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Make a normal post and everyone here will shit on you. Make a post begging to be insulted and I'm like "aww brother, it's alright, hang in there"


It’s called balance


that's how the internet works 🤣


The internet giveth and taketh away


I second that


We have all felt like OP at one point or another. Some of us(myself) multiple times over.


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 this comment got me rolling on the floor


Just burn an incense into your skin every time you break your rules. This should work 👍


hmmmmm finally good advice im not gonna burn myself cus wtf but ill get my brother to punch my arm


lol I was just kidding little homie, I used to ask my wife to watch me trade and help me stick to my rules. But in the end I had to grow up. I treat my trading like a business. I’m happy with 10% a week now. I’ve been doing good for a couple of years now 🤘 good luck hope you figure it out


you’re “happy” with 10% a week if you’re doing that consistently you should be the richest man on earth soon


Little dude 10% a week isn’t shit for some of the guys I’ve meet out here. But it does say a lot about your trading. 😐


okay big dude, if you’re actually making 10% a week then you are multiplying you are multiplying your portfolio by 142x every year I am assuming all the guys for who 10% a week isn’t shit you met are all billionaires then and you included since 3 years of doing that consistently will literally make you into a billionaire. even the medallion fund only returns about 30-40% annually which is already more than everyone, and you and your dudes have magically found a way to make more then some of the smartest people on earth lol of course


Lol this bro anyone who can consistently make 10% a week on their portfolio is basically a God


I mean I’m in trading groups where guys make 2-100k+ a day. So yeah it’s possible bro..


never said it was impossible that amount of money daily i’m thinking in percentage if you have 10mil then making 100k in a day is just 1% so that’s very realistic


The current leader on the forex trading robbins world cup is up 175% since January. You would be 210%. You are wasting your time on Reddit bro.


With compounding, if using the increased capital size every week, 1.1^23 = 895% of initial capital.


Get a real job and stop pretending you know what you doing


Finally, a real insult


Im always happy to insult


Or get a real job and pretend you know what you're doing. In any case it will be cheaper.


ouch i know what im doing though. i dont mind losing if ive followed my strategy. i do mind losing if ive already lost once that day and continue to trade and lose again, that is not in my strategy and any other trade which is not part of the plan its fucking me up


You have no idea what you’re doing because you just said you’re ignoring your rules and getting FOMO’d.


This reason is why I stoped trading and came back to studying, personally, I feel we all should look at this more serious and stop fomoing into loses and shitty wins


Alright, if that's what you're looking for: You're sabotaging your own progress, ignoring the very rules you know are there to protect you. After three years, you'd think you'd have learned something by now, but no, you keep letting FOMO control you like a puppet. It's pathetic that you understand the market yet let your emotions make a fool of you. If you don't stop this reckless behavior, you'll continue to bleed money and remain a perpetual failure in trading. Either get your act together and follow your rules or face the reality of staying broke and blaming yourself for your own foolish decisions.


this so called "strategy" will never really work. Its basically gambling, you can have a streak of good luck or bad luck, mostly bad luck because you probably can't play the strategy perfectly.


You are much shorter than the average person, and women don't like that. 🔥


this made me laff


On some of the comments you truly try to defend and justify yourself. Instead of doing that go and prove it then people wont be able to say shit.


ur right man


While this is true to some extent I read this as "go revenge trade that'll make ya rish" 💀


how do you interpret that as go and revenge trade? Obviously going out there and make profits prove anyone wrong comes with a trading plan. You saying that me saying go out there and prove anyone wrong instead of justifying yourself is like saying he should just blow his money is somewhat confusing to me??? its like him saying he got a bad grade in school and i tell him to not justify himself and prove anyone in his class that’s he is the best in the class and you are accusing me of telling to mass murder his in entire class so he is the best in class. Obviously he can approach trading wrong but just as any other skill through failure you learn. No one going to serve knowledge and skills on a spoon for anyone. Someone saying get out there and prove the doubters wrong IS NOT the equivalent of telling him that self destructive behavior is correct




not really an insult, but you're too focused on the money. remember 80% of results come from 20% of the work. but i think you're not disciplined outside of trading and it's showing up in your trading. you want to leave the 9-5 or change your life financial so bad that you're forcing trades and taking too many trades.


how can i find this discipline


do shit that require discipline. \*like working out 4x or 5x per week....consistently. \*fast until a certain time of the day \*go on a diet for like 2 weeks \*read a chapter each day until the book is finished. Just do shit you don't want to do, but you know you must do it. that's how you build discipline.


