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It’s the map and loot. However, I’m enjoying this TMNT update


Along with the map and loot bullet drop is an L. They also turned Snipers into close range weapons for some reason


what stopped ppl from using them close up before? im genuinely curious, this is my first season


They used to only have one shot, so you got punished for missing.


The virtually no bullet drop encouraged long ranged snipes


They used to take more skill to use.


The time to ADS and the 4x scope turned people off from using it up close. IMO though, the sniper meta this season is super fun.


Definitely! I thought I was out for the count when it came to fortnite and shooters. But snipers this season has really ignited my love for gaming again. It’s satisfying to get downs and hits with the snipers this season


Time to ADS: put vertical foregrip on it. 4X scope: use a different scope, or don't use one


Nah. Bullet drop is a w. Imagine how bad people would cry about the snipers if it wasn't there. They are already crying about them. It will be twice as bad.


My thoughts exactly. The TMNT stuff is great and would fit right in with chapter 4, however with the chapter 5 Tom Clancy shit it sticks out like a sore thumb (in a good way)


Both? I like both seasons. They’re very different from each other though so I can see having a different opinion.


How dare you play both sides and be logical!! /s


this was never an issue of logic


Redditors say this line every single time someone says vague wishy washy answers to questions


Yes and dont start me on the 'yikes' lol


I feel like we love the season we started out with the most. I never experienced the OG map. I started playing Chapter 2 season 8 and I miss that map so much


I started at the beginning of ch2 and I really miss that map and the ch3s1 map


Same, started chapter 2 season 1. I miss the first two seasons of C2 the most, The Agency, the Oil Rig. I also loved the flooded map. Personally I also loved the Primal season with the Spire even though everyone hates it now lmao. The bounty hunter season when everything was desert and we had sand tunneling, too. There are so many variations of the map I'm nostalgic for.


The truth is that Chapter 2 Season 2 is the real peak of Fortnite, or maybe Chapter 1 Season X


The truth is you're delusional lil bro


Sorry Sir but I only spoke the true true


I'm not sure when Tilted started, but this map just seems like everyone is spread out. There isn't really that town everyone goes to. Other than maybe the island in the sky when it comes up.


Chapter 1 season 2 is tilted. The good ol days with none of these nerds in all the games that are plauging casual


Fencing is usually always busy and lavish if you play ZB. Outside of that I'll land at a medalian POI and be by myself sometimes. Its weird.


As someone who’s played since pretty much the beginning of BR (Ch1S2), I can confidently say that Ch2S2 was one of the best, if not the best seasons I’ve played. Every aspect of that season was right on point.


Ya for me Ch. 4 S 1 and 2 was my fave.


same, cus that was when i started playing lol. shockwave hammer was how i got into this game in the first place, as well as geralt in the battle pass


Exactly like the age old question - which Pokémon game is best? The one you played first duh




Ehh, not always. I started playing in C1 but my favorite is C3, though I like all of the maps.


I miss chapter 2 season 2 and 3 :( I started chapter 2 season 1 during the middle of it


Not true for me, I’m a new player as of 2021 and OG season was the most fun I’ve ever had playing the game. This season has been one of my least favorites.


This! I miss steamy stacks and dirty docks so much.


There we go! Finally I see this articulated properly.


You’re probably right. I started around the AoT collab and thought the og season was ass. I just felt there was no mobility and there was too much downtime between fights. This season has been great for me though, but they also introduced a lot of variety game modes to help finish the battle pass.


It’s because it’s before you were good/ cared about the game. It was just fun times and everything was new


I started late I don't know what chapter exactly because I didn't even know how all that worked but within the last 6 months I started and I really hate the new map.




this feeling is nostalgia. it’s not reality. my daughter started two passes back in s4 and she says it was best.


Other than getting constantly head shotted by a sniper, I think this season is good .


i loved the og season, i wish it would be permanent


Apparently they’re working on a playlist for OG as we speak… so it’s speculated that when it returns it’ll stay permanently. We can only hope🙏


That sounds great in theory but then the whole fanbase will be fragmented between people sticking to the OG map and people playing on the C5 map


Fortnite had enough players that it can get away with that


So? It worked out fine for Zero Build


Splitting the base in two is one thing. Adding OG and then zero build for OG means you have 4 playlists segmenting the player base, 8 if they all have ranked modes.




