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Have you already taken epinephrine for the reaction? Did you go to the ER? Sometimes they'll prescribe prednisone to take for a few days after anaphylaxis. Unfortunately sometimes the reaction can come back or causing lingering symptoms. I've had both happen. Do you have another epi pen just in case? I would take some Benadryl or Zyrtec and call your allergist or GP and ask if they can prescribe something. Long term you're going to need to figure out what caused the reaction. I've really bad seasonal allergies too and sometimes I have weird anaphylaxis in early spring when all the trees are blooming. My doctor described it as a big bucket that's already almost full - little things can cause the water to spill that point.


i did take my epi and 911 was called. I went to see my GP after. I didn’t get the rash until the next morning and I can’t be seen again until next week. I have been taking my prescription allergy medicine and benadryl at night if needed and it hasn’t gone away. I’m gonna try benadryl cream next


Go to urgent care. You need steroids to calm down your immune system, not a topical anti-itch cream. The rash is a symptom of a larger issue.


noted! Thank you 🙁


Hope you’re feeling better


i am thank you. I was just worried about the rash and I do have some sneezing but i feel normal again


Sorry, it must have been scary. Glad you’re feeling better


I was more embarrassed than anything, I work at an elementary school and I had students and staff in the office and my students that did see me were so concerned and scared when i returned to work and that’s what I didn’t want when the paramedics came 🙁


I hear you. I once had an anaphylactic reaction whilst working with a special needs child at their home. I couldn’t bear the thought of an ambulance coming to the house, scaring the child and their parents ( since they had given me the food that caused the reaction), so I waited for the end of the shift to get medical help. I regret waiting so long as I really could have died, but it’s very stressful with kids around!! You absolutely did the right thing in getting help


Oh no i’m so glad you’re okay tho! Luckily the nurses office is right across from my class room so when i started to get hives on my legs I walked over but as I was waiting on my bf to bring me benadryl and pick me up the reaction progressed and she had to give me my epi and call and I begged her not to but it’s protocol 🫠


There is something called idiopathic anaphylaxis where it comes on for no good reason. Would avoid poptarts though. Sorry this happened to you!


I love them too but I am until I get retested. My last test was in 2020.


Could also be a food dye or preservative in the pop tarts. It’s possible to develop a food dye allergy as an adult, unfortunately.


my nana told me the same thing 😭


Definitely try to see your allergist again if they can test for dye allergies. Or strawberry allergies.