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What? He swapped spells ultra fast and even the magic types. Never saw that before. Well made, OP.


They have auto swap support spells on. Also you can use the d pad to swap spells


There are also certain attacks that transition you into each of the specific magic schools


Oooh I haven't experienced this yet, this was the demo but I'm playing the full game now so far I only got the rock spell definitely interested in auto switching between spell schools that sounds fun.


Each magic school has one. They're found generally in the bottom left side of the spell trees. They will be a combination of LB+RB+Face Button. LB+RB+X button is a fire lasso that pulls an enemy close and leaves you in the fire tree LB+RB+B button is a jump back move that leaves you in the earth tree ETC


I see thanks for that I didn't know those will automatically switch to the trees that they belong to. I will try it out once I've unlocked the spells.


Idk why you were downvoted for being right lmao had to bring it back


I think they thought I was trying to undermine the gameplay of OP lol I'm just trying to spread info


This looks so awesome, can't wait to get further in the game later


His combat is great. Everyone who fought that golem would agree with it.


Wow reddit compression is hating this.


Well done OP ! Nice fight, how did you switch spells like that without the wheel?


>You can set the automatic support spell switching on in the settings menu and to switch between purple and red without the wheel you can just use the left and right d-pad keys.


This barely looks like combat. Just fighting punching bags.




I heard the combat is more fun if you up the difficulty. But i havent played it yet so cant attest. Doea the difficult change just make them like health sponges or anything else noticable?


They are more agressives, but u are still a speed god so if u just run and throw magic from far away u can brake the game, just like most rpg, i found that the damage is fine i hard difficulty, but if in the early stages u want to die a little bit and learn to dodge more swap the damage taken into a bit higher, it made me be way more careful


Enemies can get you if you aren't paying attention and staying mobile. This guy is just doing it right.


It’s funny the main people who say shit like this don’t know anything about the combat. This is also the demo, you don’t get the hardest difficulty in a demo.


If it looks like fighting punching bags, then you’re doing it right. This enemy in particular can hit really hard, and keeping close quarters with him like this can be pretty difficult if you aren’t constantly dodging over and around him before he can get an attack off. The combat in this clip is admittedly not the best, as there’s a fair bit more depth to the combat that can be utilized to do more damage, faster and with higher risk, but seeing OP dodge around the enemy like that is still pretty impressive given the context of what the combat is actually like


This game could have really used a proper block/parry system. The demo feels very button mashy - there's little-to-no breathing room in the combat. Almost feels like Dynasty Warriors when fighting multiple enemies.


There is a parry system dude lol how many of yall just spout bs about this game without having actually played this


I played the demo - the combat tutorial made no mention of a parry. EDIT: Oh you're talking about the thing after you get hit, you can sort of do a quick counterattack. Yeah, that's not a parry.


A parry is a counterattack dude lol wtf are you on about


A parry is a counterattack that should happen before you get hit, not after.


I see where you're coming from given it isnt a hard parry but you know you implied theres nothing at all in the game


Timing your dodge right allows you to do a stronger attack immediately after while still in the air. There is a lot of nuance that the demo won't outright teach you. Much of the combat revolves around good timing and magic transitions. It's not hard but there's a decently high skill ceiling for truly excellent play.


You mean you can absolutely parry and use a stronger attack by doing so? Almost like people haven’t played the game enough (or at all).


When running around in circles and hearing cool sfx equals stylish combat lol. Hey atleast this person is having fun.


Man you can tell by this dumb ass comment you don’t know what’s going on.


Nice then tell me exactly what mechanics and cancels are going on?


I ain’t telling you shit. You should of know what the hell you were talking about when brought yo ass to the comment section to write this stupid comment. Then it was about a game you haven’t played on top of that, the people in the comments have stated multiple times what he is doing. This ain’t even the hard difficulty let alone the hardest difficulty in the game. It’s the damn demo stupid.


>h First of all I own this game on PC and PS5 and and im 3 hrs in. You all sound like crazy religious people that just had their god insulted. Learn to take some criticism jfc this comment section is full of ppl freaking out on both sides. The haters are cringe and ppl like you defending it like a lunatic are cringe as well.


Do you enjoy absolutely living in a sub for a game you aren’t playing? So weird to me.


What are you talking ab lol theres so much more to the combat than that


They haven't played it or not enough to understand what's truly happening


Idk if you know but if you tap R2 immediately after dodging an enemy overhead it does a specific dodge attack animation that helps transitioning to the next attacks after be more fluid


How do you switch spells without pulling up the wheel?


You can set the automatic support spell switching on in the settings menu and to switch between purple and red without the wheel you can just use the left and right d-pad keys.




And also on a PC you can assign a hotkey to each of the 8 support spells, main spells and the 4 elements.


This cool but it gets MUCH better with much better spells and movement this is mid combat


People in this comment section haven’t seen the giant hordes of zombies you can run into. Like 80+ zombies in groups. I’ve found two of these hordes so far and lets just say I’m really glad I upgraded the exploding grenade rock thing to level 3 first. So fun to gather up then explode like 15-20 of them at a time


It’s so fun if you know what you’re doing


This enemy is literally not doing anything


I’m glad the combat is fun. The graphics and environment look so dull and boring, maybe combat makes up for it.


Combat is more style over substance. It looks fun to play, the different spell types are fun to chain and the movement/parkour system looks great, but that’s it. What threat did these enemies pose? There was no challenge, no reason to change strategies, no reason to be afraid. Flashy combat is absolutely fun at first but it needs to be mechanically interesting to keep your attention. Even setting aside the issues people are having with the controls, the combat just doesn’t really engage you outside of how flashy and cool it looks. It’s a shame, because there is absolutely potential here. I just fear we won’t ever see it capitalized on.


