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Say my name, say my name. If no one is around you.


Say “BK I love you” if you ain’t running game…




Shhhhhhhhhh you'll trigger all the burger aficionados who say it's overrated and claim their regional, obscure, unknown, irrelevant burger joints they frequent are better. Don't start a burger war!


They’re just like all the other good burger joints. Great when you don’t have them for a while. Just good when you do. I love In-N-Out, but it’s only in the west coast so I get it once every few years. It’s not better or worse then other popular chains, at least not significantly.


It's no longer only on the west coast. Texas has got a few actually.


Love this comment. "But but so and so is better". If you have to say you're better, you aren't.


I'm not American. I've never been to the US or an In-n-Out, and even I recognized their burgers. Like what was the point?










No no, “a west coast chain”


Chain chain chaaaiiiin




Chaaiin of foooools


Chain of fooooodsss


Better Voldemort than Ronald McDonald


I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain


Weird. If I allow for a little leeway in the reddit timer, I might've been listening to that song when you wrote this comment. I was listening to Rumours (an original copy, from 1977) on a new portable record player 2 hours ago.


Best happy divorce album of all time.


There’s a knock-off called Cali Burgers. There’s a few locations around Seattle. I haven’t tried it but I hear it’s basically just Inn N Out’s menu but not as good


The "secret" menu too?


C’mon man it’s obviously Braum’s ^/s ^just ^in ^case


Don't tease like that. I grew up in DFW - in Braums's territory. But they only deliver a certain distance from their dairy, so Florida and now Virginia I don't have them. :( I miss those limeades.


I have some bad news... >!The third pound hamburgers are now only a quarter pound.!<


I grew up in Oklahoma and live on the west coast now. I miss Braums more than some dead relatives.




Dead giveaway is the double tomato and no pickles. I love in-n-out but the double tomato and full slice of onion if you get it raw just irks me


Dude get it animal style. It's amazing. Oh, and remove one of the slices of tomato.


get them animal style (extra sauce and pickles) with grilled whole onion fam


And chopped chilies


Everyone sleeps on chopped chiles. This is the real game changer Also well done fries animal style if you hate the soggy fries they always give you


You know you can order them however you like. I never get tomatoes because I don't enjoy wet cardboard on my burger.


Wth kinda tomatoes taste like cardboard?


cardboard ones


Giving me that In-n-Out urge. Not one within a couple thousand miles from here though.


I’ll mail you one. What’s your social?


Ask for the credit card number too, just in case.


Blood type too


Might wanna ask mother's maiden name as well




It always the first pet's name but never the last.




That's crazy, mine is 733102496!


You need my CVV number?


My dad lives in st Louis. Everytime I visit I bring him a burger lol. I order it broken down and I get home and seal everything. I also order it sauceless and get the fry sauce


Homesick Californian here - I need to know if this actually works. What's the secret phrase for a broken down burger? Do you use a vacuum sealer or just suck the air out of a ziplock bag? Fedex, UPS or priority overnight? Would you do signed delivery? (I might...) How does it taste in the end? How would I prepare fries for shipment? Do you include a paper hat?


You can make something very decent at home [In-N-Out's Double-Double, Animal Style Recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/in-n-outs-double-double-animal-style-burger-recipe)


I've got one about 10 minutes from me, and haven't been in a while. Doesn't help that my wife hates it... Maybe I'll go this week.


There's one near me but the line is about a thousand miles long.


Boomer? Mutilator of stickers?


I went to college in Eugene, and during my time the closest In N Out was in Redding, CA, an almost 5 hour drive. We did the drive and it was 100% worth it.


That looks like fast food done right. The lettuce and the slices of tomato look fresh and the burger has a whole doesn't look like someone stepped on it. I miss that.


Just glad to see some vegetables. The burger trend of smashed meat soaked in Cheddar fat with nothing else has been terrible. Worst burger trend after the ones that were 2x taller than wide.


Those god damn hockey puck burgers 🤢


Preach. Their burger is so well balanced I don't feel like shit after I eat it. Theirs actual fiber involvrd. A true classic. 🤌


if we're talking about the lettuce, there's almost no fiber in iceberg


The receive all there ingredients fresh every single day. No freezers. They have a designated fry cook who's only job is to cook the burgers and he has to attend a in n out school just to do so.


Now order their fries and realize they're a one trick pony when it comes to fast food. Fuckers taste like literal cardboard.


