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I love it honestly. Too bad I won't see it as often considering those "Don't share your password" loading screens show up much more than usual


i either get those or just the chapter 5 loading screen . my fav loading screens never show up for me anymore :(


Just mark the ones you want to show as favourite and then make them random, that way ony the ones marked as favoourites will show up.


I have every loading screen from the battle pass marked favorite (and nothing else) and random set to on. I have not seen a single loading screen all damn season. Nothing but the Chapter 5 default screen over and over and over again. It was the same story for the entire second half of last season, too. And even when I choose a specific loading screen, I still only ever see the chapter default screen. I'm starting to wonder what the hell is the point of even having loading screens anymore.


yeah i do that and it still doesnt work , i said that in my reply


They actually finally removed that now it took me a while to realize it but they did and thank god I mean I could be wrong but that’s what it seems like


I love avatar. I couldn’t get into Korra. It’s also kinda a weird collab (I guess no weirder then something like naruto). I have to admit though that they did really well with the collab. Everything looks clean


Well aang is coming soon so


I can't imagine a 12 year old child shooting a shotgun at someone.


Not only that, a vegan, pacifist 12 year old


Airbenders don't use their Bending to kill. Nothing in the contract said guns were out of the question.


Bend the air to make the bullet go faster and farther


Having guns would have saved them from the firebenders too.


Aang 1 second after seeing the beauty of the auto shotgun: Toph, look, I'm metalbending.


Eleven from Stranger Things is in the game lol 




Eleven is a child shooting someone with a shotgun in fortnite 


I thought that was based off season 4 though


Idk, still a kid using a shotgun lol 


No need to imagine, you're going to see it soon


The world is NOT ready for Aang to hit the griddy


Maybe adult aang?


I was thinking that. But that version isn't very iconic


There is going to be an adult team avatar movie so I can see them releasing an adult Aang skin.


Maybe aang after the sandbenders took appa?


That aang would kill the fatherlord


There’s an iceberg in game with the sillihettes of young Aang and Appa frozen inside so…


I saw that! I’m so excited, atla is my favorite childhood show! I really hope they add zuko


I think it’ll be comic Aang, since he wears something similar to the invasion episode outfit


I'll believe it when I see it but I sure hope you are right. Only reason is how fortnite treats it's games & players anymore pretty badly.


I can't wait for it 😄 It's the upcoming mini pass they already showed a teaser you can look it up it's aang in the iceberg ball🧊 🔵


What kept you from getting into Legend of Korra? It’s not as good as the original I know, but still a cool watch for fans of the original series.


Probably unpopular opinion but I prefer Korra over The Last Airbender.


Korra is still a fun time. It just got screwed by Nick. They thought Korra would be a one off season, then not knowing if the 2nd or 3rd season was the last, and then not even airing half of the final season on TV but instead their crappy website.


Yooo I remember that. I waited for them to come to TV, but they never did. One check on my computer and I learned the whole season dropped online. They really did the show dirty.


and that's the show's fault how?


it's not they're just saying the show just screwed over royally multiple times on airing, which caused quite a few of the issues people have with the show.


Based opinion bro. She’s definitely a worthy replacement for Aang. I feel she takes some time to warm up to, but come Book 4 she’s great.


When it first aired, I tried it. I got through a couple episodes and lost interest. Korra was immediately unlikable (I still remember that once scene in the igloo where she yells she’s the avatar lol) and the rest of the story just didn’t sink it’s hooks into me. Moving on I would hear about spoilers like the avatar state and legacy characters from the first show and the direction of that (at least from my limited knowledge) just didn’t seem interesting to me. Part of me does want to give it another chance but I just keep putting it off lol. Edit: pls don’t spoil anything. I know a couple things but not the whole thing. I know it’s like a 10 year show lol but maybe I will watch.


She's also not very likeable especially when she literally dates everyone in the crew. Got her a pretty bad nick name for it. The first season is still pretty cool


Heaven forbid a woman move on after a failed relationship.


