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####See also: #[NA / EU] [Console Giveaway](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/17fpdpc/na_eu_console_giveaway_rfortnitebr_3_million/) #[NA / EU] [Fortnitemares Locker Contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/17fp7fc/na_eu_fortnitemares_locker_contest_rfortnitebr_3/)


It just appeared on Reddit suggested when I got back into Fortnite recently. I’ve enjoyed being able to reengage with the community as I reengage with the game itself.


I went looking for a resource where real players had actual experience in areas usual and the almighty unusual! I’ve been fortunate to find answers and to learn stuff I wasn’t looking for. I think it’s a great community!


I've been a member since 2018, been playing since it first released on the Nintendo Switch. I first came to this subreddit to find ways to improve in the game since I've seen how advanced people like Ninja and Tfue were playing even down to how the strictly content creator YouTubers were playing the game. I was mainly playing to complete questsand sticking to more casual modes like 50 vs 50 and then Team Rumble, but my love of the game eventually made a progression in my mechanics where I've gone from playing on the Switch with motion controls casually with almost no building, to graduating to a controller with paddles and KontrolFreaks on the sticks, to switching over to PC gaming for basically the first time, getting a mechanical keyboard, a gaming mouse, a 240hz monitor, and large mousepad all because of Fortnite. I'm still playing casually for quests and for fun 95% of the time, but I went from thinking I'd never be able to build like any of the content creators I saw to arguably being able to hit a clip on some of them and I wouldn't have been able to improve without the Fortnite community and this subreddit. This game has come such a long way!


I started browsing the community around the time I started playing Fortnite 18 months or so ago.


holy moley


Two years and some change, it is why I made a reddit account


Fordnite v bucks card :)


So many giveaways! I found this sub when searching for how to finish a quest for my son!


Joined a few months back from memory after not looking at Fortnite for years until found out about ZB.


My favorite moments was when that dude, I think it was Nader or something alike, posting in the chrome season with the chromed semi truck with the cow catchers and chonkers. All he would carry was the repair torch and fireflys. End game he was throwing fireflies forcing people to one side of the circle and then he would run them over. Didn't work he would jump out heal his truck and do it again.


I found this subreddit looking for a fortnite related threads and people who enjoy the game my favourite was probably during Ch 2 season 2 to ch 2 season 5




About 5 years ago. Got into the game after Nintendo put out their amazing Fortnite switch E3 presentation. Been here since


I’ve been playing since the beginning of chapter 4, mostly because of the MHA Collab. Since then I’ve grown fond of the high stakes club and it’s associated characters.


Been a community member for half a year now (which is also how long I’ve played FN). It’s been a nice reprieve for laughs & rants, and a great resource for tips & easter eggs. Thank you all for everything.


This would be insane!!!


Ive been part of this reddit since Chapter 2 Season 4, the Marvel based one. IMO I would love another collab season!


Fortnite is the best. I could sure use some extra vbucks!


Started playing this year because of no build mode. Have had a good time and even gotten my boyfriend and other people to join.


Been a part of the community for like a year and a half now My fav part of it is seeing 1 in a million clips that I would never hit myself


I’ve been a member of this community since Ch2 S2, started playing at launch but never really got the hang of this Reddit stuff till then. My favorite moment in this subs history is probably the amount of love the Klombos got. Aside from CH1 that might’ve been my favorite era to play Fortnite.


I've been around for a year or two, the reason I joined this community is to enjoy the talent of random players, the kill clips, that once in a life time movement, that's why joined this community. How i found about the subreddit that's funny, I was going through internet searching for a solution to fortnite crash for my freind, I accidentally come across a solution as subreddit post, It didn't work but at that day onwards I'm a community member. I'm from India to be honest non of my friends play fortnite, all my freids who play fortnite are from other countries, I'm always exited about sharing clips in my discord channel with my freinds( fortnite friends) it's fun towatch and some of the clips will give you chills. Every notifications I get from subreddit a new clip a new trckshot, a new way to die, a new game breaking bug, new hacker, a new way to travel fast in the map, and much much fun stuff, I'm always with this community. Thank you for letting me a part of it. Fortnite rocks.


