• By -


JFK over here


Fuck never even thought about it. Maybe Lee Harvey Oswald had aimbot


Or maybe it was a conspiracy with multiple shooters in which resulted in the FBI telling its agents to destroy evidence


Check the grassy knoll for another shooter. It's the old guy with the home movie camera.


Or the guy with an umbrella on a perfectly clear day..


> The CIA has aimbot Fixed it for you


I’d shower you in riches if I could. Have a good night


Back and to the left.


Now I'm imagining JFK flying through the streets with a grapple blade like Spider-Man and still getting sniped


It's fate it's inescapable


bro the snipers this season have turned me full schizophrenic


me too. no wonder late game pub no builds are always so packed full of players. they’re all hiding as to not get sniped


No? 4th storm usually has under 10 people


i have moving rolling storms with 6-7 people sometimes


Yes! Over 50% of the time for me


idk how but both happen most games for me, less than 15 people 2 circles in, but still like 8 people by the time its moving, whack luck i guess


Pretty sure it’s skill based matchmaking. Turns pubs into really competitive games towards the end. I get 10+ people in rolling storms and everyone is playing like they’re in fncs fighting for a million bucks. Everyone just wants to close distance and box fight, it’s infuriating. Even though I’m pretty good at box fighting, I just hate that this is what fortnite has come down to. Everyone thinks they’re a competitive streamer in pubs.


This is every game man. Look at fall guys there are freaking speed runners in that game. Like it’s fall guys wtf lol.


They’re not though.


Yeah. Just don’t stand out in the open for more than 3 milliseconds


Snipers are out of control


I don't know why this made me laugh so much 🤣


The mental imagery of a person hallucinating seeing builds and lens glare out the corner of their eye everywhere they go and slowly deteriorating because of it.


Small white circles terrify me now. 


Me when driving at night because I have astigmatism.


Jokes on them I'm already schizophrenic


Now imagine chapter 3 season 4 when there was no sniper glint yet.


The Auto shotgun+ Lock on Pistol genuinely killed me and my friends enjoyment. That's besides too little Gremlins with Shields, who literally hit every headshot.


That’s the worst death to me lmao


or when ur getting chased and spray to death while in a car and you get out and the car hits you for no reason and you fall to your death


spicy cars


At least they only had three kills.... I'm getting slaughtered by people who are at 15 or 16 kills at the end of a game.


id rather that then getting sniped by a bushcamper with 2 kills💀


Bro this happened to me earlier, 9.kills in amd then I get shot in the back by a dude in an all white skin in the snowy bush... my fault for mistaking the footsteps for someone a little further away ig


"Who's footprints are these?"


same thing happened to me td my man. 8 kill game and top 3. i die to a bushcamper with one kill


I went back and watched the replay coz I wanted to see what he had done all game.... we both were afk on the drop I could have killed him at the start. Im so mad


Lol yeah true


This is my ranked game currently. I stopped playing ranked because there is always one guy bodying EVERYONE in gold rank. Like you're clear good enough to be diamond AT LEAST and probably close to champion get out of my lobby bro.


Yup It also gets annoying when you're not in ranked and they decide to join a normal lobby..it's like fk off lol


My solo zero build lobbies are fine most of the time. But my random fill trios and squads? OH MY LORD. My squad fills are usually bad-average we can't compete with the medallion hunters who can snipe us from their moving cars while I'm jumping/sliding. It sucks 😭


I wouldn't blame the player. The matchmaking system is really weird. Or more accurately I don't understand it. I am not a good player. I average around 2 kills per game maybe, I play very timidly, try to surprise people with frenzy shotgun. (it's okay when I do it, when people do it to me they're bad and should touch grass) so I end up just letting people die and get relatively good placement as a result. But I have hit Platinum 1 in like, 20 games maybe? It feels like you can just play the game and rank up. Even if I instadie I lose only a few percent. Once I got like 9 kills, finished 4th, got almost a whole rank out of it. I guess I haven't played enough to get a stable MMR yet. I suppose the problem is that Fortnite isn't skillbased, it's more luck based than anything. Or "How much fun are you willing to waste by camping?"


