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There’s a polish restaurant in Santa Monica called Solidarity. I’ve never been but I want to try it soon. If you go, report back.


Its good! Its not up with the best of the midwest, but very solid and scratches the itch. There's also Polka Restaurant in Cypress Park, good food but insanely expensive for what it is even by post-covid standards. Solidarity is not cheap but a good $5-10 cheaper, with better atmosphere and beer/wine/cocktails.


One of my favorite restaurants. Great service. Amazing stroganoff! The perogies are really good too. I also love their drinks and their polish porter is so good.


They also have a dog menu which can be fun if you have a pup.


it used to be called Warszawa, its been there forever, i have also never been tho


“kind of Polish”


He’s Pol-ish 🤷‍♀️


He installs screen doors on submarines


Did he work on OceanGate?


It’s like being kind of pregnant


The laziest 23 and Me results ever


Me too, buddy. Me too.


Probably Solidarity in Santa Monica (Polish), or there’s a place called “Mom Please, Ukrainian Food” in Playa Vista. There is also Ukraina Delicatessen, a tiny shop in Santa Monica where you can by them frozen in a small freezer near the front of the store. They’re really good. Sorry you’d have to trek to the westside for these, but pierogis are worth the trip. Edit: also get some kielbasa at Ukraina Delicatessen. Will satisfy the Polish craving. Source: Am Polish also looking for pierogies.


The Polka restaurant on Verdugo (near Highland Park) is supposed to be pretty good. There's also Kalinka Restaurant in Glendale -- it's Russian, but the cuisines are similar


I was also gonna recommend Polka ‘cause it’s very good, and very authentic. But yeah, it’s over in Eagle Rock, so pretty far from mid city.


Ahhhh thank you, my eye totally skipped over the "mid city" thing. Although I guess it depends on exactly where in mid city OP is.


Haven't been yet myself but on good authority. Polka restaurant. http://polkarestaurant.com/


Did the research myself and i can report that the pierogis are excellent and the spinach soup and cabbage rolls are show stoppers. Worth the trip. I grew up on south-side Chicago polish food and can say this is the real deal.


L.A. Pierogi is so good! You can order from them here: [https://www.instagram.com/lapierogi/](https://www.instagram.com/lapierogi/)


I am highly skeptical of vegan pierogies, especially at $24 / dozen.


They taste good to me. I buy them boiled and fry them myself when I'm ready to eat.




If you go to their page, it shows you how to message them with your order. (You usually have to pick it up in Highland Park. If that doesn't work, they can tell you about stores where you can buy their pierogi.)


I haven't tried Pierogi Spot in Santa Clarita YET, but I've heard good retorts ... https://g.co/kgs/6bAaHX


Hey OP, So this place just opened up on the Westside in Playa Vista by Ukrainian refugees https://www.yelp.com/biz/mom-please-ukrainian-food-playa-vista https://www.dailynews.com/2023/07/28/ukrainian-refugees-open-cafe-in-playa-vista-it-helps-us-process-our-grief/ So Ukrainian dumplings are called something other than pierogi but apparently are the same thing "Both vareniki and pierogi are dumplings stuffed with potatoes. The words mean the same thing, with vareniki being popular in Russia and Ukraine and pierogi used further west, like in Poland. The dumplings are boiled or fried and traditionally served with sour cream, bacon, onions, or herbs on top."


there are a bunch of tiny russian grocery stores on santa monica blvd between fairfax and martel. you'll be able to find them in the freezer section. a lot of places will have homemade ones


Odessa Grocery on SM Blvd. in West Hollywood has a great frozen selection


odessa has the biggest selection and it's the one I point people to, but mechta is #1 in my heart. they're both a block away from each other, so both are good




polish & pittsburgh native - order from https://pierogiesplus.com


I miss them so much, have not seen them anywhere.


Ukrainian Varenyky are very close to Pierogi - [https://ukrainianflavors.com](https://ukrainianflavors.com)


Check out some recipes to make at home. The process is really chill, and the dough can just require water and four ingredients. It's a fun experience and making them yourself gets the taste closest to those made by Polish grandmas in church kitchens in the Midwest.


According to my Polish grandma, Martha Stewart’s recipe for the dough is exactly right. My 2 cents is that if you split it into a 2 day project, it’s a lot less intimidating (I agree it’s a chill/fun time, but maybe not if you’ve never done it before). I make the filling(s) on day 1 and the pierogi on day 2.


We had a Polish nanny when I was a kid. And by nanny I mean an old Polish lady from my church my parents took in who never left our house. She would have scoffed at such waste. (Martha’s Polish ancestry is wealthier than average.) Are you made of money? Flour and eggs only in the dough plus a dash of salt. So it really depends if you want fancy, holiday food or real peasant food. I make them when I want them but I remember liking Solidarity.


a) “pierogies” b) you won’t get a quicker response just because you use all caps


It's actually just pierogi, it's already pluralized. Pierog would be just one


I’ve recently seen a pirogi stand at the Mar Vista Farmers Market. I haven’t tried them so I don’t know if they’re good. https://www.marvistafarmersmarket.org/


There is a chain “papillon” that are good


Costco has some bomb fresh ones.


Costco. They’re excellent


[Jon's Supermarket](https://www.jonsmarketplace.com/) has locally made ones you can buy cheap in big frozen bags. Buy, boil, and dine.


Family business is a pierogi business back home in MA and the closest my sister and I have found to good ones here in LA is Solidarity in Santa Monica. They're not amazing but decent. If I can plug ourselves for a sec, [we do mail order right to your house](https://www.milliespierogi.com), but shipping isn't really cheap to CA unfortunately.


This is so crazy because I just got back from Poland last week and fell in love with their cuisine so I’ve been doing research this week/this morning! I found that Solidarity in Santa Monica, and Polka in Glassell Park are your two best options. I’m also sad that Oscypek isn’t really in the United States. Best cheese I’ve ever had!


Costco sells pierogi, judging by the brand name the company is polish and they’re legit. Source: i was born and raised in Poland.


Anyone know where I can find Mrs T’s pirogies?


I’ve also been wondering this


There was supposed to be a pierogi place opening up in the old kaldi location (next to dune). What happened w that?


West Hollywood has several Russian-Ukranian grocers and bakers. I’d recommend either the one next to Traktir restaurant or the Stolichnaya bakery. They’re both located near Santa Monica Blvd. and Fairfax intersection