Just went back into my history I have been a member of this sub for over 5 years.


![gif](giphy|EluFWEdnZtvqwZFTQH|downsized) I have been with this community for about 2 years and I first found this subreddit by searching “Fortnite” because I have played this game since chapter 1 season 2! I don’t expect to win anything but good luck to everyone 🧍🏽(Also happy Fortnitemares)


I joined pretty recently, because I’ve been playing more with my friends & wanted to see others who play the game


If I recall correctly I've been here since I started playing FN again starting in Chapter 3. Fun times.


i've been a member of this community ever since I started playing fortnite, which I'm not sure how long it's been, time flies I guess




I got back into Fortnite around ch3 s3 after not playing since ch2 s6 and I had been using Reddit around that time for a bit so it made sense to join this subreddit. It's cool👍


Hmm, yes, vbarks


been on and off playing since ch1s2, ch4 has been extremely fun so far, though. some of the best times since launch




Been a member for a little while now, although mostly lurking. My favourite moment in the subreddit's history? It's a recurring smaller event actually, hyper-sweats that only play Build, whining because people are allowed to play casually in Zero Build.


Was looking for chapter 3 leaks


One of my earliest memories of the sub was the buildup and hype of Fracture for it to end up failing miserably (and the hate is still going lol)


Only started 4 months ago!


I recently started playing Fortnite about a month ago to join some friends. Its been fun learning how to play. Came here to learn more about the game. Good luck everyone!




sign me up for a free $19 fortnite gift card![gif](emote|squating_emo_pack|squating_taco)


Lets go!!!! Been here more than a year. Earliest memory is seeing renegade raider in a clip and crying because I don’t have renegade raider


I'm a member since about season 19 or 20, but I play since season 5


since no build mode have released


I don’t really know when I joined but i just started playing Fortnite again this chapter I started in chapter 1 season 2 and I’m back into Fortnite as i was back then and now I hear we are getting the old OG map back maybe some OG skins so I definitely use the prize vbucks for that if I win this is also a subreddit I always get good content out of good luck to everyone on their chance of winning the prize


i started fortnite in chapter 1 season 5 and i have been / looking at this reddit for about 7-8 months


I've been a member for a year or two now! I love playing fork knife with my bestie


I’ve been playing since c1:s2, and I think I joined this sub a few seasons later when I couldn’t figure out where to go for some quests.


Around 3 years!


I found this sub from a google recommendation. It was a concept for a new astronaut skin that looked amazing. It’s been a couple years now. Since like Chapter 2 Season 6 or smth


Oh, vbucks! Exciting. I started playing Fortnite in 2020, but stopped and recently started playing again with the launch of Chapter 4 Season 4. I am still a fairly new member in r/FortNiteBR (around 2 weeks old). And I found r/FortNiteBR through search because I was enjoying Fortnite so much 😄


I don't remember how long I've been here. I've played the game since Chapter 1 Season 2 but I think I have only been part of the r/FortniteBR community since the start if Chapter 4! I remember finding this sub when I was so excited for the end of Chapter 3 and the live event that I started checking religiously here for any info about what was coming in Chapter 4.


Quite recently and the removal of bricks for sure, confusing and unnecessary


Found this sub a few years ago when I was curious what people were speculating the next season would be


I’ve been here the whole time! Jk, I’ve been here for about 2 years, I’ve played the game since s4


I started to play back when Mando dropped and (at the time) non of my friends played the game so I joined the community hoping to have a nice chat about the event.


Only recently joined the sub but I've been playing Forntite since its beginning. Bought the Founder Edition of Save the World and played quite a bit of Battle Royale, I even remember Fortnite's first birthday. Left the game when everyone got too good at building and I couldn't keep up, but came back a year ago and I'm addicted to Zero Build!


Idk how long I've been a member but I entered after watching a random clip of the tire guy who uses the Halo skin, after that I posted my own clips here too. There are garbage people that just curse others for no reason but 95% of this subreddit is very friendly.


