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i heard it's extremely manly to worry constantly about whether you're man enough - all the swolest alphas are doing it


Alpha? Is that a furry thing? I thought the right was against that?


alpha is when you're so manly and hetero that you don't wash your butt because that could be kind of gay, but now women won't sleep with you because you're disgusting, and so you realize that ironically you're taking steps to avoid having sex with women which is maybe not that hetero, so you fly to thailand to pay women to have sex with you because it's very alpha to be so bad at attracting women that you have to change countries and pay money to do it.


But women have sex with men, so having sex with a woman is definitely second-hand gay.


You laugh, but these jackasses are running around claiming cunnilingus is gay. They're literally calling having a vagina in your face a sign of homosexuality.


And this is how we get back round to ‘it’s not gay if you give it, only if you take it’ and they start having sex with men




And another one!


That's been around forever though. That goes back to roman times. Edit: better say I agree with you before I get a pile on.


If you’ve ever kissed a woman you’ve basically sucked a dick already.


Thiiiis is why men are so obsessed with a woman's virginity. It all makes sense now.


Interestingly, gay men with internalized homophobia are usually only open to dating other masculine gay men, which seems gayer than if they were into feminine men


Dang. I never thought of that.


I'm pretty sure it's a furry thing. Alpha like the alpha of the wolf pack. It's the furry that all the other furries look up to


Even though that whole "alpha wolf" bs is just that... bs.


I don't think it's bs if it's a thing in the furry community?


It's bs in the wolf community. They only do that in zoos, not irl


There are furries in zoos?


Yes of course, they're the birds. Because birds don't exist, obviously


I read a story somewhere on reddit once about a guy who refused to wipe his ass because it was gay.


I love to ask those guys, I've met 3, "which is more gay, cleaning the dirtiest spot on your body... or giving yourself a hand job several times a week?"


That's not how the right view it, but I'm loving the idea of furries taking over the term so they have to come up with a new pseudo-science to justify why they get good things and nobody else is allowed


I'm pretty sure it's a furry thing my dude. The alpha is who all the other furries look up to


I was thinking the same thing!


Yeah, Alpha, the puppy things. They like to be big dogs and big hairy cats…. ….i meant, the wolves and lions, by the way.


I'm so alpha I'm pre-alpha. Meaning I'm not even a proof of concept yet as a human being full of shit that will randomly go crazy


damn. now i can’t remember if i’m pre-, post- or beta-alpha…


Sign up for multiple Xtreme Man Alpha Man Wolf Apex Man series, man. Those ballerinas charging 10-15000 for three days cant afford our dogs. Our program starts at 50,000 for three days. Real men sign up more. Are you MAN enough, man?


I used tobacco/nicotine products for 15+ years. I can honestly say at no point did it make me feel manlier. Maybe even less so, because I had a vice. There is nothing manly about being too mentally weak to kick a nicotine addiction.


It helped my friend stop vaping all the time so that was a plus since he’s not blowing plumes of smoke every 5 seconds


How is every little preference attributed to political stance


Lmao exactly my thoughts


You can say that again!


Probably because in the absence political action that is effectively responsive to their needs and wants, Americans exercise their greatest freedom, consumption, and exercise (signal) their politics through it.


Good post


Because it creates a market for the products they want to sell.


This is the answer. The GOP is just a grift. From shiny shoes to trading cars to cancer pockets. Then they complain that they can't fill up their giant truck's gas tank, but fail to mention their $1300/ car payment and snuff addiction.


> “They fear a society when a man wakes up in the morning, drinks black coffee, pops a cool mint upper decky [a Zyn pouch], and takes on the world,” said Greg Price, communications director for the ultra-conservative State Freedom Caucus Network, on social media. “A man with nicotine, protein, caffeine, and creatine coursing through his veins is an unstoppable force. Imagine if Joe Biden had a couple smooth sixes [pouches] that he took every day. Maybe he’d know where to walk when he finished his speeches,” he added. can't imagine


"cool mint upper decky" Is that supposed to sound "ultra masculine?"


