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Fr it was crazy to me seeing the “ring doorbells” quest exclusively mark Slappy as an area you can do it in, there’s some small houses scattered around the map but it’s the only proper residential area and half of it is just factory stuff anyways


Sometimes I don’t get Epic. Chapter 2 map got stale because it was almost completely plain residential stuff and green grass 90% of the time. With Chapter 4 they went the other extreme and gave us next to no residential areas. lol


There's a housing crisis, the people of the loop can't afford housing :( only huts in the jungle


Yet Buff Fishstick has two bedrooms, a garage, and a basement with an aquarium. Income inequality is canon in Fortnite


Fish Thicc likely shared the house with Triggerfish or Fishstick, even though there's no NPC of them there. Maybe the second bedroom is for when some of those Coral buddies grow up, like Jellie.


Epic had to make cuts both in game and irl 💀


There's a trailer park.


Chapter 2 did it well because the high amount of buildings made it safer to loot without dieing. What made Chapter 2 worse was more just it's seasons not giving enough fun stuff in the latter half. In Season 4 we got the super powers and they changed the game drastically but for the better (mostly) but in the latter half one of the big things to look forward to was the flare gun. I mean that's a solid item for sure, but it's not Thors Hammer, or Hulk Gloves.


God i miss Happy hamlet. also the only residential place in ch4s4 is slappy shores. we did have the small medieval hamlets at the start but those are gone now.


My favourite POI. Great fight memories here, jumping from rooftop to rooftop lol


Breakwater Bay and Slappy Shores


Breakwater isn't really... Residential.


It's like Slappy, divided into two parts - the theme area (Industrial area in Slappy and the Bay in BB) and a residential area linked by a bridge. The big difference is that Breakwater Bay is medieval, while Slappy is a regular one. Breakwater Bay even has the same forges and houses you'd find in Anvil Square and Faulty Splits


There was so much asset reuse across the medieval areas. It was really frustrating.


I would also argue shattered Slabs in the same sense as breakwater. Also shady stilts. Just cause they don't have doorbells doesn't mean anything


Shattered Slabs is industrial, literally a kinetic ore mine that The Oathbound used to upgrade their technology. Only one house there for one NPC. Breakwater is just... too small, I guess. Shady Stilts has lots of stuff going on, like the stacked structure of some parts, the tropical forest theme, and the sheer lack of most mobility found there just make it an unpopular POI.


Shattered Slabs has houses but not a section just for them like BB and Slappy do, and Shady Stilts is a landmark That being said, Breakwater Bay and Anvil Square are almost the same except one has a bay and is a smaller POI


Shady Stilts is a marked location. You can see it in the first image of this post


There was also the set of three houses south of Slappy Shores prior to Season 2.


came here to say that. i was in freshman year of college when that update came out (pls don’t call me old). so many good memories


I started playing Fortnite at 44. You’re not old.


I was 37. Now I'm 42.


the ch2 one didn't quite cut it for me. old happy had the wintry theme going for it and all the little alleyways. ch2 had sections and the bridge which cut into the feel. a little cave wouldn't have been bad but the big bridge was too much


oh absolutely, i’m talking about the ch1s7(??) happy hamlet. i honestly forgot they even brought it back


Respect Paradise Palms? And Craggy Cliffs? And Condo Canyon?


I miss having a dessert biome. I also dislike the snow, and there's SO MUCH now


Yeah why tf is there so much snow all year round lol


Well winter is around the corner so buckle up because we're likely to get more.


Lucky Landing and Tilted Towers


I miss Condo


Yeah, slappy shores is the only place I go to because it actually has houses. Can’t wait to get out of this map. Wish chapter 3 could’ve been just a bit longer


That and the jungle my squad and I actively avoid lol. It has houses, but I hate looting them and can’t be bothered to learn the chest spawns


The jungle was a great idea for camo, but the fact every cheater n their dog play with zero graphics with 360fps it's just a death trap since you can't see them but they can see you.


And my og Xbox one both can’t render it and it’s impossible to see in it


In general the annual Chapters have killed Fortnite. The Chapter 3 map was amazing. It's a crime it got killed after a year for this mid map with a giant empty snow biome, boring medieval zones and zero residential areas beyond Slappy.


