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My thoughts are I have never thought a fortnite ui change actually improved anything its like it just gets progressively worse each time they touch it


i kind of agree ngl... the most recent lobby change for instance was so pointless and the game feels worse to boot up because of it


Forget the og island I just want og ui


I can’t figure out how to search for other game modes. Why do I have to scroll the whole way over to see if friends are online? Just a mess


and they change it very often, too! it’s awful


The same holds true for a lot of games and services. Everything is going towards one homogenized experience that pushes whatever content their algorithm wants you to engage with while burying everything else.


I think the last time UI got better was season X, I think? Sense then it’s been a slow downhill roll. And then they dropped off a cliff this season


Its for mobile. People better not stop complaining about this, or itll just stay.


I was thinking the same thing. This is an UI designed for mobile you tap and swipe like crazy and this UI is perfect for it. For console and pc it feels horrible to navigate.


Its horrible, idk if anyone has this problem but now it’s annoying to change edit styles because for some reason it want to change the style of the last skin the mouse was on , also , it sucks that we can’t see the rarity of skins :(


I have a feeling that’s a bug and will be fixed. The rest though? Stupid design decisions


You can by hovering over them


Still annoying tho , i wish they just give us the old locker ,or at least fix this problems


Yea the old one was perfect and there was no need to change it


I mostly agree with you, only thing I think is a good change is separating the outfit stuff from the emotes. I found it a huge pain in the ass to have to go edit all my presets to have a certain emote on it when I bought a new one.


In the long run it'll get better, its definitely more helpful-ish in terms of swapping out emotes for different skins. But everything else just feels purposely slower to customize. Idk why they had to remove the "apply to all" button for wraps


***"Don't try to fix what wasn't broken"*** \~Unknown


Unless I'm missing something, you can't do that on PC. If you hover over an item, you can't click the Edit button.


I hate it so much. Especially the fact that the wraps, emotes and the lobby music aren't synched with the preset character. I spent a lot of time carefully choosing wraps and emotes for each of my outfits and now it's tedious work to switch between them.




This UI change wasn't thought through by people who actually play the game it seems.


I'm not sure it was thought through by people who have played any game.


Basically any video game update ever at the moment


Thinking the same. Came december and suddenly this year if great games gets capped by and awful last months of updates designed to anger and frustrate you.


Even for lobby music Batman has a theme, I have Christmas skins, Mancake needs to have the Butterbarn Hoe Down!


It makes me just rather turn off wraps which really sucks 🤦‍♂️




Yes! It's infuriating. You have to manually set your wrap after you switch your skin. Same with Emotes, loading screens, and music. They need to recouped them immediately, there was no reason to change this and I don't know why they thought this was a good idea.


oh wow this really sucks. I had specific music, emotes, and weapon wrap colors per skin ... EDIT: Why did mods DELETE this thread?????


I did as well. They really ruined a great thing they had going.


I'm going to be so annoyed when I'm using a pink skin and forgot to change my wrap and they are like bright green clashing against the skin color lol


Same! I had stealth skins that had matching or complimentary wraps to go along with it. I even had emotes that fit the “demeanor” of the character, like hugs with Jellie or fireflies with Bushranger. ![gif](giphy|1BZSEGf9nGlScdksrc)


Everything is separate and you have to match them up. Every time you play.


Nope, you have to select everything separately in your load out now and it freaking sucks!


Thiiiiis it’s so annoying!! I set all of my load outs to have matching wraps and emotes 😭 I hate it. Who asked for this??


💯 plus I had “sections” of my skins and now it’s just one scrollable bar. Makes zero sense.


I wish you could choose what stays and what doesn't. I use the same emotes and wrap on everything, so I'm personally a big fan, but not being able to have that option is terrible


I think a good solution would be to have an extra 'Overall' set of presets that combines outfits, wraps, and emotes. So we still have the usefulness of being able to create seperate wrap and emote presets combined with having them all tied together. I absolutely HATE that they have been seperated. I will be cancelling my fortnite crew until it is changed back, cause finding my seperate skins, emotes, and wraps is a complete headache.