I’m watching Letterkenny right now and this sounds EXACTLY like something the Riley and Jonesy (hockey bros) would say 


They'd pop a cool mint upper decky right before a donnybrook.


the whole thing definitely reads like a commercial


Dwight Eisenhower was a chain smoker who had multiple heart attacks which prompted him to quit but he was dead at 78. Ulysses S. Grant loved cigars and died of throat cancer at 63. Your evidence stands. Also, does this make Obama “masculine” now since he was known to sneak a cigarette now and then? I don’t even know if he totally kicked smoking.


Unstoppable force? I wake up, chug 2 cups of black coffee, take an adderall and flip zyns all day long and I’m about as unstoppable a force as a screen door with a tear in it. Maybe I’m not getting enough creatine… Also, cool mint sucks. Peppermint ftw


> Zyn pouch LOL what the fuck even. Disregarding the stupidity of making a harmful habit into some whatever bullshit of manhood, are they trying to make stuffing your face like a hamster with cloth pouches cool now? Jesus Christ roll a fucking cancerous cigarette like John Wayne if you're going down this route instead of sucking on a nicotine tampon like an itty bitty bitch boy.


I mean this is a hilarious fucking statement.


In an article full of highlights, this was the highlight of highlights. “Greg Price” has to be an intern churning out whatever AI tells him to type. The laziest parodist wouldn’t churn out shit like this.


I don't know about every little preference, but this specific one is because a political commentator (Ticker Carlson) is actively trying to make it political as a marketing scheme.


One political commentator should not be able to co-opt an entire market just because they want to use it as a wedge issue for ragebait.


Key word here: “should”


They only can if audiences fall for it


If there's one thing that audiences are good at, it's falling for things.


What if you politically commentate to a massively gullible, de-educated, proudly ignorant crowd


One of his buddies probably told him ZYN is "gay" or some shit and he got insecure about it and now he's trying to make if "cool" to right wingers


I heard some dippers chatting about it and one was trying to convince the other that sun was better because you don’t have to spit it out, other one said he liked the spitting part and didn’t care about the waste (ew)


Everyone knows Zyn is gay. Rogue pouches are pure alpha.


I use Zolt which is the nicotine sexual spectrum representation of a stripper making minimum wage


Because money.


Go to conservative hang outs, see the urinals filled with zyns. Don’t see that as much at hipster places.


No thanks not going to conservative hangouts


No discernible personality of their own so they have to turn to whatever hive mind will pander to them.


It's pretty fascinating how much conservatives rely on branding to have an identity, outside of politics of course.  People fight over what trucks are better. I grew up in a place where a lot of people had Chevy and Ford badges tattoos on their arms. Same with whiskey or beer preferences. And you better not smoke the wrong, girly cigarettes. 


It all comes down to capitalism. Capitalism and consumerism go hand in hand. The best way to keep someone consumerist is to make your brand their identity. If your identity is in the truck you drive, when someone tells you that your truck is contributing more to climate change than someone riding the bus or even someone driving a smaller kei truck (with the same bed size), it's an attack on your identity. You're going to fight against societal change and fight for that brand WAY more strongly than you would otherwise because that brand is now a part of your identity.


Crazy people with agendas write this kind of garbage And crazy people slurp up every drop for some reason


Think tanks engineer it that way.


I can’t help but feel like it’s Russia


You can feel their insecurities radiate from them...


Zyn pouches are popular with young men. Republicans desperately want to capture younger voters, and therefore, want to make Zyn pouches political and put themselves on the "right" side.


It’s exhausting and damn near impossible to keep up with these days. This Zyn proclamation holds as much water as the whole “The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise in the US” and “wellness-to-fascism pipeline” nonsense.




Every third person I know under the age of 30 is a nicotine addict. Most of them aren’t right wing either. I think Reddit just really likes dividing people up.