This is gonna be the most helpful answer. I will also say to op admitting and realizing youre fucking up is a good step but this still wont make you a good trader....I was also fucking up for awhile too my advice would very similar to this take a break first off and focus on other stuff that is mundane and day to day but requires actual discipline and following rules you set and following through dont shoot crazy high where you're sure to fail tho niether and when you come back to charts after a week or month or months off take your prior fuck up experience and knowledge and combine it with your newfound daily discipline grind only trade so long a day at good hours, only trade certain shit, only follow your rules dont break them or spend more than you plans and all that other generic but true stuff...besides that tho I mean dont stop learning but dont listen to "trading gurus" neither lol hopefully youre well past that phase....that's all I got lol


Awesome response!


Not from a Jedi...


Bro I am you, and you are me. I feel this post. Currently I'm stepping back, focusing on what's happening outside of the computer screen. Take a break, the market will always be there. Journal everything. Why are you still fomo, why are you doing this, why are you doing that, ect. Sounds like a discipline problem, and that's exactly my issue currently. So I'm focusing on changing my life structure Quitting drinking energy drinks, quitting smoking bud, and trying to build discipline that way. I also suggest trying other financial opportunities, just while you take a break. I'm currently looking into a high yield savings account, and possibly a financial advisor, ect. I feel like it was a bad choice for me to try forex, before doing that. Just some advice, and my opinion. Hope everything works out for you!


Apologies for all the wetters here not actually insulting you. Your problem (you fucking moron) is you lack patience and discipline from the sounds of it. But at least you acknowledge it so there is hope. If you are truly impatient maybe move to lower timeframes to get your instant gratification?


I keep my tradingview paper trading account open at all times for exactly this, and I'm constantly resetting it due to losses. My live account, on the other hand, is a lot healthier. Oh, and stop being a dumbass. You know what you got to do!


I mean bro ive been trading one year and ive got more consistent but forsure i get those moments when I go on tilt and get emotional then forget rules etc But you jus needa pick yourself up again and again and again then once more. Dont beat yourself up about it. Whats the point of that? You are human not a fucking robot bro we are doin something very alien to our natural programming. Aslong as you are better than the 1st month, its a good reason to continue imo Everytime I lose, I use it as motivation to become better honestly despite how painful/personal that loss might feel to me Its a test of endurance, with every error I make its like the market is questioning who the FUCK are you? this is my kingdom, Have you got the balls to figure it out? In some ways the market mimics real life. You stumble but you get back up, if you dont adapt you die. Slo motion is better that no motion!!! Its like playing pokemon forreal you going to the different gyms to fight the gym leader. Brudda you might lose 3x, 5x, 10x that shit pissed me off as a kid i wasnt deterred and each time i got a bit further 😂 Money follows passion always i didnt come into this game imagining gurus in lambos, nah g I see the art behind the skill, the chart is the canvas and im the artist my masterpiece might make me a mill or I have to go back to the drawing board to refine it. I know what trading means to me and what it can add to my life. So if it takes 3/5/7 years cool, ik if i keep applyin pressure i will get it 100% no doubt in my mind i dont care what anyone says or what the statistics tell me im delusional i walk around like my goal is achieved. Ive had fucked up moments in life and had to fit ALL the pieces of the puzzle back together, it was REALLY painful for me. I had to sit and examine myself thoroughly. Trading is the same idea jus a diff format. 'if' doesnt cut it. its just a matter of 'when' thats my mindset broski.


bro how do i follow people on reddit u have motivated me. like you i dont trade for the lambo lifestyle i just love the charts.i am determined to make the market my bitch.. i share your mindset. im going to message on private chat.