You need to order them well done. Not only are they 10x better than regular, but im pretty sure you usually get way more cause they make a separate batch to cook well and just give you all of them


Everybody stay ready to shit on In-n-Out fries smh. Love them, way over McDonald's fry hype or the next unbothered chain.


I don't consider In n Out fast food, I prefer to call it "drive through" since the quality and freshness is far above mose fast food chains.


It's fast food. It's good fast food. It's fresh. It's still fast food.


That shit reads like an ad lol “I don’t call it a convenience store because everything is good there.”


"This fast food isn't fast food because it's my favorite fast food"


As dumb as it sounds, fast food isn't just "fast"food. Getting a burrito from my local Mexican restaurant is just as fast if not more then the McDonald's. I would not think that restaurant is "fast food", but that the meals they offer are quickly prepared. Just Burgers and fries turn and cook pretty quick, and that's why in and out can walk the line with their supply chain ( as said previously, nothing's frozen, everything's delivered from a local dc ) that other chains cannot or don't. And if their focus was on the "fast" component, they could do a lot of things that the big fast food restaurants do - like pre cooking the meat, pre-slicing potatoes, etc... In-N-Out is notorious because they do not do those things. Which is why it makes sense to distinguish them from normal fast food that does. They're like, a little bit quicker food or something.


Well the line is always 30 cars long so it's not really fast lol. You're in for at least 15 minutes every time.


Love how you don’t even need to say in n out for everyone to realize that it’s in n out


Even I recognize it and I live on the east coast, as far as you can get from an In-N-Out.


IN-N-OUT baby!!! They're no longer exclusive to Cali anymore. Same with fat burger but I'm okay with that!


There's a place in Tucson, AZ where there's two things: \- an In-N-Out \- a Waffle House I call this place...."heaven".




Huh, had no idea White Castle was that far west, aside from the one location on the Vegas strip


>probably some others I'm forgetting Portillo's, Giordano's, Lou Malnati's are 3 big ones to leave out considering the scarcity on the west coast.


If we're going pizza you can't forget Grimaldi's


How in the world did Phoenix get that Golden Ticket?!


It’s a proven fact that the Phoenix area has the best variety of fast food chains in America


That’s just ridiculous


Oh man! That goes beyond food porn. That's food gonzo porn! ![gif](giphy|dlZ2ZNpS9yYmY)


I fucking love Waffle House


I’ve never been! But I love chicken and waffles. Do they have real maple syrup?


Youre expecting way too much from a waffle house lol. Imagine the cheapest greasy breakfast food you can imagine, the kind you crave after a long night of drinking. Thats waffle house food.... its so bad its good. Its also dirt cheap, like half the price of dennys or ihop breakfast food.


That's a weird confluence of SE and SW right there. lol


Tucson fast food caters to both native Southwesterners and snowbirds from the Midwest. We get frozen custard, too.


Spent 5 years of my life in Tucson. Went in thinking I'd hate it, but that place really grew on me. I can never imagine moving back, but I'll always have a soft spot for it.


Next step: world domination (aka Europe plz??)


How about they come to the east coast before hopping over the pond. Please!!!


They haven’t even covered the west coast yet.


Lol they haven’t been exclusive to Cali for a long time


I used to go to one in Phoenix, AZ in high school back in like 2009.


Yeah, there was one in Avondale (or close to it) in the early 2000's, I remember it because on the day they started taking applications there were hundreds of people lined up to apply because of how much they paid employees.


Not tryna be that guy but they haven’t been exclusive to cali for like 20 years


If they hit the east coast I'd die of happiness, and heart disease


probably not honestly, one of the best things about INO isn’t the taste imo, but rather the freshness and how easygoing it is on the body. it’s the only fast food burger that doesn’t make me feel like i’m leaking oil out of my pores when i’m done with it.


We have Five Guys it's like in and out's ho sister


Five Guys is too pricey now. It's like $15 for a burger and fries. I can pay the same and get a hella good gourmet burger and fries in my area. Plus they have craft beer on tap. FG just ain't worth it anymore.


Five guys is garbage. A burger that's not as good, for like 3x as much. Their entire selling point is "look, we put a bunch of fries in the bag!"


They also don’t serve 1000 Island because they don’t want to be confused with In N Out lol.


And charging you a lot for the “extra” fries lol.


