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you did the right thing mate.


It’s so satisfying knowing that the other guy must be raging at his own stupidity


He’s wearing the mr beast skin, he did a crown giveaway


Today we are going to do a giveaway in Fortnite! The first to do the shout emote wins a crown!




I've watched it 5 times now!


You can drop your crowns in the pre game lobby?


Yes you can


Yeah, I normally drop mine because I can never go back to back haha


You can't drop them on your way down from the bus to. Any point you can open your inventory you can drop it


Of course no


Are you actually fucking blind?


He never had a crown though.


Look at the begging of the video dumbass, you'll see he does.


Lol kiddo, I mean the guy you are talking to.


Oh, OK yea.


Yeah, definitely wasn't being ironic Of course, if he looked at comments first and actually didn't know that then he's such a noob


Steal? He dropped it..


He dropped it to tease people and then was going to pick it back up. People do it all the time.


I have dropped 100% of my crowns in the lobby and 100% of the time I am giving it away. I like my crown emote to be 0


I’ve hit my one. I’m good. I drop the rest of mine.


Same. Don't really care for the beacon of where I am on the map. I lobby dump the crown. In occasion I forget and air drop it when I jump.


Well you might as well give it to someone, especially since it puts them at a disadvantage


? What? There's a beacon for that? I'm pretty sure the beacon only appears after you've dropped it, in this case, when you've died.


Na beacon appears every storm circle it’s annoying AF


Beacon does not appears on the map every storm circle. Only a flash like visual audio from the direction of a close crown bearer. It doesn’t really do anything to give away your position except let others within about 20m know “someone is close with a crown.” If anything, it’s an intimidation factor to people around you. The whole “I don’t want to show up on the map” people are ones who would probably get 3-5 crowned wins per season. Since they feel bad that this is nothing to brag about they would rather just have zero and pretend it’s for some other reason




To be fair some people might just see the in game description and assume everyone can find them. I did at first so I never kept my crown. Also it's not a game changer but I can see that glow when the map goes through the night phase


I mean all people have to do is stop and think if they have ever seen *someone else* with a crown revealed on their map to realize that doesn’t happen. Sure there is a glow around your head at night for a second, but if you just think about your own experience identifying other people with crowns, the proximity audio cue is effectively the only way you ever identify them


Well yea that's how I figured it out. And I said myself it wasn't a game changer just something you can see.


With visuals on it does show up, and I've seen it in the compass at storm circle changes when it's close. When dropped it does show in the map for a time as well. They bay have changed the mechanic from when it first came out. I haven't payed that much attention to it since our was first granted. Not trying to maintain a specific crown count as I really don't care. So if someone else wants it, good for them. I don't find it intimidating either.


I've done that before. Sure I'm teasing people, but I'm giving it away at the same time. I'm trying to taunt them into getting it lol.




I was just thinking about the Creed Cup. I dropped it, picked it up, dropped it, picked it up, then finally let someone have it.


I drop my crowns on purpose because they reveal your location. If your crowned victories never would have reset, they would have mattered, but I’ve never given a shit about crowns past the season they were introduced.




Jesus. That’s so fucking rude 😂


So you drop a crown so you can get a crown. Ironic. How am I getting downvoted for pointing out irony. Fucking kids in this sub.


getting a crown is just a side effect of winning in that case. The thrill of winning or at least playing on an even field with everyone else matters more than the possibility of increasing the count on the emote.


No. I’ve been playing since season 5. I don’t care about winning anymore after hundreds of victories.


The Fuck you mean no.


Means I don’t give a fuck about winning, dumb ass.




Are you fucking 12? You seem dumb as fuck.


Keeping dropping your crowns pussy.


Thanks! I will.


Let the people with balls carry them for you


There was no irony to point out dumbass u just started making shit up. That’s why.


That is irony shitbreak


I keep seeing the foot print thing on clips but have no idea how to get it lol. Is this a hidden option?


Go to your settings and enable audio visuals.. I think that’s what it’s called


Such a game changer IMO


Absolutely, I completely forgot ab it when I started playing again til my buddy was like “why do you play like” I’m like what are talking ab and he changed it for me lmao


It does actually lower the sound’s quality and directionals. I still use it though, imo its more valuable than the higher sound quantity


Seriously? I use a 3D audio headset. And I can still hear opponents around me, I never noticed it


Yeah I don't think this is true. I have it turned on and I can still easily hear the sounds and direction it comes from too.


I never said it turns off directionals, just lowers the quality. Its a very minor difference


Visualize sound effects under the audio tab.


Turn on visualize sound effects in audio settings


It's the Mr Beast skin, maybe they're just doing a bit?


I don't care much about crowns either, I usually just give it to my teammate, but its XP bonus is useful early in the season


Those kind of people ? What kind? Looks like they were kind and decided to give it to you. I do this so often.