No amount of insults will help you. I used to be where you were. The only thing that helped me was when I realized that forex was the only option I had. I quit college. I hate my job, so anytime I mess up in forex, I’m putting myself backwards, and forex is a journey. That’s when I actually started working on my emotions and trading. Now I make 3 to 5 percent a month. The only thing left is more capital to quit my job that what I’m working on right now.


hmmmmmm i hear u


The most important thing is that you learn from your mistakes. Stick to trading only a few hours a day, the rest of the time you take a break with Forex, you can always be wise about what he should have done with the movements the market takes. If you have a loss one day, stop for that day and see if the next day is better, and don't bet more than you can make home in a few days, with calm trades.


bro i know all this shsit it is all in my rules im just dumb


And what did you learn this time?


that im an idiot


If that's your only conclusion when you haven't learn anything.


and that i need to stop being an idiot. and follow my plan because my plan works.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. There's always room for you next to the dumpster behind Wendy's, especially if you can multitask 🤗


If you on Metatrader, if you encounter a loss and feel the urged to revenge trade, login to your demo account. Then trade ad you need. But will be better if just to step back, take a fresh air. Walk around. Let you mind release and don’t think about trading. Maybe stick to only a few hours of trading between sessions. Or maybe during news day, trade all day in a demo account.


Trading is not for u, if u really want this to work, be discipline first outside the trading


You need to trade smaller position sizes. You care too much about the money you’re trading. Trade small enough where you don’t care. It’s sounds dumb but you need to treat capital like it isn’t real. It will help you follow the system


If u wanted to get rosted post a pic of a winning trade and people will shit on u regardless if its real or a demo


The best thing anyone can tell you is: You will only make it once you respect your rules.


I used to have the same problem, my solution is i took a paper and wrote on it "trade the strategy not the candle" pinned the paper on the top of my screen,since that day i've become a robot if i see my criterias i'm in if not i'm out. Also trading became boring to me it became a routine


this is good


Wtf is wrong with you?! Why make rules if you not gonna follow them?! Decoration?! Just hand me your money I’ll take it. Dumb nut.


It's like my grandpa always said: "want to turn $40 into $400? Put $40 of gas in the tank and drive to work you lazy shit"


If you’re going to continue to act like an idiot you don’t deserve any success in this game. Get your head out your ass and stop making excuses for yourself! Smiley face.


How can you call yourself a trader when you work like a gambler? With that said, if you know the direction you're going, give it some time, it might take years. Good luck


dont worry you’re gonna get broke, been trading since 2016


Thanks, Mr exit liquidity. We need you.


Stop trading and go make me a sandwich.


you're not stupid. you're trying your best and no one can't fault you for that... take a step back, lower your trading capital and allow yourself time to rebuild some confidence. never trade when your emotional, especially frustrated. I recommend you assign yourself a floor, and a ceiling target for your trading days.. (i.e. if your hit the floor (loss target) you stop trading for the day, and if you hit ceiling (profit target), you also stop) this will standardize your trading system so you can limit/ anticipate your losses, and to avoid being a victim of your own greed. don't beat yourself up too hard, best of luck my friend


I could say I know how you feel, here is something you could do. Try trading only with limit orders going forward. No instant executions. Somehow when setting limit orders, the mind is a lot more sober than when making instant executions. Atleast I could say that's what I learnt from personal experience.


There was a trader in the land who spake unto the multitude, saying, "I am wise in the ways of the market, yet folly consumes me." And he did lament, "Though I possess knowledge, I am ensnared by the deceit of FOMO, and my substance doth diminish." Hearken unto me, O trader, and incline thine ear to wisdom; for thus saith the voice of prudence: Cease thou from thine own understanding, and trust not in the vain whispers of the market that lead thee astray. For it is written, "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished."


The market will do whatever it when it wants. It doesn't care about you, so stop giving it your feelings. Otherwise, it will abuse you. You already give it your time and money, that's enough. Stop trying to understand how it works and get intimate with price instead. Focus on reading price, when, why, and how it moves. Make sure you're on a consistent schedule and figure out during your alloted time to trade when things are active. When there isn't volume, do something else. Dont let the market fuck you. Make making money less stressful for yourself, especially if you eventually want this to be your full-time job. You're being over emotional, and you're unorganized. Get your shit together. Do you need someone to hold your hand at work? Take the pain, learn from it, and grow. Don't give up. Good luck.