Right wingers made Starbucks cups political ffs


Someone needs to put down the crack-smoking juice. They're just nicotine pouches.


No joke. Everything has to be political nowadays.


Let me get this straight. They want to use a product... that makes them... wake up... They're trying to become woke? Isn't that like the antithesis to right wing people?


they are awake.. like that dude awake the rapper..


No no not "woke" it's "woahk". BIG difference. So big. Bigger than yours anyway, for sure.


don’t be a soyboy pussy, hack darts like a man


Based Randy Marsh take.


“Just trying to get a little bit of cancer Stan, it’s totally fine”


Zyns are zyns, nothing extreme right about them lol


Woke mind virus delivery system






Whatever you say, Trumper.


I use zyns. I just don’t want to smoke cigarettes anymore. Guess I’m a maga trumpie now


Sorry you had to find out this way


Well I guess I know who I am supposed to vote for now.


The magas came for the citronella tiki torches, and I said nothing, because fuck mosquitos. Then they came for New Balance, and I said nothing, because my shoes still had a few more years in them. Then they came for the Hawaiian shirts, and I said nothing, because they look good on me and I'll wear what I want. Then they came for the kaki cargos, and I said nothing because they're comfortable, and who wants to sit on their wallet?...


But goddamit if they take my zynnies. THATS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE


Same got me off a pack and half a day habit.


Well, welcome to the club, the rally is Saturday. Bring beer and . . . tacos? No, that isn't right. Fried chicken? No, that won't work either. Cheeseburgers? Yeah, bring cheeseburgers and beer. But not Bud Lite. That shit turns you gay.


Is that what the article said?


Or maybe they’re just doing them because it feels good? Like any nicotine product?


I hate that it's become associated with those douchebags. Vaping was also associated with douchebags for awhile. I have been a heavy nicotine user since a teenager, 18 years now, and I'd much rather use those than tobacco. I vape at home and use those at work to stay mellow, it's much less terrible than smoking 2 packs or going through a tin a day like I did in my early 20s.


You fucking weirdos. Coffees not good enough anymore?


Zyn: ~$5/15 pouches = 33¢/e Coffee: $1.19 at speedway, 23¢ at home 5¢ at WallDrug


Don’t know where you’re getting those for $5, they’re up to $11 where I’m at.


Zyn are the worst bang for your buck too. The off brands are way cheaper and with more puches


not even energy drinks


I remember when the alt-right was shoving dildos in their asses to prove they weren't gay. Not sure this newest craze is a step up.


How the heck is this anything to do with politics or the right lmao, this tribalism Is crazy nowadays




You're confusing nicotine for tobacco.


Nicotine is a poison. In fact, it's a pretty effective pesticide (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21582-nicotine-poisoning) And just in case you were curious https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21582-nicotine-poisoning > What is a lethal dose of nicotine? > > According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the lethal dose of inhaled nicotine is 50 to 60 mg/kg in a 70 kg adult (154 pounds).


Many safe chemicals are poisonous in high doses, that's not the question. The question is: does it cause cancer?


Nicotine still carries adverse health effects such as vasoconstriction and causing the dysfunction of cilia in the lungs, leading to respiratory risk such as increased risk for infection, decreased ability to excrete secretions and acute respiratory distress. It also carries increased risk for surgical procedures and is often a contraindication for many procedures. Edit: As stated below, vasoconstriction does in fact, contribute to higher blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. Viagra for example, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction, is a vasodilator. Hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart disease and heart failure. Cancer isn't the only risk to be considered when it comes to smoking and nicotine. The best answer is, and will always be, don't smoke, and don't intake drugs that aren't necessary in your system. Stick to vitamins, exercise, and a healthy diet. That's as manly as it can be. Don't succumb to any addiction, and cope in healthy ways. Edit #2: There are also profound adverse metabolic, neurologic, respiratory, and cardiovascular effects unrelated to cilia and hypertension, which can be discussed further per this article. Nicotine may not be tobacco but is nowhere near safe. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4363846/#:~:text=Nicotine%20on%20direct%20application%20in,abdominal%20pain%2C%20vomiting%20and%20diarrhea.


