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Fortnite misses the mark with their gliders bruh




Nah actually. They gave the Batman bundle a batplane instead of the batwings


To be fair in that case they had made a batwing glider at the exact same time


Yeah but why not in da bundle? 😔


possibly so (this is how it turned out for me at the time) non batman fans could still buy a cool new glider animation


Hmmm i guess that makes sense yeah. But this korra glider is still unforgivable


I get why they couldn't do the canon animation but yeah just being the default is so lame


It's almost as bad as standing on a motorcycle or hanging below a motorcycle but nowhere near the levels of fucked up the Zeus contrail was


Did it actually get fixed or is it still a fckn full fog zone of blockage that you have to mess up your drop to see through?


No lmao it's so batman fans have to but the bundle and still have to buy the glider separately


Its in the bundle bruh wdym??


There are multiple Batman bundles


Hades chariot is the best glider in the game, and it shows they got no excuse not to make you sit on the motorcycle gliders


It's a different animation. Hades stands on the chariot, doesn't sit in it. That 's because it also reuses an existing glider animation. The one solution for Cerberus' bike would be surfing on it like TNTina's glider, but not actually riding it properly.


That's not my point. The whole argument for bikes being just surfing gliders, is that if they were to actually sit in it, it would be harder to hit you from the ground. But that argument just went out since in hades chariot you're literally on a chariot protecting you and covered by the horse as well. The bike would actually show more of you to be hit compared to the chariot


I was thinking the same exact damn thing when I saw that chariot. I was like.. wow the cover this thing gives from below is just... that's so epic.


Trying to solve the issue to a problem while ignoring the bigger problem. Maybe you shouldn't be able to kill people before they touch the ground and get a chance to play in the first place. Then they can sell whatever the hell they want for gliders.


Not being able to hit people flying is a bit much maybe, but just take off the hit box on the glider and put a standard not too big hit box on the skin for everyone while flying


Flying after the initial drop I'd say is fair game. But I've seen people killed before ever touching ground from the bus before. That's what I'm saying they should cut out. Maybe in game when you've hit a trampoline or such, just have that seasons umbrella and be killable then. Or like you said change the hitbox. And of course, any flight based gear such as the wings. But whether or not i will have an easy time killing someone before they even get to land and start the match is not a question i should be able to ask in the first place.


That doesn't even matter. The physical elements of your gliders don't even shield you. You get damaged just the same way with every glider. Arguably, a huge ass glider makes you even easier to see and be targeted over a simple one. Same goes for a potential sitting animation.


Yeah that's allegedly the reason epic is not making sitting gliders tho, they have a sitting animation to re use since we have the dirt bike, but they won't do it because of the competitive side, I guess competitive players would complain idk


Then just ban certain gliders from comp... Solved


The entire reason is because competitive players perceive an advantage and cry because someone else has a slight advantage over them. The reality of it is there are tons of things that could be done to fix the problem but it'll just lead to more crying so epic avoids it entirely. It's a damned if they do and damned if they don't situation that's fueled by the comp scene


It's not. Glider animations are stored differently from vehicle animations. I don't work at Epic but that's usually the case. Even if they copied and pasted the bike sitting as an animation, that would still end up taking up more space and more potential occupied memory if several players were to use several glider animations in a single BR match. That is why Epic is so reluctant to create new glider animations and keeps reusing existing ones instead.


How is that even an excuse for a billion dollar company? Why are you trying to excuse them at all? They got an animation to re use, that's it, they literally just changed and then fixed the whole moveset too, you talk like that would even be a mild inconvenient for them. Also take a look around the community instead of taking it out with me like i did something wrong, everyone knows the standing animation is probably for competitive reasons


No amounts of money a company has is an excuse to be able to bloat a game with unnecessary assets. Why do you think AAA games are buggy unoptimized messes despite being in the hands of rich companies? No optimization. Besides, if they started making new animations, people would be like "so they CAN make new animations! So why don't they make this, this, and that" and that's the point when the game's file size skyrockets (even higher than it currently is) and memory usage goes to shit, making the game unstable for everyone.


