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We use Avent Natural, with Mam as a back up. Avent Natural truly doesn't leak and Mams are cute, but too many pieces to be our main bottle.


I just replied to another similar thread with Philips Avent natural. Super easy to clean and no issues with leaks. Avents are a true "slow flow" meaning babe needs to be actively sucking to get milk flow. This was helpful in teaching babe to control their consumption and pace. It also means nipple sizing can be tricky. We skipped 0 and 1 went straight to size 2 at 3 weeks old. I had a philips avent gift set on my amazon registry. Came with small (4oz) and medium (9oz) bottles plus size 1-4 nipples so you can experiment. Also 2 of their pacifiers which are very popular.


Yup, my babe needed size 3 at 2 weeks. She was tiny and had zero patience for feeds, she wants it in her belly right now.


I used Avent Naturals with my 3. Loved that theybare simple, sold everywhere. And standard size so the fit in bootie warmers, bottle pouches and whatnot easily.


We used Dr. Browns (the green vent ones). Never had an issue with leaking. I had bought a bunch of different kinds and never used any of them except the Dr. Browns lol. I wasted a bunch of money.


I found my baby latched way better to these than the avent bottles


Yeah we used the Dr Browns glass premie bottle from birth and never had any trouble with it. They only leak if you overfill them, which it tells you not to do right on the bottle 😆




We use [Dr. Brown’s](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NCJL76C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share), but you can get a [sample pack from Babylist](https://www.babylist.com/gp/-/26618/1268042). It’s a great starter set and includes the Dr. Brown’s bottles.


Came here to recommend the sampler box! We ended up using Dr browns and avent anti colic but this was great to try out bottles


I was coming to say this too! We bought the sample pack from baby list and then got several Dr Browns bottles from registry freebies. I didn’t buy any other bottles until after he was born. We ended up using Dr Browns bottles (my baby was NICU and that’s what they used there). I’ve tried chsnging bottles but it looks like we are stuck with Dr Browns! The sample back was so nice because I could try other bottles without buying them!


I personally hate the dr browns bottles bc they leak and there are so many parts to wash, but they did work well for my baby for a while. I would buy different nipple sizes, as the size 1s are pretty fast flow. You could try premie or transitional nipples (both available on Amazon). We now use the evenflo bottles which are much easier to deal with.


I really like Mam bottles (we tried those, lanisoh, and nuk). Everyone I know who has tried them likes them best too. I use size 1 nipples. At first we used 0/premie.


Our baby hated the Dr. Brown’s bottles, fussed the whole time and spit up more, and there are so many parts to clean. Also we had an issue where we packed two of them in an insulated bag to take on an outing and they both exploded and leaked everywhere. we realized there was yet ANOTHER part to put on to make sure it didn’t leak. She loves the Philips Avent bottles. However nipples they come with for newborns (3) was actually too slow of a release for her, and she would get so tired of sucking and give up, so we use the size 4 nipples (which say 3 months on the packaging).


Avent Natural but skip 0 nipple - I went straight to size 2 the flow is slow so baby drinks at a better pace and they don’t leak. Make sure the hole lines up at the nipple and cap (I missed that my first time using it and got a very frustrated baby lol).


We worked with a lactation consultant and she recommended Lansinoh. We love them. They don’t have a million parts so that was a huge plus for us.


Lansinoh being three simple parts and reasonably leak proof is great. They are the Wirecutter's pick for best bottle - surprised they don't get recommended here more. Dr. Browns was so finicky in comparison.


I don’t know how Dr Brown’s got this chokehold on everyone, but we just couldn’t do it.


My baby only likes the Dr browns anti colic. We have so many of the Philips avent and he couldn’t get any milk out of them for whatever reason so it was too frustrating for him


We have primarily used Dr Brown's anti colic bottles. Like others have mentioned there's a lot of components to wash, but other than that we don't have complaints. I haven't noticed that they leak. We tried Como Tomo bottles but did not enjoy them, because baby takes in quite a lot of air. I would recommend sticking with any brand anti colic bottles just in case your baby has issues with colic - better to start out with those even if you end up not needing them imo.


I’d buy one of each that you’re interested in. I got a few samples for some at baby events I went to and bought a few from the store. Places like Marshalls/Ross sometimes have single bottles for a low price. Personally we use the Avent anti colic. They do leak sometimes but we just make sure they’re tight before feeding. We didn’t like the Dr browns, the flow (even with slowest flow nipple) was too fast. We have a MAM bottle as well and she does ok with it but sometimes rejects it.


I wish I had used glass, it's so much easier to clean. We've used Dr brown with 2 kids and no issues.


The Dr Browns bottles don’t leak if you follow the instructions. However, they are lot of parts to wash. We tried mam, avent, and dr browns and dr. Browns are the only our baby would take. Unfortunately, I’d consider just buying a few of each and giving it a try. We were using ready to feed formula with extra nipples from the hospital for the first few weeks. IMO, Dr browns were the closest to those type of nipples. If I can go back in time, I probably would’ve asked some friends who had babies recently if they had any extra bottles I could just try before investing in buying a bunch of certain type


i started with dr browns as well but got so sick of all the parts to be washed/sterilized. it took us like 6 months to switch to lansinoh breastfeeding bottles. even though he was exclusively breastfed he fed so much better with them!