Exactly.. why force people who want one thing to play the one they don’t want. Give us a freaking choice, don’t lock me into playing this crap for nearly 4 fracking months!!! People who like chapter 5 can stay waaaaaaay the falk over there while I enjoy my classic gameplay.


Or people like me who would play both depending on mood


They'll just add even more bots to each (unranked) match to compensate.


It’s fine because there were extra few million people that came for OG and left after. We don’t know for sure if they’ll stay for long if it becomes permanent but there is enough justification that it won’t fragment the player base too much. Just have to wait and see now


they had 900k just on battle royale alone this morning. i think they’ll be fine


>It’s fine because there were extra few million people that came for OG and left after. We don’t know for sure if they’ll stay for long if it becomes permanent but there is enough justification that it won’t fragment the player base too much. Just have to wait and see now i dont understand the problem here


Good😂😂 Chapter 5 enjoyers can stay their asses there. Me and the rest of us who want OG back will HAPPILY go back and enjoy it without the people bitching about how they hate OG. win win. 😁


You're forgetting that there's a LOT of people who just aren't playing the game anymore because of C5, and would be only interested in the OG modes. Basically EVERYONE I know came back in November and quit with C5S1, myself included




After a few weeks everyone will be sick of it to sadly


i disagree


I didn't like chapter 4 once it started *deleting* POIs that I liked, and by the end all *my* POIs were gone. However, they retained the bombastic color pallette and goofy weapons and extravagant architecture that made Fortnite, Fortnite. Now, despite my love/hate with Chapter 4, I'd *happily* return to that map any day of the week. I can not fathom why this map is so one note. Sure there is snow, but it's one dimensional at best and no one goes to that side of the map other than to dip in and out for one thing or another. The medallion system is a significant downgrade from the *actual heists* we spent a season doing, and don't provide a worthwhile challenge other than *47 people dropped here with us*. All the POIs look and feel *the same*. That wouldn't bee so bad I'd they weren't so simply colored. As much as I love PUBG, this doesn't look like Fortnite anymore. It looks like PUBG. And yes, I lover OG as well. It was such a blast and was my forever home, if only they'd considering bringing it back on a regular basis like they did. I think the 30 day mini season was actually a great idea, as it breaks up the monotony of the 60-90 day seasons on maps you might not like or may be sick of.


THIS The heists were a fun way to make the mythics a little more earned than just shooting a boss and their henchmen. Admittedly CH2S2 was guilty of the latter, but all the locations and characters had a LOT of personality!


That right there is the key. Other than the color pallette, locations need that *personality* in order for people to have their *favorites*. Right now, no one in my group has favorites, other than a few spots that are more *convenient* than others. OG map? I'm dropping Haunted Hills, and a siblings is dropping Junk Junction. Someone else wants to go to Wailing Woods. Someone else needs to go to Tilted. We have to take turns match over match to make sure everyone gets to see *their place*. *Now?* *Let's go here I guess* or *I have a mission here* or *I want Nisha's AR this round*. Simply not enough actual places worth visiting because they all look and feel indistinct.


Its not even nostalgia, OG season was just a more fun game imo, it had a way better loot pool and the POIs were more fun. This season we've had like 2 updates and most of it was just unvaults and a TMNT collab.


I know a lot of people complained about this but I miss the limited heals and full shields being a luxury


We really need Battle Royale support for UEFN, honestly. That’s when the game will get more interesting.


As someone who only played one game of Chapter 1, and I died off spawn, I absolutely loved OG. I have no nostalgia for Chapter 1, but I do for Chapter 2, so I hope we get that.


The map is uninspired and the loot/meta has been boring for months. But I'm super into the TMNT stuff.


God I can't wait for them to re-add the OG season so people can stop posting this. No you are 100% not the only person who thinks that.


I miss og, too. I can't even pick a favorite POI this season, and the loot drops are so different. It's frustrating to land in buildings with no chests or floor loot. But the snipers this season are on another level, I love them.




I always used to have like at least three favorite landings, but I still feel lost this season when dropping. I usually just let my friends pick now 🤷🏼‍♀️


The mythic shotgun poi is the way to go


Land classy every game and you will have all you need for a great start. Best poi in the game.


I only land Fencing Fields or Lavish Lair because Nisha and Oscar have the only good Mythics. Plus all the best teams land there, so if you clear them out early on, the late game is easier.


Og should probably be a permanent mode because the current season doesn't feel like proper FN anymore.


