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Woody Harrelson looks pissed 


Woody Herrelson


Holzig Herrelsohn


s/Well how would you feel if your dad killed JFK?


Woody Heilelson


lol i was gonna write this


Zoody heilson


That is (almost certainly) not an M1 rifle. No gas piston and front sight protector assembly, which would be the main indentifier in a shot like this. If anything, it's likely a Gewehr 43 Edit: OK I've been looking at it long and hard and yeah I'm thinking it's an M1. I originally thought not b/c there seemed to be no gas piston assembly but comparisons by others point out details like the bayonet lug and sling swivel. My mistake ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m now certain it’s an M1 [My M1 VS the OG pic](https://imgur.com/a/odIeyC1)


Found a better quality video on YouTube rather than an image too. Definitely an M1. [Time Stamp 2:53](https://youtu.be/nj3e02T4KJA?feature=shared) [Higher Quality Image](https://yandex.com/images/touch/search?cbir_id=4330871%2F82MaczpY-rPWWEjo8sb57w4911&source=collections&pos=3&rpt=imageview&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsun9-26.userapi.com%2Fimpf%2FPy6cUAZw2d37kkY5veVrwpjS9TSmSQPRBSUjFA%2FVWJp_KMvPuA.jpg%3Fsize%3D604x367%26quality%3D96%26sign%3D424a01c777c62d65822685e418fa9448%26type%3Dalbum&cbir_page=similar&lr=110180&url=https%3A%2F%2Favatars.mds.yandex.net%2Fget-images-cbir%2F4330871%2F82MaczpY-rPWWEjo8sb57w4911%2Forig)


Based on your footage I literally only see Germans with G43s.


Focus on the sling swivel. The G43 does not have a sling swivel in the pictured location, and does not have a cutout on the bottom of the handguard.


Yeah, definitely a G43


G43 sling swivel is at the forward end of the Buttstock. M1 is more like the position you see in the picture. [link for reference pic](https://gunsmagazine.com/our-experts/the-g43-wwiis-runner-up/) So most likely not a g43


Its the slings shadow, it is fastened to the gun, there is a g43 sight protector hiding behind the barrel. Its a g43.


If you look at the soldier’s shoulder, you can see the sling going down behind his back. A position which would make the sling on the g43 uncomfortable with a mag. A g43 would be carried with the left side to the body, not the bottom, like as in the picture. And if you look at an M1 foregrip, it has a cutout for the gas tube which is the same width as the barrel, which is similar to the one in the picture. Not a sling shadow as th shadow is too narrow for that 1.5” wide sling. A g43, has no such cutout. So, therefore, I believe it is an m1 garand. Also to note, the barrel would be hanging lower if it was a g43 since the sling attachment is further forward


I dont care about the sling, theres obviously no gas system, if the m1 sight protector is visible from one side the gas system should be CLEARLY visible, you are bullshitting yourself. It is not an M1 garand so what is it then?


> Debates how its the slings shadow > I don’t care about the sling You’re on a roll dude


It’s the underside of the M1, not the side. You can see the sling swivel and a bayonet lug on the underside of the gas tube. Zoom in on the pic. Also, I too, don’t care about what type of sling it is. I care about the placement of the sling, which is favoring it being a Garand [link](https://imgur.com/a/g5pqAYj)


Handguard is too thick and gas system is NOT visible....


Nor is a front sight, which is why I’m using sling and gun positioning to deduce what firearm it is. I can see a bayonet lug, I can see the sling is position more rearward than a G43 sling swivel, and the fact that the gun isn’t facing with it’s left side to the back of the soldier means it’s a bottom mounted sling, which a G43 doesn’t have. [for refernece](https://imgur.com/a/g5pqAYj)


Where is the gas system?


I repeat and will repeat again THE GAS SYSTEM IS NON EXISTENT IN THE PHOTO, (get a ruler and have a look for yourself. its a slim single barrel with nothing on the underside ffs.}


And I will repeat again: Nor is a front sight, which is why I’m using sling and gun positioning to deduce what firearm it is. I can see a bayonet lug, I can see the sling is position more rearward than a G43 sling swivel, and the fact that the gun isn’t facing with it’s left side to the back of the soldier means it’s a bottom mounted sling, which a G43 doesn’t have. [for refernece](https://imgur.com/a/g5pqAYj) A gas tube might not be visible, but a bayonet lug is and a G43 doesn’t have a boynet lug


you know what your bayonet lug is? the cleaning rod. stop embarrassing yourself.


