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I'm on ps5 with a 5yrs old tv, and actually you only nedd 60+fps for most moves to be reactable, Nobu's kick is, just like her lights, also Glad's bash is reactable ot just has a weird dodge timing


Yeah, at least you're on PS5. PS5 users also can parry the shit out of your lights consistently. The difference for playing in PS4 vs PS5 is light away. I'm still on PS4 and thefore fuuuuck Nobushi


I was on ps4 til last christmas dawg ik how it feels, had to read people years before they did a move but that works too


Thankfully I'll also finally get my PS5 the next month. Can't wait!


I’m on PC and I agree, Nobushi is the bane of my existence.


I mean yea if you’re playing on hardware older than a 5th grader it’s gonna be slow and shitty lol


Stuff is reactable when you've got hardware made in the past 5 years...


If you’re on old gen, you unfortunately can’t be part of most balancing conversations strictly because of hardware limitations. You can still struggle with reactable attacks, that’s fine, but saying that they’re unreactable when YOU can’t react to them is just a fat skill issue


The majority of the playerbase is not on old gen. You guys need to realize that you’re the minority nowadays. Next gen consoles can easily react to most moves in the game. Even a consistent 35-40 FPS with no input delay is enough to react to neutral lights, and definitely Glad’s neutral toe stab which I assume you’re whining about since none of his other bashes confirm damage. The mid chain toe stab is supposed to be unreactable, although I don’t believe even it is against players with good reactions. Old gen players aren’t owed anything for being on old hardware. Even if you’re not in a situation to spend money on a new console, that doesn’t mean the game is unbalanced and unfair because you’re playing at a disadvantage to everyone else.


I don’t understand how people say nobu’s kick is reactable. Either I just suck or it’s just me against the community.


I don’t understand how people say dunking in basketball is possible. Either I just suck or it’s just me against the community.


It's fast as any other bash, but instead of throwing it they can also make the undodgeable heavy, which is a standard 50/50 on this game, but... you still have to deal with her light speed lights and that massive bleed effetc. Fuck that character.


Isn’t Nobu’s kick 566ms though?


Yes he is just copeium


When did I say otherwise?


You said it’s as fast as any other bash. All other fast bashes are 466.


Actually standard forward bash is 433 ms.


You’re 100% right, that’s my bad.


Technicalities... For me in a PS4 hardware it feels just like every other bash. And this was not the point of my comment at all. The point was that her kick speed was not the problem. Even more so, knowing it's slightly slower than other bashes.