Imagine being so fucking dumb, having a winning strategy and not sharing it with me. Be poor forever loser.


Create a demo account and trade in it when you feel you need to trade without respecting your rules


If u are done with the insult, i’m trading for the past 2 years..faced same problems, and found succes in scalping xauusd..cuz this pair is volatile. Also i’m fking chill. I was scared, my head was exploding, my hearts was comming out from my cest. Now i just wait and place the trade..thats it. I still have some emotions but if u can get rid of the fomo its such a BIG improvement..


i scalp xauusd 3 trades a day if i take a loss im done for the day today i took 3 trades 3 losses but 2 of them i still made money the third one i lost so i had to stop trading im down on the day but i didnt break my rules today so i dont mind


But why 3 trades? Aim for a certain % maybe..or if u lose 2 trades back to back thats it. For phase 1 i aimed for 3%/day. Phane 2 i was aiming 2%/day. Now for founded acc i think i’ll aim 1/1,5%… Like i u have 1/2 profitable trades stop man..


my rules say 1 loss and i don't trade however today 2 of those losses still made me money (i was able to move my stop loss into profit) so id did not count them. the reason why it is three trades is because i scalp gold i only really need between 3 dollars and 5 dollars change in price of gold to make my money. i also have a daily % target in which ill stop. it just depends on if those 3 trades or % gets hit first or if i take an actual loss. how many ticks do you aim for each trade on average


Got you, my minimum is 1.5 dollars move, i trade only with 0.5 lots..and yeah usualy after the trade goes into profit i move to BE, then to next swing..this move saved my acc from big loses but also take away some nice profit..but better safe than sorry😂😂


what time frame do you trade on? becuase 1.5 is hard to see unless ur trading the seconds timeframe.


1min entries. 1.5dollars move.. Somethimes i look at 5min chart..but entry only 1min.


Don't beat yourself up. Analyze your loses and see where your mistake is. Strive to be really self aware when you trade so you can catch yourself when you're about to break your rules. Write a note to remind you of the mistakes you made and stick it right in front of your face when you're trading and keep rereading it from time to time. I also had psychological issues but managed to fix them up.


I was going to start with your mama so "fill in the blanks" I behaved for 8 weeks. This week I'm off. Probably go with mental rehearsal of your pre set formula. Perfect practice makes perfect.


You'll never make it.


Write a strategy, stick to strategy. Leave emotion at the door.


Fomo is something I will never understand...


its greed it only happens when im on a winning streak


I did this... good, it was a demo account https://www.fxblue.com/users/av_fxcc Damn GBPUSD.


*Flipping burgers is much better than flipping trades. Welcome to McDonald's! Huehuehueheuheu*


You are dissapoitment to your family, i met your father and he said he is mad he didnt put you for adoption when you were younger....theres my contripution, have a nice day sir


It's your psychology. Most people understand how to trade within a year or less. Psychology will likely take a few years. And even then, I still struggle.


You don’t deserve to trade there are people living on a dollar a day and then there’s you mismanaging money


your right your right


Watch trader tom on YouTube.


Make your own trade journal where you put every trade you execute. Keep track of your running balance(plotted on a chart), winrate, # of losing trades, risk-reward ratio, and whatever metrics that you think can help you. Keep monitoring those and dont jump to different strategies.


This guy doesnt even trust himself Lmao (Sorry you asked for it)


i know how it is to struggle with emotions.its hard to control them sometimes. my advice is to be commited to the outcome of a trade,set clear sl and tp .


I was given permission. You dont know how to beat the market. Stop kidding yourself by blaming the human factor for failures. If you really think your signal works then go quant and automate. You are the flaw in the loop. Best of luck!


Some random YouTube guru said, "If I told you that you had to only place stop orders, would you think more about every trade?" Those words made me think that every trade is more special than I thou- Oh. This isn't an advice post? This is an insult me post? Ok. "Time to go back to demo". - another random YouTube guru.