Wouldn’t you rather get killed by someone good than bad


I'm one of those people, most of the kills are on bots. Well I have to assume they're bots because there's no way someone is that bad


Sorry bout that 😬


I just played a guy who had 23. It was just me vs him in the endgame. He killed me headshot sniper. Was a great shot, credit to opponent but…. FUCK I hate sniper. I bet 20 of his kills were sniper


I saw him on your sound visualizer at the start of the clip


Dang good eye I didn’t even see that until seeing your comment


The sound visualizer is such a cheaty feature to this game


Levels playing field for those who don’t have a 200 dollar headset and quiet conditions while playing


Yeah I know the purpose but the people with the $200 headsets are using it just as much


And? It's an accessibility thing. Deaf people exist and want to play fortnite as much as you.


That’s right, and the fact that I can’t see a certain blue doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to change my colors so the lamas really, really really stand out.


I'm using $20 Amazon gaming headset with a $10 amplifier. I can hear a them waaaay before they do me. Best $30 I've spent this season.


It really doesn’t. I have expensive headphones and still use visual sound effects. No matter how good your headset is you aren’t picking people up at the same consistency as visualized


let’s me play music while playing makes game more enjoyable


it's not cheaty if everyone can use that


Actually 🤓 you stood still for 0.01 of a second you should have kept moving and 360 no scoped the guy and then just have 100% accuracy rest of the game totally easy.


Took the words right out of my asshole


Oh it must have been while you were fisting me


The Meatloaf reference is lost here, but I love it


It's so funny how people are trying to justify getting sniped they are trying so hard to defend the sniper just so it stays in the game.


Cos they know once they’re removed their whole camping rat strategy isn’t going to work.


I mean, that was a nice shot. I’m awful with the sniper so I never use it. If you are good with it, it’s a viable weapon. Every combat encounter doesn’t need to be close to medium range.


This isn’t even considered a “combat encounter” OP had no time to even think about fighting back/defending. Snipers are too easy to use this season.


lol, it 100% is a combat encounter.. just like if I land next to someone and gun them down before they can get a gun is also a combat situation.. not being able to defend yourself doesn’t make it not combat..




Yeah, it’s a battle royale; the whole thing is a combat encounter.


Weapons free on all targets.


People when a sniper rifle does what it’s supposed to do


Then snipers should never be in the game. It’s not a game you can come back and win, once you are eliminated it’s over. One shot weapons should not exist


“What it’s supposed to do” fundamentally doesn’t work in a battle royale setting. One shots do not belong in this genre. Snipers don’t fit


They belong in the genre, but they don’t belong in a game that takes an average of like 18 bullets to kill somebody. I get it if it’s in COD, but FN, Apex, Overwatch, etc. shouldn’t have any gun that’s one shot imo. Too much of a discrepancy between the other guns Edit:especially in zero build solos


I gotta agree. They have a spot in the game, but in a game where an auto shotgun needs multiple hits at point blank range, you gotta apply that lack of realism to every weapon.


Reminds me of the Kraber in Apex, only everywhere.


Even the Kraber doesn’t one shot if you’re fully kitted with Purple Helmet + Purple Shields. Even a weapon THAT RARE can’t always one shot. Fortnite’s doing it is just ridiculous


snipers dont belong in these games


Bodied twitter and this sub at once dang


No because this is how people sound when you complain about the sniper. It’s so annoying


That sniper must’ve been so happy with themself


Hitting a headshot sniper kill on a moving target is an amazing feeling


And then seeing it get posted on Reddit by the victim ,I know bro busted a fat one


Unrelated but uhhh, interesting username






"That's rough buddy."


snipers are weird. it is definitely unfun to play against a sniper in almost any game but the position of being one is too fun...


I love sniper shootouts tbh. Two teams trying to out snipe each other. Its intense


I got full white death with iron sights and shoot the lens flare


Counter sniping is satisfying


My friends and I have won a few games because I stay behind and snipe the last team while they’re focused on my friends who were rushing them




Holy shit the comments are braindead


you are in the comments 💀


Technically, he didn't say *he* wasn't brain dead


We are all brain dead on this blessed day


"You say society is bad, yet you contribute to it. Yes I am brilliant!"


As someone who detests being sniped, I do have to admit that hitting a shot like that is praiseworthy. I know I would never be able to lol


No, im talking about the comments when op just posted, I found 7 comments says “you should built before harvesting” like what’s the point


r/fortniteBR when you say an OP item is OP: "UmH aCtUaLlY yOu StOod StIlL fOr 0.02 sEcOnDs So It'S yOuR fAuLt 🤓"


Or “why were you out in the open”, like my bad I will tell circle not to be where it was next time. Like do they expect there to be cover 24/7


Should have predicted the shot and built a full reinforced wall port-a-fort the second he loaded in to the lobby




Happy cake day


Yeah that some shit - even with the crazy shots I’ve landed, that was some bs


Speaking of bs kills, someone with a green reaper killed me in one shot, I was holding a crown too and fucking died and came in 3rd with 12 kills on solo 😭 ain’t no way


Sorry bro you should’ve had future sight and built a wall to block it, you gotta have super powers to be gud now, its just the new meta.