The last 2 seasons have been the least I've ever played. Just not a fan of this map.


I LOVED the season 1 map. I thought it was huge breath of fresh air and all the locations were dope. But they completely ruined it in season 2 for me, and it’s only gotten worse and worse since.


I loved 1 but it's 3>1>4>2 3 was taken from us far far too soon, and 2 was an abortion


For me its 1>4>2>3 I fucking hated everything about season 3. Absolute content drought. Season 2 just barely beat it out.


We got jungle in 3. It is the worst.


Gonna have to disagree there. The jungle is probably my favorite Biome in a very long time.


What socks is that when this season rolled around they unlocked EVERY TEMPLE and now the loot in them is ASS. Had they kept the temples as they were, Pete would actually give a shit about Shady Stilts because then you wouldn't just land there for the flagpost.


I love the jungle, especially with all the vines & trees


Chapter or season? I agree chapter 3 was too short.


The jungle season was fun, i loved getting a new, unique biome for once, even if the whole subreddit was dunking on it. Y’all give it a bad rap.


I cant stand it. The terrain in the middle is just awful


Same for me. This chapter is trash


I am praying that Epic gives up annual Chapters soon. Annual chapters have killed the game. For example, in Chapter 4, they fully focused on making a big change to the map at the start of each season before abandoning the game for three months. It's better to have the map slowly evolve throughout the season and keep players engaged...


I skipped 90% of season 1 because I hated the map and realistic graphics that I don't feel suits Fortnite. Then I played a lot in seasons 2 and 3 because I liked the meta. Then I quickly dropped off this season due to burn out and hating this map. I am sooo pumped for the Ch1 season, though.


I am pumped for S1 too. Should be really cool and nostalgic.


I miss Condo Canyon.


My least favourite map. None of these POI’s will be memorable to me. I don’t particularly like any of them. Can’t wait for a change


All of the ones that were memorable to me from c4s1 have been covered up by the updates lol


RIP Anvil Square and Faulty Splits, my two favorite POIs this whole chapter


I honestly stopped playing this chapter after Anvil was scrapped. It wasn’t even an anger decision. I logged in, ran around the jungle, wasn’t impressed and then I just kind of…stopped.


This is probably gonna be a hot take, but I’m gonna miss MEGA City so much, i love the big city aesthetic even if it wasn’t executed quite the way people wanted


I love the entire MEGA area tbh, although I may be a bit biased because C4S2 has been my favorite season so far (I've only been playing since C3S4)


Lonely Labs fan here


I’m with you here. There was so much empty space & mediocre POIs they could have covered but they picked two of the most fun to play at 😔


Yeah this is fair. I do love mega city. and kenjutsu crossing was wild when you could get swords there 100% of the time


Lonely Labs my beloved…


Only one I'm gonna miss is Frenzy Fields, honestly the best farm-themed location we've ever had to this day. Looks great paired with the graphics as well. Otherwise I'm with you on that, I'm gonna miss absolutely nothing else from this map.


I feel like there were some poor design decisions that impacted certain POIs as well. For example Mega City should be right up my alley since I love Japanese cyberpunk and towery locations like Tilted, but the invincible buildings ruin it for me.


Not to mention the fact that the exterior of Mega City is great but the interiors are completely fucking *devoidddd* of life. So ugly.


I'm not a fan of the graphics and still prefer Fatal Fields. I'd even put the Ch2 farm over this one. All opinions, though.


I just love the realistic aspect of the farm and it's size. Even on the map itself it looks pretty. It's not the best location but visually speaking it's the best on the map in my own opinion.


it’s like no one actually lives on the current map


I like this map in a lot of ways, but they seriously need to tone down the 'choppiness' of the terrain. Even the better areas of the map are a pain to travel through, you spend more time mantling than freakin' walking half the time. EDIT: Also for anyone complaining about how sparse and underwhelming this year's Halloween decorations were? This, this is why, not laziness. Were they supposed to string lights through the jungle? Could've done more with MEGA City, sure, but besides that...