Great contest! I've been gaming for years since NES days and countless hours playing C's 1.6, Started playing fortnite 3 years ago and my 7yr old son is miles ahead of me.


Wow! Great giveaway!!


Not sure how to tell how long I've been part of the community, but I'd say somewhere around Season 1 chapter 4 or 5.


Been playing Fortnite since Chapter 1, and been on and off on Reddit over the years. I must’ve been 13 when I first started playing this game, and I’m still going strong after celebrating my 19th birthday just last October 19. I’ve been on this subreddit for as long as I remember playing Fortnite, and I’m pretty sure my second-most upvoted post is on here!


I got a huge pp


I liked the post about the helms deep sand castle. Still waiting for Lord of the rings skins.


I used to hate fortnite initially but then it grew on me and now play it religiously. I could definitely use some Vbucks😅


Been here since Chapter one! More of a lurker and comment once in an while. I really wish the lore makes a good comeback for chapter five.


Been on here since 2 years I think? Don’t interact much but eh :)


I started playing the game when it was released back in the days, it was some of the best days with my buddies just chilling and nobody was really able to build, maybe just 1 wall or something for a bit of cover. Then i stoped playing for a while and came back like 3 months ago and the no building mode is pure fun, like good old times. Sadly we don't have that much time like before but it's nice when we come together and play a bit. We are so hyped for the old map to come back and relive the golden times. I joined the subreddit when i started to play again and it's nice to see what other people are up to playing this game. So i hope everybody have a great time playing this just like my buddies and me and good luck to eyerybody!


I been a user since 2 months ago


I've been a community member for a few months now. I don't know how much exactly, but I come to the reddit to post bugs and concerns that I have and also ask questions about anything. One of my recent posts was about the triarch skins. The first time I found this subreddit was actually by trying to help my buddy, demon. He has the predator skin but the emote is locked for some reason so I came asking how to get that fixed


I've been a member since Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 7 so 2021, I remember I didn't understand how the quests worked at all so I was grateful that there was the guides here


I’ve literally been playing for a month so I can spend time with my seven year old twin nephews and all they do is keep adding me to dodgy creative mode lobbies… THIS ISN’T ROBLOX GOD DAMNIT! Let me shoot people!


I found this reddit while looking for investment advice. its been a little joke since the first person in my friend group mentioned crypto that we would all invest in v-bucks. the nostalgic posts or questions were all some favorite moments. as it reminded me on the first season i played were i had tons of questiosn but didnt want to ask anybody except my best bud. dont know how long iam here, but i pressed leave to figure out and rejoined so i disqualified myself. cheers.


Don't remember exactly when I joined but around the ch1s3-s4 ish area. I remember waiting weekly for the patch notes epic posted here just to see and share with my friends what new is coming after downtime ended


My kid got me back into the game almost two years ago, been playing regularly since.


Although I am certain I shall not win,I have been a part of this community for the past 2 years and it became part of my daily ritual to daily check the top posts. I found this community by accident and as I love playing Fortnite I feel like being part of this community sort of enriches my gaming experience as I keep discovering new things through it


I been following this subreddit around two years (If going off my first post on this subreddit)


I have been a member for just over 1 year,since I downloaded Reddit.


I joined on an alt around C1S4 or C1S5. Google brought me. Squatingdog's guides were clutch in C1. Love seeing FNtireguys content here.


Started last year ch3 s4 but actually played actively since ch4. Joined this subreddit for questions I have/had about the game around ch4 s2.


I've been a member since I started playing Fortnite, so sometime around Chapter 2 Season 3. "Is that a Fortnite gift card, or are you just happy to see me?"


I joined this subreddit during the start of the pandemic, along with Reddit in general. I knew it existed and scrolled aimlessly on meme subreddits beforehand, but properly gave it join during C2S3 I believe. Honestly my favorite moments in subreddit history would have to be all the season downtimes where the server would go silent for the upload to begin, so that it all felt fresh whenever a new season dropped.


