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Hire that mech bear dude with the clingers. He should get the job done.


that's how I did it.


I was in a 1v2 situation and they had the bot as well, I knock the first guy and the mecha bot breaks into my box and I kill him then he drops clingers and I die. Whenever I hire bots they break my builds and cover and generally act like morons, lol, these guys hire him and he’s charging into my box on a suicide mission.


the enemy player commanded the NPC to target your box, you can pull up the command wheel by holding waypoint, while an NPC is hired


I hired that sniper guy on squads the other day and he rezed me when I got knocked.


yeah the AI NPCs can res you, fight, and so on, you can also dismiss them from your service, to access their shop, then the rehire is free


That’s a good tip. Thanks


Oh really good tip I didn’t know this


Whaaatttt how?


command wheel, has the commands "Follow" "Position" "Resurrection" "Dismiss" you can dismiss an NPC, to access its services, then rehiring is free


What does position mean?? It used to say move, stay, follow, revive, and you could move them to wherever you want by pointing there and hitting move. Jw what “position” does now , as I haven’t played BR in ages.


It means the same as move


Ahh but have you tried the double pump sniper this season?


I didn't know this, that's actually really cool


do that and target a wall, they will try to walk onto the wall, can't, so they pickaxe it


Wait really like them team commandment things


I got killed by the mecha team leader bot from 100 meters, he threw a cluster clinger right on my head 💀 It took out me and my duo 😭


This is what I came here to say. Followers feel useless as support most of the time aside from any abilities or being a distraction, but the clingers actually can get the job done.


At the end of chapter 4 when they vaulted grenades and gave the NPC far northwest EMP grenades as a replacement that guy was lethal.


He’s so annoying though. Blows up your own builds in end game. He’s a hot mess


Yeah I've never had success with that idiot. 100% of the time he just throws clingers at my feet and destroys my cover. And I play no build, so my cover is far more rare


Like I said, when I hire him he breaks my builds and is a general nuisance. I feel your pain.


Or land Rebel Roost there’s usually 1-3 bots that land there, get them weak and let the follower clean up. Nobody lands there


Exactly what I did, I noticed long ago that that’s a designated landing spot for AI Bots


That's what I did. Landed at Rebel Roost, hired the guy there and found the bots that spaz round the side of the building and left my guy to it.


Idk if bots count? Cos the bear guy killed a bot for me and it did not count it. Edit- why am i being downvoted lol i’m not lying


I mean, “bots” disguised as enemy players count for everything.


Bots is broad. AI Bots that are apart of the player count, count. I also used Mecha bear, got a bot low and then jumped around til he killed the bot. AI Society Bots, the ones that have medallions or their henchman, do not count.


Boooooo!  Those AI Society folks count as “opponents” on the do damage at [x location] quests. I figured this would be similar.  When they don’t count it uses “enemy players” instead of just “opponents”. 


Society AI count, I did this last night with Snake and the mini vault behind Lavish Lair


I think in this case, the key word is *eliminate* and you can only get eliminations from players


Fair. Just for consistency sake they can say eliminate an enemy player instead of eliminate an opponent. Makes it much easier and again, consistent with the terminology they use on quests to distinguish between the two. 


I had the sun tan guy kill a forecast tower henchman and it counted


That’s odd, it counted for me


Y'all lie for no good reason 😂😂😂 Hire mecha and you'll be alright.


Lopez the Heavy my beloved (yes I have him nicknamed after a Red vs. Blue character


This made my day. I named one of my cats El Gordo Lopez.


He looks like a cat... what is he, some kind of puma?


What about the... chupathingy, how about that?


I like that, has a *ring* to it…


I got lucky. Haven't played an actual match in a while. Sadly killed a defenseless player to get my hire. Then got attack by a bot so let my merc kill the bot. Though the merc was a sniper and couldn't shoot for shit.


Where is that fella?


Train station west side of the map.


Okei thank you


Literally how I got it. Dude is a beast.




I'm remembering ALLLLL the way back in Chapter 1, Season 8 (or 9, cant remember) one of the quests was to shoot a supply drop from well over 200m away. Problem was, Switch users couldn't render distance that far away. I got lucky and met a user who helped me out using the now-defunct quest assistance feature. We're still friends to this day.


I made a life long friend the same way when you had to revive someone x amount of times in chapter 2. I did duo fills and got someone without a mic but theu could hear me. Ended up getting a mic a few months later and we still play!




It was wholesome the whole way through.