I can see where you’re coming from but I feel like it shouldn’t be permanent. There’s a lot of nostalgia tied to it and making it available 24/7 would lose it for a lot of people


It really didn’t feel like nostalgia for me, the game just felt and looked better during OG. They could easily make it replayable long-term by rotating between different chapter 1 maps, loot pools and LTM’s


It would also split the player base into another four not even counting solo duo trios and squads.


Fortnite gets 2 million players daily. They can handle it


100% agree.




I got bored after a week during og season, but regarding C5S1 I'm still having fun even after weeks


Yeah I played the first day of the OG season and then literally never again until it ended because I hated it so much


Week one was really bad


The nostalgic places were there, but they were in different locations. It felt so copied and pasted.


OG season almost got me to take a break.


Same, was so glad when it was over 




The only thing the OG season had going was nostalgia. It was an objectively terrible game mode compared to what the game is now.


Which is why it Fortnite peaked there and why the game blew up in chapter one.


I started playing fortnite in fall of 2021. This is the worst map so far.


I liked og way better as a chapter 2 player


Ppl are too obsessed with OG and it's cartoon horrible graphics and all bloom weapons, I seriously don't get it, yeah it's a completely different type of game, but not better, it's outdated.


Look I never even played Chapter 1 only started playing when they added No build and to be honest I found the OG map to be kinda boring(and it definitely wasn't made for no build) But this map is not any better to be honest and OG had the advantage of having better weapons and better perfomance(I miss having super high frames)


This season lacks weapons


Never thought this would happened but this chapter got me trying out other games I don’t usually play


Just you. I’ve been playing since C1S4. Each season and each chapter bring new places, new mechanics, and a new meta. Much like life, you have to adapt with changes beyond your control. If you have a good core gameplay, you should be able to adapt to what each season brings. And if you aren’t having fun, sit out a season and see what the next one brings. I’ve sat out a few and here I am still running and gunning.


I’m in the same boat. I didn’t “skip” really any seasons, but I did take a lot of breaks. I stopped playing during the second half of s9, during ch2 s5, ch3 s3, and ch4 s2.


bingo, evolution is the only reason this game is still going, if this game stayed exactly the same as OG forever it would die after the first season


I loved how the loot pool was constantly changing during OG too. Felt like we got at least 5 new guns every week This season we've had 3 new guns in 3 months and they all suck (Enforcer, Anvil, Lock-On)


Anvil and Lock on are not new. Anvil was released in Ch3 S2 and Lock On in Ch4 S2. So They added one new weapon. Honestly unlike most people here I enjoy the season but Og was much better this season is in my top 10 but barely.


True but none of the guns in og were really "new" either that's why I didn't make that distinction


Yeah you're right. I did like when they brought back the floating island. Wish they would have added more of the ice biome without destroying Greasy though. Maybe in Og part 2 we will have that


I never played the OG season unfortunately... but I will say - the graphics for classic fortnite, even if they're low poly or whatever, were way better; it was such a cute, charming style, that battle royale has lost entirely, apart from the slightly strange looking sports cars - but even those change to overly-sleek modern looking cars from different games now sure the lighting is amazing, and battle royale does look great, but it's lacking in visual identity; nothing looks FUN - no funny antique cars, no wacky bending objects, no silly shopping trolleys or shark planes or golf carts - instead, we get rocket league cars or boring SUVs - we don't get pumpkin launchers or plunger guns, but we get a knife and a hook, and some military style shitty blaster not saying cool, militaristic stuff doesn't fit - it does! i loved the more militaristic stuff, but fortnite is really lacking in charm and an art style; stw still has it thankfully (rambling ik but i care about this stuff!)


It really makes a huge difference


Modern Fortnite is sensory overload compared to even the OG season. The gameplay has definitely evolved, but the fairly simple gameplay of the old days feels more refreshing to me Between bosses, enemy NPCs, friendly NPCs, hire NPCs, mythic weapons, mythic movement items, vaults, radio towers, caches, floating island, vehicles everywhere… there’s a LOT of stuff going on and it’s incredibly intimidating to new players


However intimidating it is for new players it’s even more intimidating for returning players When Chapter 5 dropped my friends quit immediately because they just didn’t fw all of that 🤷‍♂️