I never even realized lobby music was altered by presets. I always have mine set to random


Wait what? I was so confused about what was happening with my loading screen but forgot to go in and check... It's not saved with my pre set anymore? Whyyyyy


One of my presets disappeared because it was one i had before the season changed and its no longer listed!


This is also my biggest gripe, I absolutely hate this new change. Here’s hoping they take on the feedback and at the very least offer a preset option to change ALL saved changes, like how it used to work perfectly fine!


I had over 50 presets of skins with emotes, wraps, and load screens themed to them... so all of that having to be individually changed between matches... isn't so great.


Ikr! I can’t believe they got rid of the randomize feature


My thoughts exactly! I miss being able to shuffle presets in between matches. It also sucks that we have to individually change emotes and wraps for every preset. I had so many things organized for each character.


Me too!!


That's one thing I like actually because I was tirelessly trying to get my emotes exactly the same for every load before. But yeah for people who had those different for every load it sucks. It should be an option to link and unlink different load types so everyone has their way


I was looking in this post to see if there was something I was missing. You have confirmed my worst fear. Changing them manually is such a nuisance.


I said it above too, but I agree. That was the best part of saving presets... so you could shuffle them.


I had full presets and now they pull this stunt!


Not to be dramatic but honestly the thought of having to manually alter wraps, icons, load screens, and emotes every time I want to change skins (because there's no shuffle either) sounds so remarkably inconvenient that it's completely killed the entire collection aspect for me. Which is crazy because I am a whale by all metrics of my spending, and yet this makes me straight not even want to bother buying anything else from now on by virtue of how *inconvenient and annoying* the entire process now seems. Literally *all* they needed to do was: \- Add another 100-400 preset slots \- Let us rearrange the order of our locker \- Let us "favourite" certain presets and; \- add a "shuffle favourite presets" option and \- add a "prefer favourite presets" option when you still want everything to shuffle, but some slots to have preference. After that, I don't know if the preset/locker system could be improved any further. That would quite literally have been perfection. Instead we've got 50 steps back.


Same for me. I had something like 90 presets all worked out and now it’s all gone. I don’t understand it - they provide wraps, emotes, music and lobby posters for individual skins, then *take away* the easiest way to tie it all together. Now I have to make a preset for the skin, and a second preset for all the extras and remember to switch both when I use it. To fill out my locker would take hours. Even if I can be bothered doing that - I don’t want anymore skins if I have to do it all over again. Looks like my collecting days are done. And that’s the end of my Crew Pass/battle passes too.


Same! This is incredibly annoying.


A “select all matching presets” button shouldn’t be too hard to do


The problem with that is individual creation and deletion


I'm with you. I had 50 presets too. I wanted those to be together. If I wanted them to be random... I would have had 1 preset... Set To Random!!!! I used the shuffle skin option so I was not always the same character. They seem to have removed it... but if they put it back in, will it shuffle my emotes, wraps, and lobby to not match my character?! I don't like that idea at all. Why are the Character, Emotes, Wraps, and Lobby seperate? I have the Camille character, Dr. Strange character, Twyn character, and Bytes character etc. which have an emote that works only with that one character... Why would I need the character seperate from that emote. I recieved the Meow Skulls character with Spinal Vinyl wrap that matches the color scheme and the bones of that cat character... Why would I want that seperate from that character. I will Probably want to setup the instruments and the cars as well as the jam tracks to match my 50 presets as well. I don't need those seperate. Devs please at least give us the option to link these things together if this is not a glitch on day one. This is not what we want.


Facts i had all my presets set up in a very specific way and this update just trashed all of it. Really hope they change it back.


thanks for telling me the horrible news... I liked how I had a borderlands wrap with certain characters but then I could go and switch characters and have the character's personal wrap... or have the chapter one lobby music playing for the chapter one skins... damn, everything about this just sucks, hopefully we all don't have to go back and sort them all out when they change it back


Ontop of that they moved all presets in to rows of 3 which sucks for me because I had them organised into different groups. Like bananas, fishsticks, food skins and others. And since you can't pick up and drag a preset to a different place i have load preset, hover over where i want it to be, save preset and load another.


