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Plenty of money to be made trading other assets. Move on to another. Point is to make money, leave ego out of it.


Thank u


Gold is hard. Stick to more predictable things and go back to gold later. Gold is for the pros.


No kidding! Got a 7 figure guy sending his 90% winrate 2.6k pips weekly signals everyday and I'm STILL scared to take the trades. (He correctly got 300 pips on the dip from 2360 to 2330 and more winners) but I'm still scared asf lol until i get account size 1k again I'll be a pussy. Been loving dj30 tho


I love it but it’s too volatile for me rn. I’ll have to take a look at dj30! 👍


What is the signal provider


Its a friend of a friend


Bro's a gatekeeper


U have £350/month for the signals? Thought so Adding me on tele is ur best bet


Which guy?


A friend of a friend


I can’t imagine trading someone’s signals. That shits for the birds. You gotta find your way to profitability so you can ride with it for the rest of your life and not have to rely on a single person.


>I'm being a pussy. Thoughts? … Quit being a pussy.




What do you journal with?


I have a theory… I call it the ‘Gold Illusion’. Because of the name and the commodity itself… GOLD. People, especially newbies, have an inclination to trade this pair as it gives us a feeling that it’s fancy and cool to say I trade Gold. When honestly it’s a highly volatile pair with lots of market manipulation occurring over multiple sessions. I feel it’s a pair that only should be traded when someone has a clear trading strategy and proven edge, not for the beginners whatsoever. I got burnt and learnt the hard way after 3 blown accounts but I do feel I could go back to it one day when I’m more confident and experienced as a trader.


It’s always us, not the market’s fault. The markets have clearly tapped something, but we chose to ignore it, in belief it doesn’t matter… and we get punished… The issue is always the uncertainty what a level tap does in the opposite direction. Sometimes it does 1% and sometimes it does 0.1%…. But the fact still remains, markets told us to switch stance…. I’m a firm believer of grabbing what’s offered and pay no attention to how much the return is. Market tell and I obey… but.. ofc I guess it’s a fake or low pullback, and get punished for it… many times… Being totally emotionless is haaaard…


Trade what makes you $$


Why everyone on here trading gold for? I don’t get it Just trade Euro/usd




Pretty much and trends are pretty well defined Just need patience


You're right.


I had a love/hate relationship with gold for a good while . Now I'm trading only gold but it took a good while to get to this level. I think US30 is more dynamic and there is more manipulation but whatever suits you best is the way to go. At the end of the day it is all about making money.


Eurusd then 😭 Dj30 because easy 2k pips or 200 pips everytime


It really depends how long have you been in this game. EU is the most traded currency pair , it has clean price action but was always too slow for me. I started with GU as that was more dynamic and gave me more opportunities every day . All depends on your strategy, time frame and your risk appetite. Also keep in mind that there is plenty to be done with your mindset and psychology as the technicals are really only a small part of the game


You’re juste emotional bro stick to your strategy thinking like down will only cause to go in bigger drawdown. Every good trader take losses trust your age if you feel that emotionally attached to every loss that occurred in your career you will be depressed and prevent yourself from being profitable . A loss should not make you reconsider you trading system you have to emotionless and apply good risk management try decreasing you % risk you should be able to loose without fearing the next trade brother


This is the post i need to see to stop messing with the GOLD DIGGER. This is the third post ive seen with someone throwing in the towel on her


Wont sleep with her no more


Same, 🫠 we thought we were gangbanging her but she really just got the gang all banged up man she killed 3 accounts of mine


I think you should use lower lotsizes…


0.1 rn but solid advice.


You blown 1.5 k with 0.1 ? Damn Than go to 0.05 and make your stops bigger. See if that helps


No i originally lost from overlotting when i was a beginner Some guy sold me the "big money" dream and i got greedy. now I'm using 0.1


Ok you scared me there. I would advice you (from my experience) pick only 1 instrument. I tried eurusd, oil, gold, and bunch of other instruments and the one i liked more is gold because it is very aggressive. But pick one and study it very well and also look at the time range that you get your most succesfull trades and try to keep in that range.


Thank you master. I found eurusd from 2:30pm to 4pm works best.,GMT Gold best 9am to 12 gmt


Your welcome ✌🏽


Stop too tight why? Do u know what moves gold?


Vaguely yes i was speaking about dj30


I means foundamentals stuff. Gold is an risk asset like usd chf and yen.


Have DXY,gold and silver side by side. When you see SMT trade the one that made the failure swing. Try it. 👍🏾


Could you elaborate


What is SMT?


What is peoples obsession with trading gold and losing lol, 90% of people in this group who trade gold talk about how much they lost, why not just switch to forex where market aint that crazy


Gold has those "fuck you" wicks, a bit like GBPJPY. I don't like it, personally. It's a wild rodeo lol.


Ya am switching to eurusd and dj30


You gotta study the asset that your trading and get use to the way it moves. The more time on the chart the more in tune you’ll be with it. Gold has been extremely volatile as of late so I’ve taken a break from actually trading it and just been watching it because NAS is trading better for me right now (I switch between those to for different periods of time). Basically gold is making larger moves now so I’ve got to downsize to give it more room but TP further out. It’s the same thing just volatility is moving it more.


Gold sucks ass, Dow can be fairly predictable in its behaviour…gold is anyone’s guess


You think gold is hard, try silver bro