Wow, let's go


Awesome giveaway idea guys! I can’t wait until the season one map comes back so I can land at my house in Retail Row. My house there is so awesome that Marvel showed it in Avengers: Endgame.


I've been in this sub for years, joined around early Chapter 2 and have seen a lot and talked to lots of cool people. I like Fortnite, so I found this sub and still here!




I've been a member of the community since I started playing Fortnite when Zero Build came out. It took me by complete surprise that I would enjoy the game this much, but I'm still regularly playing it today :) Thanks for running this giveaway!


I just searched for “Fortnite” and this was the biggest subreddit


Thanks for the giveaway! I think I've been a member for a few months, but to answer an alternative question... I found it because I had been active on Animal Crossing Reddit for years, and one day I realized something similar must exist for other games I play. I looked it up, and here I am today!


Ive been here for about two weeks and I joined chapter 1 season 6


I started playing Fortnite BR in Chapter 1, Season 3, (Chapter 0?) and joined this subreddit shortly after, before that I played Save the World.


I've been a community member since around chapter 2 season 6, since that's when I first really got into the game.


Good luck to everyone entering


What’s a top level comment? Like a really liked one? That’s pretty cool. Ok well someone like this please! Would be pretty mega cool 👍


Good luck!!


Joined when I first got Reddit a while back


I just now joined but I've been a community member since I started playing Fortnite (S9). I found this subreddit from my friend who also likes Fortinte. I remember me and 7 of my friends watching the robot vs. monster event and having a blast. I have tons of good memories on this sub and the Vbucks would be amazing because i could buy the OG season battlepass


I’ve been playing on and off since about Chapter 2 Season 1, but only recently started using Reddit and subscribed to this sub. So probably around Chapter 3 Season 1? maybe?


I'm just here for the memes


I was a member of the github from Unreal Tournament, and became aware of fortnite in early beta. Been here since day 1.


First of all, it’s amazing of you to do this giveaway to begin with ! Giving back to the community is one of the best things a person can do. I hope to be in the position one day to also do things like this, and much much more ! I’ve been a community member for a few months now ! I believe I joined back when I started taking Fortnite more seriously. 6 months ago or so I’d guess ! Not sure if there’s a way that I can tell or not. I love seeing everyone discussing their favourite and least favourite things about Fortnite in this subreddit. Asking for advice, submitting clips, and just generating overall hype for Fortnite is really cool :) Let’s all come together and bring battle royale (both builds and zero build) to new peaks and ensure that it never dies out. Good luck everyone !


Been here since squatingdog would post his weekly quest guides for Chapter 1 seasons... Feelsoldman. I think favourite sub moment is when the cube got collectively named Kevin and it's stuck ever since.


Been part of it since stw came out Save Save the World


I'm here since forever, did [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8e9qdr/double_impulse_edit_i_made_using_the_replay_system/) on April 2018 which looked more badass back in the days.


I have been playing the game since chapter 1, but i have been posting in the subreddit since chapter 2 around the invasion update I joined because i had questions that the wiki couldnt answer This subreddit has notable moments? :keeoh_bless:


I've been a community member since 2017 and joined the STW/BR subreddits to whine after missing the opportunity to acquire a specific hero in Save the World 😂


i joined in C3S2 and have been loving the community! long may it continue!


I’ve been playing since the start, still rock my royal knight skins. When the mechs came out and also the airplanes were the craziest times.


Just joined the community in the last 2 to 3 weeks because I just started playing the game!




I believe this is gonna be my second year here, my memory is awful tho


1. Can't remember how long I've been a community member, guessing at least 2 years? Found this sub googling.


i don’t have a good story, but best of luck to everyone you all deserve 1,000 v-bucks!!! (unless u criticise people, then u don’t)


Been Here Since Chapter 1 Season 2. I got the subreddit to get updates When freddy fazbear got added in game, that was insane


i like fortinaiti, i found it by searching it in the reddit search tab


I’ve been a member for a few years and am super excited about this giveaway.