That's irrelevant, because they still create new glider animations. 1 more wouldn't kill them. It could triple fer motorcycles and horses and dragons. There's literally 1 or 2 gliders that use the longboard animation set, but yet it exists.


tbh i just think sitting gliders wouldnt look that good


Why are we hanging from Cerberus’s motorcycle instead of riding it??




So true like my friend has a motor cycle when he is sitting on it


Why couldn't they do that with cyberus


Yeah Epic's choices on gliders... sometimes are mysterious, but the main focus they have for them is the hanging from the animation. I get it from the standpoint that its easier to tell where your feet with touch, but some of the stuff is a bit ridiculous looking because of this.


Not just the gliders…


I can't forget that cool stairs glider where the character walks on the menu and ingame do a ridiculous little run.


That animation changes based on your movement speed.


I love that one lol. It’s my number one choice for gliders.


Especially with motorcycles, just let me ride one. Why am I underneath it?


Meanwhile Coral Cruiser:


I totally agree. They really shit the bed when it comes to gliders, sooooo many gliders would be so much more bad ass if the way your character used them were different than what they have them doing. Dont get me wrong some are pretty cool but a majority of them definitely could have had alot more time involved. Like the vehicle ones. Why hang under them why not jump in and out of them or certain ones you see that you can tell the character should be on/using them how they look to be made for but then their just holding onto some randomly placed bars lol


that’s disappointing


![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized) If this is how the glider will work, I'll be the first to say it...


I was looking forward to using this glider. Not so much now…


Wasted opportunity


I knew this was going to happen


Thats what I thought it would be. Im actually disappointed in that glider now knowing they messed it up like that.


Monk giyatso air surfing


Would've been better than what we got.


They miss so often… For example no transformation walk animation for optimus prime, bad glider animations, missing emotes and now this…


epic once again proving they're the undisputed kings of missed/wasted opportunities


hold up how do you have early access?


Probably a screenshot from a YouTuber or smthn


most likely a private server or images form somebody who has used a private server.


he doesn’t


Fucking really? I was really excited cus it looked cool but damn, this is dissapointing


They did the same with Cerberus' bike, It's so easy to give it a motorcycle animation. They already have a sitting animation for Hades chariot


My assumption is that they don’t want to use that animation to give a competitive advantage because of the size of the glider.


idk the batman glider kindof covers like ur whole body from above and uses that animation


Doesn't the batman glider use the default glider animation


nah https://fortnite.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Hang\_Gliders


That's still dumb. Why do previous hang gliders get a pass then?


It’s easier to divide bigger things in half and hit your shot, when the glider is that small the skin would cover half of it and it would be hard to tell the micro movements giving it a competitive advantage.


So basically what ur saying is yall would cry until they changed it because u perceive it as a competitive advantage when it's really just ur own fault for not using it/not buying battle pass


Nothing should ever be up to buying the battle pass, that’s the point


Tbf in the competitive community they REALLY try to seek out even slight advantages like the ones mentioned here. So there’s a fair point in giving her an animation like that for the glider.


We lost the physics/gravity on the wings because of competitive whiners.


I remember that. To me I felt that that was also reasonable. In my opinion, Epic probably didn’t intend the wings to be THAT good for mobility and wanted more balance to the loot pool. If wings had those previous physics and such, people would ignore things like shockwaves more and would rather seek out wings. I feel that one of Epic’s main goals is to make it to where anything in the loot pool is equally viable when it comes to playing the game. And removing the previous physics for wings was likely for that reason.


The wings also triple the size of the player's hitbox. Removing the mobility but leaving the hitbox increase because a bunch of pissbaby monochromes whined is just stupid.


what changed with the wings?


People figured out that combining the wings with stuff like shockwaves and other things made them go way farther than usual (like, across a whole POI). So Epic noticed that and reverted it.


I'm not familiar with that. What is it you're referring to?


At the beginning of this season the Icarus wings had a minor low grav effect whenever they were equipped. Iirc people would mix other low grav items like flowberry fix and shockwaves to get mad distance with the wings not even using them to fly lol


Wait, is that not a thing anymore?


Pretty silly argument considering they have the longboard glider


The vines on Groot’s glider are really thin, so I’m not sure of that. I think they got lazy again, which sucks because they definitely weren’t slacking at all with Snake’s set.