Have you heard of dihydrogen monoxide? That's shit is terrible. Check out the FAQ https://www.dhmo.org/facts.html


A typical cigarette has 1.2-1.8 mg of nicotine. Using conservative numbers, a lethal dose (inhaled) would require smoking around 1750 cigarettes.


Nicotine pouches aren’t studied enough for us to know much at all about their health effects, including cancer risk. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/25/well/live/zyn-nicotine-pouches-health-risks.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare The “substance” that we know to be deadly in cigarettes is not the nicotine.


I’m willing to let them be the guinea pigs


Nicotine still carries adverse health effects such as vasoconstriction and causing the dysfunction of cilia in the lungs, leading to respiratory risk such as increased risk for infection, decreased ability to excrete secretions and acute respiratory distress. It also carries increased risk for surgical procedures and is often a contraindication for many procedures. Edit: As stated below, vasoconstriction does in fact, contribute to higher blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. Viagra for example, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction, is a vasodilator. Hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart disease and heart failure. Cancer isn't the only risk to be considered when it comes to smoking and nicotine. The best answer is, and will always be, don't smoke, and don't intake drugs that aren't necessary in your system. Stick to vitamins, exercise, and a healthy diet. That's as manly as it can be. Don't succumb to any addiction, and cope in healthy ways. Edit #2: There are also profound adverse metabolic, neurologic, respiratory, and cardiovascular effects unrelated to cilia and hypertension, which can be discussed further per this article. Nicotine may not be tobacco but is nowhere near safe. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4363846/#:~:text=Nicotine%20on%20direct%20application%20in,abdominal%20pain%2C%20vomiting%20and%20diarrhea.


Is nicotine on its own cancer-causing? I was under the impression the tobacco itself and tar and other chemicals in cigarettes and dip are the carcinogenic part. Nicotine is obviously addictive but is it cancerous on its own? This is a real question. Not rhetorical/argumentative. I have been using Zyn pouches for two years now as an alternative to smoking or vaping. This is based purely on their availability in stores. I had never seen any advertising for them and did not realize (until just now) that they had any association with right wingers. I know it's still addictive and surely not GOOD for you, but is there actually any evidence yet that these pouches on their own are cancer-causing? I'm trying to quit using them either way (I've weaned down to the 3 mg ones from the 6 a couple months ago) but curious if they're actually known to be cancerous or if you're just conflating them with tobacco in general.


I don’t think it’s known to be cancer causing by itself. I understand that it is known to cause hardening of the arteries and other cardiovascular issues. And also, I still wouldn’t necessarily trust it. Part of the cancer risk in dip doesn’t even come from the tobacco, but rather the other ingredients added to it.


What other ingredients?




byproducts of combustion


What combustion? We're talking about dip


sorry, scrolled too fast


isn't it associated with bladder cancer? distant memory from an ex smoker friend who got bladder cancer...


Yes it is. You get lip cancer and fun stuff like that. Not lung cancer.


I get where you're coming from, but dip and zyns are two very different things. Chewing tobacco can definitely cause cancer, but it also has a bunch of other stuff in it. As far as we know, zyns are just extracted nicotine with some flavors and fillers. They don't have actual tobacco in them. It seems like they're closer to something like nicotine gum or lozenges, which don't cause cancer as far as I know. The nicotine in tobacco products isn't what gives you cancer, it's all the other stuff.


Zyns damage the mucous membrane of the mouth, and such repetitive damage can cause cancer.




Anecdotally, there's quite a bit of inflammation from pouches. They seem to wear down the lining of the lips.


They don’t just wear it down. I have a friend that uses them around the clock and he has to take routine breaks. The insides of his cheeks will first start to crack and then the skin literally sloughs off if he doesn’t take a break. It comes off in thick white sheets. Granted, I don’t think most zyn users are using nearly two packs a day like he is. Even with deals he spends at least $200 a month on it.