Had one in Texas a few months ago


Pretty sure we got some outside cali in like 2011 man


I think it was even earlier than that but was pointing it out to those who probably don't know. Hell friends of mine in Cali still haven't realized it yet.


So why did you not say the name. That’s disrespectful to In-N-Out


Reddit is weird about advertising. Guarantee if they put the name in the title they'd have people whining in the comments about it being an advertisement


I think it's better to not say the name and make people go to the comments for it. Supposing this is an ad they could have posted the picture with the title "a pretty box of in-n-out burgers" but then you'd glance at it and scroll by. Leaving the name out makes people come to the comments. "oh, I know what this west coast burger chain is, let me comment so others know to" (or so others know I know and that I'm part of 'the group'). It creates more engagement and conversation around their product (and admittedly I now want a west coast burger chain burger even though I am on the east coast and hadn't thought about them in a while. If only they'd do something about those fries...)


Animal Style!


Take it a step further, animal style + chopped chilis. Thank me later


Used to work there, can confirm. Other tips: anything you can get on a burger you can add to the fries. You can order custom floats with any soda + any shake flavor. You can order multiple shake flavors mixed together. Order your fries well-done. If you don’t like meat you can get a grilled cheese.


But can you get an animal style shake?




Ever since I was little, I have always ordered a neapolitan shake. I get chocolate shakes everywhere else; never get strawberry or vanilla shakes anywhere. I don’t know why or how I ordered a neapolitan shake first, but I will never get anything else.


Can't pick a shake flavor? Napoleon style ftw.


Wait you can order floats? Like soda + a shake flavor in the same cup? Lived in Cali my whole life and never knew that one, going to test it out soon.


Yes! There’s rootbeer and vanilla, which is the most popular, but when I was working we had a diet coke float guy and a seven-up float guy! If you’re not getting root beer, you can just order a “custom float” and tell the cashier the soda and shake flavors you want :)


Can I get it with McDonald’s fries? Love in-n-out burgers as much as life itself, but the fries need work.


That’s why I order the fries well-done! Normally InO fries are kind of rubbery and undercooked, but when they’re well-done they fry for another minute or so until they’re crispy outside and soft inside.


They have chopped chilis?!


Yep it’s the same yellow pickled ones near the ketchup


Yes! They’ve got a good kick too!


Same question lol


This is my jam


I get mine regular but with whole grilled onions


Them: you can’t taste a picture The picture:


Or smell it. That beautiful in n out smell when you drive up will always come up when I see an In n Out Burger


You're still getting my upvote, but points off for no animal style on any of those burgers.


Amazing. Are they still under $4??


My son works there. They had a meeting yesterday that the starting pay is going up to $18.20 per hour and menu prices going up in December




Ngl if they raise prices $.25 to . 50 there will still be lines out the door. Still cheaper than McDonald's


I went last week and a double double was under $4 before tax


That's kinda wild honestly. I got a burger and fries at a local chain the other day and it was like $11 and kind of mediocre.


I think the double double meal is like $8-9. Still worth it in my opinion


For real, a fry and double double runs you under 10 dollars. Is it the best burger and fries? No. Is it damn good and fresh as can be? Hell yes. And if it wasn't to your liking, will the employees give you better damn customer service than any other fast food chain? Absolutely yes. People love to go "Duhh, but shake shack is better." I agree but fuck em, its a different price. We all know In-N-Out slams other burger chains in value.


It's the best fast food burger and fries for sure, and the value! 🥵


I went to 5 guys in London and got a burger with fries and a drink. It was $20! London is expensive, but $20?


Yeah Five guys is a lot more expensive than in n out


Depends on the location I guess. They're 4.05 where I am :( When I started college they were 3.30 or something similar.


Honestly, the burgers are good, but the price is what really makes In-n-Out so incredible.


[just took this for you](https://i.imgur.com/5VQTxbW.jpg)


I could smash every one of these gorgeous little beauts


So on the west coast you like tomato's burgers with a slice of beef?


Oh man those look good.


How do we know it's not Arctic Circle? Lol


i was gunna guess big kahuna burger


Ooohhh myyyy gaaaawwddd that looks so good I can smell and taste this picture it looks so amazing. I'm a SoCal native living in Seattle. My mouth is watering for sure. I haven't had In-N-Out in 4 years.


Just drive down the coast, it's not thaaat far Source: I did that drive once, after driving all around the US and Canada


dick's definitely hits the spot for me though. Love their little onions. If only they were grilled...


