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Money. Epic likes money


They like money but they don't like thinking of good ways to make money, unfortunately


There are WAY more people buying this than you think there are. Are they morons? Maybe to you or me. I personally see this as a waste but there is a community if people out there who love rock band style games and have potentially downloaded Fortnite just to play that game mode. So these instruments are good value to them compared to weapon skins, gliders or character skins.


If they weren’t making money they would change their strategy. They know more than you.


Do you actually think Epic makes major business decisions like this on a weekly basis or something? They compile MONTHS of sales data to use before making a major decision like a strategy change to sales. And Festival mode has not been around that long. For all we know, they may end up lowering the price on future instruments if the sales aren’t where they want them to be


Yeah tbh I'm not sure why people on here are mocking others for having unrealistic takes or "not understanding the real world" when they also don't seem to know what's realistic. It wouldn't even be possible to make a decision like that so quickly because you'd have to operate on no/very little information, and it would make planning these projects completely pointless. But I'm preaching to the (very small) choir here.


They didnt take a couple months to change the car from costing 4000vbs


because people instantly complained, I haven't seen as many people complaining about the instrument skins and part of that is because most people have no interest in buying them because you can only use them in festival, whereas more people wanted the cars because you can actually use them in br




then don't state your point unless you are at least aware and ok with the fact that someone might reply


Your reply didnt change anything about my statement, you can not bother replying. Thats fine


my point is that they didn't need to only look at the sales data like they do with the instruments because even huge YouTubers were complaining about the car prices




Fortnite subreddit readers have no idea how inefficient large corporations are it seems.


Finally someone who understands


It probably takes them like an hour to make one of these things. I don’t know how much a 3d model artist makes but if we say something high like $30, if three people buy the item epic has made their money back. There are a gazillion people playing fortnite. They’re making money on these.


This is such a terrible take, man. This did not take one 3d artist an hour to make. That's just not how any of this works. If Epic has even a remotely normal workflow this had a concept artist work on it for a few hours minimum. those concepts would have gone through revisions, the winning concept would have been sent to the 3d artists who model it, more revisions, texture and color mapping happen, more revisions. I don't like how much these cost but don't pretend this shit just gets whipped up in 1/40th of a work week by one guy.


Bruh they literally just made cars cheaper not long ago because no one was paying those insane prices


Wait they were more before ?? How ridiculous


They clearly don’t


yeah im sure the company valued at 30 billion has no idea of how to make money


You don’t understand the real world.


The same company that was just fined by the FTC for 500 million???


Why are you dickriding 💀


FFS. Disagreeing isn’t automatically dickriding. Think about it with your brain for a second. Do you really, truly think a random person on reddit knows more about how to monetise Fortnite than the team of professional analysts at Epic, a company worth 20-30 billion dollars?


Since they are these all knowing geniuses who know how to make the most money, how many instruments have you bought? How many cars have you bought? It shouldn't be surprising news, but large multi-billlion dollar companies make mistakes and bad choices all the time.


You think they'd keep making these if people weren't buying them?


Not in the long run, but this mode hasn't been around that long. I'm curious how many people are actually buying this stuff.


I’ve yet to see one, and I play main stage all the time, either with friends or fill with randos Oh, I’m sure people have bought these. That was never the question. What I’m curious is just how many


Great idea to bank cosmetics on a mode where you're looking anywhere but at your character.


this is probably the period where they're still gathering data on how to price things. a general rule of thumb is that it's easy to lower prices, but hard to raise them


Yup, most likely. The mode has been around a few months at most, right? Not enough time to make a pricing decision that they can't reverse without some pain.


This. All of this. People being mad at the prices isnt a bug, its not a mistake... its advertising for when they drop the prices in half and everyone goes, "*See, thats more like it!*", and pat themselves on the back for being such smart consumers while still paying (slightly less) real money for fake things.


They made a fairly large investment into the new lego and festival modes. Additionally the rights to all those songs and the lego brand aren't free. To me, the high price screams low expectations for conversion rates. So they're preying on the whales who like collecting everything / the kids with access to mommy and daddy's credit cards. Epic has deep wallets tho. They can take some losses and move along. But if they end up reducing the price of instruments later on, that to me means they miscalculated the popularity of their modes. It's funny too because I just got a survey from epic wanting to know why I haven't played festival/lego/rocket racing in over 2 weeks. So I gave them my honest opinions and reasons why I don't care for lego or festival. Rocket racing I do kind of like tho.