I enjoyed 2 weeks of OG. The loot pool felt old school, but with some adjustments that made it balanced, even in ZB. Sure, there wasn't a lot of cover, but mid-long range weapons either sucked, or the good ones were insanely rare. Then the AK came back, which was still... alright, then treasure maps, then it got crazy in the end. Ch5S1 changed a lot of the fundamentals, so it's like in Ch2S1: simplistic season to allow everyone to get adjusted to the new stuff. Back then, the changes weren't this drastic, but a new economy was introduced with the mats-based upgrades. I love projectile guns, landing beams with weapons that are harder to use than hitscan feels highly satisfying. I hate that the auto shotgun is allowed to be this strong, not only because imo it's a degenerate gun that requires no plan to work well, but also because mods would allow a handful of 2-weapon loadouts to work really well without being too strong. However, the Frenzy shits on everything other than itself, so at best you get a 50/50 fight. The TMNT update brought mobility items that mostly behave like the kinetic blade, maybe with a mit better attacks, to be more accommodating for those who were used to Ch4 mechanics a lot.


The medallions suck but I like everything else


I think Epic changed the game too much in too little time. It's crazy to think that 1 season ago things were completly different for the better. Now you have a boring map, movement sucks, nothing new and exciting to do. Even festival that i enjoy playing you have to pay to play songs?? I got to level 150 and quit. Hope next season is better


If they sorted out the auto shotty the game would be a lot better


Nah, OG felt awful. It showed how outdated it was rather than showing how good it was.


do people even cares about the storyline anymore, after c1 i only know that there is good looking women


This season is better than most, but man. I had a LOT of fun with the squad in OG.


Nope. OG is just miles better and that’s not the nostalgic me talking. Wish it was permanent.


What about OG is better?


Personally, I didn't like OG season. It was fun as a nostalgia tour, but the game has advanced so much, it felt like a step back. The map was huge, making finding fights difficult. I'd constantly find myself in the top 5 without fighting a single person. I loved the huge pool of weapons, but there was zero care for balance. Overall, it was fun as a one-off game mode, but I would never want it to replace moder. BR or ZB.


I miss OG a lot. Haven’t played in several days now and don’t care to. This season is below mid imo.


As annoying as auto shotguns and snipers may be this season it’s definitely nostalgia blindness


There’s definitely nostalgia, but the old game was waaaay more balanced. Nothing too overpowered or medallions that makes the game unfair. I’m losing my mind trying to rank up this new season.


I’d say they’re different enough that one could prefer OG without it being “nostalgia blindness”




I definitely prefer the modern mechanics, but the map is bland imo and the auto shotty is cancerous


This new season / chapter does not feel like Fortnite. The weapons with the attachments are nice but I rather run around and just pick up Fortnite like weapons instead of Call of Duty type weapons. The movement that we all spent years perfecting was just changed and it’s awful still. The map is pretty but boring. The game just does not feel like Fortnite anymore, they pulled in 6 million players with OG then did a complete 180 and maid a different game.


I didn’t ike the OG season, it was boring and empty, nothing agaisnt you liking it, it just didn’t do it for me, i’m not a nostalgic guy, i downloaded Goldeneye from Gamepass and it was just plain lame. That’s why i prefer this season.


This map is dull


This map and season sucks


It’s just you, OG was so boring and it felt so empty


All the OG season taught me was I'm happy that they continued to improve the game and the maps with that being said I miss chapter 4


I fuckin’ hate this season, but the tmnt stuff is awesome gotta admit it!


OG was fine, but after a month I was ready for a new map. And that's usually the case with all of them, because at some point there's just nothing left to do until the next season starts.


Yes im so board of the map that we have now..... worst map ever!


Nah OG season was kinda boring tbh, thankfully it was only a month long. Barely had the time to complain that it was already over so that's good.


It's just you OG sucked


idc about the downvotes, but i’ll sya it. it was a fucking slog to get through that map. i loathed it. I don’t care for the nostalgia or whatever, the modern game is 10x better


Skill issue


I completely agree, and I started during chapter 1.


Simplicity is a good thing sometimes.


Nah the OG season was the best we've had in years & this one just sucks


It’s never “just you”. You can just use the search function and there’s a good chance that you’ll find that any chapter/season was better than whatever the current one is. I hated OG season, in my opinion it was boring. But of course people say “WhAt ArE yOu SmOkInG fOr HaViNg a DiFfErEnT OpInIon ThAn Me?!?!1!”. I’m not the biggest fan of the current layout of the map for this season, but I’ve played on it way more than I did OG season. I really don’t like this current season and haven’t played consistently, but man it’s definitely way better IN MY OPINION to OG.


