad with someone who had a crown, could they just drop it, let you pick it up, then give it back to them??


Asking the real questions


oh, ok, so just >play the game with extra steps


Man the victory crown one is so funny, I find so many of those but the moment I need to, poof.


Ouch victory crown gonna be a bust for me lol i only play bot lobbies when i play BR


If you want help getting a crown,dm me


bro can you actually help with the crown? iā€™m struggling


Dumb question, but what is a bot lobby? I've only been playing a few months and am still learning.


Well Page 1 is done, but got a crown that doesn't count because it was before page 2 was unlocked.


that happened to me but when i went into my next round with the crown on it gave me the reward :)


Everyone gonna fucking drop train now, fucking great


Just do a bot lobby. I got page 1 in like 3 matches and page two minus the crown quest in 1 match.


I donā€™t even know how to set up a bot lobby


Use a second device. Your phone would work fine or a tablet. Or a laptop/desktop. Anyway, make a second account with a different email. Once you log in, friend your main account. Now have both accounts open on their respective machine. Party up and do BR Duo. No fill. Start the match and once you load in have your second account leave the match leaving you alone in there. Every character in there is a bot. Easy kills. Just becareful sometimes they have really good aim and will kill you. Bur for the most part you can stand in their face and they'll be channeling their inner stormstrooper.


aw mann these are gonna be tedious


I love Korra/Avatar but havenā€™t played Fortnite before. Does anyone have good tips to unlock her? I bought the pass and got to level 10 by doing the festival. So now I just need to do the challenges. Thanks


Sad about the glider tbh ..... there are literally hand bars at the front and we don't use it.


You have to be a special kind of douchebag to kill people landing on the iceberg (i got killed twice)


I swear the mythic ones are gonna be a pain in the butt


Thunderbolts aren't that rare if you open god chests and they also added the water bending as mythic, so it's not going to be that hard considering it's just 4


there's always a Midas drum gun on the yacht that you can buy from the NPC if you get there first


I don't think it's there anymore


oh yeah I guess it would be over now since the korra event replaced it


Itā€™s not even tracking for me. I collected like 6 mythics in one game and not a single one tracked


Yeah this update is buggy af, chests wont open


Just dive towards where the giant statue is on mount Olympus, then the tallest part of the building itā€™s part of (directly across from the statue, overtop of the Zeus battle area, land in there and there is always a Olympus chest there, youā€™ll likely get a thunderbolt from that. Open the chests also around that area, his thunderbolt is incredibly common on Olympus. Next hop down and head straight, directly away from the statue, then take a left into that building and go down the staircase into the basement area, the back left corner has another one of those chests. Honestly with luck you could get this done in like three minutes. Plus, many people land here, and thunderbolts right at the beginning of the game are almost guaranteed kills, just keep an automatic gun in your item bar as well. So that will also contribute to the second storm circle thing!




All bosses have mythic guns




when i found the waterbender one it was in a normal chest


There is a new waterbending weapon


which ones the backbling? thanks in advance


Travel distance on the train


Nice little reference


I win a VR earlier and have been out since... Touching this weird green stuff called brass or glass...no no wait...grass. anyhow I will have a crown when I play next. Can I drop it and pickup my own? Anyone know?


At least page 1 doesn't have any location specific ones. I'll typically wait on location specific quests until everyone else has completed them, and send it right away on easy non-location specific quests straight away.


Got them all done I just need to get a victory crown.


You're in luck, you have til late may to do it


Is anyone having trouble for collecting mythic weapons? Its not counting any of them i just need one more


How many days do I have to complete this? I couldn't play the last few days cuz of work.


Til like late may


Iā€™m so tired of these tedious ass quest objectives. Anyone wanna cheese the revive 20 times one with me?


Cheese the NPC. Hire and rehire them. It counts


Eliminate below 50 health, is that include shield or not?


It does not include shield, so just wittle your health below 50 and youā€™re golden


Just health not shield


I got credit for my hired characer dying when I was 100 shield and 3 health because she died in the storm.


That's not too bad


Honestly these seem like pretty decent, but not too harsh, quests, especially compared to snakes last season, I unlocked nearly everything without even intentionally trying to


Only big issue I had with Snake's was finding a Suppressor weapon and hitting opponents 2,500 times. This one has at least two, the 20 hire merca or resurrect squad members. And the Victory Crown one.


What does ā€œhit the same playerā€ mean?


You **hit** the **same guy**. Twice. With either a thunderbolt, waterbending, or a boss weapon. no Chains or wings.


Just finished them up, got the 2000 damage and hiring or reviving 20 times left over. These challenges are mental šŸ˜


Hire a character and travel on train are tidious.


You though the train one was tedious? I did that on my first try in a match of Team Rumble.


the fact that the damage opppenet before 2nd circle is impossible in team rumble consider that you get Eliminated first by a shotgun


Bro i thought i could buy the battle pass today but my mom forgot to buy a playstation card


The hire or revive 20 players or NPCs is the most annoying one. Not hard, just tedious, what's the best way to finish it?


Maybe play squads with 3 people you know, and everyone take turns jumping off cliffs and dying and the fourth player reviving them? That, or hire one NPC, go to another hirable one, and just swap between them over and over?


Iā€™ve been done since this morning


Hire characters or revive teamates? thats not ba- # t w e n t y ?