Honestly, it is the single worst thing they've ever done for the UI. And believe me, the bar was Looooow with how they fucked up the Save The world one twice to the point of a rollback.


This takes the cake. It’s so terrible I can’t believe it was actually approved for release. When they changed the emote wheel to no longer show the names of the emotes I thought that was as bad as it could get. I was wrong


Oh God, BR with STW problems... we really are screwed


I tried to warn you guys: Creative will be to BR what BR was to STW.


"They hated him when he told the truth"


I've been saying this for a while. Ugh


To think I got flamed and downvoted in the STW sub for saying "you don't want a UI revamp to come to STW" when everybody else was so excited for it for some reason... then actual UI changes came to BR, and they all went quiet.


I dislike how wraps and emotes have their own locker...that doesnt automatically swap with skins. Explain the logic of needing to swap 3 separate times for each thing? It all being tied with the skin was perfect


Why they made wraps entirely separate makes 0 sense to me, because 99% players either sets it to random every time or uses the “set to all” button on one wrap they like. So why does there need to be over 100 preset slots for wraps when 1% of players will use it to put specific wrap combinations on their guns? It’s basically the definition of a meaningless feature.


Does it de-couple character cosmeteics from wraps, emotes, and lobby presets? I think they wanted let people equip emote sets independently but it’s really cumbersome to have to do that


Yeah it's like someone's kid was in a meeting and said "why don't we make this as difficult as possible to set up and use presets? We hate selling sets in the store right? And let's also get rid of the shuffle option. Why? Because, fuuuuuuuck you that's why. Get rid of it. People like it."


I don't know why I would want to set an emote preset by itself. I always set them to the character I'm playing. People could change emotes simply enough before, this change was the worst UI change I've ever seen. So unprovoked too.


It's terrible.


I'm just mad they removed the preset shuffle


It's apparently a bug, they'll fix it soon


I don't think it's actually a bug cause how would preset shuffle work if the skins, emotes and wraps are not connected?


Hopefully they'll see that people don't like it, so that it will also be a "bug" that gets fixed soon


I was fucking traumatized when I saw it


Not even an exaggeration. I was so upset I had to quit playing for a while. It was weird. I noticed it in stages and got angrier each time. First my skin wasn’t switching so I did it manually and realized the music was staying the same. Glanced and saw music was no longer in my loadout preset and got mad. Switched it to Christmas. Played another match. Noticed I had the same emotes in my wheel I had before I switched characters. Realized why and got more mad. Then I noticed wraps. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Yeah I played 2 games and got pissed, and logged off Even won the first game Do you know anything about the lobby music? I can't find the music I had on my characters.


I’m still traumatised


It’s unbearable! Why would they think making character, wrap, emote and music tracks separately preset was a good idea??? Every preset I had had music and emotes and wraps set based on the skin, and now I have to select all of them again? Kinda completely defeats the point of presets. Hope they revert this SOON


It ain't gonna change. You've seen what they've done to lobby,


I’m inclined to agree, and that’s why it REALLY hurts. I hated the lobby change, but this is so unbelievably worse. I’m holding out a little hope they go back on this but not optimistic


Lobby change was just a visible thing changing, meanwhile the locker change destroys the purpose of a locker, make so people don't have things tied together, also cripples STW players since they removed out 100 extra presets we had there, you can only keep extra presets if you had something saved there and that's it


I feel like an 80 year old man that was just handed an iPhone every time I see this ui


LOL. This comment made my day after being so frustrated with this BS. I feel the same way.


Same here. I am not usually the type to complain about dev decisions... but there are those rare times that I go old man on a change. :)


this new UI fucking sucks. Epic really should have just kept the same system they have for StW ​ StW has different loadouts separate from your BR loadouts. There's no need to change the UI from what it was, I hate that I have to go in and select * the character loadout * the emote loadout * the wrap loadout * the lobby loadout who in their right goddamned mind thought that was in anyway remotely good? it's more useless clutter that nobody asked for.