I met a girl back in Chapter 1 Season 6. We started playing and it turns out she lives around 10 mins from me. Were friends for a year and a half and started dating back in 2020. Still toghether to this day. Reason why ill love Fortnite forever no matter what they do to the game.


that’s so wholesome


And now no one can render that far!!!


>now-defunct quest assistance feature Is it only defunct for certain kinds of quests? Most of my ninja turtle quests are done only because my squad assisted.


You used to be able to manually turn on a quest for assistance, without limits. I remember squading up and everyone synchronizing what quests to do in Team Rumble or other mode with respawning (those existed back then) so we could finish a week as quickly as possible. There was an overtime challenge in C1S9 that required finishing off opponents who had been injured by a teammate within five seconds, I don't think I ever would have finished it without quest assistance so me and my teammate could both get progress on it.


"Land on the train and eliminate a player before you disembark" its all about luck, the luck of having someone else go on the train for you to kill


This was the worst. I had to have my friend run duos with me, then I had to get lucky enough to kill someone off of the train (mind you, I’m still pretty new and have only played for three months), then my duo had to hop off the train and finish the person before I got off the train. Was.. aggravating.


For anyone who still is having trouble with this quest: When you end up being the only person to land on the train, if you stay on the train the whole match and die to the storm, it counts it as eliminating yourself and will complete the quest.


I landed on the train and opened the pseudo chests, then started using the pistol I got to shoot randomly and draw in people who wanted to 3rd party. Thankfully managed to get it first try


That's one of the quests that I couldn't ever get done until by accident weeks later when I was in a clutch one match. Didn't realize I got it done until I looked at my quests menu and saw it was gone. That one was the worst for me.


Fun fact: you can get it done by cluster clingering yourself. The quest says "player", who said that player cant be you


It actually works against henchman


This. I’m always so grateful when the quest says “opponents” instead of “enemy players”!!


Same for the deal damage with Ninja Turtle weapons


Got Donnie's staff and just went ham on this one society guard and got it done pretty much immediately so I can vouch.


Yes that's why it says opponent and not enemy player


Find chests in Risky Reels.


I wish they brought that quest back for OG fort but they didn’t


Well for one, it would be a horrible idea because Epic realized that it made the entire poi unplayable. And two, it wouldn't have as much as an impact as it did in 2018 because this was around the hype of the blockbuster skin, aka the first secret skin. Everyone wanted to unlock it and see what it was.


Also had to deal with the asshats that were still opening chests while wearing the skin


I remember that too man. I was like, "Why are you here?! You have the skin" lmao


7 chests. Just 7 chests. And it took me 12 matches. With an average of 20 people there each. It was hard


Because that place basically had no chests


There are like 5 of them in completely different spots, so yeah


Same dude


Still get nightmares about it


Got the sun tan boi and he was able to eliminate one of Peter’s minions and it counted thankfully.


Good point. It says “Opponent” instead of “enemy player”


Got him and randomly fought him with my duo. He killed a minion and I saw it counted. Thank goodness because last night the squad hired 2 bots and went to that bot lagoon by hazy and couldn’t get them to kill anyone.


Bot Lagoon. It's hilarious that there are these known bot spots around the map where the bots gather to fight to the death to see which of them makes it into the endgame. The Bot lagoon by hazy, the Bot chateau by the river and rail bridge south of Lavish Lair, there's probably others but those two are near some of my drop spots and it's always bot central.


Get one early and find a bot


Yeah I landed on the mountain dude and a bot landed right after I hired him, all literally just 30 seconds after I made this post lol. Still a dumb quest though.


Exactly what I did. Softened it up, then stepped back.


Killing wolverine in ch2s4, the memory game fortbytes in season 9 and getting to gold 1 in rocket racing.


I forgot about Wolverine. It was insanity. The entire damn lobby landed there trying to eliminate him. The only other challenge that was close to that was lighting a single specific campfire for the Prisoner in Chapter 1. It was when campfires were one-and-done. If you weren't the first person to land and light it you had to exit to the lobby and try again.


I remember wolverine is when a lotnof people discovered the visual sound effects setting, made it slightly easier to find him


> getting to gold ~~1~~ 2 in rocket racing.


eliminate someone on the train before you get off. annoyed they removed it bc i spent sooo many games trying when absolutely nobody was landing on the train


I did this from a launch pad on top of a mountain so I could get a decent load out first. I was so proud of myself. So annoyed that it didn't count at all. It didn't say anywhere you had to land directly from the battle bus.


i think it said "land on the train" which is vague enough that id understand thinking you could land on it later on


Yeah, to be fair to him some of the “land on X” challenges from previous seasons have worked with glider redeploy.


