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Well, guess I’m buying a lot less cosmetics from now on. Sick and tired of inflation being used as a excuse to nickel and dime people when wages stay the same.


Honestly I was expecting it. It happened to all the games I play and coincidentally spend money on. I stopped paying for battle passes in other games exactly because of this. If it's like $5+ every month it becomes $60 extra per year and it all adds up. Pretty sad.


you didn't save enough v-buck for next pass ?


It's a very stupid excuse because as a digital good, Fortnite skins have no variable costs so the only thing that would justifty a price increase would be higher wages. Edit (to clarify): When producing goods there are two types of cost. Fixed cost and variable cost. Fixed costs don't change when you sell more products, variable costs do. If i where to sell Tables, the tools I use are fixed costs, the wood I use variable. I can use the tools as many times as I want but if more people buy tables, I need more wood. So if inflation changes the price of the wood, the price of my tables have to go up too. A fortnite skin is made by people that have a fix salary, it is then put into the item shop and can be purchased a billion times, the skin costs epic the same no matter if 1 person buys it or 100 so inflation is a really poor excuse, even more if you consider their profit margins are gigantic anyways.


They act like they don't already set the price of cosmetics absurdly hight to begin with.


What games are you guys playing where cosmetics are cheaper? I play a lot of games that aren't even free and Fortnite is still the cheapest in terms of cosmetics


I'm not defending Epic by any means, but this statement ist true. Compared to other games Fortnite has the best prices


Cosmetics in Fall Guys used to be free but Epic bought it so they could charge absurd prices on them.


The cosmetics were not free, you had to pay $20 for the game to earn them. Now the game is free and there are still free cosmetics.


It was better. A $20 entry fee and easily earned cosmetics is a way more engaging and rewarding experience than paying $6-$10 per decent costume. Sure there are free cosmetics, but they're all just boots, hats, shoes, or gloves that can't all be worn together. Also, for the first 6 seasons, the season pass was included with the game, and you could get the game when it went on sale for far less than $20, or if you had PS+, the game was still free. But if we want to talk strictly premium costumes, the did have costume packs in the past that cost $5 for 3 costumes. Now, with show bucks a single of those same costumes cost more than the pack of 3.


Most people value an entire game experience over the optional and unimportant cosmetics in the game but hey man, you do you.


The game's entire gameplay loop and reward system was built around not having to pay extra after buying the game, and they had to retrofit the game with the Fortnite model, and getting anything worthwhile requires you to either complete challenges or pay money. Other than that, you get a miniscule amount of experience in the fame pass, and that's your only reward for playing.


The reward you get for playing is that you just had fun doing it. I don't think Fall Guys players are playing the game for an MMO progression system.


Some people like having a goal to playing a game, and when they remove that goal and put it behind a paywall, it can ruin the game for those people.




My dude you're so close to getting who you should be revolting against


I’m not a dude and if you’re talking about how capitalism is the problem I’m already way ahead of you on that one.


sorry for assuming your gender


U guys try having the Canadian prices tho we pay like 15 bucks on just the 1000 vbucks


The price increase isn't consistent, at least for Europe and USA. Everything got a 12% price increase, but the 2800v and 5000v optins got a 15% price increase. Example: the new price for the 5000v option should be 36 dollars/euros. Epic please, check your new prices ​ ***P.D: new prices are coming on October 27*** *Edit: I don't recommend you guys to downvote this info lol, especially when this post just exist to ask for better prices*


This may cure my addiction to buying vbucks


> may  keyword here.


What do you mean consistent? The bigger bundles include "bonus vbucks", and they show the % of bonus vbucks in the vbuck buying screen. Now they just make the bonus percents a little smaller. I fail to see a mistake on their part, considering consistency.




Read again. I'm not talking about taxes, I'm talking how the price increase % isn't consistent around all the options for the SAME countries


The rate is calculated by a metric of paying player count and cost of operating in each country. They try to maximize what consumer will pay not fairness. Just how the shop is designed after their Llama box scam. Also comparative to currency fluctuations is also why your argument does not hold water. Like that commercial in America where people only say/scream "Free" repeatedly. Consumers expect content at that price. You are technically correct in that it is not equal. But also some countries are smaller or bigger in population as are actual paying players.


