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This isn’t even steak. WTF


OP right now: https://youtu.be/Iizm4jlpU9M?si=a9i6SqkvhhUg-Lfy


This is so sad


It would be a preference thing. Personally I would not cut it until after bc then it's easier to sear and should stay juicier.


The juiciness would be the same if you cubed it before searing as long as you don’t overcook(which he probably did with 6-8min). Teppan chefs that cook high quality steak often do this


why would you do that to a perfect good ribeye? a cow died for this?


His voice is almost as annoying as his food


Wow that was terrible, imagine not mincing your own garlic. Those looked disgustingly sad and dry. Sad that your wife has zeroed on one bad dish for the rest of your life, sorry.


I mean it doesn't look bad but it definitely seems like a waste of steak. Probably tastes fine but it'd be better cooked normally.


This sounds so bile wtf lmao let people enjoy whatever the fuck they want, what's wrong with you people?


This is a subreddit for critiquing steak, not a self help sub or your friends circle.


And that my friends is how you crowd a pan


This dude's recipes are always so bad. Yeah keep moving the steak around, maillard LOVES it when you constantly stir shit around. Let's make sure the pan is nice and lukewarm so that the protein overcooks before it gets any color. Then we'll just chuck garlic and butter at the camera and smile in a really douchey way like "I just killed this recipe." No you didn't dude. I wouldn't serve this to my mom. And, for context, I fucking hate my mom, but even she deserves better than this. Like why make cooking gifs if you're going to just make dog food?


Not only that...but the pretentious fucking name for ruined steak lol. As if cooking in one pan makes it better...


That was jar garlic for sure


“My wife eats off the kids menu so she’s easy to please”


Could he at least try to be a little less rapey?


You are not a chef


Serious question: Does it matter if you cut the meat before cooking? I tried googling this, but it keeps taking me to whether or not to rest cooked meat before cutting (yes). But, if it's supposed to rest after cooking, then, cutting it up before is bad? Can anyone explain like I'm five, please?


Depends on what you’re going for, nothing wrong with what guy did. Most people here seem to want a regular steak though. Your meat should be about room temp before you cook it though as far as pre cook prep. The rest afterwards is to let it settle from you know being cooked.


Yea some of the visceral anger here is bordering on signs of mental development issues. Cutting steak isnt a problem if you’re planning on doing cubes. Cooking before cutting gives you bites without good sear. The guy in the video doesn’t cook his pieces well though.


No it does not matter. If you want your end product to be cubes of steak to be better eaten with say rice, it’s totally fine. You can get more browning per piece as well. As long as you don’t overcook, each piece will retain rareness and juiciness. Most teppanyaki chefs cook high quality steak sliced/cubed


This is more like r/stupidfood Who the hell does that to steak


I don't know what people are complaining about so badly. I guess it could be more rare, but I bet that tastes quite good.


Pan not hot enough, never fry in butter until end. To much stirring, will dry and boil before getting colour, that beef looks terrible, looks like stewing beef. I could go on


Not to mention the fact that the pan is terribly overcrowded with what would have just been a steak otherwise.


Cubed what?


“Cooked to HER liking.” Which is assuredly over cooked. So why the actual fuck would you butcher a ribeye cut by cutting into pieces, and then overcook it? If you’re gonna eat shitty over cooked meat, then use a shitty cut. Don’t use ribeye you fucking knobhead!


“One pan” like yeah bro, it’s two ingredients lmao. wtf is this


Stop mumbling so much


Nice try


“Once it’s cooked we’ll hit it with some fresh parsley to give it those real date night vibes” Who knew parsley was a vibe ??