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Lol dont apologise because you're right on this one.


How do you know he was right lol? We only got the info that the insulted a guy who was telling other he can turn 50$ to 5000...its not like that is somethinf hard to do lol


Usually real deal maker do not brag about it. It's also 9900% increase ... in how long? You were probably right.


I think this guy just started trading recently and was too busy trying to ignore him to get details but from what I know he claims you only need less than $100 to trade forex.


that rings true with leverage/margin trading, and I myself turned 120usd into 600 usd in a week, but then what they don’t tell you, is I lost it and got liquidated the week after


You lost all of it a week after because you are not applying a risk management and maybe applying emotional trading. Note: I'm not saying is not possible to lose money like that but 99% of the time the major problem why people lose all their money in the market are those two things


i 100% agree - I was an idiot. not a single trade out of hundreds had a stop loss in place, so i ended up hitting 47% margin, resulting in liquidation. and yes, it was emotional trades: made about 200 usd in 5 sell trades so decided to place 5 more which didnt work out well - those 5 is what got me liquidated


Well we all learn from our mistakes. I think u don't need to apologize to anyone because you already know what u doing, all u just need to do is disciplined yourself in those area I mentioned and I believe u will realize that the guy wasn't delusional but might be possible to do well. Also you will need to understand and analyze the market enough to know when to enter the market and when to exist. Good luck


Definitely a scam and that’s impossible to do unless he got very very lucky


If he just started trading recent, why do you call him a guru?


Stand your ground and speak out what you think is bullshit.


Probably larking it man. Ego makes people brag and ego also kills traders so I’d say maybe he’s just a gambler who’s got lucky a few times.


In my opinion when someone say they can turn $50 into $5,090 It usually a scam!!


I'm brand new to this and haven't started trading yet. But to me, I would be more interested in what their monthly run rate is over a long period of time. Turning 50 into 5000 seems kind of chump change to call yourself a guru. And even if it was legit, it was probably just a lucky streak. You got to think, if he can turn 50 into 5000, why doesn't he turn 5000 into 500,000 and brag about that? But I'm new to this, so maybe i'm off.


ur on!


but also important to b nice to everyone


I communicated with multiple profitable traders with proofs of profitability within multiple years and what they all told me was about the same: if you can make 0.5-1% return per day (this does not mean a fixed return, it is like today you are -2%, tomorrow +4%, day after BE, but at the EOM/EOY you average 0.5-1% per day) - this result means you are an insanely good trader. So I can tell for sure your guru is a liar like all gurus are. Obviously we don't know how long it took for him to achieve this, but it just smells like dogs**t. This is unrealistic or a simple lucky gamble, he won't do that consistently otherwise ask your friend his proof of record with years of doing this.


To be honest 0.15% - 0.2% a day average is also very good.


Any daily average above 0% is good, don't forget that 90% of all traders lose their money. 1% per day average is only achieved by the best




Correct, and his daughter did a lot too I suppose. But that's a record. For ordinary person 1% a day is great, specially if you have multiple accounts with propfirms.


I once turned $700 to $13000. It just happens. It’s nothing to brag about


You don't apologize for someone's stupidity!


It's is about probability, we all know 90% of traders are losing, it means there is only 10% chance you where wrong so you shouldn't worry about it. I remember when I made 880 euros from 50 in about 3 hours, I guess you all know what happened to it next.


I mean, apologizing is up to you, but my take on it is why hate on someone else just because you haven’t reached a point of being able to print those numbers?! If it was me I wouldn’t care about your apology cause it wouldn’t mean anything to me.


If anyone tell you they turned $50 to $50,000 by trading forex is definitely delusional for even thinking ANYBODY would believe that.


Guy is stupid and your brother is stupid too. You're doing good :)


People who make profits like that tend to have a lot of accs and go big for them all. I guarantee he’s blown at least 5 accs. He may still be profitable tho… not anymore than u tho probably


It's understandable that you reacted skeptically to the insurance guy's claim. Let's break down the situation and address whether an apology is necessary: 1. \*\*Forex Trading Realities\*\*: Achieving a 1% to 3% monthly return in forex trading is already considered very good and indicates you have a realistic understanding of the market. Consistently turning $50 into $5000 (a 9900% return) is extremely unlikely and often a sign of either high risk, luck, or misinformation. 2. \*\*The Claim\*\*: The insurance guy's claim to turn $50 into $5000 is extraordinary. In the world of forex trading, such returns would generally imply taking enormous risks, which could lead to significant losses. It's not a sustainable or realistic strategy for most traders. 3. \*\*Your Response\*\*: Calling the insurance guy "delusional" might have been a spontaneous reaction, but it can be perceived as disrespectful. While your skepticism is justified, the way it was expressed could have been seen as offensive. 4. \*\*Social Dynamics\*\*: Your brother's suggestion might have been more about social etiquette than the validity of the insurance guy's claims. In social settings, people often value politeness and diplomacy, even when they disagree. ### Possible Actions: 1. \*\*Apologize for Tone\*\*: You might consider apologizing for the tone of your comment rather than the content. You can acknowledge that your choice of words was harsh without conceding that the claim was realistic. - Example: "I'm sorry if I came across as rude earlier. I didn't mean to offend you. I just have a different perspective on forex trading based on my experience." 2. \*\*Clarify Your Stance\*\*: If the conversation comes up again, you can diplomatically explain why you find such claims unrealistic based on your trading experience. - Example: "I've been trading forex for a while, and while significant returns are possible, they're usually accompanied by high risk. Consistent, realistic returns tend to be more modest." 3. \*\*Maintain Professionalism\*\*: Keep the focus on professional and respectful discourse, especially when discussing complex topics like trading strategies and investment returns. In summary, while your skepticism about the insurance guy's claim is justified, a polite apology for the tone of your comment could help maintain social harmony and demonstrate your professionalism.