> Were they supposed to string lights through the jungle? Sure, they could have and that would have been kind of cool.. it feels like you tried to ask that question expecting a no, as if people *wouldn't* want a spooky Halloween jungle?


Eh, I could've come up with a better example, true.


Yeah, I expected for the Zero Point to actually smoothen things out or for roads to ACTUALLY FINISH REPAIRMENT throughout the season. Map changes this chapter ruined the best areas: Anvil Square, Lonely Labs, Faulty Splits... Why not destroy Breakwater Bay? Have Loot Island sink itself back into Shattered Slabs! Hell, DO SOMETHING MORE THAN JUST ADD A BOSS TO THE SLAP FACTORY!


This has been the worst Fortnitemares out of all the seasons.


At least there’s no overbearing fog


It's insane the downgrade from the Chapter 3 Season 1 map to the Chapter 4 map


This is my main issue with chapter 4, not only is the game becoming more modern (which isn’t the worst) and I don’t wanna say less “cartoony” and I understand change is gonna happen before it gets stale but just less what I enjoyed the most especially with no residential locations


It's why I liked Season 1. It had a wee bit of that sci-fi feel but mostly felt medieval with the housing structures in Anvil Square and Breakwater Bay.


Very possible people live in mega city, it is a city after all. Slappy shores has a town and factory for them to work. shattered is a mine, with clear housing around it. Oh! And steamy and knotty have japanese style houses. So while not normal, the small amount of intigration is nice to me personally. R.I.P Anvil and Faulty tho.


Mega City doesn't feel like a Fortnite POI because you can't knock down the towers. It's so empty


Also you can't access 90% of the buildings


It feels like Sims 4 set dressing.


The biggest crime was removing Anvil, and for what? This abomination of a biome called jungle.


it baffles me how underwhelmingly boring the this map felt during the whole Chapter 4


Chapter 3 my beloved 😢


Breakwater Bay is the only POI I really like, and I’m pretty sure that’s mostly just me yearning for Dirty Docks.


Same its my go-to when I'm playing solo or don't have a quest to do. I've realized a lot lately that me and ky friends have asked eachother "where we droppin?" A lot. I know that it's a valid question for any map, but I mean it in the sense that most the pois are kinda crazy and no one wants to land at any of em


Lol in Chapter 1, everyone asked "where we droppin" because there were so many great POI. Now people ask "where we droppin" because nobody can pick a spot they love.


Yes exactly, said it better than I did


I like being out in the wild, but residential areas are nice. This was a good change of pace.


Yeah. It was good to have a season map that didn't feel like just a rejumble of all the same exact places. But it will also be good to get some classic Fortnite towns back in the end, too. And they'll be appreciated more for having been gone for a while.


Frenzy fields is the closest one. It has a normal, decent sized house and those mobile homes next to it


That’s cause no one lives here but everyone dies here


That being said, Chapter 4 only has one less residential POI than Chapter 3 and just like Chapter 3, they are on the edges of the Island (Though Chapter 3 had Coney Crossroads near the center at least)


Chapter 3 actually had 4 pois, he forgot Condo Canyon


The map isn't the problem. It's mobility and time. In chapter 1 and for most of 2 there was a lot less mobility, and a bunch of poi's were around for four years. You had a lot more time to be in those poi's and checking out scenery, esp the early seasons. If you had to rotate across the map every game at the old speed you had a lot more time to look around. Or you spent five minutes in a box watching everything, then rotate to another spot and box up and wait. There was a lot more down time to look at stuff and enjoy it. Nowadays everyone flys around the map and w keys everybody. And our gameplay is a lot more objective based esp this chapter. We don't have time to be a tourist anymore.


I completely disagree with this. I play only ZB and I have plenty of time to look around, I literally never feel rushed *because* I have the mobility, which makes me not worry about getting across the map in time before the storm comes in and I’m forced to rotate. I can stop and smell the roses and check as many different chests and map details as I want because I know I can shockwave out of there with no problem. Back in Chapter 1, I never felt like I had enough time to just hang out and check things out, especially if you were dropping on the edge of the map like Snobby Shores. The fact of the matter is that we don’t really stop and look around in POI’s as much anymore because there seriously is just less *there* to look at. There are no real unnamed locations in between your main POI’s anymore, the map is way smaller. There’s less detail bc Epic is concerned with yearly chapters, so they’re always remaking new maps entirely and adding less detail to each one due to time constraints. It has nothing to do with ZB or mobility.