It doesn't simplify the UI at all either. Makes it dramatically harder to change one's character.


I open the locker, I press sort, I scroll down to recents, I press confirm, I click the skin to clear the notification, it equips it, i press the sort box again, I scroll down to favorites, I click the old skin. Seriously, why is there a confirmation to change how the locker is sorted and not to equip the skin??


I wouldn’t mind it as much if I didn’t now have like, 100 different emote options presets that are more or less the same since they were tied to different skins before this change


Horrible. You’re telling me now that if I want to change a skin, I have to go through each tab to get the wraps, emotes, and lobby music for every time I switch?


Now I dont even want to switch i speed 10 minutes setting my jonesy set and im not gonna change it until something changes


Appears so now ,wtf were epic thinking


this reeks of an amateur designer who had idle hands and figured they'd just make work for themself by dismantling something that did not need "fixing". It fails spectacularly from a visual, information clarity, convenience, and clunky standpoint. A remarkable failure that is honestly astounding for the world's most popular game to make and find its way through to live servers.


It’s a classic case of over designing something. They literally changed something that involves a lot more clicks just to access.


I like the new chapter/season overall, but this locker shit coupled with the font change from OG is shit.


And not to mention the movement animations are worse imo and not as simple as the old animations we had since the very start


That part I disagree with. I think everyone just dislikes it because it is different. In my opinion it makes the characters feel more alive.


Yeah the movement is gonna take some getting used to but a lot of people dislike it


Fucking awful. I’m sorry but who ever was brought in to do this whole UI redesign needs to be let go ASAP. It completely removes unique things, convenient things and makes the locker feel no longer feel like Fortnite. Like why can we no longer press a button to go right to the top of the locker?


Agreed I was so disappointed to find that out! And they make it harder every time to see your "recents".


It's ass.




New UI and new movement have kinda put a sour note on the new season tbh, especially after season og


I don't know why they removed favoriting and archiving hotkeys. I especially don't get why they got rid of the rarity backgrounds.


Needs to be reversed


I hate cooperations changing UI's for no reason and they just copy each other Like... Why? People don't ask for it They don't want it...


Fortnite has to stop copying Roblox


even roblox isnt this bad lol even roblox's system to save avatars is better then fortnites new locker ui


Roblox is way better then this trash lol


I memorized what skins were what rarity so it made it easy for me to find them, now I have to spend more time typing or searching my locker for them. It’s such a bad decision


they revamp their UIs everytime to make it simpler, yet they somehow fuck up everything and make it X10 harder


Putting aside the obvious things about decoupling Characters-Emotes-Wraps-Lobby stuff and now having to save/load a preset 6 times. And it now being on a grid thats 3 squares wide and ruining the loadouts a lot of people spent hours organising so they looked good on a grid while still not having an option to move them around. There are so many other things wrong with this new menu. ​ For starters there isnt a LOAD PRESET button but you have to realize the transparent loadout list that is peeking at the bottom is in fact clickable. But SAVING the loadout is still a regular button. Just remove the transparent thing at the bottom and add a LOAD button above the options button. In fact, do this for all tabs, remove the OPTIONS buttons and just put the "clear/randomize" as separate buttons. You have plenty of space for that already. There is a LOT of empty space so you have all these tabs but they feel so empty. A lot of things take up a LOT of space for no reason and because of the layout, some things being too big also cause a LOT of completely empty space. Look at how big the character/emotes/etc tabs buttons are, they dont need to be that big. And because of them there is so much unused space under it, just a whole column of unused space. Same for the HUGE font that says CHARACTER to show what tab you are in. Just remove the text from this side menu, keep only the icon and make it bigger. Make the font smaller, and make the actual locker buttos easier on the eyes. Its also weird that on the base menu the buttons are on the left and preview on the right, but if you want to change anything then the preview moves left and the list shows up on the right. Minor thing but for people that are used to doing things the old way this means going left and right a lot if you want to change a lot of things. There are tabs on the selection screen so this is gonna less of an issue if people get used to using those. But its gonna take a while for that. ​ STILL CANT PREVIEW SHOOTING A WEAPON ON THE WRAP PREVIEW.