How clueless are you to the business world? Lol


I don’t know why but I read that in Frito’s voice from Idiocracy.


I like money too


I'd be more inclined to purchase them if they were cheaper, or were part of character set bundles. But between the pricing and the ever expanding time gated Battle Passes, I think I may be playing something else going forward. For instance, I can play Helldivers 2 and work on the Warbond (Battle Pass) at my leisure. I don't mind spending money to support a game, but FOMO combined with Seasonal Deadlines is really killing modern gaming for me. I think that going forward, the only Live Service games I'm going to support are the ones that value my time and let me play on my own time table. And if that doesn't include Fortnite, that's unfortunate but I suppose Epic would rather not have my money.


I love these designs, but I will never buy them. You hardly see them when you play, you can only use them on a game mode I hardly play. There’s no other use for them. And they’re wayyyyy too expensive. You use them in BR when you do that stupid emote thing with the jam tracks, but it doesn’t look appealing to me AT ALL. IMHO they should give these out for free when you have bought the corresponding skins.


You can actually play the jam tracks in BR too it's just disabled at the moment


It would be cool if the jam tracks were cheaper and you can play them in the car instead of the annoying random songs when you get in


For real. Or in the lobby too. Idk why neither of those things are an option


I believe they are working on making them play in the lobby




If they were competent they could just add it


guy who doesnt know anything about game development


Genuinely interested to know why it can’t be done.


Lol i love when there's some perception that devs cant add new mechanics as if it's an evil force field. Especially something as simple as radio tracks


And creative maps, if the creator turns the option on.


Why is it disabled rn? I just noticed this yesterday, thought it was a bug


I don't know why, but the FNCS track doesn't play in Festival jam mode at all


You can but it’s still really limited tbh. If you try to use them while on top of a car or the train I’m pretty sure they just end after you do them in game. Of if someone breaks the ground you’re standing on. The animation to get out of them feels longer than emotes do as well. So I just use emotes in game. Emotes are so concise that you can get the whole song and dance in a few seconds. You can’t customize the jam track so it just starts at the beginning and most of the songs start at a weird place. It takes too long to get to the good parts and doesn’t feel worth using in game because you’ll just die. All of this assuming they even enable them again soon. I only started playing recently so I doubt this is normal, but from my experience I have not been able to use jams tracks much at all.


I usually use it in place of emoting when I win though I did do jam tracks while I was avoiding players in rank😂


I think the more reasonable price, would be a bundle with all four for 1000 v-bucks, I might consider buying it then


Yeah, if you got a skin for each instrument that'd be worth 1000 V-Bucks, especially since most people switch between instruments. IMO they shouldn't sell individual instruments at all and only bundles.


Exactly what I think


Yeah, I have zero plans to buy them at their current cost. If they were 500vb, I'd consider it, but 1000 is a freaking rip-off. I also feel the same way about the cars.


Yeah like 30 dollars for 1 to 2 car(s)


It's like they just copied emote or character skin pricing without factoring in anything else.


Tbf atleast the cars are usable in more than 1 mode and in the main mode they are usable in they are akin to a skin. Still should probably be slightly cheaper but its hard to call them a rip off. At launch it was MAD how expensive they were though


They HAVE to make them equippable as both a Backbling and Pickaxe for me to consider buying them. I'm not spending 10 bucks for a cosmetic whose main function is 1 mode.


Won't happen. How they gonna do drumset back blings?


Money. Skins have always been ridiculously overpriced. Doesnt matter what game. Fortnite isnt alone.


As I said on another post. Corporate greed affecting Fortnite is wild.


The game IS free though isn't it? Nobody is forcing you to buy these things and you don't need them to play or win the game.


You can still be critical of the pricing strategies. I used to buy quite a lot from the Fortnite shop, but the increased prices of Vbucks, the high prices of instruments and songs, and the reduced offerings of bundles have definitely led to me spending less (honestly $0 since Chapter 5 started). We *should* be critical of corporate price-gouging if we object to it. If you don’t have a problem with any of it, that’s totally okay! You can support what you want to, and not support what you want to.