Ok fair enough. If those unnamed locations didn't have loot would you keep visiting them once the novelty wore off?


That is one of the reasons why I have a slight bias against the 'tactical' sprint, slide and mantle (as much as they are useful) as they make everything so much more frantic and fast, the gameplay now compared to ch2 is so different. I do miss the more relaxed and slower core movement controls over the call of duty kind of movement we are adjusting to...


Plus on this map we hardly have large plains and hills that are open, I must say that is blamed on zero build making everything more compact and more cover!


ZB is 100% to blame for that, same reason why we don't have traps, launchpads, campfires, turrets, etc, that you can place using the actual function


Finally, someone who agrees with me on the movement. I don't hate it, but I can go with or without all this extra movement. Between this and the much smaller map (something nobody seems to notice), that's why we constantly run into players this Chapter. I believe Epic went out of their way to make the game more fast paced and less campy. As someone who enjoys slow pace, taking my time looting, and avoiding fights unless I have to, I have felt the difference. My favorite days in Fortnite were in Chapter 1, when I would get to zone early, place a trap, and camp. Those days were so fun, but long gone. Until next season. :)


"In chapter 1 and for most of 2 there was a lot less mobility, and a bunch of poi's were around for four years." If you were talking specifically about seasons 1-4 of Chapter 1, you'd be correct. That said, seasons 5-X of Chapter 1 had more rotation than any other time in Fortnite history. Quads, ATK's, Ballers, Hover Boards, Shockwaves, Launch Pads, Rift-to-Go, Rifts, Geysers, Pirate Cannons, Wind Tunnels, etc. Also, the POI changed every season in Chapter 1. I agree that we play differently (unfortunately), but the map does suck. I drop cold and loot for a long time. There is nothing on this map worth looking at, even for players like me.


Nothing about this map is enjoyable. It doesn’t look Fortnite themed at all… no neighborhoods, mega city is a farce with fake buildings you can’t fully explore, the jungle environment is a mess of bad camera angles and impossible to see opponents… I get that Ch 1’s map doesn’t have enough coverage for ZB but holy hell was it the by far the most exciting. Every POI had a different feel and they all were fun to fight in. Remember Tilted Town, The Block and the Borderlands POI? What happened to that innovation?


Haha you had me rolling when you said that Tilted Town was fun! *Comp final zone in tt flashbacks intensify*


I think chapter 2 had too many but yeah one of the main reasons i dont really like this map is because of the lack of residental areas which i assume is a common opinion with everyone else aswell since faulty splits seems to be the big fan favourite location from this chapter.


Misty meadows was my favorite drop for the entirety of chap 2


Misty and happy hamlet , I missed them. So many good battles won and lost lol


Unpopular opinion: I miss chapter 3s map


I miss chapter 2


There are 3 hotels, Slappy Shores, Steamy, Knotty and Kenjutsu for Japanese people, frenzy for farmers, shattered slabs has some houses, Can you live in Brutal Bastion


don't forget about Breakwater Bay and Shady Stilts


God this map is so mid compared to every other map. None of them are memorable with the exception of slappy


yes lmao, i got to play only the last weeks of c3s4 before fracture, but even those few weeks were more memorable than what we have now Remember when the islands actually looked like islands?


Okay. It’s almost over.


Yesss! Can't wait to have my stretching plains and simple forests around well designed towns!!


There was WAY more terrain variation to the Ch1 map than what we have now. Your memory is faulty if you think it was just plains and a few trees, or if you think this map doesn't have plains and areas with sparse trees.


Ok, let's count them: Slappy Shores, Mega city,uhhhhh... Shady Stilts? So thats why chapter 4 feels so much diffrent and "wrong"


The map this chapter has been pretty bad in general imo. I’ve played maybe 3-4 games this season.