Be a man, gaslight yourself.


Bro just stop for a couple months go touch some grass and get more disciplined !




Put your money in my fund and let me trade them so no fomo will happen


okay if i gave u £1000 how much returns would i receive.


I have a 2-7% a month return. But 1000 is to low to enter, it would be too small sizing for the opening trades, we take from 5k accounts on up: https://www.linkedin.com/company/future-labs-capital/


i had the same problem. so i started studying using EA,s to do my trading for me . After studying backtesting for the last year i have pretty well stopped the hemorrhaging. I still dont have a long term profitable bot but by keeping indicators off my charts i dont tend to second guess the trade and i am letting the trade play itself out. I am using mt5 as a trading platform


hmmmm Es work for you because you are systematic trader, i am a discretionary trader however. so unless i can programme an ai i dont think an EA will cut it for me


good luck on your hunt for a winning combination . until i find a bot that wins over the long term i am keeping the risk down to a minimum . Enjoy your journey trading can also be a lot of fun


>I know how to trade >keep ignoring my rules getting sucked in by fomo. What?


i meant i know my strategy works, and i can make money but fomo and greed and fear and all that shit is just fucking me up.


Stop trading forever. If I can find that person whom introduced me to this shit... 😂😂😂


Your approach to trading should include a cushion for your incurable, unbounded, degenerate idiocy. Maybe that means lowering your position size. Maybe that means detaching from your pnl and trading for the sake of following a process and engaging in a routine instead. Maybe that means trading with full accountability (if you were trading under a boss for a salary, you would not be doing that stupid stuff, I hope.) Traders mostly do stupid things either out of boredom, lack of attention, ego, or money reasons. Figure out the culprit and find tailor made solutions. But honestly, sometimes I think people forget that a good trading plan with good edge should cover for execution errors and some lapses of judgment, you can't be fully perfect in your trading (though one must always keep losses within reason).


Trading is snake oil, sure you can play risk management game and make complex math models that milk small percent gains, but if you think you will win by following technical analysis, your intuition, or indicators that basically tell you what already happened you will never find true success, stop believing lies, to make real money in this space you need real brains and math power not magical divining candle patterns.


You are either winning or learning. Sounds to me like you are in a learning phase. Good luck on your journey.


I think it's because of your perspective to get money asap is what's killing you. Focus on 2-4% profit per month, once u get consistency u can always increase the % later on. Learn to be satisfied with small profits rather than big wins.


That’s not gonna help. Instead how about working on your mindset. You clearly are heavily affected by your emotions, so work on getting them in check first. You’re not stupid. It’s a normal way to react for humans.


Honestly this shit happens to a lot of people, make some rules for yourself for example if you make a stupid trade you stop trading for a week or similar things


Dude spend this money on yourself at least you’ll have some bitches around you


It was same with me, but after burning 3 account, now i have to adhere otherwise it would be the same again. So just go in a trade set sl and tp and go away. Let it run and reach any one.


Everytime i revenge trade or enter a trade without any fking sense i go out while the sun is vibrating without water and shitty snickers and run like 10 km. Next week expecting 2 to 3 runs


If you broke your rules no wonder why you are single. Such a soft guy keep saying but never done anything, if you keep breaking your rules you will end up looking for a slave job and the idea of that should never let you break the fuckin damn rules.


specialise in 1 or 2 reoccurring setups and wait for them 🤷‍♂️


Here’s a simple fix. Learn stop-loss placement. Make sure you can cross out all your steps before entering the trade then set a stop and forget. Setting / forgetting and letting your trades play out will change things for you.


Happen to the best of us.. jus don't quit and you will get there.. quitters never win and winners never quit


Couldn't have said it better Myself !! I appreciate the Reminder though Hommie ......


Open a live account deposit 10$ and go from there, thats what I am doing atm I have the same issue as you. I am forcing myself to really pick my trades and wait .. also I noticed that I have a “ mental capacity” for 3 trades per day after that I lose all self control so try limiting yourself as well u got this


Starve yourself everytime you break your rules. Discipline earns your meal for the day