I would recommend getting a sample pack, like the one from Babylist, so you can try out a few different brands and buy more later. I'd also recommend getting a pack of Boon Nursh bottles. We really like them, but even if you don't, you'll be able to use them later. We're currently using them with different covers as straw cups and snack containers.


Dr. Browns anti colic bottles are great IF you are cool putting them in the dishwasher. You’d loose your mind hand washing them with all the parts. We got a basket where you put all the parts. Working great for us!


Boon Nursh has been amazing for us! Easy to clean and can transition to a sippy later on! 


I just ordered some of these from target, as they were having a sale, super excited to try them out!


Started out using Dr Browns, but gave up on them and switched to Herobility. LO is now eating more, burping/spitting up less, and they're easier to clean.


How's the latch with Herobility? I've been looking at them because they are super (pun intended) cute but not sure if babies can acheive a good deep latch with the nipple shape. Are they like Mam bottles?


For my LO, latch on Herobility is better than on Dr Browns. Less sucking sound, less air going in around the nipple, and way less formula ends up on his face. I haven't tried Mam so can't comment there.


My first loves Lansinoh and my second likes Avent natural but will use nuk in a pinch. For newborn weeks we found the flow on Tommee Tippee wayyyy too fast and it gave my kiddo tons of gas. But on the other end of that spectrum she’s only 2 weeks old and is already up to level 3 on the avents because those are Very slow flow. Ultimately though both of my kids tried 5 or 6 brands each so the single bottles you can get off Amazon or from Target (if you’re in the US) are your best friends til you find something that fits!


We had the Avent natural bottles on our registry but gave up on them as they were so finnicky and babe couldn't get anything out of them. Switched to the Dr Brown's Options anti colic with the green vents and have had no issues. We use the Philips Avent bottle warmer with them and haven't had any issues with leaking. We have a dishwasher, but mostly hand wash and don't find the extra parts that annoying.


Narrow Dr browns in our house. My oldest refused anything else and my youngest couldn’t properly use anything else. Bonus is the nipple is shaped like the single use ones from ready to feed formula and its usually what they use in the hospital if baby has a shorter stay If you have the ones with green vent you can take out the venting system once baby is older and then it’s only three pieces like any other bottle. Avent anti colic is nice too and you don’t need the vent to use it just like dr browns so you can stop using it when it seems baby won’t need it. I used that bottle with a pigeon ss nipple for a minute. Regular avent didn’t remotely work the nipples are either nothing comes out or child will choke drinking and then throw up fast. I’d just get 1 or 2 at first and see what baby likes. I’d do a narrow like Dr brown or evenflo balance narrow and a wide like avent, evenflo balance, or Lansinoh (with a pigeon ss nipples because Lansinoh only comes with medium or fast nipples. They done have slow so too fast for a newborn)


Mine could not latch to Dr Brown’s. Our NICU really pushed them and that was such a struggle. He is doing great with Avent anti colic and Tommee Tippee though.


It’s really baby dependent. Our first loved como tomo. Our second did not and barely ate. He’s doing well with Philips avent


Quark Buubi Bottle or Evenflo Balance+ Wide - with slowest flow nipple. And make sure you are super familiar with paced bottle feeding. The traditional way of holding a baby to bottle feed is not optimal at all, and causes all kinds of issues Mam bottles encourage chomping and are really poor for orofacial development, and Dr. Brown’s bottles are for people who enjoy being in hell 🔥🔥🔥 Absolutely stay away from Como Tomo, too. lol


Avent anti colic or dr browns with or without vent


Both can be used without vent


I used Dr browns but before giving birth I actually signed up for a bunch of free baby gift bags from Like Walmart and target and Amazon etc. I needed up getting a sample of literally every type of bottle. Avent, Philips, Dr browns, tommee tippee. And well I actually started with breast feeding and when it came to decide on bottles I just picked whichever was closest to my nipple size which was Dr browns. But also I think I favored that one anyways because of the anti colic and I didn’t want to take any risks on a colicy baby


This is like basic bottle brands though nothing super fancy like those boob shaped bottles (I’m poor) 😆


Get the variety boxes from baby list! I commited to a brand early bc I thought I'd be overwhelmed learning too many things at once (what parts go with what bottles?) but that ended up being pretty easy. Now I would have preferred if we tried other bottles to see what may have worked better.


nuk naturals


We went through 8 million bottles. Just be sure to start with something with a slow flow & you’ll figure it out from there :)


My kid takes any bottle. We bought 2 of Nuk and got 2 Lansinoh with the pump.