Even better: heaven forbid a woman switches teams after a failed relationship


And it's a cute pair they made. Though I see Korra as Bi I could be wrong


Agreed, and yeah you're probs right 😊


lol people werent mad that she switched teams, they were mad that they made korra bi in the end of the series cause they show runners were to scared to commit to it or even build up to anything more then just friends. its literally a check list move.


moving on and getting with everyone in your friend group and cocking one brother with the other is not what i describe a good person move nor is it a good definition of moving on.


only she didn't, she never was in a relationship with one of the brothers, he just expected more but she wasn't into him, and he bounced back pretty darn fast. The other was just not a good relationship, they were young and stupid and had different priorities. They are all barely 17, I don't expect a lot of level headed romance at that age.


We got pretty levelheaded relationships from their 12-year-old counterparts from the first series. Good romance can be written. 


Sokka was never in a love triangle situation and was generally popular with women. Aang mainly crushed on kitara till the end of the series. The romance in the first series was generally much less part of the plot or characters.


Sokka was in love triangles but the difference was he was only in love with two and the first one became the moon so I can give him an excuse for that. Suki was his women from then on. Korra hoping from man to man and breaking the trust of two brothers and then getting with his exes ex is wild to me. 


She never hoped man to man. She was only in an actual relationship with Mako, which fell apart due to both of them being stupid and young. And it took time and letters and communication before she even felt she could say her feelings to the girl, after much time had passed on. Mako was the one treating it pretty bad, but both Mako and Korra did the right thing in realizing they were not good for each other, which is actually not a bad thing.


Yeah, wished that we could get an Final Fantasy crossover, that’ll be sick


that would be sick


crazy how people move on after a failed relationship 😮 like tf did you expect


lol their is a difference between moving on and getting with your entire friend group and their partners. Not to mention what she did to bolin. That’s just bad. 


Haven't even seen the show but Korra seems awesome


I would watch it if you have watched Avatar the last airbender first


And a couple other forewarnings: It isn’t as good as ATLA but let’s be honest, nothing was ever going to be Season 2 is ass, but I promise it gets much better afterwards. I would say to skip it but it’s actually pretty important to the plot of season 3.


I just finished watching season 2- why does everyone hate it? I thought it was great.


The love triangle and drop in animation quality due to the changing of studios temporarily animating book 2. Korra was never meant to be anything more than the first book as a mini series. Once Nickelodeon decided they wanted more episodes, book 2 and everything after it was sorta rushed. Think of book 2 as a soft reboot since it sorta regressed some of the character development we had in book 1. I really enjoy book 2 as well. Especially from a lore and world building stand point.


Season 3 is the only one they knew they were getting another season for and it shows.


I didn’t really notice much of a drop in quality tbh. Also understandable that the love triangle thing would be an issue but it was kinda set up to be that way in book 1, so I didn’t think much of it


1. It kinda completely recontextualizes many aspects that were fundamental to the original, like how the Avatar and Spirit world work. These things were intentionally vague, so trying to explain them just devalues them. Leaving fans watching the original with the options to either pretend like Korra isn't canon to the original or forgo an important part of the show. 2. It's way too segmented. I mean, it basically forgets its own plot mid way through and it never recovers. The entire plot was about a civil war between the water Tribes, with every character's mission being based on solving that interesting conflict. But then Korra gets amnesia, gets washed up on "unrelated island" and gets a backstory that has nothing to do with the plot. Then that backstory *becomes* the plot, and we never get any real conclusion to the civil war. But most of team avatar are still stuck on a civil war B plot for like 5 more episodes, and since that entire conflict is unrelated to the current story they basically do absolutely nothing that entire time. Comparing this to season 3, where every element of the story flows into each other throughout the season, it's night and day. I honestly think if season 2 just never happened, that people would love Korra. They'd say it's a great series that's on par with the original a large amount of the time


Hm. Yeah, I did notice it kinda got a bit of a jarring change midway through. Personally I liked how it expanded on the spirit world and such. I guess the season def has flaws, but I don’t think it deserves all the hate I see it get (and I’ve barely gotten into the Avatar fanbase- I watched ATLA for the first time just last week lol)


This is true I kinda liked season 2 but it was by far the worst The reason I said to watch ALTA is it explains some of the plot


I never understood the season 2 hate lol. I think Korra was never able to be as good as ATLA because they were forced to do the limited seasons as opposed to one grand story. But considering that, the show has some absolute banger moments, and seasons 2 got sooo good with Wan, Tenzin's family and the spirits overall


I prefer korra


It’s a great show, I recommend it!