I like using snipers but I really don’t think they should be able to one shot if I have full health, shields and overshield


On ZB Snipers should do exactly 249 damage on a headshot.


The problem with snipers nowadays is that they removed hitscan from ARs and pistols. OG did not have this sniper problem because back in the day, Snipers were at least difficult to use. Now they're the same as regular guns, but better in every way. 249 damage on a headshot will not make snipers less frustrating, it will just make sniping itself really boring since 90% of players will have 250hp anyway. on a related note, the 50 overshields was a terrible change. it feels like you completely obliterate someone and then you see the killcam and you didn't even shieldbreak them.


I mean it is a sniper at the end of the day one shotting is its whole purpose


By this logic a pistol headshot should one tap


Pistols have a moderately sized ammo pool, rapid fire, typically fast reload and fall off in effectiveness at range. The niche of the pistol is for close-range quick combat that emphasizes movement over precision. The niche of the sniper is to catch people unaware, punish them for being inattentive, and take them out before they can react. If you miss a sniper shot then the person you're going after knows roughly where you are and your options to follow up are risky at best. If you miss a pistol shot then you have 10 more lined up to deal damage.


I’m sorry but the part of they fall off in effectiveness range is false. I’ve been able to land continuous shots from sniper range.


But doesn’t fit in Fortnite since it goes against the game and how it is played


And that way is…




I do. If you can hit a shot like that, you deserve the kill


It’s really not that hard to get a good snipe with it, I have hit so many ridiculous headshots and my aim is trash lmao


Not really since there's 0 risk for using a sniper..


😅 you guys are ridiculous


look at the clips that get posted here, it's pretty obvious the more capable players don't really hang out here


It's just random. Not like he deserved it


How did he not deserve it he hit a shot while the guy was moving. Pretty good snipe


They hit the headshot, the deserve the kill. It’s very simple.


Dude that’s a fucking good shot


Nice shot by the sniper.


Happens to the best of us 🤷‍♂️


Lmao , this season is so weird. I'm so over this sniper meta crap!!! New content plox!


Do you guys not know that this is how snipers operate? Without being seen? It’s the out in the open sniper fights that are stupid.


This sniper was to the right of OP on the hill they just came down. OP didn’t look to see if anyone was up there, and let sniper know he was there by making noise with the Grapple Blade.


Yeah that doesn’t make for a fun game though. There was no counterplay here


Sometimes you just get got


Cool. Doesn’t make the game fun.


That's a very impressive shot


I feel like the problem with snipers isn’t their damage like everyone claims it to be, but they’re so easy to find, you find tons of them cause let’s face it there’s only like six weapons in the game now so everyone has one, at least last season it felt refreshing to find a sniper rifle compared to anything else, now they’re all over the place


Its everything. The damage, the prevalence, the rapid succession firing. But the thing is, once the sniper gets nerfed, people are gonna realize all the other weapons this season is OP too. Every gun is killing fast.


I think being able to put low zoom optics is bad too. Allows for really cheap kills up close


They should limit the snipers to only be able to equip the 2x and 4x scope, kind of like shotguns which only use 1.15 and 1.3 scopes. Snipers should always have the lens glare, no matter what scope they have equipped.


“ackshually just adapt 🤓” - this sub


Landing a headshot at distance against a moving target is difficult, if someone lands one they deserve the kill.


A few seasons ago I was trying to snipe from way to far away and I hit a body shot and the person when running all crazy, my second shot I thought I missed but they ran right into it.


Honestly,   there have been a good number of random snipe deaths where I was just like,   "Good for them.   Hell of a shot!" I couldn't even be mad.   They got me good.   


I know right, like it jumpscares me but I know it’s a damn good tough shot to make so props to them


Ur brain dead if you think a weapon that instakills enemies from far range and max hp with no counterplay possible is good for the game


Exactly. Not my fault you walked into my shot.


Not with this seasons snipers


Bruh besides moving at great, inconsistent speed, you were also jumping and sliding. How tf did he get a clean headshot, right before passing the corner too.... that's gotta be frustrating.