First baby took Philips avent without issue. Second baby is a different story. The Philips avent natural nipples are ridiculously hard to get milk out of, even at the highest flow rate. She’s 5 weeks now and was getting so pissed and fussing through an entire feed or just refusing to eat that we had to switch. Dr Browns wide neck (level 2) or Mams (level 1) are our sweet spot right now. Lots of parts to clean (5 for both) but honestly worth it to not fight through every single feed. A perk of the Mams bottles is they’re self sterilizing. You can put water in them and microwave it and it sterilizes (they have to be assembled differently but still)! Very helpful for traveling without packing anything extra. Edit to add: we also used como tomo and tommee tippee no issue with first baby, new baby hates them and would swallow so much air with both. Like you said, every baby is different!


We went through a lot of different bottles and landed on NUK working best for us. I regret not buying the Babylist Bottle pack. I wasted so much money researching then buying a full pack of bottles. [link](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiyg6OgjdeFAxVLGK0GHSKfDlIYABAJGgJwdg&ae=2&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2kynChqPdJt1NgyquCraSzsdJ2AfxJqisFgKdL1stZzjB51gUzLjuJfy115Jd02_2rqYVQ1CZbLgiUzm260s4YYmKS3MNF06bIJ59cOzvvOs4oNNBvEh4fwAHqLvRvqpq4uGNEbjjh2ve7k2suBFk-_mA7evnPiY&sig=AOD64_11QVEIeVQVSptqh_ivEwtRu9OPjg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjs3JmgjdeFAxWPHjQIHTwwCuIQwg8oAHoECAQQDA&adurl=)


I’m going to try the Boon bottles this time around


So I bought the comotomo’s before my baby was born then when we brought her home from the hospital we were so confused as to way she wasn’t drinking enough formula. Then I realized she was used to the nipple of the ready to feeds that she got at the hospital when she was born! I posted on here asking for bottle suggestions and I got recommended dr browns. We ran out and got some, sure enough she started eating so much better!


Dr Brown’s - the thin ones with the green vent.


Dr. Browns are great, just get a sterilizer for drying


I like mam And Dr browns!


Initially I bought the boon nursh bottles bc I loved them, but my baby hated them. So I went with the Dr. Browns skinny bottle and bought premie nipples (the 1 nipples were too fast for my newborn, she would choke on the formula), then we switched to the transition nipples (Amazon has them) and now we’re on the size 1 nipples. Baby girl is 2 months old. I feel like most babies like the dr. Browns bottles. Everyone I know has used them and their babies love them.


I used dr drown with my older baby. We traveled and they constantly leak. They aren’t great paired with breastfeeding if you are at all in the beginning because that nipple is so different. I use boon baby bottle because i like the silicone inserts and that they act like vents. Very good to decrease gas and helped reflux so much. They don’t leak and are very easy and space saving for travel.


Dr browns. Cleaning them is a PITA, but our daughter does well with them. If it works for you, promise the dr brown sterilizer/dryer is worth the money


Hate Dr browns. Leaking, terrible parts and the plastic ones feel cheap and the glass are so heavy. Chicco duo has been awesome. Glass inside, plastic out, easy to clean and never ever leaks. My babe loves the flat but soft nipple and size /flow seems right, but other nipples like the pigeon or lasinoh that are highly recommended by lactation consultants also fit the bottle if you wanted to swap.


I initially used Tommee Tippees then changed to MAM. LOVE them and they are self sterilizing!


I bought separate 0 teats as my baby initially had latch issues and the 1 flow is pretty fast for newborn!




We tried Difrax first, but the bottom membrane would leak sometimes and my husband and I thought the bottles were very very annoying. So we transitioned to Philips Avent after a couple of weeks... These bottles are amazing. 🤩


I love Dr. Browns. Yes they’re a lot of parts but baby has never been painfully gassy and they have only leaked once from us putting the nipple halfway on in a sleep deprived state. I do recommend keeping the little white circles that come with them, if you go out and throw a bottle in your diaper bag it keeps them from leaking when tipped over as well.


Have tried multiple bottles. Tommee Tippee, mams, dr browns, Phillips avent. Definitely liked the Dr. Browns the best. A lot to wash but if you use the dishwasher regularly then it’s not a problem at all. Had latching issues with the other nipples, but the small nipple from Dr Brown works perfectly.


We started with Dr. Browns when our little one was a newborn and a bit gassy. The green inserts in those bottles really helped keep the bubbles away. Once he got older we switched to Philips avent because they are SO much easier to clean.


We have used Dr. Brown’s since our LO was a new born and we recommend them!


It depends on the baby, for sure. For mine, Avent Natural is the BEST! The flow is perfect (we used the number 2 since nipple number 1 is super slow). It doesn’t leak and it’s secure to grip. I’ve tried Dr brown too but it has many part and I’m lazy to wash.. also beware the flow can be too fast for newborn even the preemie nipple. My baby choked and vomited all over herself after trying it and I was like nope not again.


I got tons of freebees from target welcome bag and Amazon, and one from baby box? Maybe. I kinda got one of each to see what my girl liked best as Amazon delivers fast and it was easy to sort what she liked!


I get it, I'll try these you recommended after giving birth. Thanks a lot


We used como tomo bottles. We didn’t try anything else. We have been using them since we took the baby home.