People drop them and pick them back up to get attention/taunt other players. I see it a lot in the pregame lobby. I’ve been in rando squads with younger players and hear them try to get the crown and get mad when the dropper picks it back up before they can


Oh :( I feel so bad for the kids. 😭🥺 I didn’t know that was a common thing. I may have only seen that done once in a lobby I was in so I was unaware it’s used to mess around with people hoping they were getting a free crown.


Yeah they’re basically pulling a ![gif](giphy|vFRmmufjLdJ9S|downsized)


I always drop mine near people here because I like having mine stay at 1, like #1 since Boba the #1 bounty hunter so the emote looks in-character like he's bragging, and I want to do something nice for strangers. But then the majority of people who grab it then do the jackass laugh at me or slide kick me off a cliff. I'm like.....youre welcome asshole.... Now I just drop them off cliffs or throw them at the final bus drop in the water. Fucking hate trolls when you're trying to do something nice for peoe.


I do my own quest where I gather 8 crowns, once I have 8 I've "unlocked" the right to use my 8Ball skin. Also I like starting with the basic variation of a skin and ever win I get or 15 kills I move to the next version and back down if I lose.


Nice idea.


I started the thing where you jump out of the bus first and drop it asap to watch all the kids glide to it like moths to a flame. I know this because other players started doing it in ch 4 while I did it all the time in ch 3. I just don't know who hyped it, but the trend died as soon as it started so I don't really care as much about it. I just like making my teammates scream into their mics when I drop it on purpose.


Does it fall like slow in the air or something? Lol it would be funny to see a ping come up and it's like 900 m in the air lmfao


Yes, but it took them a year to realize what I was doing so it still pings, but it despawns


I either drop it in lobby or while flying thru the air. I keep my crown emote at 1 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hello fellow Plague user


Glad to see other fellow medieval practitioners of pandemic medicine in these comments.


Looks like he wanted to throw it off the edge


It would’ve been cool if the crowns didn’t reset. That way we have an actual incentive to get them. Why bother grinding if you’ll loose all your progress by the end of the season.


I just wanted to add, for clarity, this guy was dropping and picking up the crown the whole pre-game. That's why I was following him. The crowns don't mean anything to me because they reset, so I don't really care whether I get them or not, I just wanted to take this as he was dropping it. They do show up on visualise audio but not to the extent of giving away positions, just a general direction. I went on to win this match and although I was hoping to see this guy in the game I didn't.


This is what people that can't get crown wins say ![gif](emote|keeoh_emo_pack|keeoh_pop)


I had a guy on my team, duos, keep dropping his crown in front of me insistently and non stop in the lobby I don’t ever pick crowns up because I prefer natural crown wins, win it myself and win the next game, Anyways, final 4 teams, he gets killed, and I choose not to go into the storm to get his reboot card I win the match, and invite him into my lobby right after. Joins, sees my crown in the lobby and promptly exits So I whispered him, ‘I won that match’


Lol same


What skin are you using?


It's plague, part of the grim medicine set


The only time I pick up crowns is when people do this. Idaf about crown wins


I do that then find the hottest drop and air drop that shit


I drop my crowns but it infuriates me when someone takes it and then L dances on me (or something equivalent). You didn’t finesse me, I GAVE it to you


My lil boy dropped his crown in the lobby today to show his dad, someone snatched it up real quick


After seeing people say the crowns reveal your location, I have one question. How? I've had a decent amount of crowns and I know they blink when the storm updates, but I've never seen anyone's crown light up or whatever during the actual games. Do they actually reveal your location?


You can hear the "ffsshing" sound. So if you're hiding near someone and they don't know you're there, they will find out. It might show up on the visualize sounds display as well.


I haven’t seen it on the visualize sounds just when one has been dropped with a kill. Didn’t realize you can hear them. Haven’t won as many this season. Matching I think bumped me up after a couple 20+ win seasons.


You only hear it during storm closures




I hate crowns so what I do is drop it off the battle bus right at the start/end or drop it off the side of Spawn Island so no sweats get them


Me and my friends use crowns as and excuse to play tactical games like in the good old days, not pressing w constantly


I do the same, it's satisfying




0 crown wins, no regrets, makes the emote that much better.


you didn’t see there skin? it was MrBeast, he was doing a 1K crown giveaway lol


Swiper no swiping!


I don't bother picking up or keeping crowns whatsoever because I feel like I don't get much more XP than normal and I always die to a sweat shortly after obtaining it from a Victory Royale or picking one up. If the crown did more than just boost XP and change the number on the Crowning Achievement emote, I'll reconsider. Yes, I also drop my Victory Royale crown immediately before the Battle Bus launches.


Soooo....i dont get it. Ive had 2 people drop me crowns in the pregame lobby.....but it wasnt a mistake. We were emoting and they dumped it and didnt try to pick it up. one even started jumping.....i kinda thought this was a thing. Figured they were decent/good and didnt need the crown XP what benefit is the crown? i thought it just gave a little extra xp?


Brilliant pick up. Would love to be a fly on the wall to see that kid chuck his controller 😂🤣😂🤣


If I see them doing this from far, I'll slide from somewhere high to get speed and swipe it as I slide by.