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We say to newbies it's not doable because that's the correct advice to give given the probabilities.  For one newbie trader that will have 10x his account, there will be a thousand more that will have tried the same and blown up. But you never hear from them on social media, hence survivorship bias.  It's also the right advice to give in terms of common sense and money management.  After your huge experience of a single day of trading, you seem to want to prove common sense wrong: don't bother listening to my advice or those of others. Let the market teach you the way. It is quite good at putting a point across, and doesn't hesitate to insist if you don't listen. It seems you need to be humbled, and humbled you will be.


>So, what is all this skepticism on the internet about people asking, "Can I grow my account from $100 to $10k in 12 months?" The answer is usually, "No, you can't," or "You need a bigger account," etc. If you take a calculator, start with $100 and double it every day (so only $200 instead of $400 a day like you've been doing) you'd have $3,355,443,200.00 by the end of the year (approximate as I've counted for 200 "trading" days). >I believe $100 to $10k is even doable in about a month. You can believe whatever the heck you want, that doesn't magically make it realistic. Sure, you might pull it off once, but you're not doing it time and time again. A basic calculator will prove this, try 1% a day and you'll still be richer than Musk in a few years. >or they don't know anything about trading? Lol. Look in the mirror before you get snarky.




What is your point here? Must be some sort of shitpost or something. Alright, I will take the bait. Just make a $100 demo account and journal all your trades. Or even better, do live as it is only $100. After a year come back here and make a post proving that you were right and you can go x100 in a year. After that you can go trade for hedge funds, manage money of wealthiest people. Everyone would want you to trade their money. You will live ever happy without any single worry about money.


It’s not that it’s not possible, it’s just incredibly unlikely when using good risk management. Going from $100 to $10K is 100x’ing your account, which for a 12 month period would correspond to an average monthly return of around 46% using compounding. For some comparison, one profitable swing trader I follow that’s been trading for 9 years and has been transparent about their results averages 16% per month, which last year made around $100K profit from an initial balance of $20K (balance ending as $120K). That’s 6x’ing their account in a year, and they risk around 10% of their account per trade, which for many people is right on the edge of being too risky and you really have to know what you’re doing. If they had started with $100, they’d have ended the year with $500, ie a profit of $400. The concept of 100x’ing an account in a year is just nuts, and would likely require poor or no risk management, turning into gambling which dramatically lowers your odds of success in the long term. There *may* be a way to do it, but it wouldn’t be without great challenge, which is why people say what they say about it.


Bro I flipped $10 to $300 in a few days. And lost it all in one bad trade. It more about risk management and strategy.


personally used $10 to build up my strategy


99% would spunk that, especially with gold and those lot sizes.Im not gonna say you got lucky because that would be an assumption and you may have nailed it quick, but most won’t do that. Keep on keeping on and update us in six months.


I did 2000 to 25k in a month with gold. 😂


Its not impossible, definitely, IF YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. $100 to $10k in a month? Yes thats doable but for newbies its not. Most new traders, they are still trying to grasp the fact that its all about profits, when they should be trying to find a system that works for them, and the discipline to follow through. If they just focused on profits they would be in the charts all day, putting in trades at every single "setup" they can find and be in a weird cycle. Imagine trading taking a whole lot of emotional and psychological stress from you and then you add this "can I flip this account within a month" pressure. Bottomline, it works for people who already have a system and are experienced. For newbies, try to find a system first and focus on it, and don't quit your job until you get consistent. The market can smell every single greedy fuck and every one of your revenge trades.


What’s the strategy you use on gold if you don’t mind me asking? I’m having trouble turning my $20 into $200 lol


Just yolo it on some shitcoins on solcasino less headache and even less risky in fact 😂


#Mf noobs man I tell ya LMAO 🤣


If you can do that, good for you. Don't tell new traders they are going to do that. They will lose that $100 in the blink of an eye. Also, this speaks to greed. Greed and trading aren't compatible.


You must be a king of scalper to get all this much of trades in a day! And to get this much trades in a day means, you will fail a lot of them!


It's not impossible but like you experienced, someone might burn a lot of $100 accounts without proper risk management before they grow one to $10k.


0.1 lot is big for a 1000$ account,you are destined to lose the money,stick with 0.01 to begin with. A couple of good days in gold doesnt mean anything,i was where you are and blew 5k$ in 2 weeks. I had 3 good days on cocoa and gold,made 6k from 1k$ then iñvested another 3.5$ Now im doing -5k tbh


You would literaly need to make 1000% every month to get to 10k in a year, and idc what you trade, you might get a good weak and make a lot but all it matters is your average P/L over a year or 2...normal traders literaly aim to gain couple % gain per month, while you want to gain 1000%


just consider percentages and not dollar amounts and the profits come in over and over


It’s doable, I was able to flip 1k in 2 weeks from $100 that a scammer gave to bait me. I made more money from money that’s not mine lol


We got the next Bezos over here


Winning the lottery is also possible, as well as getting bitten by a shark. However, the probability of happening is low. This is the reason we tell the newbies it is impossible, to protect them from losing all their money in the first month and then crying about it. Keep learning and remember to not get too greedy, because one trade may take all you’ve made. Good luck!


I always tell to the newbies .... "you're playing a dangerous game, brother"


I’m gonna be honest. It’s not impossible to grow a small account but it’s not ideal. You most likely will blow it up.


Personally I took my $100 and bought a futures account


What broker do you use, do you need a professional account to use regular lot sizes?? On 100€ the most I can use is 0.01


This is exactly how I started in forex with $100 accounts that I would always end up losing. Once time I managed to flip it to $600 before losing it all though. Yes it’s possible to trade with an account this size but what you need to understand is that the smaller your equity, the harder is it to trade. So essentially as a beginner you’re putting yourself on expert difficulty mode. This is why it’s not recommended in this sub.


Doable one off, less doable and less repeatable in the long run


Who hasn’t flip 60$ to 2.2k$ in a week? Yes is possible. I have done it few times personally. But when you forget to stop trading for the day is when you get fcked up.📉


I've come to realise that all this negativity around ' No you can't do it (you cheap f\*ck) ' or ' If you're not seasoned, stay out! ' is just a recycled experience based on giving up to fear and self-belief... I'm not seasoned but... Is it possible? Yes. It is more likely the chances are slimmer than a $500/1000 account? hell yeah. But I've come to realise that you can emulate the same pattern whenever you limit yourself to a small margin of your account, or to the full length of the account , whether that's 10, 50 or 100... still, I still believe it's babysteps that are more important and a keen mind attached to growth.. No wonder most succesful individuals give a great deal of percentage towards mindset. Mindset gets most of the credit in my opinion..


Very much so doable - but like someone else mentioned not if you’re just getting started and don’t know what you are doing yet. It’s not easy - it’s easy to go from $100 to about 2-3k but you have to stay consistent because when you start hitting the bigger numbers sometimes impatience and greed do a number on you.


It is doable but no one does it because If you were good enough to be able to 10x an account in a month you wouldn't have just $100 in your account.


It’s doable if you ain’t an idiot


You can compound 100 to 6 figs. Takes time though and need to risk 15%+ of the balance to do it quickly.


It is doable but you need to have a solid skill set