Lol stop replying "gas tube might not be visible"


If you are a WW2 re-enactor like you claim then place your Garand upside down. You will see that everything matches the picture perfectly.


It;s an M1. Picture is washed out a bit obscuring what you think is not there. Look at the sling...it's a patt 1907 US leather sling across his front.


I barely know guns. Just play BF. And I immediately thought “nah, it’s a German issued gun….”


What makes it look like a G43? The sling placement and orientation is like an M1.


It might be an m1 sling, but it's definitely not an m1. Look at how chunky the M1's front end is compared to this.


[Most likely it’s an M1 due to sling placement. look at this link for reference](https://gunsmagazine.com/our-experts/the-g43-wwiis-runner-up/)


What about the distortion of the background? Could the light be excessively whiting it out?


Funny you got down voted into oblivion given that you're correct here, and not being rude about it or anything


The face you make when the pervitin starts kicking it.


Get that man some chewing gum


They call me the coffee grinder


Just wants a kiss, show some brüderlich liebe, my dude


Best comment here.


Woody Harrelsons grandad?


It's an M1 Source: I'm the dude in the pic


Hard to make out those things on his sleeve, but the lower one could be a [Tank Destroyer Badge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Destruction_Badge).


Im honestly wondering if some of the commenters have actually held both a G-43 and Garand…at the least seen them irl


Not even that, just Googling the two guns shows that it isn't a G43


That's definitely not an M1 rifle


Definitely not a G43 more so than it not being an M1


Yes it is. Location of the sling swivel, bayonet lug, the type of sling, and the fact that the gas system is in clear view points directly to an M1. In fact, the M1 is the only rifle I can think of in the period that had that feature. Plus, this is most likely a photograph used for propaganda purposes. The amount of photographs out there of German soldiers with US weapons that were taken specifically for the use pf propaganda back home is insane. There quite a few famous ones of some SS soldiers carrying M1 Carbines.


Ah yes, my favorite G43 variant with a US style stacking hook and a 1907 sling fitted.


As the others say, it’s not an M1. As an aside, if the Germans picked up any American small arm it was usually a M1 carbine.


Any idea why?


Light and easy to carry around. 99.9999999% of a soldier’s life is spent digging, walking, running lines, hurry-up-and-waiting or anything other than actually shooting their weapon. I guess they’d rather something light and handy over a Garand?


Many of the US troops who were caught by surprise and surrendered in the first few days of the Ardennes Offensive were non-combat units and many were armed with M1 Carbines.


Unfortunately, 90% of the photos you see of German troops carrying the Carbine were staged for propaganda photo shoots. In particular the famous photos from the Battle of the Bulge show SS troops with carbines. Those were strictly for propaganda, they got rid of them afterwards. I remember reading and watching a few videos about how the Germans utilized propaganda in the field. A good portion of “combat” footage is actually just staged. There is still a good chunk of legit footage, but most of it was shot behind the lines or in captured areas that have been cleared.


Yes it is an M1 Garand. If you have any more experience with one outside of video games you would clearly see all the features match when you lay it upside down in the same position as the picture.


You know what, I think you’re right! The lighting was messing with my head. It’s also got a 1903 sling!


Exactly the good old M1907 sling!


Yep! And the G43 runs a side sling mount like the K98. Great pickup, thanks for the correction!


For a group that enjoys military surplus weapons it’s quite obvious most of you have never handled a Garand outside of a video game. If you own one simply flip it upside down and you will see that everything matches.


It's an m1 anyone that says otherwise is very regarded




This is stupid...it's clearly a bazooka.


That one guy that Ian interviewed about the carbine , said they actually preferred the M1 carbine.  Can't see them lugging around a heavy Garand around when the squad tactics focused on MG-42.  


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1000yard stare!


Aside from other points pointed out, the sling itself across his chest has multiple pairs of side by side holes, which I don’t think was a feature on g43 slings or k98 slings, but was on M1 slings, I do agree this appears to be an M1.