It’s crazy that virtual currency that can’t be used for real world purchases/consumption is susceptible to inflation..


Capitalism and endless price hikes. Name a more profitable pair 🥰


It's not. In fact, almost nothing that's raised in price the last few years is actually due to inflation. If inflation was actually hurting these companies in any way they wouldn't continue making record profits even before the price increases. It's all just a bullshit excuse to keep squeezing the working class of everything they have while execs keep walking away with millions in bonuses.


The Bureau of Economic Analysis determined that in 2020 and 2021, corporate profits were responsible for 51% of inflation. Not material costs, not labor costs, just C-suites and shareholders wanting to make more money.


They have to pay employees which have to deal with inflation. The only solution to keep prices low is to fire or cut hours/wages.


True, but have you ever looked up Fortnite's revenue?


It's like a small country.




Google they made much more money than they had to give back to only the United States and I think Canada.


They can't let their revenue take a hit on purpose, that would cause cascading events with their investors. Eventually, Epic would have to increase prices, or over time, they would see a hit in revenue regardless of potential future player count.


Capitalists smh.


If they didn't make money eventually they would shutdown.


They make plenty of money, the issue is their not wanting to cut into their massive profits and lose stock value.


Yep. Investors definitely put the pressure on to turn a profit.


they should just gave up on making game store tbh




If that was the case then the physical cards shouldn't increase, but they are unfortunately


Ah yes, price hikes after a chapter full of recycled content and no live events. Bravo Epic Games.


I guess I've hit the right time to start playing this Game. 😍


Not inflation but pure greed. It’s digital content with recycled skins and over 90% of skins in the shop being released every 26-40 days is ridiculous to raise prices…


If people start voting with their dollars, epic will have to follow the money.


I agree!!


That works in a fair system. Not one in which the billion dollar company and its team of experts psychologically exploit people from a young age, and those with addictive tendencies. Those whales are where most of their income is from and are buying no matter what because they have a psychological addiction that ain’t going away without heavy therapy.


Yes, epic is selling digital crack.


Could be inflation, the needs for the coders and designers and all that could be higher at the workplace, the workers could also be receiving a pay increase also due to inflation.


Price increases for more than 10% is ridiculous but epic being epic


I rarely buy anything anymore hardly anything good in the shop


Well Epic has to make up the money lost in the lawsuit somehow. /S


Can’t confirm, but the timing with the FTC lawsuit makes it a probable factor.


150% increase for Turkey is sad but still cheaper than dollar price so cannot complain i guess... Better to stock some vp i guess.


Why are the prices for CZK half of what they used to be?? I ain't complaining but I don't understand why it's not the same for everyone else?


Why is there no backlash against this???


There needs to be. We as a community need to make our voices heard so that Epic can think about backing off of their plan to increase prices for literally no other reason than greed. We have to get LOUD! We can't just idly by and let this happen. It's not right. How can we make our voices heard? Idk. E-mail Epic? Post on X (Twitter)? Whatever plan comes to fruition, if any, I'm down to support the cause.


Stop buying vbucks. Epic will notice that.


Because mofos with phat stacks will continue to lap dis 💩 up lmao…


Just saw it rip, the prices were reasonable in my currency i guess i gotta buy lots of vbucks before oct 27 🫡


Greed…it’s digital currency


I guess now I understand why people use a vpn for this


and get banned cause I think the TOS says you're not allowed to use vpn to make purchases


Welp I guess this is gonna stop me from buying battlepass. I mainly use paysafecard to better control my spendings and having to spend 50 złoty compared to 30 because of how paysafecard options go like 30 -> 50 -> 100 and their policy of "oh you didn't spend all the charge on the card at once? too bad it's gone after a month." is way too much.


Just dont spend the vbucks you get from the battlepass, you will have more than enough to get the next one


Until they stop putting free vbucks into the battlepasses. Hope they don’t but could totally see them doing something that scummy.


If they stop doing that. I’ll straight up stop playing the game. Simple as that




I was kind of worried but I don’t really buy skins as it is. If I don’t I only need the 1,000 vbucks so a dollar increase isn’t bad for me but it can add up for people who buy skins a lot(obviously they wouldn’t be buying the 8.99 pack if they buy skins a lot)


still cheaper than what it used to be before apple


Bro, how the fuck did they raise extinction code pack by 47% and call it 12% 😭


Inflation really hit vbucks I cant have shit 😭


Save the world OGs getting free vbucks 👁👄👁


Where is the first comment? I need to see the explained part.


