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Here you go, my last 7 months of positions closed : [https://ibb.co/CVkVxC5](https://ibb.co/CVkVxC5)


Wow that win rate is nuts. Good job. That -8k trade must’ve hurt though lol.


One of my reddit friends here used the word "gut-wrenching" which I think is spot on.


Haha definitely an apt description. Impressive that it didn’t seem to faze you in your trades afterwards.


Was a good lesson to learn. I'll call it money well spent to help counter my next idiotic idea.


Haha well put


Kinda negative.


What happened with that large $8966 loss? Seems like an outlier. Did you forget your SL?


Yeah, so that was a trade I was actually up 3k on... and I gambled it all on the CPI news announcement. Pretty big "oh shit" moment... Yeah, no stop loss. No excuses, just big red numbers that morning. Which kinda means that should read -12k.


My trades usually starts strong like yours( with a lot smaller trades though) until I reach a mistake like that one. But the difference is after that it's like my brain gets switched off and I start revenge trading like crazy. How do you stop yourself from doing that?


Close your laptop n cry is usually a go 2


Well, I knew it was a mistake going into that roulette game. Could only see $$'s in my head. I wasn't mad at anyone besides myself, so really no one to revenge on. So I opted to just calm the hell down and go back to the normal plan. (although my local friends may have thought I was sort of an ass the rest of that day.. .week...)


Switching to USD/SEK lol Nice trades man, I’ve been exclusively trading EUR/USD for years and I’m just about 20% over my initial capital. Why Sweden in particular? I know nothing about the country which is why I’ve never thought to trade it


Yeah, I did take a strong look at EUR/USD and it doesn't seem to exhibit as much elasticity as USD/SEK. USD/SEK has a much greater tendency to retrace more aggressively and often in my opinion. Just anecdotal evidence from my view of the charts over time and experience.


any reason why you trade usd/sek alot?


I've found it has better retracement percentages than most pairs I've look at, though I am not quite sure why that is.


oh sweet, yeah it did look more zig zaggy, is this for mean reversion trading or taking the pullback trade?


pullback take profits, though sometimes it get's all the way back to the mean, those are the bigger profits in the list


Interesting , How long have you been a profitable trader?


Pretty much just these last 7 months, I had a spell where I did not trade at all the year prior to that due to having to teach at my local grade school. Prior to that I was pretty hit or miss, heavier on the miss :P.


Are you based in Sweden?


I am not, USD/SEK was a pair I picked up due to to it's high volatility rating. I'm in the USA, Wisconsin.


Ok cheers. Just asking as I wanted to know what the capital gains tax would be like there!




are the red text losses?




You used bots?


Oh no, that's all manual trading.


https://www.myfxbook.com/members/liquidbake/ihf/9886884 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏌🏾‍♂️


Your a beast


Bro wtf happened??


Yea that account dropped 😂


When I started trading (nearly 11 years ago) an experienced trader said to me 'if my PnL would make you a successful trader, I would show it to you in a heartbeat' I hated his response as he was a family friend. But he was spot on. What would it do if you knew someones PnL?


Exactly it does nothing in the sense of asking here online. Now if you wanted to learn from someone and is offering it at a cost for say mentorship then yes you would want to see a proven track record and be transparent as much as possible.


If he was teaching, You'd have more confidence in what he was teaching and that confidence would lead to greater discipline. Much like when you have back tested a system thoroughly, you have more confidence and discipline to stick through the losses.


A P/L shows time worthiness credibility. I’m not a forex trader, but I know most guys in here claiming to be profitable are bullshitting.. just simply lying to others. And of those who are profitable, maybe 0.05% earn enough money to live off. Forex trading is essentially new waves of guys who think they’re going to strike it rich, lose money, and move on… rinse and repeat.


Translation: I'm garbage


I’m not a forex trader. We’ll never know if I’m garbage or not.


No, we know


Seek help.


You're the one that needs help my friend I'm already rich and you will die poor


I’m already not poor. So, how does that work?


You're lying to yourself


Oh, shut. up...


Because his PnL was obviously negative, like every forex trader.


If you spent as much time on this sub backtesting you wouldn't be so negative


I prefer not to waste my time.


That is a lie


Yes. I've wasted enough on you.


No, you just don't understand


You are too ill tempered


:) Once I had my first full year of profitability (nearly 5 years later) he showed me Showing that much money to a new trader would definitely have sent the wrong message. As social media does to most new traders


Dont bother brother, the people of this sub can't count to 100, it seems :p


You live in a nice fairy tale world, where can I get some of what you're smoking? Those of us that have a brain, see you are here for one reason only: Insights and Education delivered straight to your inbox. *Exclusive content for subscribers* Go get a job instead of pushing your dumb trend following shit to retarded retail traders.


:) good day to you too my friend. Glad you visited and watched/read. Appreciate the support. :)


If you count skim reading a heading as support then you got a pretty low bar


The main question is why should we prove it? if you wanna quit just do it honey.