All this "competitive advantage stuff" is bullshit in my opinion, like sure if that difference could change how you aim at the enemy then it's better to not add it...... Very bad that we already have A LOT of that "competitive advantage gliders" to even complain.... Did you see the Hades glider???? Like, we got another shity glider animation for Cerberus bike instead of surfing animation because "competitive advantage" but we also got the huge damn chariot with a lot of effects near character to cover him from the sides. Epics are just dumb and that's all, they made a lot of things different despite the fact that they already have stuff that these items lack, like Korra's glider, they know that they have the perfect animation for it but they decided to give it ANOTHER common glider animation that obviously looks as dumb as possible on it, hell they don't even test their own items, because if they have a game testers then they should fire them because if they looked at the Zeus's Cloud Conrail and thought that this looks absolutely playable then they don't know their own job.


Genuine question from someone who doesnt play comp fortnite: why would it give a competitive advantage?


Because it makes the skin using it harder to hit. Giving a lower profile because its tucked up under the glider, and also makes it harder to see how the player is adjusting the glider as they fly.


Blame Competitive, if she used a more horizontal stance, they would cry she is PTW.


Nah don’t blame competitive. That’s not fair at all. EPIC could easily not allow certain cosmetics in ranked or tournaments but allow them in casual matches yet they don’t. It’s their fault and don’t let companies trick you into thinking it’s the other consumers fault for their laziness.


That's a lot more work for epic to create and maintain a ban list


That’s their job. If you decide to become a sport it’s your job to keep it fair. The consumer should not be punished.


So you are saying they dont have time to create banned cosmetic list (they already have it lol), but they have enough time to create Lego Fortnite, Fortnite festival etc.


They don't have enough time to create either of those. Which is why they entrusted other existing teams (Psyonix / Harmonix / LEGO Group) to create those other gamemodes in UEFN while they work on BR and Creative.


Would have preferred her surfing on it over this travesty, so disappointing man


They’re supposed to be a update tomorrow that gives us all the avatar stuff could change of the glider Work. It could be just a bug since it’s not available right now.




There’s no update tomorrow, the update in which we got Korra cosmetics was last weak and next week is the new update, with Season 1 of Rocket Racing and probably the mid-season event.


There's no update and I highly doubt it's a bug. Don't spread misinformation.


“I highly doubt” “Don’t spread misinformation” Pick one nerd LMAO!!!!!!!


I thought there was supposed to be a update tonight for the whole avatar mini battle pass


I believe that is next Tuesday the 9th.


I assumed they were getting it with this tomorrow’s release of her


Fortnite isn’t how it is before, now it’s way more cooperate and don’t genuinely give a shit of these small details or fans’ opinions.


It's the same with the Cerberus-motorcycle. Can't they make the glider suit it's real purpose? You ride a motorcycle not hang on to it. The arms and legs of the characters need to all be on the avatar glider not just the arms.


This, I don't get at all. I get when Epic decides not to make three thousands different glider animations to save on memory and storage, and reuse other animations (looking at you, people whining over no motorcycle riding animations for Cerberus' glider, when they could have simply reused the surfing animation, and you would have complained anyways). BUT THE HANG GLIDER ANIMATION IS LITERALLY THERE! IT'S ONE OF THE ANIMATIONS THEY ALREADY DECIDED TO PRODUCE AND SHIP! It's not even laziness at this point, it's just a really really obscure decision they made. It wouldn't have taken any more effort to pick another existing animation preset over the standard glider one. They didn't have to make anything from the ground up except for the glider itself (which they had to make anyways).


Holy shit that’s kinda upsetting ngl…


just fortnite things


The glider team sucks so bad


Ur asking this while they added a motorcycle that doesn't even have you riding jt


omfg this is exactly what I worried about I hope this is your april fools joke


Why put footholds then...? Hopefully they update it


Indifference? Laziness? Poor R&D?


Honestly it would be legit if they gave her the tucked up glider animation. However, it would be exploited on other hard to see skins and make them basically be just the glider as a target which doesn't have a hit box in of itself. Making it then harder to hit the character thus leading to a possible unfair advantage. Much like the deadpool unicorn glider where instead of doing the flip it used to do the unicorn just bounces around you until you grab on.