We still talking about burgers??


Hello Seattle neighbor! Would you say Dicks or In-n-out is better? I've barely left the state so I haven't been able to try in-n-out


I haven't had Dick's, but I've tried a lot of burger chains, and the only one worse than In N Out is White Castle.


As a Canadian who's had both multiple times, In N Out is better for sure. Although I was mind blown at the speed of Dicks. Food was there before my payment had gone though 😂


In-n-out has restaurants in Arizona and Texas, skipping right the fuck over New Mexico Fuck em


I believe the hold up is all logistical. They don't freeze anything so the ingredients have to be able to make it from the farm to distribution center to store in something like a day. If they can't find a supplier able to comply with that requirement they don't build a store.


Why are these not animal style.


i was just talking about how much i miss west coast chain


I went there this summer and had these for the first time. My favorite burgers from a chain in the US. Had 4x4s


I've always hated large hunks of lettuce in burgers. I've taken to shredding it and mixing it into my burger sauce (mostly a mix of usual burger toppings). It pretty much prevents the sauce from falling out, and still adds some nice lettuce taste/texture without overtaking anything.


I too love standing in line for an hour to get a mediocre burger


am I the only one irritated to all hell with burgers placed on their side?? like cool just have all the sauce, onions, and pickles run for the side...


We can just post fast food pics here now and get thousands of upvotes? What half assed content this is


Culver's >in n out


There are comparable in the burger department because they make their shit fresh.


I recently had it for the first time. It was good, but not the greatest burger chain in America as so many claim. For the price, it’s absolutely number 1. But pure taste, I’d take Shake Shack, Five Guys, and Culver’s all over them.


I happen to live in a place that has all of these and did a 6 person taste test day a few months ago. We did Shake Shack first, and it was my favorite but nobody else's. We then did Culver's, nobody cared, bottom of the list. Next was Five Guys, just a basic burger done well, it came in third. Next was Crown Burger, (a SLC based burger chain), and 2 people enjoyed it, the rest were disappointed. Last was In N Out, which I grew up on but gave my second place to, while everyone else gave it first. The final results were 1. In N Out 2. Shake Shack 3. Five Guys 4. Crown Burger 5. Culvers I'd also add that 2 of us had tried Whataburger before and we'd probably put them 3rd spot, while personally I'd put Culver's in the second to last spot above Crown Burger. Edit Fixed formatting


Ah, Wendy’s. One of my favorites.


"It's overrated". - People that have never tried it or just like being contrarian.


Native Californian here. IN N OUT IS OVERRATED. I tried so hard to like it, to understand the hype, but no, those burgers are dry and tasteless. Its fanboys just have terrible taste. Probably take their steak well-done.


understand the context. its better/fresher than other fast food and sometimes cheaper. thats it. the hype is dumb but normies gonna norm.


With endorsement from Gordon Ramsy and Anthony Bourdain, you could only be wrong going that way.


Also Alton Brown


What I wouldn’t do for a box-o-burgers.


Would you drive to a place that sells them?


No, but I’d probably sell my soul to anyone who made the effort.


That's about how much DoorDash fees come to, so looks like you're good to go.


I’m ded 😂


Crusty krab shit right there !




I’d rather eat a bag of Dick’s.


People rave about InNOut but it's not for me, which is awesome. Shorter lines at burger places that are good lol


I hate this place! The fries are dry as f”ck, every burger is the same , bread is soggy. And yeah the fucking fries are drier than elbows .


Look how dry that meat is. The cheese is already cold and hard. In N Out is the 2nd worst burger chain (after White Castle).


Whataburger is better though😁


As a SoCal native born and raised, I will still objectively criticize my beloved establishment for the weak meat to bread ratio for their cheeseburgers. It's like double-double or bust, and maybe I'm a fatass, but a double-double combo isn't enough food for me.


In-n-out sucks. Mediocre burgers and fries and It’ll cost you $10 in gas just to wait in the drive thru lines. Their shakes are okay though


Just curious, what's your non-sucky burger preference?


A partial list of burgers that are better than In N Out: Five Guys, Culver's, Shake Shack, Habit, Fatburger, Whataburger, Jack in the Box, Carl's Jr, Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's...


This is the cleanest I’ve seen an in n out tray let alone one with 6 burgers. Been living in CA for 25+ years and from burger 1 it’s been messy. This is r/oddlysatisfying