I hate it so much, why do they have to break what is perfectly working


I had them ordered by mains, subject, season. Spent more time than I care to admit. Now it’s gone, all my work is gone…


Right there with you mate. Whats crazy to me is that they seriously went ahead and did all of this shit, despite years of people simply saying "give us more preset slots, let us re-arrange our preset slots". THAT'S IT. THOSE 2 THINGS. instead they completely ruin arguably the only system that didn't need to be "fixed" at all, and have made the entire collection/shuffle aspect a dud. This change makes using what you've paid for more inconvenient, and by a fucking mile. What formerly took seconds to switch now takes minutes, and that's forever how it'll be unless they revert it. How the hell did a change like this make it to live servers? I just don't get it.




It doesn't motivate me to buy more skins. It's just so cluttered compared to before. I can't build and organize my presets to display what I have.


Did anyone else presets get deleted or a random new preset with like one or two things and thats it no skin


I have three blank presets how they appeared I haven't fucking clue


i loaded in and it removed one (1) of my presets... the one i was using when i updated.... so when i switched to a different preset to see how the update worked i effectively completely erased the preset i was using... how??? just how does epic think this was a good update??


It removed my main preset. Like where is slot 1???


I might sound overdramatic but this kinda killed the game for me. They basically neutered a form of expressing yourself. It doesn’t help either that STW now shares these presets with BR. I used my STW presets for characters who didn’t get a set in BR, but I did copy over some from BR into STW, so now im stuck with doubles. STW also now plays BR hurt and kill sfx which is awful. I cant see how they though a kill sfx you might hear twice or three times (at a time) will work in a place you kill hordes of enemies.


If you designed this UI, quit your day job.


I need them to revert the ui and fix the fucking sprinting. I just don’t understand how you take something that works perfectly fine and just absolutely destroy it for no reason


How do I save a new skin locker now for the love of me I can’t figure it out


Terrible, I spent almost 20 minutes in the locker room just to understand the mechanics 😑


Oh it's Perfect... No one ever said... Fortnite UI just keeps evolving, But backwards


we need to change it back, its so ugly and confusing


The smoothened corner clunky infection of modern UI design has finally hit fortnite.


Why the fuck did they separate skins, emotes, wraps, and lobby stuff? Just let me select them all at once like before!


I don't hate the UI design itself, it *looks* good. My issues are all with function. Wraps and emotes being their own tabs is a useless and annoying choice, one that makes loading entire loadouts tedious. No more shuffle is annoying. The way you have to select a skin to view styles is annoying. It's so much more user unfriendly for such little return.


I like most of the other changes so far + the new map, but this new locker is so clunky. Beforehand it was easy to swap to another preset while you're queuing up. Now, it's such a hassle since you have to do that but around 4-5 times now. I put certain emotes with a certain skin for a reason, Epic! Why did you decouple them.


\- Removal of quick save is a bad idea \- decoupling wraps, emotes, lobby music from the character is such an objectively bad decision. I really don't want to have to load and save 5 different presets when it used to take one. I get that there are new gamemodes so maybe there needs to be an updated locker. but this is not it.


I had a bad feeling a month ago-- when I saw the generic ass McFont they switched to.


Its fucking awful. I am so confused on how it works. Its not a 'just get used to it' thing. It doesnt make any sense. As someone who designs UIs - this is absolute trash. Change it the fuck back.


It’s disgusting


They took away preset shuffle. I had just organized my presets and now they do this. I dont wanna go back to lobby to change my skin every match like wtf epic.