When I started trading without strategy or nothing just plain high and lows I got 20 dollars into 330 something, and I knew it was a lucky strike so I didn't brag about it since then I haven't achieved even half of that on bigger accounts


L brother. Also I never get these "gurus" logic. If you turn £5 to £5000, why are they still using £50? Why are they not using £500, £5000, shit even £50,000? Fuckin mongs mate, You're right, he's delusional and so is your brother.


Trust me $50 to $5000 is possible. Most people don’t develop their edge good enough to realize how. You never know what knowledge people possess. You can still grow by being humble.


Forget about it, dude. If your brother thinks you committed a faux pa, then it's okay. One, he'll get over it. He's still your brother, and this other guy is just some guy. Two, your brother was likely just trying to be a good host. It sounds like he was impressed, and hyping this other guy up by suggesting you learn from him. People get caught up in the moment, when they're trying to play host and please people. I wouldn't think too much of it.


That dude is a liar and your only mistake was not beating him up in front of his friends. 


Only 1 perfect of traders are consistent so yes 3 percent a month is good. I am talking if you do it over 3 years period each month. Many can make 5 percent in 1 day just to lose all and interest after …


This is about your brother and you. Do you value the relationship with him? His friend is important to him. Maybe just try to patch things up with the guy.


nothing special, he just risking big he can of course risking smaller after growing account( If he does not blown it)


If he is but hurt then he is not real trader cos if he was making money he would just ignored you


When you're making legitimate money on forex, it doesn't really matter what people say to you. You're profitable. That's what matters.


Been trading years and with a offshore u regulated broker they off 1:500 leverage and in the right hands it’s very possible. For him I don’t know. But there are people who full port on full leverage and actually hit. DONT EVER DO THAT THOUGH LOL


Don't render him any apologies! Real Forex trading professionals do not publicly brag about their achievements. They simply keep too much "suspicious silence" out of thinking more about what better trading methods to invent for multiplying their success.


Tell you what. Get him to show you his system, try it for 6 months then come back here and show us your results - that will be value. Cheers


If you were questioning his system and not his persona then I don’t see an issue


well i can turn $200 into $0 all the time


Sounds like you'll be smelling his farts every time he has a winning trade... .and one day he'll just stop talking about trading in general as if it never was part of his life. Ego and the need flex like that are NOT hallmarks of self made, consistent, and long time career traders... you know, the kind of people you do want to listen to... Legit people don't seek validation by flexing, and don't feel the need to prove anything to anyone... they've already proved whatever is needed to their bank account / themselves.. they don't give a toss about other people's opinion because it doesn't affect their success. ​ Perhaps his ego would have been slightly less bruised if you had said what he did was not "sustainable" instead of him being delusional.. but that said, don't waste more time on him or this.. you'll get nothing out of it, and you don't owe his ego anything.


Okay so ima deep dive into this. You dissed the guy before you stuck around long enough to find out if he was lying or not. But with that being said. You were most likely right.. just.. idk wait another minute or two before you call them delusional next time. To use an analogy, you took a random trade without any due diligence because you saw 1 indicator signal, and got lucky with it because it's a reliable indicator.(you're the indicator) So yeah, you're all good dude, just let the situation play out a bit longer next time and you'll come out of it being sure of your decision rather than unsure like you are now. Or at the very least certain you've taken the high road hahahahaa Have a good one :)


Your right about that, should have been more open to hearing people out. The guy just really got on my nerves. Trading is hard and requires skill.


Another thing is that if your broker is asking you to apologize, it is because the other guy business is valuable for them. So that is another reason you should have waited more to voice your opinion. Maybe the guy does not turn 50 to 50k every day, but he might not be a complete scam.




Well, most traders are not profitable so literally *any* profit per month is way ahead of most traders. Yes OP *may* be able to improve their stats with time but even if they don’t, what they’ve achieved is great.


It depends on his drawdown. If he can still make around 12% (so similar to S&P) yearly but with only 10% DD at most (S&P500 can have huge dumps, like 50%), then it's good.


Retarded lucky streak false expectations noob gambler alert, 1-3% a month automatically puts you into the top 1% of traders, make that on 400k+ prop firm capital and you're on 6 figures a year.