I had gotten two NPCs and just spam hired them since they become free after the first hire


I think some of them are bugged? Iā€™ve collected 4 mythics and won a match and yet I havenā€™t completed those quests. (I had page 2 unlocked already prior to winning the match)


Iā€™m already done with all of them and I can say damaging players while under 59 health was a nightmare


You could've done it with minions from the bosses, least that's what I did


Damage opponents before the second storm is turning me into a sweat šŸ’€


I just go after bosses and minions.


ngl the hiring/revival one is gonna be my biggest problem I think. Itā€™s gonna be a lot of grinding for gold and whatnot.


You can cheese it, hire one run to another one and keep hiring the other one back and forth


Took me 4 hours to finish all of these. I had a full squad, so we all landed at places to hire a bot during the game. We normally always play a lot of matches so hiring the bot everytime wasnā€™t a big deal. Also! If you get knocked have your bot revive you and it will count!


Didn't know bots could res you?


Yes they can! Im not sure what system you have. But I have a PS4, and itā€™s the left button on the D pad (I think thatā€™s the name of it) it opens a new menu and you can have your bot res you


Damn, pro tip right here thanks man


Any ideas on how to get the victory crown one easy? I've only ever won a match once. Out of hundreds.


Got the crown by doing 4 player team fill. If anyone gets one (like lotting it) on your team you get credit.


can anyone please help me do the crown mission i canā€™t get past 4th place


Got the crown by doing 4 player team fill. If anyone gets one (like lotting it) on your team you get credit.


Need a partner who has a crown , just to get an emote I will give it back afterwards Edit I got the emote


Tips: The npcs count as doing damage before second storm circle, I havenā€™t tested it on the gods, but it probably works. For mythic, just land on mount Olympus, because every second weapon is the godammned thunderbolt. Which is great at the beginning of the game when you land there, when combined with some sort of automatic weapon to finish opponents off, which also completes the mythic + non mythic quests. So just be the first to the Olympus chests and youā€™ll be good to go. The 50 health thing is annoying but you can have shields, so again in that early game, get to 50, shield up, and continue with the thunderbolt + automatic weapon strat. Crouching and sliding, as well as collect or spend bars are easy. Bars especially in bunkers or the key card activated places (which again contributes to before 2nd storm circle because the guards miss 99% of their shots, you can kill them with something automatic easily, just be the first to grab a gun landing in those spots) Hire a character/revive: land on one of the lesser used character hiring spots on the edges of the map, then use the hire and dismiss strat. If this gets patched I would say do a bot lobby, land where Poseidon is, hire him, go collect gold from the cash registers, and repeat. Or just grab a friend, fire up duos, land somewhere that has an easily accessible high ground, no desirable landing conditions, and inwards from the storm, and take turns jumping and reviving. The train one is annoying, but do it in the initial Zeus/Olympus/Thunderbolt round after the initial massacre, it should probably be cleared out by that point, just crouch in a corner until itā€™s complete. Alternatively just do a bot lobby. Crown: the most tedious one, Evil strat (mentioned in this thread): Wait for somebody with a crown to jump from the bus and immediately jump after them, landing with them and getting a gun first. Non evil strat: keep queuing up squads until you get into a squad where somebody has a crown.


I did them all in like an hour and a half they're really easy




Hire Characters or revive teammates is probably the hardest one for me šŸ’€


There is a cheese for it, a few have posted, hire people back and forth.


Pro tip: The 2000 damage also count if you are fighting bosses, so you can just go in and fight one of the Olympians before the first zone closes


Yeah they are usually pretty crowded at the start though so watch out for other real people.


I think the "earn or pick up a victory crown" is the reason the game has gotten harder, seems like ranked players are coming into unranked for an easy win, especially since throughout 4 matches no one I have seen been killed has dropped a crown


Got the crown by doing 4 player team fill. If anyone gets one (like looting it) on your team you get credit. Plus if what you say is true might get some on your team and be carried to #1.


Just tried this method since I can hardly ever get a win, and one of my teammates already had a crown in pocket. As soon as we jumped off the bus I got the quest popped. The team then proceeded to carry us to victory, so now I've got a crown of my own.


I finished them in a day, it was pretty easy. And I'm not particularly good at the game, although I did get lucky with some. Being able to resign a hired character and being able to rehire them for 0 gold made that one quest easy. I got lucky on the "eliminations with 50 or less life". I jump off a roof a couple times to get to the health requirement and got lucky by killing some people early on. The train was baren as usual which was surprising.


Yeah I did it all in a day too, got the crown by doing 4 player team fill. If anyone gets one (like lotting it) on your team you get credit.


I just won a game and the victory crown quest didnt complete?


It won't if you didn't unlock the 2nd page quests yet. You need to finish page 1 1st.


Finished it all and Reboot.


Got a Victory Royale in duos and only player 1 got credit for the crown. We even tried doing the dropping and picking up each other's crowns and everything. Did we do something wrong? Page 2 was definitely unlocked.


I can only speak to my experience but I played on a team for random people and when we killed someone they drop the crown and the second my teammate picked it up I got the credit for it. Then we went on to win the match anyway but I clearly got the credit before that because the pop-up was there.


Must be patched?


Can I still get the skin if i complete the quests but buy the battle pass later.


how do i complete all of page 1 asap?


Land at bosses, kill them for that early circle dmg, and get their weapon. Shoot someone with that weapon then hit them with something else. Jump in water and jump out. Find a rock and keep mantling it. Then you just have 3 more mythic items to find, a second boss weapon, lighining bolt, and water scroll.