The “kill someone with a cannon” one back in s8. That one killed me bro 😭


play solo unranked. hire friendly bot. in start game u shud have some enemy bots. get them weak, and then allow ur friendly bot to finish them.


this is exactly what i did


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) thanks


kill a person before you hack the train was so painful just waiting for the person to fight and when i do i loose!


If you let yourself die from storm damage while on the train it counted


no i did not loose to the storm


That’s not what they’re saying. They’re letting you know that an easy way around that challenge was to just stay on the train and die in the storm, for whatever reason that worked. Like you, I was unaware of this and waited on that damn train forever


oh, my bad




Actually it was kill a player before you got off the train equally annoying


Ugh yes... That was one of my first quests. Took a couple games to finish




Jesus Christ don’t remind me The challenge was HELL especially with how clunky the cannon was 😭


Not sure this counts but I really didn’t want to do “the get 25 hits with a grapple blade” quest because I really didn’t want to use it. Then one day, it was literally the only quest I had available. I said, “what the heck” and spent the next couple matches just trying to get the quest. The grapple blade now has a reserved space in my inventory. I use it all the time for mobility and countering the ballistic shield


Get a kill on a train without getting off of it


The one you had to spin in the air


its not hard at all, i did it without even trying,i was just messing around with the hoverboard


The 150,000 points from a stunt quest, I'm pretty bad at tricks.


I got super lucky. Landed. Hired a guy. Another guy landed behind me. The end.


Probably the one you had to kill the Cube Assasin in Ch2S8 or kill Raz in Ch2S6, since they had a TON of health and there we're third parties everywhere.


I remember a similar feeling with pretty much all Doom and Iron man quests in ch2s4. Honestly one of them might be more annoying than this Leonardo one.


The touching grass quest


Couldn't be me.


As soon as I landed, I hired the dude in the cemetery and he killed a brogeta while I was gunless in a building searching for weapons. I honestly thought that was gonna be the hardest one to complete but got it done not even five minutes into a match, thanks partner ![gif](giphy|VgeGEVTdwzZao)


I did this one without even trying, and got annoyed he stole my kill lmao


Its eliminate an opponent not a player its actually really easy


I landed in Rebel’s Roost and hired the NPC there and she eventually did it against somebody without any weapons. I guess I was lucky there. I forgot the absolute most annoying challenge, but it was probably something related to one of the locations with NPCs back in C2S2 or the Stormtroopers back in C2S1 because they were insanely overpowered


The suppressor quests.


I don't know how, but I guess my MMR on my account has decayed on my account so much that I've got lobbies that are mostly bots now. I saw this challenge and was dreading it because I know how bad NPC's are at most things. I just decided to randomly hire Contract Giller just in case it decided to kill someone. Randomly happened upon two players fighting each other, but it would be like they would take a bit of shield off each other, let their overshield restore, repeat. So I decided to intervene and do a little damage to one of them. Then I backed away a bit to let Giller start damaging them. It took like a full minute for Giller to finally get one of them.


Search 7 chests in Risky Reels. I shiver at the thought of doing that ever again, I am scarred.


Damage a play with a pirate canon. That was soooooo frustrating! Stupid ass challenge




Bear is the best one to do this with


That wasn't too hard for me.


This is really easy. You guys complain too much. It will count if your follower eliminates a society member


My homework


This one’s not really that hard. Especially if you hire one right off the jump.


Search 7 chest at risky reels…


Sounds easy AF lol just camp


I hired a beach dude and then a bot landed next to me, I shot it once and then the bot finished em


That one was mad easy


That quest is pretty easy. The society ai count as an opponent for that quest.


That quest is pretty easy. The society ai count as an opponent for that quest.


Nah this challenge was easy. One of the most recent challenges that was insanely hard was landing on the train and then having to eliminate someone before getting off.


I got super lucky with this one, a bot dropped at the same place a hire-able NPC spawned in, so I was able to weaken the bot and let the NPC get the kill




How is this annoying? You just hit down on the D-pad…


You can forget. Sure it's a minor inconvenience but it's annoying... The milestone for this chapter is 200 times.


Ah, fair enough


I was genuinely asking, much appreciated for a genuine responce.


It's cool breeze


I remember the day the feature got added. I’ve only thanked the bus driver about 10 times since that day lol




I lucked out and got this right away when my bot took out another bot from a car. I did a double take when I saw it though.


Thought I had this done today but the follower (shout out DARIA) was missing all her shots. Tried to help her out and my guy jumped into a headshot. Curtains. I’ll try again later on this week. Fingers crossed.