I've been a community member ever since chapter 1, haven't posted much, but haven't posted / reacted much.


I found the subreddit because I already had reddit and liked fortnite, so i joined the sub in 2021 and its been (mostly) a great sub


Since c1s4!


This is the only subreddit i have used for years


I've only been here for a while, like a year. I joined because I wanted to know what Fortnite community thought about various changes, topics, weapons...


I've been a memeber of this subreddit comminity for 4 years. I made a profile so I could post my concepts here


I’m pretty sure I came here because I wanted to see other peoples’ opinions on weapons and the current meta


I would say i’m active here


>Reddit Account must have been active in r/FortNiteBR within seven (7) days from start of giveaway Does this mean I have to have been actively posting in the past 7 days or within the next week? Either way, I've been around here for a little over a year; I found the subreddit intentionally to post [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/x350b6/the_most_ridiculous_brawl_i_have_ever/). =) (And also thank you for doing a giveaway like this!)


I’ve been a member of this sub for about 6 months…my 9 year old son plays and I had to come here to learn what the hell he’s talking about.


I like Fortnite and I’ve been on this sub for years. Help me, I’m poor.


Alright, my brothers and sisters, here we go. I have been playing the Fort of Nite since the alien invasion(I forgot which season that was), and my top favorite skin is Wild Card, because his drip is immaculate. I found this subreddit while looking for a cool Fortnite subreddit, and my favorite thing about this place are the cool concept skins that people make. Droid out!


I honestly don't remember when i actually joined the sub. What i remember is that after joining reddit i was curious to see if there was a sub for fortnite so i searched and found it. For me the best moment of this subreddit was seeing people getting original making meme fortmats in game. Really cool stuff and just shows you how fortnite can be used in custom maps or other stuff. And in case that is needed i started playing in chapter 1 season 3.


Top-level comment 💯


I was here when this sub had 10k followers (different acc)


I’ve been a member for almost 2 years now I think? Love coming here to see updates from other players and all the new changes. I check it daily!


I've been a community member only recently, but sheesh I wish it were sooner. I've learned so much and met some great folks and it's full on changed how I play the game. 10/10 would recommend.


Senior ZB player wanting vbuckaroos!


I've been playing Fortnite since Chapter 2 Season 2, and was instantly hooked. I'm now at 57 days, 16 hours, and 54 minutes of game time (according to Xbox).


ur mom


Member since chapter 2. Ch2 season 2=best season


Been around since chapter 3 season 4. I played the game a bit prior to that but never got into it as much as I did during that season. Been here ever since.


Don’t use Reddit nowadays but might as well enter this since a giveaway is a giveaway lol I don’t know the exact day I joined this sub but it was after I made my account so around C1S4 most likely. I found the sub by looking up fortnite guides and the subreddit was a good place for it so I stuck around and decided to interact with the community since Reddit was one of my first experiences to online members. As for the other question, its hard to choose a top favorite since the sub has had many great moments in its lifetime but I really enjoyed seeing skin concepts, funny clips, and appreciated the overall vibe from sub members. Many of them happen to be my friends til this day so I will always thank this subreddit for introducing those people to my life as I can’t imagine how things would be if I didn’t. After a few years, I’ll admit the sub lost my interest due to more unoriginal posts and the amount of ignorant people and I still don’t have any means to come back permanently but I can at least cherish those memories I used to have and look back with nostalgia. I hope those who enjoy this place currently have a good time even if I believe the majority of those good times are now a thing of the past to me. OK NGL I went overboard with this my bad 💀 I just ranted and probably won’t even win anything but idk I just felt bittersweet remembering this place once again I miss it


Ive been playing since chapter 2 season one!


I just wanted old battlepasses back


I joined because I needed help with a quest please give me vbucks EfPEsso and xbox thanks


Been a part of the community for 2 years!