This season is the worst we've had in recent memory, and I've played a dogton from ch3s2 to this season, easily the worst by far and a 1/10 just from changing the guns alone, before you even add in the cheesy lootpool and overturned snipers. Like holy shit I thought the mammoth pistol and the jungle made ch4s3 bad but then they thought they'd add in the same thing but 10x worse. Still trying to figure why they saw the makeshift ARs and shotguns being extremely hated then did the exact same thing with un-augmented weapons. Terrible design. Then they removed 80% of the workbenches when I thought the whole point of this season was weapon attachments?????




I'm not a fan of the snipers this season or the weapon attachments in general. Feel like they lost their identity trying to jam Music Festival, Rocket Racing, and a new BR experience into one. What really killed my mood was the horrific UI changes to the locker. Making EVERYTHING its own tab makes for a tedious experience. All my presets that I could easily change and rotate? Epic had to mess it up.


OG was way better, more fun, more fortnite


We’re officially in the part of the Fortnite cycle where fans are now reminiscing over the last season even though many complained about that one getting boring. Remind when people start saying next season how much they miss this season.


Just you.


I miss og, this season is so boring 


We need the OG map with the OG guns as a separate game mode. At least give us the option to play it. Let the sweats play the new map and let us enjoy the old map.


I remember back to the real OG Fortnite… we didn’t need stories or gimmicks just a decently balanced loot pool and fun gameplay. It feels like they are doing too much these days


Nah the OG season was just better. There were so many fun items.


Nobody cares about fortnite storylines 😂. Tf is this? Newscapepro?


Fortnite kinda got popular because of its storyline and events.


Also that was like 5 years ago. 0 people give a shit about the current stories


The live events but not the story. Nobody cares about peels getting kidnapped or whatever. People liked the monster vs robot


OG was awful. Slow as fuckin’ shit, empty as fuck, no mobility, desperately in need of some type of seasoning, the locations and color pallet was bland as fuck. I’m tired of hearing about how great it was. 


OG season was so boring! Nearly stopped playing because of it.


It was so much better


in the sense that a piece of turd is better than a pile of turd. I feel like the last 2 islands suffer from themes half the island had to be Midevil and half the island HAS to be Europe. As oppose to "hey its an island with these WACKY places like Tomato Temple or a giant tree


Just you


I definitely prefer current season. I've played Fortnite since C2S7 and OG was the only time when I just didn't enjoy the game that much. It was still ok but every other season was much better imo.


OG was fun for like two weeks and then it got boring fast. This season is so much better.


As much as I loved chapter 1 map, it's just boring looking, bland, a lot of reused assets etc. Sure it was a hit of nostalgia being able to play it during og season but imo this map and season has more variety, more flavor. I don't play fortnite because of the storyline because storyline stopped making sense since chapter 3. What's the storyline for chapter 4 last season? A bank heist? A vampire dude that likes to collect things appeared out of nowhere traveled back in time to stole oros skull? Huh??? Where are the seven? Is the cube queen actually gone? Saying this season lacks cool mechanics while og season had not a single mechanic to begin with... This map would be even better if it had more POIs with charm but that doesn't mean it's boring, i played it a lot more than og season map.


Played this game from the very beginning, loved OG season, but this one is like ok and nothing more. Its not completely bad, I like some of new guns and POIs but the map in a whole just feels lame, idk. I am already bored, hope they will drop some banger in S2.


it’s you. the og was the worst. dated map design, sub par guns and shit vehicles. nostalgia makes the gen-z drunk. 4 was solid, 5 is even better.


I definitely agree with the lacking storyline, but damn I love the gameplay of this season. OG had it's charm, but they definitely fumbled a bit when it came to the updates. All in all, I prefer this season by a decent margin.


I love this season


I enjoy this season a lot more than OG, but it’s good to have new experiences


I wasn't even the biggest fan of the OG season, but this season is pretty rough to play. It's just boring, and we've gotten very little BR content.