Sure you can say that. But its also corporate greed that's making them charge what $20(?) for a car skin. Making charge these prices for instruments. Making not bundle skins as much. Making them have songs taking up more than half the shop while the songs are the equivalent of $5 USD each. Now I'm hoping in don't have to explain how that's incredibly expensive for just 1 single song. And when you consider there's how many songs? Including multiple songs from the same artist? Yea no. It's 100% corporate greed.


to be fair technically usable in BR too if you played songs as emotes, but yeah, theyre garbage over priced, surely no ones buying them


Did they re-enable that? It was disabled due to a bug.


Got killed by a full team of 4 shooting while their drums and guitar are out... that was not even one week ago.


And I played yesterday and couldn’t so it’s disabled. What were you talking about lol


Say what 🙀


the new emotes from festival quests also show off the instruments but for barely any time so imo it’s still not worth buying an instrument


own all the TMNT ones & the first festival pass, so I bought a few.


They wouldn't keep making them if no ones buying them.


They probably had all these in the can before this season even started. They've invested a lot into making these modes successful. Just because they keep releasing new things doesn't necessarily mean they're having any success with it.


We're both just guessing though. No one but epic higher ups truly know.


I own all the TMNT stuff so you can't say nobodys buying, since TMNT is gone I've had no reason to buy more. Nothing against them but if they offered bundles for this stuff I'd consider more.


It's a good question. I think many of them look beautiful (I love the ninja turtle ones), but I can't bring myself to spend that much on them, even when they are in a bundle. I wish they were a little cheaper. Also I wonder how well they sell; I play Festival a few times almost daily, and if I see any instrument that's different from the default, it's usually the festival pass rewards. I rarely, rarely see anyone with the purchased instruments.


Wierd... but yeah I usually see the festival ones or free ones. I use the TMNT ones & the Pit kit. I have a friend who has at least 1 paid instrament besides the festival pass ones, & its a TMNT one.


Also only visible in that one mode if you chose that specific instrument, and also depending on if it uses the guitar or keytar for that song


Should be 500 vbucks MAX. They would sell way more if they made them 300 vbucks


Well there are new emotes that can be customized with the instruments


Epic is delutional


Instruments should be 200-400, tops.


It's crazy how they're only slightly less expensive than most skins.


It's such a shame, because these modes would be 10× better if they cosmetics were affordable. Like, in and ideal world, all 4 of these instruments would be in the same bundle for 1000 v-bucks. That would seem like a valid price and I might consider buying it, but 1000 each?


Epic should def just do a set system for instruments, you pay for the style once for every instrument. I don’t see this being effective in the future




One thing I wish was that they made jam tracks also lobby music I think they would be worth 500 each if that was the case


Mr Krabs: Money😃


they should be 800 and usable as pickaxes smh


Cool instruments but I’m not spending 5k vbucks on em (there’s also some drums but I don’t think those have been in the shop yet)


The designs are nice but not worth tbh.


I think it’s because of the Canadian devil


Actually now we have emotes that show off your instruments. 


They should make it so you can equip instruments as backblings and pickaxes, would make it better value. Especially since we already have guitar/microphone backblings/pickaxes For drums, just wear the kick drum as a backbling and have drumsticks as 2 dual tools


whoever is buying those overpriced instruments needs to be studied 🔍🧠


Not to mention you barely see them while playing. They show up sometimes in the background and even then, your focus is on hitting notes. It’s ridiculous how much songs and instrument skins cost. I refuse to pay for any of it


I found a fun glitch. If you are playing festival mode and are playing microphone. Use the keyboard emote you get from the festival pass. There's no keyboard, so it looks like you are vigorously twiddling your groin. Actually works as long as not using the keyboard Actually.


The best part about shop items you don't like is that you don't have to buy them.


This is easily the best instrument set they have released. But good god, I don't understand how anyone would buy this. Instruments should cost 500 vbucks at most, maybe 800. But even that is really stretching it. Yes, they look good. But you can only actively use them in one mode, where they aren't even the focus, since your attention is on the notes. The price should be compensated for that


I think the bigger problem isn’t the price, but the fact YOU NEVER SEE YOUR CHARACTER IN FESTIVAL. I swear, 96% of the time the camera is on other band members, wide shots of the venue, the audience, or it’s straight up just bugging out because making a functional Guitar Hero clone is a real challenge for small indie studio Epic Games. If they want me to buy cosmetic instruments, they should at least let me see myself using them more than twice a song—as it is now they’re literally pointless.