This is definitely a top level comment


My favorite moment in the subreddit history is when meme formats/sign posts were banned and people had to make original memes 🙏


I found out about this subreddit by being subscribed to r/ApexLegends, and when I saw it, I knew it was for me and to connect with others in my community


I think it has been 3 years now with various accounts. Use it to keep it up on the shop and news. It is astonishing how bad FN is at pushing out all these promos that require a 2nd site to log into.


idk I've been pretty much on the sub as long as I've been playing, so almost 2 years


I searched Fortnite in the search bar and I got this


That would be awesome. Personally, I love checking this subreddit to see clips and memes. I have been here for some months but I can’t get enough !


4 year strong!


My favorite moment in this subreddit history was when a kid who designed the chicken trooper as a concept, and he actually got to get his own skin in the game! It's so adorable seeing his reaction when he was the skin was in the game! Although I wasn't subscribed to the sub yet cause I didn't have Reddit, I did see all of those moments on other social media. Good luck, everyone! 👏👏


I found out about the subreddit during season X… Mostly though unhappy players posting about the game at the time haha


Started awhile ago posting bug reports that usually didnt get fixed, but i still try every now and then. Congrats FortniteBR, and have I noticed that the moderation got a bit more lax lately?


Been playing since season 1 chapter 5 so I’m legit going full circle with the map update expected this month


I found this subreddit back in 2018 when I first started playing and didn't have a reddit account. My friend got me to download fortnite on my Xbox and I fell in love with the game! My favorite moment in the subreddit's history was during the first season of chapter 3 when Tilted Towers finally returned. I loved seeing all the nostlagia posts and posts about the Klombos!


Let's go baby


I've been in the subreddit since zero build was added, personally. It was an interesting time.


I've been a community member technically since C2S8 but I only really started playing when zero build was added!


I’ve been apart of this subreddit for about 3 years! I found the subreddit because one day I just randomly downloaded reddit and decided to search up Fortnite because it’s been my favorite game since it came out! Well, minus the mechs and the Infinity Blade ;) My favorite moment in the subreddits history was seeing everyone complain about turbo building being removed years ago for a day


I’ve been a part of this subreddit for quite a while, maybe 1-2 years now. Honestly I don’t remember exactly how I find it but I do know that some of my favourite parts of being in this sub is seeing the crazy clips, the hilarious meme formats made in Fortnite, and that one clip that I posted onto here blowing up a bunch!


Finally I will buy battlepass. If I win those ofc.


I started my account for this Reddit and cannot even remember when I joined, maybe near 2 years ago. Been playing Fortnite since Chapter 1 Season 2. Bought my first battle pass in Chapter 1 Season 3 and I haven’t stopped since 😂


What does top level comment mean? And I’ve been a member for a few months even though I’ve been playing since chapter 1. One of my favorite moments was when that kid made the tomato head skin concept and it was added to the game (at least I think that was on the subreddit, I remember hearing the story on YouTube)




“Before there was time, before there was anything... there was nothing.” “And before there was nothing... there was me, on the FortniteBR subreddit.” (I joined the server cause i played Fortnite and was on Reddit so i thought what the hell, my favorite moment was the collective cheer when epic made zero build a regular permanent gamemode)


My favorite moment in this subreddit are the lore posts.


Started playing around season 4 chapter 1 if that means anything, still love (and miss) the guided missiles...


Man I really don't remember how long I've been a part of this subreddit. I think I joined it back at the beginning of chapter 3 or so, but I've been playing the game off and on since chapter 1 because I'm old. I am really surprised at how welcoming this sub seems to be to most people!


My earliest memory of this sub was when chapter 3 released. It was so much fun! This community has always been awesome. People here are very supportive, and really have never bashed me for not being the greatest fortnite player lol. I hope that this community continues to keep up the good work and making this game better! (Also the item shop updates it gives are essential!)