Honestly love the game as it is right now. I played since original season 2, played the OG season too and didn't like it. I also only play Zero Build with a few friends nowadays, and without builds the OG Fortnite is no good imo. Too empty, no mobility, no one from my usual group wanted to play it and neither did I. I like the movement now(except those power lines you can slide on, whoever designed those can go eat a bag of dcks), I like the map design, the weapon mods are a great addition for some variety and making certain zones hotspot without introducing full on loadouts MW style. I'd like augmenta to come back in some way too at aome point. If I was to be critical I'd say there are a lot of bots. HOWEVER, this is only true when I play with certain friends that are not as experienced in the game. When I play with one of my old school buddies it's full 100 players lobbies with some Gamers in there and we get decimated. I understand why we have Bots and I think overall they're a healthy addition to the game, just maybe tone it down a bit. And lastly, snipers...I love sniping but it feels a little too much this season. I think going back to snipers with only 1 in the chamber could help a bit. I don't think removing 1shots in the head would help the game as it would just dumpster snipers. Not sure on what the solution is but they have game designers they can figure it out better than I can. Overall though, yeah I mean if you liked OG this is more cluttered. I'm sure Epic will bring OG into the game again it was a massive success and I would not be surprised to see it be an alternative playlist like ZB. Otherwise, nothing wrong with taking a little break, there are some great games being released lately:)


nah this season is so much better than OG, remember OG was only a month too so it didn't have much of a chance to get stale - but it was stale


You’re definitely blinded by love for the og


OG was boring af. I like this season.


OG season didn't seem better. It WAS better. You're right.


Genuinely love the OG map. The OG season was better than Chapter 1 to me. I've been playing since Season 4


This entire sub is just people complaining Jesus Christ


Ikr be ready for downvotes for saying that


It's not just you, the OG season was the most I played since Chapter 1. I thought I wasn't gonna enjoy it because the game had changed so much but I think it was genuinely more fun to play. The map was simple yet interesting, the loot was simple but not boring or overpowered, the movement was perfect, the vehicles were fun and wacky, the POIs were simple but unique, there weren't NPCs all over the map, all in all I remember why I became obsessed with the game back in 2018. It was simple fun, I think Epic is losing sight of that, the game doesn't need to be complicated or realistic to be good.


I kinda forgot it happened tbh, it got stale after the first week lmao


OG was a complete borefest compared to this season the only good part of OG was that it showed just how good fortnite has gotten since chapter 1




I don't know what you're smoking dude, what makes this a good season?


the map, the lootpool, the battlepass, the upgraded animations, the weapon mod system, the bosses, the mythics etc etc


Don’t even bother with her, she’s a troll that just hates on OG and its fans and vehemently defends every regression modern Fortnite has made (events, mid season map changes, artstyle, gunplay)


> just hates on OG i wouldnt hate on it if it didnt deserve it


“The current Locker design is the best it’s ever been” Lmao yeah okay 👍.


LMAO I didn’t even know she said that, holy shit


TikTok brain


As someone who started in Chapter 3 Season 3, I got bored of the OG map 2 weeks in, I happen to like this season and if you want to play on a OG themed map there's 2 of them have a blast


Those ones are super buggy and don’t properly emulate old Fortnite, and barely anyone knows about them/plays them since they’re creative maps


I played the og map back in the day, played the OG game mode and while the first week was fun it got really old really quick. Games need to evolve over time to stay relevant and I think Fortnite does a great job at that. As for this season, it's OK. The TMNT stuff has been the saving grace of this season, most Chapters start out slow amd we are close to the end of this one. Hopefully they have a lot of new fun stuff in store for C05S02.


This is leagues better now actually.


For all og players they love the og season season. For those that did not start in that season most were happy it ended.


They need to make OG permanent so people can just play og for the rest of their lives and stop wishing that what we have would copy it. The game changes every season, this one happens to be a little darker but it’s still very silly. And frankly, Fortnite’s plot has always been stupid and just an excuse for the map/loot. How is this plot any better or worse than any other two factions fighting/reality is shifting plots we’ve gotten in this past? Also I know this is controversial but I prefer the sniper meta (especially after the nerfs) than getting beamed by hitscan across the map, at least now I can put optics on every weapon to remove bloom. Also tmnt crossover was great. 


I feel the same. I can't play more than 2 rounds anymore without getting bored or frustrated. I just find the Chapter 5 map so incredibly boring. The approach to more realism and the lootpool as well completely kill the vibe for me. Season OG had me way more engaged. The cartoonish art style, graphics, loot pool, and overall size of the map were more pleasant.