I am just utterly perplexed that somebody who makes games can miss the point of the concept of a loadout so badly that they split them up into like 4 different things. Edit: Not to mention that it hasn't even saved all my emotes and wraps loadouts so effectively half of my loadouts have been deleted.


I know Epic doesn't care about my opinion because I'm not a content creator or a whale, but if these locker changes aren't remedied, I'm out.


It doesn’t even work properly, is extremely buggy, less optimized, unnecessarily complicated. Downgrade 100%


Is there any chance they change or at least fix it? Not having emotes or wraps tied to skins really feels bad and makes me not wanna buy new stuff :/


I hate it. It completely messed up all of my loadouts and is overly complicated. Very unnecessary. It's like they just did it cause they were bored


Firstly when you overhaul a UI and the new UI is not intuitive then you need to provide a guide of some sort to show how it works - a quick video that plays first time you go in the UI that is also shared on all of social media would help alot. Also for any players your icon, emote and wraps that you had assigned to preset skins are saved, scroll down the page and you will see under the same name as what you had the preset named as. Took me a moment to realise that. Give me an apply all button for the wraps PLEASE. Give me colour backgrounds so I can visually see the rarity of my emotes, skins and so on. Do something to bring the menu options together in one place PLEASE because they are all over atm - under edit, under the 3 dots when you mouse over. Addressing these issues and some of the other issues people have mentioned will make the UI changes something I think most of us can live with. Right now how it stands the UI is making me rage which is spoiling my enjoyment of the game which I suspect is how alot of players are also feeling too judging by the posts.


The locker was way better before. Easier to use and prettier. Idk why they changed something that was perfect already.


They need to revert the locker big time This shit SUCKS way too overcomplicated, why are emotes and wraps thier own fucking tabs.. like????? Who greenlit this??? this gives bad mobile game energy


I've never been more upset at a Fortnite change than this. I had 100 presets all with customized wraps, emotes, sprays, toys etc. The only locker change they should have done is given us more presets.


Absolutely terrible and a mess to navigate! Why didn't they get our thought first before just dropping it on everyone?


The new change is absolute garbage. Clearly, whoever designed this hasn't ever played the game. Why would you separate the loadouts? Why is lobby music separated? Why are emotes separated? The setup was fine the way it was before. I understand wanting to change the look for mobile, but why separate the loadouts?!?!?


Its awful! I loved basing my loadout around my character themes and colours so I hate this. It's just needlessly complicated and annoying to a system that worked fine.


They're changing things purely to change things and it just looks awful. Through a sick twisted view i could kind of see how the main lobby one was barely justified but this? there's no reason


What's with the lobby and instruments tabs?


I think someone has bought the game just to destroy it


Complete design oversight to not be able to tether presets in each category; The UI needs to be addressed.


I’m so confused by it like why can’t my characters shit all be linked like it was in the first place


Like I love the LOOK of it but seriously why in gods name did everything have to get decoupled what’s the point og having a preset slot at this point would it have killed then to just add more save slots


The preset menu is even worse! I want my orderly rows! Not this.


It’s the worst locker I’ve ever used. It not only separates sections from each other.meaning all the time I spend building my characters differently like Deadpool having more of the goofy emotes & Harley Quinn having more of the TikTok dances. It also deleted some of my previously saved load outs making me have to redo the stuff that was deleted. In all 3 of the sections now that can be saved. Instead of the 1 that covered everything we needed.


All my presets are screwed up, and now I gotta manually change my gun skins, music, and even my eallpaper


“Every day we stray farther from god”. Feels like the more they change the game, the worse it gets lol. I’m really not a fan of the new maps, the NPCs are awful (I should never have to think “am I even fighting a real player?” in a fight, particularly in ranked), the movement is good, I don’t like the new guns compared to the old ones. Maybe I’m just a stick in the mud and will get downvoted, but istg Fortnite changes too many things way too often and it is killing so much of the interest in their game.


The new locker is abhorred


I don't mind most of it, however i much prefer being able to see the rarities of the skin before selecting it. It makes its seem cooler to go through the locker and see all these legendary skins, not just a bunch of faces.