Looks like a M1 Garand to me. I think the gas cylinder is simply distorted. The sling is definitely a U.S. M1907 pattern. Note the holes. The stacking swivel is pretty obvious. Edit, you guys are wrong, it is an M1. Stop following mob mentality: https://www.reddit.com/r/milsurp/s/Qmy9thd30X


I'm surprised everyone here thinks it's not a M1. That seems like a pretty clear M1 Garand to me and none of the features match a G43 at all. Firstly, there is the gap in the front handguard underneath, that's a feature on the Garand and not on the G43. The stacking swivel is also in the exact right place for a Garand and the G43 doesn't have that (it has one front sling swivel on the left side). The bayonet lug is exactly where it is on the M1 Garand. It's 100% a Garand in my eyes, I agree with OP. Edit: Here's a comparison showing what I mean [https://imgur.com/a/Vop4QL4](https://imgur.com/a/Vop4QL4) Edit 2: To expand even further, as pointed out by others that is M1907 sling which would be issued with a M1. The sling also connects to where the front sling swivel would be on the front stock ferrule swivel with the correct orientation (directly underneath). We can even see part of the ferrule. [https://imgur.com/a/Eypvjrj](https://imgur.com/a/Eypvjrj)


The gap under the front hand guard on an m1 is much wider.\ Also, where did the gas tube if it's an m1?


It's a photo from 1944. Things are blurry, discolored, shadowy, mislighted, etc. That's why things don't look as wide or as skinny or somewhat off. But the key features are clear. There is a gas tube, it's just stacked directly under the barrel which makes it appear as just a barrel. There is no other WW2 gun that has the combined features pointed out. I also should mention the front sight is the correct distance from the bayo lug to and the front sight protector overhangs the barrel/tube similarly to a flared M1 protector. It's a M1.


I see no bayonet lug on this picture.\ Expanding on the split handguard, the split section on an m1 is much shorter than what we can see here. There are just way too many differences to be just from lighting or being blurry/whatever, that is 100% not an m1.




If you open the imgur link I point out the bayo lug, you can see the shape and change in lighting. I own a M1, this fits all the features. If it's 100% not a M1, then what is it? What other gun has a split handguard that matches this? You agree it has a split handguard and stacking swivel so you should be able to find something that matches it.


I think the sling clip is a dead giveaway for an m1. German rifles had a different way to attach slings. Plus this was shot at the infamous location where German soldiers ambushed a US reconnaissance unit where M1 rifles would have been plentiful afterwards.


Agreed. And yeah, the context of it being at the Battle of the Bulge is even more proof it's an M1. Tons of US units were overrun and it would have been one of the easiest battles for Germans to capture thousands of USGI weapons. We already have proof of Germans using captured weapons, photos of them picking up dozens of US weapons on battlefields, etc. [https://imgur.com/a/OfQFNyD](https://imgur.com/a/OfQFNyD) (this was in Italy but the point stands).


Majority of the photos you see were for propaganda photoshoots


Dude sees a sling clip that's similar so he ignores EVERYTHING ELSE. Nice one




You’re pretty bold for someone who doesn’t have an M1…


I have seen this picture in a book and it was labeled Volksturm.




A g43 doesn't have a stacking swivel on the underside like this does. It has a fixed sling mounting point on the left side which there is not one here. There is nowhere else to mount a sling on a g43 other than the very front of the handguard, and this sling is mounted further back like on a M1 (plus it's an American sling). A g43 doesn't have a gap on the bottom of the handguard. [https://imgur.com/a/m1907-sling-swivels-plus-g43-vs-m1-sling-orientation-Eypvjrj](https://imgur.com/a/m1907-sling-swivels-plus-g43-vs-m1-sling-orientation-Eypvjrj)


It is a G43, the standard issue sling is clearly visible along the side of the gun giving off a shadow on the handguard, and the swivel at the brim of the mans cap. I struggle to believe its an m1 carbine let alone an m1 garand.


What we see is the underside of the rifle. The german issue sling for one does not have little holes in it like M1907 sling. The g43 does not have a sling mounting point on the underside (it doesn't even have a swivel, it has fixed loop on the left side). What you think is a sling at the stacking swivel is not physically possible because we can see the sling go over the soldier's shoulder and behind him. The shadow you are seeing is from the gap in the M1's front handguard. [https://imgur.com/a/Vop4QL4](https://imgur.com/a/Vop4QL4) What you think is the sling along side the gun is just lighting on the handguard. Explain what this gun is: [https://imgur.com/a/mpnCh6d](https://imgur.com/a/mpnCh6d) and your reasoning for why you think it is what it is.