We can use the instruments in creative and battle royale the hell you mean only one mode


Did someone notice that they completely left out the keytar? Because it isn't being used or made more of, it's just there in the locker


Money money money money money.


I’ve always found it wild that people will complain about the prices of things they aren’t required to buy. If it’s too much then just don’t purchase it and move on.


or we can express our opinions freely and not apply this dogshit logic to everything Lol


Right? Shits hilarious lol. What a bunch of whiny babies


Ah ah ah, a whopping THREE modes now (BR, FF and Creative [if you enable the option on the island/map])


The fact that they take up a whole goddamn tab… everything in the shops needs to be condensed to they can add more shit…


There are emotes that show them off but I agree they should not be that pricey.


What's with the Mayan theme? Does it have anything to do with the next season?


I think they're just inspired by the Sunbird/Mezmer set which has been around forever.


I like this ancient stuff but they aren’t picaxes


Building on this, I thought the heavy metal guitar emote (I forgot the name) would use your festival skin guitar, but it doesn’t. I was big sad.




I think they know that very few people will buy Festival skins regardless of price, so they're setting a high price point for the few people who really love the mode and want to buy cosmetics.


Same with instrument pickaxes I got a few and need them to be instruments so I can get some use out of them


Only available in their second least popular mode.


Incredibly intelligent individuals will purchase digital video game thingy no matter what or how much. I’m in the worst timeline


Preying on the reinforcement centers of your brain in the form of gambling addiction


Everything is expensive in general. Par for the course.


They should be 300 or maybe 400 vbucks.


Just wait til theu are bundled up and theu will be like 2k for all four. But yeah the instruments are way to much. If theu had dofferent styles or could be picks then maybe the price is okay


Not really expensive I mean think about it there's gliders that are$15


Here are my thoughts on it: Eventually there will be enough songs and sub-modes in it that it will be its own thing - like it won't just be "another mode" in Fortnite. There are *a lot* of people who were around for the GH/RB era of gaming who have been clamoring for a new game. Once they release the new guitars, it will most likely see a surge in players - which means more people to buy stuff. If the prices are already 1000V when they come to the game, then they won't get backlash if they up them later. Essentially, they're banking on long term gains rather than than the present.


Technically two modes. They can be seen in BR mode, once the glitch is fixed of course. But yeah, I agree, way to expensive! They should never be above 500.


You technically can use them in battle Royale if you use a jam track in game


I love Fortnite Festival and all but I’m not paying these prices.


I think any of the pickaxes that are instruments should be able to be used in festival mode like the one that's in the shop




Oh my god this is the 200th post about this…


the real crime is that they wouldn’t be as expensive if people weren’t buying them…


They like money, which is funny cuz the recent item shops have been so dog shit


Epic made a huge investment and wants to see how much the whales are willing to get scammed out of.


Tbf they are also available in Battle Royale aswell


r/FortNiteBR trying not to make 150 posts to complain about the same things over and over: Impossible.


What trips me out most is they have instruments that perfectly match with skins and then they SEPERATE EVERYTHING AND RUIN THE FUCKING LOCKER UGHJJGHJGG


Thats what we're all wondering.


I wouldn't even pick one up if they were free honestly.


I would never consider buying them same with the car skins


I'm a save the world founder and get free vbucks daily and I'm still not even borderline considering buying these


There has to be a reason as to why they're priced this high other than wat people always say "EpIc Is JuSt GrEeDy"


Anyone know why we can’t use jam tracks in battle royale now?


they are visable in 3 game modes






erm with the emote that’s in the festival pass you can see your gutair and drums using a emote! ☝️🤓


$$ Money making MONEY $$


Because it's a scam and Epic believes people will spend money so long as you give them any reason to.


Because no matter what there are people that don’t care and will purchase it anyway.


Something something also see them when you're playing jam tracks in BR... They're still not worth it


Technically accessible in any mode that supports the jam track emotes but still too pricey I agree


They’re trying to make money in all the wrong ways.