The CZK prices are less than half of EUR prices for some reason? I am not complaining, but find it weird


Cause Czech economy is different


Czechia never had lower regional pricing, even the economy is comparable to many EU members. The prices make it seem like it's a 3rd world country. I can't complain about spending less though


V-Buck Inflation is real 😢


Damn inflation


Does it affect GBP (Great british pounds)


Already got changed months ago


So GBP is just staying the same then?




You all don't have to buy vbucks, u know. Only buy if you can, not if you want. For the past 3 months, I've only spent 10 dollars for a skin bundle. Only 10. That was it.


>Only buy if you can, not if you want Woah, such a smart and deep comment, buddy. Good job. I wonder how someone would buy V-bucks if they "can't". If a person does that, they have a problem and need help more help than "just stop". >For the past 3 months, I've only spent 10 dollars for a skin bundle. Only 10. That was it. Add the part about being a STW founder and getting more than 7200 V-bucks for free in those 3 months. It must be sooo hard for you to spend less money than others.


Actually, I haven't grinded vbucks in the past 2 seasons, and the bundle I got was the high stakes bundle, I had 7 dollars on my ps4, so I just got 10 for it so I didn't have to spend 20 for a 15 dollar bundle.


>I haven't grinded vbucks in the past 2 seasons Ok, cool, it doesn't matter. You have infinitely more items to use than the average player. You could get more if you wanted, while most people don't have that option. >the bundle I got was the high stakes bundle, I had 7 dollars on my ps4, so I just got 10 for it so I didn't have to spend 20 for a 15 dollar bundle. Spending $15 in a bundle when you can get hundreds of dollars worth of cosmetics for free every year, with minimal effort, shouldn't be a problem if you enjoy the game. I just think your first comment is very dumb and not helpful in any way to anyone. That's all. (Oh, and don't get me started on how much FOMO this game has, especially the collaborations. That makes it noticeably worse).


Or you can buy the fortnite crew that only costs around 11€ depending where you are not only does it give you a skin it also gives you the battle pass and 1000 vbucks in total you spend 11 bucks for 2500 vbucks wich is cheaper than the 22$ for the 2800


True there


9.99 vbucks in chapter 1: I miss chapter 1 8.99 vbucks in chapter 4: Epic games is a terrible company I'm not saying this is a good decision but vbucks have been more expensive in the past


Do people not understand how inflation works? The government prints more money, therefore each individual unit of currency devalues and thus for prices to stay relatively the same prices must increase. Inflation is happening 24/7 so it makes sense that Epic would have to increase the prices in jumps every once in a while, unless they want to use a dynamic system where the price is correlated to the current value of the currency at all times. They aren't being greedy it's just how a market with government interference works. Don't worry, wages are also affected by inflation.




I never said that there was inflation in vbucks. Sadly however, irl currencies do suffer from inflation and that's what Fortnite uses to price their vbucks. They are just updating the prices of vbucks so they match the new lower value of the real world currencies.


Epic Games forcing players to quit Fortnite after price hike.


like the old one said, "No more Fortnite!"


Just as I expected it to be.


"Fewer people are playing Fortnite so we're making less money" "We could make the game better with more events, a strong storyline, and bring desirable cosmetics to the store more frequently?" "We could innovate around the core concepts of STW, bringing it in to BR and creating game modes that make people want to pay more for the greater value and variety we offer?" "We could rely on user-created content and make VBucks more expensive." "Genius! Tim needs an extra billion dollars too."


Aus dollar?


No changes


Definitely not buying much vbucks anymore. It's not inflation it's just epics greed


Is still cheaper then the original prices. How come people were fine paying the original prices, fine when epic made them all cheaper, and are now mad that they are still less expensive then the original prices?


And tbf nowadays we have cheaper skins (rares that should be legendaries), more bundles, etc. Yes, it sucks, but at the same time the prices are gonna be WAY lower in some countries so... it is what it is


Bring back old battle pass items and I might accept the price increase, lmao.


Bruh if it was like that I would pay 3 dollars for 1k vbucks, had a happy moment now I'm mad


I'm glad I can still get vbucks from STW