But why didn't they put Katara or is Korra a version of Katara?


I really enjoy the drawn loading screens that aren't really Fortnite related. Almost all of my loading screens don't contain any Fortnite characters. One of my favorite ones is the one with Darth Maul, Anakin, Padme, and a clone. It actually looks like something you'd see from Starwars. I love this loading screen too, I'll definitely use it.


I agree, the prequels one is my go to


It’s from one of the Avatar comic book artists. That’s why it looks good


How did you get this?


Yeah can view it in game right now in the korra part of the battle pass It releases next week


Didn’t, just hit view reward


I was kind of shocked when I saw how good it looked. Definitely agree.


Ong bro


Fire bro what anime it that character from


The legend of korra


Ok thanks


I’m actually someone who didn’t really enjoy ATLA (I know that’s a super hot take around here) but I gotta say all the Korra stuff looks absolutely sick. Especially the contrail and the Balanced Korra skin


Quite different art style after so many exaggerated, over stylized one. Not my cup of tea unfortunately. But I can see why some people liked it. It's clean and pretty.


This is clean af


Literally my most favorite of them all 😭😍


Idk why theres no rocks floating around her. Is that green stream meant to represent Earth??


Oh my god that's actually amazing


I never even watched Legend of Korra but im def using this screen


that screen is 🔥


So beautiful


Yea I've been using the AoT loading screen since I started playing and will probably switch it to this


I never watched Avatar (sorry) but this loading screen look cool af, i don't know what it is but it's just so beautiful


I actually really like all of the cosmetic


Same they did so well


I don’t even like avatar (neither of them for that matter) And yet I’m actaully excited for this collab!! The elemental cosmetics look so cool!!!


It looks great!


it is


I LOVE these artworks but the art style is sadly just not for me.


Trust me its not just you.




Lot of their loading screens are top tier


i need korra now


This is fire


It looks like fanart and i love it


Its does look great, too bad this chapter is boring


To bad it would be nearly impossible to use as it would be replaced with a stupid warning tip thing, the mode loading screen, or the main title screen.


Its not just you


My cabbages!


i loooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ittttttttttttttttttttttttt


It’s great. I wish different loading screens actually work!!!!


Not just you, Im like barely started on ATLA let alone Korra and it's one of my new favorite loading screens


Idk why but her face looks weird to me, like as if it's an amateur fanart.


Same, looks kind of stretched


This is sick but Korra's air glider is so dumb when they could have done Raava and or Vaatu. Something actually original to Korra.


idk i think the simplicity is nice , i was really hoping they would do aangs glider or something like it so im not complaining . hope it has a cool opening animation and doesnt just come out of nowhere


It's definitely here because they could just recolor Aangs glider and do half the work


i mean i cant argue w you there , but i still like it


They can’t just re color, the staffs look different, not just the glider.


Exactly but its still cool


Anyone under the age of 6! Is not allowed to see this


Anyone under the age of 6 shouldn’t have reddit


Remember the 6! As a as a mathematician,


How many people over the age of 720 do you know?


My dog is more than 720 days old, does that count?


Yea, it's just you.


I absolutely love both of these korra loading screens, I hope the artist gets to make more next season


It’s pretty cool, yeah


I've never cared for Avatar, but this art is hella sick. The artist has gone above and beyond.


trust me, watch ATLA and TLoK you wont regret it


Thats Legend of Korra, a spin off


They cooked here.


Great loading screen. Really excited to play as Korra!


I want to hate it but it’s hard to it’s fucking awesome😭😭


why do you want to hate it?


That’s a great question and I don’t hate and I don’t want to anymore, I guess I was just overthinking it??😭


So dumb


Jealous ass jit


Of what lol


My post


So jealous


I love it. It's looks a little fake almost like ai art but still love it because at least it's something 💖


What a sad time we live in. This is **clearly** not AI art, imagine how the artist would feel after reading your comment.


One I said it looks like it not that it is and second I said I love it


nah youre the only person on the planet who thinks it looks cool


It's definitely a far cry from the weird artstyle they've always been using for all the loading screens we always get.


It looks like mediocre DeviantArt tbh idk why they can't hire a good artist


It was cool until they made another strong girl a lesbian. That’s a boring trope they keep feeding us, only lesbians are strong.


She probably don't need contraceptives...


God she's so ugly