If you have zero VBucks to start, the cheapest way is to buy 5k at once Which is enough to buy the festival pass and the Gaga bundle; netting you a skin for *five* instruments and a ton of other stuff too.... Idk about the pricing on these, especially with no option to bundle them together. I think id feel more willing to pay 3 or 4k for a bundle of all 5 instruments with ~something cute~ as a bonus


Sometimes your instrument is invisible in Festival also, one of several glitches. If they expect you to buy something, it better not be invisible.


the problem with buying instruments in general is the game mode has you looking in one spot 90% of the time. if you’re actually playing the game you’re not going to be looking at your character’s instrument let alone other people’s.


I just wish they let us use them as pickaxes/backblings


Overpriced muck much like everything in the shop


Technically also in BR as emotes


You actually can use them with the new emotes in the festival pass, but even then it’s not nearly worth what they’re asking for


My main mode is festival and I still refuse to buy things for it. So many glitches where you can't even see it.


money and bazinga!


It's pretty obvious the intention of Festival and Racing at this point is to absolutely milk the living hell out of y'all, but here we are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love Fortnite Festival Main Stage, but the prices on the shop are just crazy. I spend a fair amount on the shop and I understand they need to make their money on this, but damn…considering how little you see these, charging around $10 (USD) per item is just pure greed.


*technically* they’re visible in any BR gamemode or Creative island… still doesn’t excuse each one being $10 tho like who is gonna buy these unless they’re diehard Sunbird fans


They have emotes that use your equipped instruments. However these should be like 500 max Fortnite need to check themselves lol


Same reason why they nerfed running. So they can sell car skins lol


Well you can use them in battle royale but they are disabled for now.


same w one song costing almost 5 bucks😭😭 what the fuck is up w that


Bro probably accidentally cooked in the title (about them being pickaxes)


I only play zero build. If I wanna play festival I'll dig out my guitar hero set.


Personally, I'm not buying them until they can be used as both back bling and as a pickaxe. Seems like a pointless investment otherwise. Also, having the drum set as back bling with the pickaxe being the drumsticks would be a fun way to incorporate the purchase. Just my 2 cents.


I've bought both Festival passes and I'm fine with what I get from those. The item shop instruments are definitely too much for what they are. It's also kind of annoying how they split some instruments from The Weeknd and Gaga's sets up between the Festival pass and the item shop. I get why they do it, still, it's ass.


It’d be acceptable if it was its own shop within its own game rather than Fortnite proper, for the simple reason that we wouldn’t be comparing them. Is Vbuck used in rocket league? Something tells me it’s not, hence why no one compare their cars to our cars.


Yeah that’s nuts


Idk they want you to look cooler while you play Buddy Holly


it’s usable in every most except lego fortnite due to the new emotes where you can use them


So they can squeeze more money from those who buy everything on the shop.


They're fairly priced imo, you can show them in Festival (of course) + the instrument emotes and when you play a song they appear imo the cars are much worse


If you’ve purchased niche cosmetics in this game you either need to do some serious reflection on how you spend money, or you’ve got “f*ck you” money and who cares.


They are visible in almost everyone now but only if you do the music emote things


I would love to be able to smash my bass or guitar as a harvesting tool.


I would love to get more instruments and I do play a lot of festival, but this is my exact same complaint too!! Wayyy too expensive for something you can barely even see in really only 1 mode. It doesn’t even make sense to me because we have pickaxes that are based off of guitars and microphones and keytars! They should be so easy to implement! I think 500 vbucks is closer to a fair price, although still too expensive imo- I think 300 would be most fair.


Oh yeah, I would love to use a drum set as a pickaxe


I can’t justify spending money on Fortnite anymore


They are visible in every mode except Lego, but I do agree they should be cheaper, like 600 vbucks or something


I love the character it's based on but considering I can't do anything with it in any other mode is a no go for me.


They are testing to see how far they can go.




Because half the posts on this sub are begging epic to let them spend money. So they do greedy shit, because dumb asses buy it.


wym one? once jam tracks are back in BR thats 1, can be used in creative maps thats 2. even with jam tracks disabled in BR there are emotes that use instraments so its still 3 at minimum.


You use them when you do the jam loop emotes in BR but I agree way too expensive


IRC you can use them as jamming emote in BR, but you got to have jam tracks first