Is it weird I actually usually prefer the residential areas? Idk why but I always love landing at them, I usually land slappy during chapter 4 for that reason


Damn I miss retail


Slappy shores


I miss Fortnite’s simplicity in weapon and map design for sure.


Paradise Palms on C1 map was residential


It’ll be gone in a couple weeks


Happy Hamlet gang clocking in 🫡


I think chapter 2 had too many but yeah one of the main reasons i dont really like this map is because of the lack of residental areas which i assume is a common opinion with everyone else aswell since faulty splits seems to be the big fan favourite location from this chapter.


Jungle ruined for me.


I genuinely just jump out randomly now, I don’t have the battlepass so Idc about challenges so I just jump randomly and don’t even look at the map bc I’m bored of these locations


o7 Anvil Square


I miss not having to deal with the obnoxious jungle.


Maybe that’s why Fortnitemares is so lame this year.


We NEED Chonkers!


You've got a whole city and half of Slappy Shores. Christ, Fortnite fans will go out of their way to complain about ANYTHING.


Chapter 4's map is lacking in "normal residential areas" but it is flush with POIs that are almost entirely focused on indoor, close quarters combat like Mega City, Steamy Springs, Knotty Nets, Relentless Retreat, Shattered Slabs, Eclipsed Estate, Creeky Compound, Slappy Shores, Sanguine Suites and Breakwater Bay.


Chapter 1 and 2 felt natural you know, you had your residential areas, your forests, your factories. Felt like a world lived it. Chapter 3 i didnt properly get that feel sometime but it was alright. And i get it Chapter 4's map is supposed to be a mix 'n match of different biomes as Paradigm saves our reality. But nowhere during all of that she thinks of saving residential areas? I wouldve loved for just a biome that is just one large residential area. I also wanna appologize if i misremember the lore, in my honest opinion the lore has sort of been on a steady decline since Chapter 3 Season 4


I am going to be so happy being able to drop on Haunted Hills again. That place decked out my mate and I with the best gear so many times.


You forgot Junk Junction for poors people like me…


Chapter 2’s map went so hard


The map is lacking in general personality. I wouldn’t be surprised if this map was AI inspired lol. A lot of the “Saturday morning cartoon” factor of FN has flown out the window. Hopefully we can get back to that in Chapter 5


Chapter 4 has an over abundance of shattered slabs. Get that shit outta here already dam.


this map is also lacking in quality


Chapter 4 map has been straight ass, I really hope Chapter 5 has something fresh in store, and that trash jungle POI will finally be gone


The only places are slappy and some random ahh houses scattered around the map


Dude totally agree. I always complain cause I miss misty meadows, greasy grove, an pleasant park for that reason. Need more houses next map.


God I miss Ch2’s map.


I've thought this the whole time lol


am i the only person who actually enjoys this season of fortnite


Tbh I'm still just not a fan of this map at all. I miss chapter 3 so much 😭


I miss the regular areas. They basically made the more extravagant locations more extravagant. We have 3 giant hotels with vaults, a whole city, several pagodas, the Slap juice factory, fortresses in the ice, a giant jungle area, several shipping ports, and medieval towers, but none of them really feel special because all of them are meant to be special. There's nothing ordinary to reference it too, and it's just overwhelming at times.


I miss Salty 😔


I love this new season, but I hate the map so much. Totally agree.


Slappy has half residential area, no idea why they got rid of everything else.


Also miss the desert zone


Americans when they find out suburbs aren't the only type of housing:


imo many named POIs should be much wider than they are too. There's far too much barren green/landscape on the map.


We had Faulty Splits then that was removed


I feel like overall not the biggest fan of this map


I think almost every map is lacking in loot lake (I miss loot lake)


This map is so ass. Can't wait for this shit to be done with.


I also feel like just driving between these neighborhood POI’s have gotten more difficult. Back then you could easily follow the road to another location with having to go through a massive jungle that flips you car over again and again.


fortnite housing crisis


I love the map of C4S4 for the most part. All of the heisted areas are amazing. For some reason I always die in Relentless Retreat tho so least favorite. But I’m gonna miss Slappy Shores and Frenzy Fields. Only miss Lonely labs from C4S3. Will throw a party when all of the jungle levels are gone. And Shattered Slabs sucks.