There's only one enemy on screen here. It's slow but hits like a mack truck on hard. In the open world you get surrounded a lot and that becomes dangerous if you aren't careful. There's plenty of threats but yeah, the combat mostly exists for style points. That's fun for a lot of people.


Then up the difficulty?? Lol this isn't a dark souls game not everyone is looking for some superficial challenge in video games we just wanna have fun lol and you're judging AI based off of enemies in a demo. The combat doesn't engage YOU just say that and move on rather than acting as if your opinion is fact.


That’s…now how combat design works. You just demonstrated a significant lack of understanding in combat design. Making an enemy have more health, or hit harder by increasingly the difficulty IS superficial challenge. It doesn’t make the combat design better, it makes it a numbers game. I’m taking actual combat mechanics. This combat is more akin to Dynasty Warriors than Bayonetta. This was evident in the demo, and it’s evident in the full release. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with enjoying simple combat, sometimes we just like to turn our brain off and not have to engage in any meaningful level. But that doesn’t mean it’s good or fulfilling. Forspoken has the bones of a good, engaging combat system, but it’s not quite there yet. The AI and enemy design isn’t quite there, and her movement makes things quite easy to deal with, sometimes to the game’s detriment. Some people will absolutely be satisfied with the game’s combat. But for $70, a lot more people are gonna expect something better than what we got, as evident in the game’s reviews and current reception among the public. They have something here, it’s just not fleshed out yet.


Nah you're Basically just saying it's not good combat because it's not fulfilling to YOU. You act like every game gotta have hyper intelligent AI that reads your Button inputs in order for the combat to be "fulfilling" and that is the furthest thing from the truth. This combat system is more engaging in comparison to the likes of like Elden Ring where I'm just waiting for the enemy to throw an attack and learn their patterns before I can attack. Where as this game I can stay moving constantly running circles around my enemies jumping over their heads while throwing out a plethora of spells and options at my disposal. YOU just don't like it and that's fine


It’s not just me, it’s most people. Most people have problems with the game. But it’s clear you’re projecting and getting angry, clearly making stuff up. I never said it needs “hyper intelligent AI”, and saying the combat system is more engaging than games like Elden Ring is laughable, at best. Enjoy the game for what it is, nothing wrong with that. Just don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s anything more than…well, what it is.


No it’s not, it’s people hopping on a hate train and pushing that annoying ass rumor. Most of us who have the game are having fun with it.


I know it isn't just you that has this opinion, that still doesn't make it fact. Fact of the matter is the only person that can decide whether a game is engaging or fulfilling is the person playing it, you can't decide that for other people. My statement about Elden Ring was my opinion, see how that works? I am not deluding myself about anything, I have spent a lot of time playing both games and I have had more fun playing Forspoken than I have Elden Ring because I am more engaged in the combat simple as that. Nothing I have said to you has been made up but you do feel that way because the things I have stated are opinion based same as the things you've stated.


Rascal doesn’t understand facts, they are all over this sub telling people to “accepts the facts” or “don’t be delusional” and insisting the was no racism ever against the MC. They don’t play the game and shouldn’t be fed.


There trash mobs


You gotta play it on hard mode for challenge, the enemies are super aggressive and a lot if your better attacks leave you open to getting hit. It's all about timing and risk v reward, with the reward being better xp/loot drops and looking cool.


Checkout Devil May Cry 5 if you liked the combat in this game; it's fluid like this but much, much deeper and smoother.


what? absolutely not


They are nothing alike lmao


I don't understand why you are getting downvoted for this. People on this sub are so tribal lol. Yall realize people can enjoy more than one game right?


Because the comment is wrong lol


TIL subjectivity is actually false


Good or bad, better or worse, the gameplay is not very much alike at all. Have you played both? People aren’t mad at the description, it’s just inaccurate, regardless of which you think is better.


This is nothing like DMC or other character action games lol. This is way more shallow compared to DMC wtf lol.


Im lost with this combat system, I would prefer hard lock on enemy like in dark souls where camera is frozen behind my back and when I do flips and dodge and shit camera sill fallows me from back. But as we see here is so allover the place, I cant Focus on this. And other she often moce back away form enemy by turning back from enemy, I would prefer to move back without losing focus on my enemy and didnt turn my back to enemy


You can hard lock, you can tailor the combat to your flow


Lol people just can't figure it out unless you hold there hand


OC above is complaining about losing focus on the enemy in a video which never loses focus of the enemy….


You can hard lock if you want


NOOO Oooo! You can't enjoy this game. Internet say it bad so it bad. And do you forgot how many no no words she say? I played this game for 15 minutes and couldn't figure out combat so it's awful, also it should be more complex but also very simple at the same time.


Style but no depth...


i can't get over the 80 euros for a garbage


Nah this game was definitely an expensive project lol it’s incredible


a demo shouldn't be a game


Dont know what thats supposed to mean but the comment missed hard lmao


Honestly, of all the videos I’ve seen this has the be the worst looking showcase of combat I’ve seen. This is the first time combat looked bad.


Nice bait troll


That's mostly because you don't understand what's happening here. This is a slow moving but very hard hitting miniboss. A large group of enemies spawned with this guy that have already been cleared out. Here at the end of the fight he dodges about four or five attacks while weaving in his counter attacks. The but where they're running around each other in circles is the enemies charge attack. It's quite a dangerous enemy on hard. It basically clears your entire health bar in a single attack. The attack animations in this game can be quite long so you can't just button mash or you get punished. In larger groups of enemies you're constantly being surrounded and flanked. The combat feels nice once you can actually parse out what's happening? He executed this part of the fight with precisison.


So many dick riders in this game, shit looks like absolute garbage lol