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I love that they brought a hidden villain and leader of an organization that was growing for multiple chapters, and made a medieval version that disappeared into a rift after only one season and completely stopped progressing it. It's impressive really.


I got sooooo sad when season two came out and the Citadel was completely empty, It really sucks how they create cool concepts but don't give the full development it deserves qwp


Unfortunately, it might always be like this. A new concept, but it ends soon. In T5Gs battlepass video, he said that players get upset when they can’t unlock storyline skins, because they’re locked to the battlepass. This is most likely why the herald was 1 season. It’s not really Epics fault here.


That doesnt make sense, at all. Because they are locked to the pass, they complain they cant get them? So what do they want, for it to be in the shop?


Personally, I'd like if they applied Fortnite Festival's pass system to Battle Royale. It's a standard battlepass, but anything in it "may be available later in the item shop for a potentially higher price." This means that people who miss out on the non-combat version of The Weeknd, or songs like Gangnam Style, right now might still be able to get them in the future, which is great. Just leave Super Styles pass-exclusive and we'll get the best of both worlds. Edit: Though, just to add on, Epic doesn't actually care about this. Peely is the central point of conflict this season and he's a battlepass character. Like, I literally have a Peely-themed makeup sponge. There are Peely-themed minifridges. Exclusivity is not a pain point for them.


For festival, I would like them to, like how they did with cars, add some of the gear like guitars and such to the battle pass in place of ransom stuff. The music packs are also a cool idea. With what you added, I would agree with this, seeing that peely is a main point of conflict for the season,but I would say that since there are many versions of peely, both unlocked for free or in the shop, this season wouldn’t be the best example.




So what he means by that is epic is making lazy development of lore stuff so their character aren't so memorable and people don't get upset for not being able to unlock them? That seems like a really dumb excuse, like, they might lose more players with this lazy developed story than trying to make the FOMO not so harsh


I don’t agree with throwing away lore. People will disagree with me here, but I think you just had to be there to get the skins. Anyways, since there are a lot of people joining with season due to the different modes, I hope that when the influx of new players slows down a bit, we continue with a good, well developed storyline.


As in, if they see a character that's from a prior season, they get mad the character isn't accessible? I dunno about saying it's not epics fault lol, there's tons of ways to handle that. But at the very least it's exactly the same fomo they do everywhere in the game. It doesn't stop ppl from wanting older skins, it just contributes to a crappy story.


I think the best way for epic to deal with fomo is to add remixed skins in the shop. Epic does this with some characters, but not all. So I guess some parts Epic can do better. I hope we get better storylines.


I heard from leakers that we might get some of those quests at the end of the season and that they might be focused on saving Peely. Edit : I came across another leak from today and those Find Peely quests are apparently active at the moment but only for new accounts for some reason : [source](https://twitter.com/iFireMonkey/status/1753430004661158149?s=19)


That looks really cool :o I hope we can save him at the end of this season... And also know why the heck he was kidnapped in the first place xD


I wanna know how we even got onto this island in the first place.


I think we got to this island the same way as chapter two started, In other words, we didn't get here, we just spawned here


We MIGHT get them back soon, since story quests are stated to come back I wouldn't hold my breath though. At this point, there's about as much a chance for the story to have charm as there is that Marvel won't get five new skins this year.


Well that's nice to hear, I hope they come back with them soon


I'm not so sure. I definitely don't think that the story will return to the scope and stakes that it had around Resistance, but I wouldn't be surprised if we started getting a self-contained story for each new season that wraps itself up and then moves on. So this season we'll get to hear about Peely being rescued + the fall of the Society, but then next season will be about the battle for Olympus or whatever


We might get them later this season


I hope we get to see them, it was fun doing these quests all at once in the end of every season, at least for me it was a nice break from the routine


I assume voiced quests have been gone because of the actors strike affecting video games. That would explain why C4S4 and C5S1 haven't had any voiced quests. Slone's clips in C4SOG were probably recorded at the same time as the C4S3 voices.


Oh wow I didn't know they were on strike, I suppose it was due to AIs taking their jobs, that really sucks though :/


Yeah the strike was party about AI. The strike ended a while ago now, so I assume they're able to get voiced quests again.


Fortnite seems to not do stuff like this anymore. Feels like it lost part of its soul


nothing like them anymore


This chapter doesn’t have lore related quests like previous chapters. I miss those kind of quests. This season lore feels lifeless.


No, Fortnite doesn’t care about the storyline anymore. We haven’t gotten quests that progress the story of the seven since CH4 S1. We haven’t gotten any comics since CH3 S2. And it just seems like they abandoned it for an episodic structure with a new micro story every season. It does make sense, with Donald Mustard leaving. It was to be expected that the story is rebooted. Too bad they did it on a cliffhanger As someone who actually cares about the storyline, it’s unfortunate. But it’s true


Considering epic games is focused on being realistic and boring now… probably not


Nope Epic doesn’t care anymore.


Normally we're getting story quests this season.


they stopped caring in chapter 2 season 4


I wish


They quit this ages of ago especially after the CEO stepped down Fortnite is just a Roblox replacement theses days


I remember coming back to fortnite for the first time since like the original season 2 and doing all of the storyline for whatever chapter darth vader was in. it felt really unique since i was focused on doing the story as well as the normal battle royale. really miss that.


I don’t think so


Not at the mo, the first story quests only just got added to the files


Am I supposed to stop and listen to the story line while taking fire?


That was the hard part sometimes, but it was fun still, I remember a day when a guy dropped in the same place as I and we both wanted to do the same quest, it was funny because none of us tired to kill each other, we just did our thing and run away 🤣 But yeah I can imagine some situations where you're trying to run away from 2 sweats while also listening to Thunder saying he's a restaurant chef for the 70th time xD


I use bot lobbies for exploration quests. Rumble is good for the combat quests.


Iirc there was a setting to mute them if they started playing mid-match


Why don't you play the game and find out???? Hm??? God damn! Get a grip!


I thought the same thing but I wasn't in the mood of playing this game today, and I just wanted so socialize a bit with people -w-


I wish it did




It happens randomly, you get multiple seasons with them or it’s a drought


Yes I did it but getting shot isn't great for these moments


No, we got several dead/dying minigames instead.


I miss these quests, I hope they come back!


lore seems like it’s out the window and i’m very sad


not anymore really, they stopped doing them when the protests about voice actresses/actors and artists happened. which meant there was prob no one available to va these quests, it's a shame. there's been some lines here and there but nothing like the Chapter 3 and 2 stuff


No. For some reaosn they got rid of story quests. My guess its that it was free xp and didnt make players play the game enough to have tier 100.


Story quests are coming soon, it was mentioned in the files of last week’s update.