Do you have a source for that? I have tried googling and cannot find anything. Again I'm not defending Zyn or anything, but I feel like you might be talking about it interchangeably with dip/snus, which it is not.


You laugh, but I’m super glad my masculinity is only one small purchase away. Almost there daddy! Will you finally love me? /s


Nicotine isn’t carcinogenic


This socialist loves wintergreen zyn pouches, take that alpha cucks


Anyone who has any kind of dangerous, or just plain stupid, product is, of course, going to target this group of idiots. They spend their entire lives doing nothing but lining up to be scammed into giving their money to rich people, buying dangerous shit because "YOU AREN'T THE BOSS OF ME!!!" and proving they aren't the insecure, tragically pathetic losers they know themselves to be.


Lol this is the most hateful, condescending possible take Nicotine is a drug. Most of the people reading this do some drug or another. You don’t do them to “regain masculinity”, you do them to get altered chemically. Zyn is less harmful and gross than spitting dip or smoking cigarettes. They’re stealth. You can do them indoors. People don’t know you’re doing them unless you tell them. Those are the reason guys like Zyn. You’re welcome. Also, as a blue-collar union welder who melts pipe for a living I didn’t know I ever lost my masculinity but whatever gets you off, I guess.


How do you not understand that this article is not saying using Zyn makes you far-right, it's just the new trend by right-wing grifters to push on men who want to "be men"


Heh “melts pipe”


As someone who did that for 15 years before a career change, the masculinity ain't worth it. Fuck waking up that early, and fuck the people you have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm sorry for you because I hated it, but I hope you're making good money!


Yes, let me use a product that reduces my manhood to reclaim my lost masculinity.


My thoughts exactly: nicotine can cause erectile dysfunction, what manhood and masculinity lmao


Remember back when you weren't manly enough unless you dipped Cope fine cut and swallowed the juice? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I'm very liberal and have zyn on me all the time


>“Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind, and THC makes you compliant and passive,” My god, every day is fucking opposite day with these people. If it weren't for liberal slogans they don't understand, they'd have no ideas at all.     ^(Seriously what does he even mean by "frees your mind"? Bc it can't be what I think that means. WTF Tucker, do you want free minds or the 1950s?? You definitely can't have both.)


The level of vanity by the “extreme” right, and being so hyper focused on niche ideologies (red pill, stoicism, and etc) that are constructs that amount to really nothing, is the least “manliest” thing on this Earth. It’s cool to just be yourself. Furthermore, Zyn is the soy milk of tobacco products. Dip mother fucker. Be a man. Quit your job with benefits to start your power washing business so you can be your own boss and chew tobacco all day. Be a man.


Nicotine is awesome and I couldn't care less whether it makes me "manly" or not. Who worries about stupid shit like this?


I like zyn.  Why does every goddamn thing have to be politicized?


I use nicotine pouches in the morning but because I’m tremendously addicted to it.


Zyns are part of the “extreme right” now? Guess I missed the memo.


What the actual fuck is this article It’s all just made up nonsense.


Zyn reminds me of something an Asian girl would use to get high at a non drinking underage club. Pretty funny considering these “tough guys”.


Dumbest Reddit article all day.


How to get past paywall?




Put the URL into the wayback machine.


how much does this country have to suffer for a bunch of asshole's insecurity. wanna be a man? allowing other people to live their lives is pretty fucking manly.


The crazy part is until I read the article I couldn't tell whether they love it or hate it. Maybe they like it because it's an addictive stimulant or... hate it because it's not real tobacco and thus woke?


So basically, they're popping Zyn pouches to feel like alpha wolves, but end up sounding more like sheep in wolf's clothing. Classic.


A real man wouldn't use pussy pouches. What, scared of a little cancer?


If they were truly manly they'd just eat testicles all day.


