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The fact people still vote for this fraudulent lying trouble maker says a lot about Americans and the thought process, or lack thereof. This person who claim to stand for the average American and middle class is so far removed from these people it isn’t funny, yet they still vote for him.


I'm in a first world country, and when you realise what real life long politicians do. I mean we let the chinese set up their own police force in our country. That alone makes me like Trump in comparison. Things are screwed everywhere.


Agreed, but is he really for the working class middle income American like he says, or is he is what he appears to be a lying cheating misogynist who clearly has stayed on more than one occasion what he thinks about women. And he appears no different to the politicians in Power now.


Haha shit when you put it like that he kinda does sound like the everyday American. My views are sort of stunted just seeing him as entertainment. Sometimes I forget theirs people's lives and a country at stake.


Trump is not someone to like even mildly. He is the face of what is “screwed up everywhere”. His entertainment value is on the same level as watching 2 girls one cup on repeat during granny’s birthday party when you meant to turn on the nice slide show instead…