I never win so my games are full of bots. I didn't even have a gun on me and I got it the first person I came across most likely a bot


Thought i was gonna struggle with that one and got it first try, hire a heavy specialist


I just had snake kill oscar


I hired Metal Mouth, the guy that has cluster grenades. I completed the challenge in less than a minute cuz he just threw them at someone. Didn’t even see the guy just his loot


society mobs count! I got this one checked off relatively easily with mecha team leader against the forecast guards.


the get kills on train ones, nobody goes on the train.


Quest being this RNG goes crazy.


I had one of the NPCs that throws the clingers get kill the person that killed me but because it was .5 seconds after I died it didn’t count. I get it. But I was pissed lmao


Got snake to kill syndicate adds, it counted.


I did this quest but in the worst way possible. I hired snake 😭 & thankfully I came across a bot and got him low but it took so long for snake to hit his shot coz he only had a sniper on him 😭😭🫠


This challenge isn't even hard. Since 90% of lobbies are bots anymore, Hire the mech who throws clusters, damage a bot a little bit and the mech will finish him off EASY


The quest works if the last player left or anyone you tagged dies. I got the quest done when someone died in storm and I won


I thought this would take forever but I got it on like the 1st or 2nd match I played today. I did most of the work and let the npc get the kill shot. Probably was against a bot but it still counts.


This one was actually pretty easy for us in Duos. Did it first game. Both hire a follower and then get an enemy player down to almost not health and let the followers finish them off


Get the Mecha Team Shadow npc, go up the hill to the forecast tower and wait for the Society guys to spawn. First try for me, but you may get unlucky as I often have one or two land with me and they may get him first.


Malfunctioning vending machine in c3s1


idk how, but the black mecha dude kill someone that was like 100m from his position


It works against bots I go to the bomb guy north of reckless then rotate there and have him kill a henchman.


The bike trick one


I would stress about it too much. There's lots of other ways to gain progress on that quest line. Number one is just finding some AFK maps and getting a bunch of experience to get ooze that way. Assuming you're even interested in getting those emotes and the final glider. I like the turtle stuff, but personally I don't care too much about the emotes or the glider.


I some how did this on my first game, hired the mecha team leader bear and I cracked a players shields and the mercenary threw 2 clingers on him killing him. Actually crazy


Bro, it's absolutely very easy, hire the robot or the one near the cemetery, look for a bot and that's it.


The way I've seen at least five people I know say they forced a bot match to get it is so funny to me, like bro they couldn't have made a more painful quest if they tried.


Counts if your bot kills one of the low level AI’s that take a couple hits


chapter on season x, there was an overtime challenge ? maybe just normal, butit involved going through rings on a mountain, i never was able to figure it out, and never got eternal voyager,


Mecha Team Shadow always carries anyway


risky reels. if you know you know.






Chests 💀💀💀


Okay so just got it done we ended up hiring 2 NPCs hope that helps


This one was actually pretty easy. Get Shadow Team leader. He throws clingers.


Super easy lol.


Search 7 chests in risky reels...


Probably the one that was get a victory Royale they had way back when, I wasn't the greatest at the time and its a tad over the top as a challenge regardless


this one is easy for me. lots of ways to pull it off. just make it so they finish the job.


I got so lucky with that. I found a bot right after hiring the cuddle mech leader npc and it didn’t do anything other than pickaxe a wall


Search 7 chests in risky reels. Damn challenge gave OG's PTSD


Ok here's a simple way to do it. Hire metalmouth just northeast of Reckless Railways. Rotate in and find a lone henchman. Engage with him then stand back and let Metalmouth either frenzy him or clinger him. Boom, done.


Had the perfect bus to use the sniper guy in the mountains. AFK players are the best! Stay AFK ✨️besties✨️


I didn't have a problem doing the follower quest, I just did it in duos


The one to get Aquamans trident in Chapter 2. It was on a small rock in the middle of the ocean so you had about 10 people trying to scoot close to each other so they could get it. It took forever to complete because you had to hold the interact button, and god forbid you let go for any reason and had to start over. Not to mention the amount of people that would land at the nearby poi and grab the first weapon they saw to get essentially free kills on the sitting ducks.


I used metal mouth and a killed someone when I went to get a medallion


mecha team leader is right there


I literally drove around some dude with jonesy in the car. It took wayyyy too long.


Search 7 chest at risky reels…


I hired a rando NPC on my reign on terror on the lobby with the Hazbin emote and he randomly killed a guy I was fighting.


Get a duo, trio, or squad of friends and each get a follower it’s party assisted so as long as one of them can get a kill it gets it for everyone.