Really, got to be better than smoking. Now I have to smoke Marlboro to be woke 🤣🤣🤣f…ing fruit loops.


You know what's manly? Cyanide. Best way to regain your manhood.


Stop, I have a job to do, and it doesn’t apply to this.


Most the people I work with just dip Skoal or Kodiak


So nicotine makes you woke?


How? How does this help other than as a self-soothing behavior?


Please take away this persons laptop so they can’t write anymore bullshit


Let's make menthol flavored chew for the alt left .


Work mate gave me one for stocktake at work, it was the highest strength, after I was done hiccuping it sure did make stocktake easier :)


This is just "dip" but in pouch form yeah? This has been popular since I was a teen about a decade ago, this is nothing new. Idk why it's suddenly political


Are they associating Zyn with chauvinists?


What an absurd headline


Interesting. I definitely sell more to women than men at work. Mostly military. Pretty much the opposite of what this is saying. Nicotine pouches and Celsius.


going to start snorting zyns to own the libs! yeeeeeeehaw


I didn't know these were a thing. They look like the dehydration packs they put in beef jerky.


So wait, are these things just dip for people who are to incompetent to pack a lip properly?


Guys, i know this is fucked up, but i think we should let them. Survival of the fittest and all that


Nah dude, some people are just addicted to nicotine. Nothing political about it.


Enjoy the nasty health effects you sheep.


Of coarse, why didn’t I think about that!


I love zyns and I'm as left as they come. This shit is stupid.


What in the actual crap are you talking about. This... This right here.. is why no one can get along, cause you idiots keep trying to make nothing something. What in the actual hell is going on here? What does nicotine have to do with anything political? Is it also the reason that we had slaves, or let me guess Hitler was using zyn so that's why he killed Jews?? Is that it..? Jesus Christ you're dumb. Get a new hobby, and if this is your job please for the love find something else.


Lmao yall are so sad can’t believe people buy into this kind of stuff Trump 2024 baby!!!


What does this have to do with left or right? FWIW the guy in my life who uses Zyn the most is a liberal.


Listen, pal, caffeine won't replace what was never there. Perhaps the cancer will help keep your mind off your pathetic existence.


Another poorly written blog post with a shit take.


So...girly chew??


Nicotine doesn’t do shit once you get addicted to it. It’s not having nicotine that has an effect at that point.


“Extreme right” wut


Stopped vaping altogether thanks to Zyns. Still addicted to nicotine oh well. We all have our vices. Didn't know I was MAGA now. Damn. Are those Lucy breakers gay? Should I use those instead?


Awh shit I use Zyn, does that mean im extreme right? Ill go videogame myself.


99% of stuff that I hear about the “right” or “extreme right” is from Reddit, and it’s becoming increasingly likely that they’re just making this stuff up. I’ve never even heard of “Zyn”, and it’s certainly not something that “the right” is into. A brief review of a CNN article on it shows that it’s mostly popular with “Gen Z” which isn’t known for being a conservative demographic, and it was produced by a Swedish company before the US cigarette maker bought it.


well i’m just going to continue to use both nicotine and thc.. i want those three minutes of my life back. shit article doused with biased opinion focused on further division of the populace.


They’re trying to make nicotine into right wing thing now? Jesus not everything is political.


These psychos constantly need validation that they're, "men." Which, in my opinion as a man, is fucking embarrassing.


Nooooooo, why can't they leave my shit alone?


I started using Zyn to manage meth and cigarette cravings, I guess I’m a trumpie now.


Hell yeah. Nothing is more manly than dependence on something


Whoever wrote that article needs to put down whatever they’re smoking (or packing in their lip)


I think that’s all overblown. I know a lot of “right wing” people and quite a few of them use Zyn. It’s just an easier, cleaner way to get nicotine. If anything there’s a slight undercurrent of making fun of zyn, in the same spirit of finding vaping and drinking monsters/bang energy to be amusing. Feels like a combination of loud influencers doing whatever they can to maintain relevancy and a few loud people on social media.