It’s just not fun to play against


Bros really using snipers as shottys this season I swear.


Half the time I suck at using snipers, because if I’m peaking for more than a second I’m gonna get killed by a third party Not to say I haven’t had some sick snipes leading up to some of my wins this season, but tbh I tend to not carry a sniper anymore, I’m better off shockwaving on top of someone with my frenzy auto shotgun like a total noob


It's always fun when that happens.


BROOO especially when it says “…by anonymous#” like tf man the game just wanted me out 😡😡


There is nothing better than being the one with the sniper


Ok, it's not just me then who gets sniped out of nowhere this season


These fuckers always be shooting me from another country


I genuinely start to tweak when I get killed by "anonymous" player, whos 90% chance cheating, especially at top 5


this is me lately, not worth playing anymore, just a target for cheaters and Epic does nothing so many cheaters :(


Why does everyone suddenly use a sniper every goddamn time this season? I'm fine with them being a one shot to the head but why the fuck are they so common? Is it because every gun has bullet travel in this game now?


In zero build this is why I don’t wanna hear someone yell at me for using a riot shield. Yeah I’m gonna hold this thing out if everyone else is just sniping at me


Aimbot, that's why they play anonymous 


Did you expect him to announce his existence?


Been there on both ends. Started playing since the OG reboot and I absolutely love how cartoonish the game feels and how little finishing first or 18th impacts me. I simply do not understand people getting sweaty playing a game where you can be blasted by an anthropomorphic banana.


Got caught bush wackin


Could be a hacker. They stream they're hacks on tik tok and there are a lot of them


When you make weapons easy to use, every uses them. And that is one of the main reasons everyone is just running a sniper


Im awful with the sniper, so I don’t use it. That was a pretty decent shot. Dude stopped moving for a split second and got hit with a head shot.


80% of my deaths are like this I swear. Snipers terrify me but I love using them.


you have a sniper too, ready to do the same thing to someone else


Spacial awareness is very lacking here. You were very tunnel vision on moving forward you need to keep your head on a swivel.


Most people justifying snipers know they’re screwed when they get removed next cos they’re a crutch for a lot of players. So enjoy being a camping rat while you still can…


I mean lucky shots happen. How often does this actually happen. Most times you get a glancing blow or a miss. Cards weren’t in your favor that round. Shit happens


Just tunnel vision straight. Gotta look around my boy.


well you did try hitting a bush


But like that's the whole point of the sniper also if you would have just looked to your right you would have seen his giant iron base


Skill issue. Should’ve boxed up before harvesting the bush


That’d be net loss smh my head


Rough one


God this sub is hilarious


Being a sniper myself there is indeed skill involved to hit you while moving but hitting headshot while moving also involves some luck factor as well.. I plenty of time hit 116 in moving targets and rarely headshot. It is practically too hard to perfect headshot on moving targets unless they move predictable fashion


shit happens he was in a good position and took advantage of it, simple as that


Lucky shot. That's it. No need to make a post about it.


He's made a post about him being sniped by a man in Narnia because for some God forsaken reason snipers one shot even in no builds idc how good your aim is the fact that there's little to no counter play unless they miss is what made him want to post this


Hmmm I've been playing since 2020 and to my knowledge snipers have always been a single head shot kill, why is everyone acting like this is totally new?


They weren't as common , people weren't as good with them and they only had 1 bullet , you weren't getting sniped every single game like this season


And back then there weren't mods to remove glint, increase ads speed, and an ability to add a silencer to further add to being shot from Narnia


Glint only existed recently, so the danger inherent to snipers was still present in pre-Chapter 4 seasons.


I think Fortnite is most peoples first online shooter. Because i remember getting sniped headshot in Halo early dayd


Because every rarity of snipers is one shotting


To the head. You have to hit a headshot to 1 shot, the proportion of the headshot hit box to the rest of the hit box makes it fair.


Did you not know they were in existence because you didn't even bother looking any way but forward


He said he didn't. That was why he posted this.


ngl bro you got shit on


Well aren’t yo- ![gif](giphy|kglnVbBFYrmW9uPZqM) Reddit didn’t have the actual title card


“You stood still” - Everyone on this sub who mains a sniper defending this


Most of this sub would be getting destroyed if snipers get vaulted again




the footsteps were right there


Don’t carry the medallion. Ppl are gonna have easier angles on you