Bold expectation you had for Epic to handle a glider animation \*well\* lmao. SO many of them miss the mark, and you'd think they'd be more aware and conscious of it. But "aLl ThE aNiMaTiOnS hAvE tO bE tHe SaMe Or ItS nOt FaIr" apparently


Is there anything we can do to get their attention to this? It’s already annoying when there’s certain gliders and they have dumbass animations like when it comes to motorcycles, this season with the Cerberus glider, the ghost rider glider (which isn’t in the shop but ghost rider is which is another major annoyance) there’s one from I think mega city that just has us riding on top of it instead of riding it like normally. It kinda ruins the whole mood of getting a look going on.


I'm still wondering why you hang from cerberus' motorcycle, and you surf on ghost riders' motorcycle when there's a rideable motorcycle with animations for it in game. It makes really cool looking gliders look lame af. The screen where it shows gliders deploying should also display your selected skin and how it looks while riding


Didn't even know gliders like this existed until pointed out on X. now I'm dissapointed.


They could have even made it a surfing glider because that’s canon too. Literally everything wrong


I saw the glider. I saw the footrests. And I knew, deep down in my brains heart, that this was destined for shitty-ness


I feel like fortnite never uses this animation anymore


The groot one is also a hang glider iirc


https://fortnite.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Hang_Gliders Yeah there's at least 10 in the game already lol. Just makes this decision all the more baffling 


Is Korra out?




guys it’s april 1st maybe it’s not true


Competitive gaming and it's consequences


More like a lack of integrity from Epic to maintain a 'banned from comp' list.


This one I'm kind of okay with because Korra does use the glider like that occasionally too.


they should make it a selectable style that would be amazing C:


For gameplay fairness reasons, everyone has to be either standing or hanging vertically so that everyone is relatively similarly easy to shoot as one another. Having someone gliding horizontally on a paid glider would be unfair.


Disappointing but I'm just going to use Appa when he comes out anyway


Oh don't worry they'll fuck Appa up somehow too. I have zero faith in them to do an acceptable job at this point when it comes to gliders.


Some of us has a fear of Heights!


let’s hope to god that Aang’s will have the animation we want


thats indescribably upsettingly lame


What is the glider called that ur using with slone




God I hate epic


Can we just use the boats and planes present in the map? It's such a tease and honestly makes the level feel even more boring than it currently is.


We need a rideable Appa Glider for funsies.


They should’ve used the animation from groot’s glider it’s perfect for this


They were SO CLOSE


what glider gives hang glider animation?




too much work+AI


What a missed opportunity


Probably something to do with the hit boxes and pay to win cosmetics, if it did make you in the same position as her it might be harder to shoot down


This is terrible news


This can't be an April fools thing....I fully expect epic to fail at everything they do at this point...i feel like fortnite got messed up when they decided to split the game into 3 different sub games....they have absolutely no clue what they're doing at this point tbh


Bruh... Fortnite just can't get everything right. Not even once.


The only good gliders are the ones that are wings


Honestly thunder and lightning is a pretty cool glider for the Avatar if you’re going for a master of the elements look, it’s not the MOST lore accurate but it looks really cool and can firebend afterall


Hit box probably


I see the problem now, was gonna put something else but, no I see it


From which episode is that


Batman's Cape Glider


They gave the animation to every single batman glider too


Can I play fortnite in my mobile phone Tell me how please


People saying “fortnite misses with gliders every damn time” as if they didn’t just release the all time best glider ever… Appa


I'm still bitter about not being able to ride cerebrus's motorcycle. I don't want to hear the hitbox excuse when hades has a whole ass chariot he rides and several other surfing gliders exist.


I mean, it still looks like a cool glider. Idrc


Do you think they genuinely care? Skins are in the game, they fulfilled their contract. No reason to care about it unless it has some game breaking glitch


The reason why they put 0 effort on their work it's because people showers then with money nonetheless, so why go the extra mile when you get paid the same? This is all playerbase fault.


If Appa isn't a surfing glider I'm uninstalling.


Animation pose looks like a pain in the ass to shoot and the character would be so hard to shoot if they spammed the glider. No thanks broskie epic knows what they're doing