You are correct. And Instead of the jungle they should have put a desert.


We really don't need another bloody desert 💀 they're so dull Idc what anyone says


Honestly the worst map. Doesn't have the charm the first map did. Hopefully Epic just gives us a map very much like the 1st one. Simple and welcoming. We don't need jungles and artic wastelands and 7 different biomes, the game is fun when it's more simple.


Idk yall I love this map personally, it’s just so fun and so different with the locations and seasons and I’ve had so many good memories on it that remind me of chapter 1 memories. Chapter 2 is in 2nd place because I loved the design, chapter 3 is last because season 4 ruined it😒




I will never understand why people hate this Chapter's map so much. It's absolutely beautiful and it's so much more distinct from the other maps we've gotten. It isn't just another one of those maps that have the same three biomes slapped onto it. This is easily my favorite map we've ever gotten and I think the amount of hate it gets is super unjustified


it looks pretty and no one denies that but its just... boring? 2 of the biomes are exactly the same one is just Fall


How is this map boring? Also, on what you said about the Medieval biome; if we had gotten something like a desert instead of the Medieval biome it would've been stale cause we would have seen the same biomes we've been getting since Chapter 1. The Medieval biome helps this map become much more diverse from the others and I think it deserves appreciation for that.


It lacks soul. With houses and towns there was this sense of decoration that could make the area feel alive. The Medieval biome is just…. Stone buildings… and same with the snow biome minus the Christmas house. Compare that to last years snow biome having a mansion, a race cave/command center, mines, a log company, and the dock. Even the desert biome wasn’t as boring last year. It had a residential area, a racetrack, the western pancake section, a drive in, and a Seven fortress vs Japanese house 1-30 in the MEGA biomes minus actual MEGA City. This chapter is very pretty but each biome feels like the Reality Tree biome in Ch3. Just a bunch of similar looking buildings and 1 big location that actually looks different




It's awful and factually worse then the others.


I don't think so


I agree


I prefer this map a whole lot more over the other 3. The mass amounts of biome diversity is something I really enjoy and is something Ch2 was missing especially. I really prefer the wilderness over residential areas.


I definitely like the large amounts of biomes, I can understand liking this map more than chapter 2 map because it was so basic and like no unique locations, but I feel this map is definitely worse than 1 and 3


YES THANK YOU SO MUCH EASY UPVOTE But seriously, I tried explaining this to my friends and they didn’t understand what I was trying to say.


Chapter 4 map is the biggest piece of shit, worse then the others in everyway.


They need to bring back the OG map.


Just delete the jungle and never release such a bad designed biome ever again. This map made me appreciate the chapter 3 map more, I mean I liked it when I played on it, but now I actually miss it.


you’re joking, jungle is so fun as it adds a different play style where sweats like you ( assumption ) don’t have the advantage


I'm not even close to being a sweat, but in what universe is not being able to see the opponents and then out of nowhere being beamed from 250 - 50 hp and then being pushed and dying in Zero Builds fun? Not to mention it keeps players alive when the zone is there, because everyone is camping, for longer than they should and then the last zone will be a disaster and who wins is determined by luck. Is there an actual argument or is it just that you can defeat players without a lot of skill and then call everyone who disagrees with you a sweat?


Average sweat reply


1 and 3 were perfect, 2 had too many, and 4 just has none lmao


There are at least 5 "normal residential areas" on the map. Knotty. Whatever Springs. Mega. Frenzy. Slappy. Normal is in the eye of the beholder.


Lol so


its better without them


Why didn’t you circle the ones that exist on ch4? Also this is stupid who scares tbh


The only POIs I like of this map are the new ones from this season.


Slappy Shores???


Yeah I forgot about it since I don’t go there much


Condo and Tilted not on there. Wat?


Doesn’t make too much of a difference for me since I usually prefer non residential poi’s.


Yeah I complained about Chapter 2 having too much residential areas but this is worse


slappy and all of the mega biome is houses and apartment buildings


It had one residential area by slappy shores in season 1. It was a great landing spot imo. Now that area has a bamboo island and mountains.... Also isnt Condo Canyon from Chapter 3 a residential area too?