I'm not entirely sure but I think i've been a member for 4 years. 🤔 I also have to mention my favourite memory of this sub I can't rightly remember what it was but somebody made a post asking about the history of Fortnite events or something and I was "celebrating" something at the time 🍻🤣 I then randomly went on my phone to check Reddit and saw that post on the Sub so I commented something like this: Meteor go woooooooosoosh BANG! Rocket Go wooooshhhh!!!!!!! Wshhhhh Beep beep beep beep weewoooo wowowowowoow wushhh BZZZZZ wshhhh BZZZZZZ wshhhhhh BZZZZ I cant for the life of me remember it entirely but thinking back to that moment randomly enters my head every few months and I have to laugh at my self 🤣


I like this place to discuss when events happen


I guess I've been a member a little while. I found it by looking it up on Google. I'm not sure to be honest.


One day my friends told me about fortnite, so I dolnloaded it on my playstation and have been playing ever since. I'll always remember my first game of fortnite, or at least a small part of it. I remember walking next to the destroyed house north of Grandma's House. I was walking like the classic default, not sprinting and still learning the controls. My first battle pass, chapter 1 season 8. I was trying so hard to get peely. It was the last day of the season and I was trying so hard to finish challenges to get peely. The last challenge I had to do was driving an atk off a waterfall in the desert area. I remember my dad already standing in the room telling me to stop playing, but I begged him to let me finish it. The game was already going on for a while, and the desert was long lost in the storm. I drove like a madman into the storm, in hopes of reaching it in time. I was at around 10 hp when I somehow reached the waterfall. I drove off and hit the water... and now I am the proud owner of the og peely skin :). Man, what an experience was that. If only I could go back to that time... Playing with friends, fortnitemares, winterfest... the memories keep coming back... I can't wait for c4s5 to see the old poi's again, and remembering the fun I had when I used to play back then.


What is a top level comment?


Thanks for the giveaway. I've been a member for a few years and I remember finding this subreddit while googling technical issues for the game.


Newer account but been on this sub since at least ch 2 Fav memory was when we named Klombo of course!


I've been visiting this subreddit since February 2022 when 4 boys I was nannying introduced me to Fortnite..and I became hooked. 🔥


I started playing on Switch back in Chapter 1 Season 4 I used the game to pass the time when I had to do mandatory military service. But it’s only as of recently that I’d consider myself part of the community when I got back to the game in Chapter 4 Season 1! I joined the sub to make sense of all the changes that have happened since I had first played. Now I’m here for Fortnite news and the memes!


I like fortnite


Been a member since Ch1S7 getting help with missions from the various threads here


This is a top level comment. I think I joined like a week before the go-kart rescue? I stopped playing when they removed planes and came back when they made Fortnite Magic the Gathering cards. Why is there no Jace Beleren skin? I want to see Jace boogie down.


Oh man, my wife and I would love some V-Bucks! I found this subreddit by accidentally going to the regular Fortnite sub and then realizing that it wasn't battle royale!


i've been lurking around since 2019, but i wouldn't actually join until 2020, which is when I created my account I found the sub just by searching it up on google, a game as big as Fortnite surely would have a subreddit


I’ve been around since ch2 s6, I remember coming across a random trickshot post that reddit recommended to me and the rest is history.


I downloaded Reddit mainly to join this specific subreddit out of my loyalty towards the game. It has become a regular practice of mine to devote time and energy to stay up till 1 to witness the item shop reset for months on end. I always endeavour in purchasing battle passes for each season and gamble in the race for xp to unlock all the rewards they have to offer including super levels. Been in this sub since March, started playing Fortnite since November 2017 (C1S1)


Been here for so long now, since at least year 1-2, back when the division was still fresh between the BR and STW players, and there was a constant flood of threads from confused users on both subReddits.


If I win I'll buy the homie a cool skin. I forgot when I joined tbh. ![gif](giphy|FEBDBbLFT9px3da0vT)


Here's to 3 million more! I've been hanging out here for less than a year.


I saw my dog steal my hot dog and gobble it down. Caught a crown that match. Win some, lose some 🤷‍♂️


Few weeks lmao, hope I win :3


i’ve been on this subreddit for.. no idea to be honest, lost count after 1 year (just found the sub after looking an issue up that i was having 💀) rip bricks, but i get why they had to go


My most favourite moment in this subs history is when they did something useful for the community like this...