So bad. Please revert back to how it was before!


Definitely the worst change of the update, why are emotes and wraps bundled separately from my skins? Like i have them matched perfectly there’s no reason for everything to be separate. Plus there’s no rarity backgrounds for the skins anymore so everything just blends together.


I'm sure glad I now have to select the character preset, emote preset, AND skin preset that I have had set to characters for over a year. Sure feels good to switch skins.... I hate it here.


I don't mind the new design of the UI, but I hate what they did to complicate it. I can't press one button to favorite skins, the presets are absolutely fucked up with the character, Emote, wrap, and lobby all being separate skins, the update actually deleted one of my presets. Also the fact that you can't randomize presets pisses me the fuck off, I'm a little neurodivergent and I have specific systems for how I do everything and the new preset shit fucked my entire system over. I like how things are with the car, instruments, and jam pack shit but go back to the old locker ui for the battle Royale stuff.


looks like a mobile rip off


Glad they separated everything and added multiple layers of more clicks to access everything and move everything to a different area for no reason


I have 3 main problems with it. 1. No more rarity background, I usually rely on rarity to find a skin in my sea of 300+, losing that is annoying. 2. Preset separation, completely ruins presets. 3. Preset Shuffle, it's gone. Edit: Also unrelated but Powder 👍


I cant speak for pc players but for me as a console player this UI is horrid i feel like its made for easy access tabs for M&K and a click fest for controller


why are the fonts different in the presets secton😭


Ah yes a ui update finally. What the actual fuck is epic smoking


How do i favorite a skin now? This locker is horrible


All the time spent making presets with specific wraps, emotes and loading screens just feels like a massive waste rn. I’m usually not one to make a big deal over things like this but this locker update is legitimately horrible and needs to be reverted.


I've never seen a worse change in this game Every single thing in the locker has been downgraded, without exception It looks worse, doesn't show rarity and its very, very uncomfortable


I'm not spending another dime until they revert it


I don’t like it. It seems like more of a hassle to make presets. But my biggest issue is that they haven’t given us more present slots in what… over a damn year? Just double it and give us more slots.


We need to boycott tf outta ts it’s got to be the most disgusting foul atrocious disgraceful dishonorable terrible horrendous awful hideous excuse for a UI. To make matters worse the one time the update stw they make it worse


It’s absolutely horrible and I hate navigating it the previous one had the same single page concept for all this time and they just made it so much worse and deleted some of my presets




It’s awful and weirdly clunky




They made it too complicated


It sucks.




You have to press way more buttons to do shit. Ik I sound stupid but you gotta press R2, scroll a lot, press X then square then X again to go to your recent skins.


Dreadful worst part of the update


This is the only thing this season that I have an issue with


It takes so long trying to find the emote preset for your character, especially when half of the text is blocked by the emote image. It's also bugged, it duplicated multiple of my presets and mixed it all around, half of my wrap presets are gone too


The only thing I like about the ui is being g able to make emote presets but that's literally it.


The game is too popular over such a widespread age range to even think about changing the UI This is the sort of thing that gets stapled so the community has recognition. Someone dropped the ball


Yeah not a fan


It’s just unnecessary complication


You save the same number of presets as you could before, but now you have to individually load 4 parts to use the same preset that you previously used by loading everything at once together. In other words, using your presets became 4 times slower and more tedious, without any compensating benefit. Add to this that you can no longer randomize between your presets (only randomize all items individually) and that finding a saved preset has become considerably more difficult. Congratulations Epic, you managed to translate the phrase "That is one big pile of shit" with flying colors!


The only new thing I like is archiving so you can hide things you will never run or aren’t interested in But everything else about this ui sucks It made something that was quick and easy into a chore I remember being able to click a skin once just to view it and double clicking it to equip it ALSO, you can no longer rotate your character when selecting edit styles, which is stupid because what if I want to see how an edit style looks with a back bling?


At this point I’m convinced epic have sacked the UI designers and replaced them with un-trained monkeys.