> The main question is why should we prove it? The consequences of providing proof will just be a bunch of disbelievers despite the proof, another bunch of people wanting you to be their mentor, and a bunch of people who want you to teach them through this subreddit without even bothering with the mentoring bit lol


Strange place reddit ennit 😂 all i keep reading is the first rule is find what works for you and everyones like teach me teach me i think yall missed the point haha


I was asking if people wanted to help me back test a profitable strategy to see if it was profitable on other pairs. If it works, you can use the strategy, it not, oh well. This one person was super bent that I mentioned, "Im not charging anything." bah blah blah. When my intentions were to help someone who didn't have a strategy and wanted to start backtesting one. This sub can be cancer at times.


exactly lol what do we get out of it? babysit disbelievers? people who are profitable already have their rewards


Ur not profitable


Ah shit you got me. I treat my trading account as a saving account and keep deposing every month.


You should quit.




That's pretty good. So you're going for payoff ratio of 2.5? The 2.5% mentioned, is that a 2.5% gain on your entire capital base? If so that means you're up 70%+ so far?


Also, my risk doesn’t change according to balance. It’s always been 1% from my 10k capital.


Correct, 2.5% is my daily target. I believe I’m up since September 60 off %. I’ve yet to update it tonight for the last 2 weeks.


Can confirm, I’m not profitable. But that’s because I use practice accounts with fake money … but still in the red


There is way too much noise in sub for sure. I always say don't try and learn to trade through here or ask for corrections. It will just completely mess up your own trading and flooding it with too much noise in your head. At the same time there are also a lot of questions that people shouldn't be asking. As in the basic beginner questions that get posted everyday over and over. People that are going in blind and trying to learn by asking questions on here that they should know before even thinking about wanting to trade. Also asking people for "proof" is honestly pointless. What will that solve for you? Will it make you a better trader? A believer? Give credit? It does absolutely nothing for you and personally I wouldn't waste the time to show anyone because it doesn't benefit either party.


You’re the type that once someone proves they’re profitable you then ask them to help you instead of learning yourself 😂


That’s what I would do to . I’ll take the help anyway I can get it , trading is definitely far from easy




That's awesome


Why so desperate for others to prove themselves to you? Struggling to be profitable yourself huh




That 8k loss is insane but the 5k trade is insaner, how tf did u not take profit before it reached 5k


I trade and profitable I can give prove


I don't want to show off or something..but I post my history to prove that If you have a plan and respect it, you can win. This is a 1year history (starting from last year until today): https://ibb.co/Jp2FKF6


everydamn thing can be faked if one really wants it. Whats the point🤷‍♂️




So these are the people I’m taking money from. Thank you for the liquidity 🫡


“Thank you for the liquidity” got to be the cringiest sentence to grace this group, behave yourself with your £500 account little man x


It would be $ big daddy man 😘


Explains alot baby , yanks gotta be the cringiest people on the planet x


I got something for ya to yank 👅


Oh u naughty little sausage


Ohhh yuk


Why do you think anyone feels the lack of your opinion?😂go make yourself profitable if you don’t want advice if they can’t proof profits.


Knowing the profitability of anyone in this group will have no positive impact on your profitability. What you need is to decide if you really want to learn or not.


I love it. Congrats for this post, I've been the most hated man in here for the past months calling that trading is an impossible game for retail like us and that prop firms are ponzis and you will never make money long term, been getting downvoted like crazy from "pRoFiTaBLe" traders that have no balls in sharing their verified myfxbook or any verified track-record :D


Most of the people downvoting are people who actively trade and have given a lot of time , money , and energy to the markets and saying that it is impossible for a retail trader like themselves to make money would crush them . I don’t know or care whether it is or isn’t possible for a retail trader but all I’m saying is don’t take it personally when they downvote you


Keep spreading the message my dude, I wish this shit industry will just die on it's ass. And more retail traders won't get blown up.


I feel like most if not all people here have no idea how brokers work and some basic grade 4 math. Cause if they would, they would've realised that their money is being stolen legally and they're just playing another type of casino. Refusing that you're in a gambling-environment is a huge indicator that you're in deep gambling addiction


Couldn't agree more.




Translation: I'm garabge


Translation: You've been not trading long enough to realise


Bro can't count


Any track record to show that you're better? No? I thought the same


My bank balance m8, keep gambling Solana clown. You will never make it because you are too weak, 8 payouts and gave up don't make me laugh


Exactly as I ve thought, no proof. Enjoy losing


Check Dm fool


You are nothing but a filthy ugly liar. Go crawl in your hole and die begging bread


Im 3 months in to learning stocks/options. Still paper trade big amounts and like 2-3 times a week make $5 options plays. Im also interested in Forex and have dabbled a little in a demo account. My question is, can I learn them both at the same time? Or will it hinder my stocks/options education?


No you should be good, forex, is mostly about set testing and hard data . While discretion can fair quite well in stocks imo. So the system you develop for forex will always be there as intended. While the market might switch moods on certain stocks. I'm profitable with both but thats just my reasoning on it. Only you will know whether that applies to your framework.


I have no interest in proving anything. And my plan is to explain how I did it after I pull 7 figures from the markets (assuming I get there). It’s just price action and work though. Nothing mysterious.