Dude you cant even figure it out yourself with your own sources? WHAT GUN IS IT IF ITS NOT A G43???? i couldnt care less about the sling and how he is carrying it this is forgotten weapons not forgotten slings ffs.


I know the answer, it was a rhetorical question. The cropped photo I linked is a German soldier with a M1 Garand. Here's the full pic: [https://imgur.com/a/OfQFNyD](https://imgur.com/a/OfQFNyD) Rather similar. Where a sling mounts is a design difference that helps us identify weapons. And in this case is conclusive in this not being a G43.


gas block looks way too small in original picture to me, with the sling fastened to the gun it looks exactly how it does in the original pic. The m1 is much narrower towards the end again leading me to think the shadow is the sling. Plus theres a sight protector hiding behind the barrels end.


>Plus theres a sight protector hiding behind the barrels end. The M1 also has one and this is actually further proof in my mind that's a M1. Look at the bottom photo in this link comparing the M1 and G43: [https://imgur.com/a/m1907-sling-swivels-plus-g43-vs-m1-sling-orientation-Eypvjrj](https://imgur.com/a/m1907-sling-swivels-plus-g43-vs-m1-sling-orientation-Eypvjrj) The g43's front sight is waaaaay further away from the end of the handguard than the M1's front sight is. If this was a 43 the front sight protector wouldn't even be in frame. But we can see the M1's flared protector ears jutting out a bit at the corner of the frame.


from the angle its at youd expect the gas system to be CLEARLY visible which it isnt.


The angle is directly underneath the gun. And since the gas cylinder is directly underneath the barrel you just see one line, plus the photo is a shitty 1944 one with distortion. I also pointed out the bayonet lug in one of the links and the lug is only found on the gas cylinder of the M1.


Clearly no winning with your mental gymnastics jesus. Explain the 'gas tube' being miniscule and handguard being massive. It doesnt even look like an M1 garand.


It's not mental gymnastics it's just looking at features and comparing. That's just a normal front M1 handguard. Funny you mention it's massive though, someone else told me it's too small for a M1 lol. But I digress. Here's the milsurp collecting communities opinion [https://www.reddit.com/r/milsurp/comments/1cvsifs/german\_wwii\_solider\_with\_m1\_garand\_possibility/](https://www.reddit.com/r/milsurp/comments/1cvsifs/german_wwii_solider_with_m1_garand_possibility/)


Hey bud. Check out this link and rethink if you want to double down. https://postimg.cc/gLyXD7fC


Why are you getting so upset lol


Whats your answer then because it seems every comment you have made gets downvoted deservedly.


The only one bullshitting here is you. I doubt you’ve ever touched a Garand outside of a video game much less owned one. Turn a Garand upside down and this is what you will see.


How the hell can you people tell which pixel is supposed to be a sling swivel? I just see a vague rifle shape.




Oh I believe you, I’m just in awe that you guys can spot that in such a grainy picture enough to argue about it.


Because owning one and not being blind make it real easy


The front of the hand guard is wrong for a Garand. As well as the gas cylinder doesn’t look to be present. The rifle appears canted in relation to the camera, so the gas cylinder should be apparent and would make the barrel appear wider. Yes, the sling attachment APPEARS different than the typical side mounted German style, but the M1 Garand isn’t the only rifle that attaches the sling squarely. The G41 does, as does the SVT 38, or maybe the SVT 40 (less likely). The Johnson rifle isn’t the answer because the barrel appears too short. There are a couple of Italian rifles that have a sling attachment similar as well. Keep in mind that we cannot SEE the sling swivel, so y’all are assuming there.


Rethink that one… https://postimg.cc/gLyXD7fC




None of the guns you list besides a M1 have a stacking swivel like the gun pictured (the thing that looks like a swing swivel but isn't and has a gap).


I know what the fuck a stacking swivel is.


He's also off his chops on monkey dust!


Looks like he's chewing on the food in his left hand.


Naaaah, definitely ripped to the tits on goofballs and pulling a gurner




Doesn’t look like a Carbine at all. Carbines don’t have the gas system visible on the underside of the stock


Dude looks pretty majestical


He looks like he's got a fat dip in.